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14933575? ago

Only the President or Governor can pardon someone, however because the American BAR has no legislative authority to be created or operate a monopoly with the American Justice System, in 1950's it was found the lawyers guild was a communist organization which merged with the BAR. No Attorney will help you sue an Attorney

Prosecutorial Discretion Law and Legal Definition

Prosecutorial discretion refers to the fact that under American law, government prosecuting attorneys have nearly absolute powers. A prosecuting attorney has power on various matters including those relating to choosing whether or not to bring criminal charges, deciding the nature of charges, plea bargaining and sentence recommendation. This discretion of the prosecuting attorney is called prosecutorial discretion.

14933785? ago

In 1950, the 81st Congress investigated the Lawyers Guild and determined that the B.A.R. Association is founded and run by communists under definition. Thus, any elected official that is a member of the B.A.R. will only be loyal to the B.A.R. and not the people.

Holy smokes, that was a good read. Thanks for sharing. Seems the corruption is built into the legal system, giving almost absolute powers to those practicing law that are licensed by the ABA, a private industry/association (with a union) that masquerades as Congressional Authority.

I also learned the difference between a lawyer and an attorney. A great read, but damn depressing.

14933835? ago

stay vigilant patriot

14933905? ago

Thanks, patriot. Trying my best, and grateful of other supportive anons.

14934860? ago

here is some confirmation of some of what was discussed