14879800? ago

https://archive.fo/omzhW :

Higher education in Israel at a low price - Jewish World - Haaretz - Israel News | Haaretz.com

https://archive.fo/4F372 :

One in three Israeli families receive welfare aid, statistics show - Haaretz - Israel News | Haaretz.com

https://archive.is/CA7gU :

U.S. Finalizes Deal to Give Israel $38 Billion in Military Aid - The New York Times

This has been an automated message.

14879777? ago

If you've seen the shape shifters you should see this:


14879714? ago

Shapeshifters? Lol. Break me off a piece of whatever you are smoking, unless it's pole.

14879999? ago

Shape shifters merely refers how they like to claim to be white, but when you call them out, they still want to play the anti semetic card.

Basically they switch between being white and jewish whenever is benefits them.

14879640? ago

Lost on the interwebs again Mr. Duke?

14879618? ago

Oh you learned how to dress your wall of propaganda up a bit.


It's still fucking gay, though.

Respond however you see fit - it'll never work on me, only others.

14879655? ago

I ain't op, he stole this from me.

What would you like to know?

14880159? ago

i did just trying to spread the good word. did you just assume my gender?

14879750? ago

Not a damn thing from you or OP.

Nice try with the username, but even that won't work.

14879778? ago

Not a damn thing from you or OP.

Why not?

Nice try with the username, but even that won't work.

I really am the guy who wrote this, PM VicariousJambi a text random number string and I'll edit it in here and on the actual post to prove it.

14879851? ago

I really am the guy who wrote this, PM VicariousJambi a text random number string and I'll edit it in here and on the actual post to prove it.

I don't doubt that at all. I'm not falling for it though, nice try - I'll give you props there.

Why not?

See original comment and work it out - or don't. Either way you'll both keep peddling the same crap.

14879970? ago

I don't doubt that at all. I'm not falling for it though, nice try - I'll give you props there.

The option is available to you. I'll be waiting.

See original comment and work it out - or don't. Either way you'll both keep peddling the same crap.

Look, I know what you're assuming and I'm not advocating killing all Jews. If any of my sources do lemme know and I'll remove them, It's been a while since I've read them all thoroughly. The "normal" ones have either been indoctrinated into their cult or have been brainwashed by the same MSM we pretty much all have been tricked by.

We're fighting evil. The cabal or whatever you wanna call it. There are a lot of Jews in the cabal. We need to be educated about the evil we're fighting, about how deep this really gets.

14880061? ago

You do present differently to the usuals...

You're either one of the more cunning, or it's the same old shit dressed up in a prettier bow.

The problem here is that you and I are likely to have fundamental areas of disagreement and unfortunately you will assume that I need education on what you're offering - when the reality is quite different.

Maybe I come back in several hours, to see where your head's at, maybe I don't.

We're fighting evil. The cabal or whatever you wanna call it. There are a lot of Jews in the cabal. We need to be educated about the evil we're fighting, about how deep this really gets.

This is agreeable, to say the least...

14880176? ago

My views have evolved over time, as should everyones. I used to be a very hate filled person.

14880407? ago

Well, this should help me decide if I offer you a moment of trust later...

Finish the sentence:

"I say god, -"

14880573? ago

If this is some sort of Bible reference I have to admit I'm not seeing it. My spiritual journey is really just starting.

But I'd have to say God has a plan, it's obvious if you know where to look.

14880688? ago

No, about the furthest thing you can get from a bible reference lol.

Quite likely that you and I are worlds apart, theory wise.

Ah shit, I actually flubbed the sentence opening anyway, so you get another shot with the corrected version:

"You say God, I-"

14881187? ago

Seems like the answer is Satan from some googling. Lotsa music too. Marilyn Manson

14879614? ago

At least give me some fucking credit
