14945072? ago


14943932? ago


If a voter cannot mail or personally return his or her Vote By Mail ballot, someone else may return it.

Implies that these ballots don't have to be sent via the US mail. This means county officials can claim ballots unaccounted-for by the USPS were turned in directly - never mind if it was in suspicious numbers.

edit: Ooh, interesting.

14943597? ago

they do how many were returned & they know who has not returned. it...at least in the area called So Venice in Sarasota County Florida...2 democrat women came to my door...looking the ballots for John & his wife ...they ring the wrong door ...but I told them John died 8 months..."where's his wife?"..one said....I said.."they live across the street..Mrs..John's wife..has a "visiting angel" with her during day"....they went to the and were badgering the "angel" to find the ballots....I went over & ended the issue.....you need to more than 6% on the in Fla...or criminal democrat clubs in Fla can make up the difference.....look up Lt Col Adam West

14943137? ago

A person has to register for the USPS service to track their own mail. Are you saying the USPS automatically tracks all mail regardless of whether the recipient has registered for this service?

14942488? ago

I'm pretty sure every piece of mail goes through a digital scanner which takes a photocopy of each piece of mail. So they should have an image copy of every ballot as well.

14942439? ago

USPS tracking? How many of you qtards are older than 18?

USPS has the shittiest tracking of ALL shipping organizations. Go ahead and search all the articles on mailmen hiding thousands of pounds of mail, hundreds of mailbags, for not just ballots but mortgage and court notices. They're a government union and like all government unions they're there to oppress the people and make life harder, not easier for you all.

14942301? ago

No ones talking about it because it’s probably going to be one of the methods used in proving the fraud.

14941595? ago

Excellent point!

14941571? ago

There needs to be a better way for sure. The problem with your solution is that in Kalifornia, for one, we are allowed to drop our votes off, postage-free, in drop boxes alllll over the fricken state in places like libraries, schools, and museums.

Aside from biometric identification mark of the beast shit, what can we do? Requiring current I.D. proving you're a duly registered, U.S. citizen is the simplest way for starters. It won't be perfect, but will go a long way to stem multiple votes, and the votes of the dead and illegal. Paper Ballots Only. New vote-tally machines must be produced on American Soil, kept secure, inspected and tested regularly by a panel of agreed-upon independent/bi-partison experts, and given a unified stamp of approval to be clear of hinky code, chips, viruses, etc. Members of the political parties and local law enforcement must be present when paper votes are transported to be tallied/audited against the machines totals, they must be allowed to observe and film the entire process all the way to the final transmission of state's totals to the ultimate repository for all state's results. Media are to be prohibited from calling races early. Anyone caught deviating from the law whether maliciously or negligently must be dealt with swiftly and severely to deter scumbags.

14941165? ago

We have ballot drop boxes here so not everyone mails.

14941267? ago

Right, won’t catch all of the types of fraud.

14940897? ago

It’s called informed delivery. They take a picture of every mail piece whether you want them too or not. This would be easy to solve.

14941591? ago

I'm sure they've been photographing the mail for much longer, but it's interesting that "informed delivery" started (at least for me) after Trump took office. Far more Americans should be aware of this now. It's almost like they were trying to make election fraud more obvious...

14947471? ago

Yes, they have been doing it for many years.

14940724? ago

Why aren't voters tagged with their SSN? Would be way too easy to verify I guess.

14940664? ago

Since I'm currently having an issue with a "surepost" package (UPS hands it off to USPS), I discovered that the USPS package tracking numbers are about 500 digits long, so they could definitely do this. (I'm exaggerating a bit, they're really only 26 digits long).

14940599? ago

That's why they put ballot drop boxes all over.

14940587? ago

USPS cabal-infiltrated? Why, have they been hiring a lot of temps lately? Used to be I could send something and it would be there next day if it was in-state. Now, it's four days. Lived in my state all my life and I'm in my 50s. Their worsening performance over time shows me that something is certainly amiss and needs checking into.

14940566? ago

They're so obvious that we have to charge them with fraud and lock them up for maximum charges with maximum senteces. Its so obvious that I sometimes think it us only a show to wake more up to how corrupt the dems are. They have it all from 2016 election I would think.

14940441? ago

Not to mention, they photograph every piece of mail that goes through the system now.

14947454? ago

I hadn't thought of that. True. Well, that would certainly settle the issue of how many postal ballots were mailed in.

14940341? ago

Look, I know this is off subject, but, if POTUS had the Deep State under control, we wouldn't have these murderous false flags. I'm worried frankly. And now this blatant cheating? Come on POTUS. Arrest them.

14941865? ago

I believe POTUS is letting it play out a little longer so that more of the public can see for themselves the fraud. Have a little faith...they got this.

14940126? ago

If that system was indeed used, thier should be an exact number of ballots mailed out and returned, minus any that were hand delivered. I'm sure their are other way to get absentee ballots and have them delivered but that would be a small percentage.

14940337? ago

If a mail in ballot was hand delivered to a collection place in Broward county, you had to sign a book for each ballot that was dropped off. You had to put the name of the person you were dropping off a ballot for and you also had to put your name and sign. If you dropped off more then 10 ballots, you could only do that at the main election supervisor location. That means there should be a record of ballots that were hand delivered.

14957337? ago

"Should be" we will see

14947478? ago

Good info. This should negate a lot of fake ballots.

14940628? ago

I live in Pinellas and delivered my mail in ballot to a polling place during early voting. I signed nothing. I think signatures should be required when we change our voting rules!!

14947494? ago

I hate mail in ballots and early voting. Gives them too much time to mess with things and prepare.

14940099? ago

I'm going to put your words on twitter

14939927? ago

Yesterday, SerialBrain2 posted a thread titled "Trump and the 2018 midterms: the most impressive moves in modern politics." In that thread is a link to this video. This is what we're waiting for. They know they've lost, they know that we know they're cheating, but they do it anyways because the only other choice is to surrender. All were waiting for now is their public temper tantrum.

14939732? ago

give whatever info you can to people we can trust. be discreet. hide yourself as an information source

14939511? ago

I don't know about Florida but in California all absentee ballots must be POST MARKED by November 6. If these ballots don't have a post mark on them (much like the pipe bomb envelopes) than they are not valid.

14939850? ago

They could be postmarked on time, but they are opening and trashing ones that are Republican, or they are saying ‘they are damage’ and proceed to prepare a new paper ballot so they can be scanned, but first change the vote!

14940650? ago

I think each voter should should get an automated record of how their vote was counted!!!!

14941287? ago

If you live in Broward, you should be able to call in and ask for your voting result.

14941522? ago

In Pinellas I was just able to determine that my ballot was officially received, but I will try to determine if I can get a record of how my vote was counted here in Pinellas.

14940425? ago

In Florida. The dem ones had pre paid postage. The Republican ones the voter had to affix a stamp. Easy as pie to sort with out opening and reading.

14941278? ago

Yeah, I’m skeptical that no one corroborated that one anon. May not be true. Unsure.

14940663? ago

But then there would be post office record of the transaction to check against, correct?

14941474? ago

I don't know if the post office keeps records like that. We need a mailman fag

14939228? ago

Just imagine how many things we are not talking about that they are doing wrong that can be recorded... humm... This is just one of many. How do you catch a fish?

These people are stupid.

14940778? ago

I just hope the good guys aren’t more stupid.

14940806? ago

The top good guy is a stable genius ...

14939114? ago

They are fucked! This needs to be used now. Why is no one talking about this?

Most of us are holing our breath, praying that what we just witnessed was the greatest election fraud sting in human history.

14941916? ago

If that's the case, all fifty states need to be investigated.

14941446? ago

Ezra Cohen Watnick.

14939634? ago

That we are. I believe. I want to continue to believe. I live in one of the contested states, and the fury that I feel at these criminals is hard to suppress. I want to do something NOW. These criminals are doing their best to make our lives a living hell. They want to steal everything from us.

14940405? ago

They have been "doing" it the last 70yrs,its nothing "new"

14940448? ago

Don't disagree with that. Probably a whole lot longer than 70 yrs. That doesn't mean they should be able to continue with impunity.

14940685? ago

It will likely take "all 8yrs"

14939182? ago


14938994? ago

You don't interrupt your enemy while they are destroying themselves.

14941696? ago

I could not agree more!! wwg1wga

14939562? ago

Are you spamming every thread with this platitude?

14939586? ago

That's the only time I've responded with it.

14939612? ago

ok… that was the 4th time I read it this morning.

14940526? ago

Because he is not the only one seeing it as a trap

14940655? ago

at least they can be more original about it..


14941612? ago

In defence of the statement, it's pretty much applicable at some point in every thread. Almost as universal as something like "people breathe air".

14939172? ago

What about when your enemy is destroying themselves AND bringing everyone else down with them? Do we not have enough evidence to put them away and correct what they've done wrong?

14939334? ago

Depends on who is in power, look at what happened to the AG in NY, he is getting off for abusing/assaulting women.


Do you want to catch the drop of water, or stop the leak? This is an issue that extends further than what is so far seen on the surface. There will be more revelations to come.

14940358? ago

There was no evidence and state I limitations expired before she wanted to testify. So the court ruled properly.

14939646? ago

How long does this, "We're working on catching the big guys, we promise!" charade have to continue? There's still no solid evidence that proper justice is underway. Just the looming "sealed indictments" and other crap that's delaying citizens from taking matters into their own hands while the deep state further shores up their defenses.

14939123? ago

Yeah, makes sense. ‘These people are stupid.’