14885991? ago

Well put. This fight is far from over. So many lives at stake.

14885365? ago

Exactly !!!

Fuck off Concernfag Shills !!!!

14885266? ago

Hell yes! We will not back down. FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT.

14883890? ago

More has been done in the past 80 weeks to bring a stop to evil than the last 80 years. Grow up, learn patience and trust the plan.

14882925? ago

Yes. We must remember in somewhat discouraging times what has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt to be occurring.

There is a coverup of a global network of satanic pedophiles who are seeking to derail the human race and destroy our personal freedoms/inalienable human rights.

This network not unified in all respects. However while they may compete for power among themselves, they are unequivocally unified in their mission to not be exposed for what they truly are.

Do not fool yourself into believing this depravity is limited to one political party/country/agenda.

What we all need to be primarily focused on is our own role in this battle. If all of were to extended ourselves to one other person, and were able to successfully show them what is actually occurring despite the almost ubiquitous effort to over it up, our movement would double instantly.

Regardless of race, creed, or political orientation, if people knew what was truly occurring under their noses they would not stand for it, no matter the distractions or rhetoric thrown at them

This is what they fear most, and we already have the proof to make it happen. We just need to make people aware. Pizzagate is not, nor ever was "fake news".

14880475? ago


14880436? ago

Trust Sessions? He just fucking resigned. Thought part of the “Plan” was Sessions prosecuting everything you mentioned. Now what? Oh I see, Sessions just did the groundwork for military tribunals; yeah that must be it. Q really did a number on some of you, and you can’t handle the truth. I actually feel bad for some of you as you may be at risk for self harm.

14893497? ago

Next Governor of Alabama

14881996? ago

You called that one, it appears from the board this is exactly how they are spinning it to make Q still seem relevant.

14882250? ago


14883935? ago

Two shills ...

14880267? ago

wasn't another democrat arrested for CP lately? I still can't believe how many pedos actually exist on this planet. Used to think it was rare. Protect your children. The pedos create all their games, cartoons, apps, etc.

14880221? ago

Just release the FISA Papers Everything is next week, next month, after the Elections,etc. On and on. No Justice, No Country. Need some action this week.

14879474? ago

Action. Not words. Action. That's what we need.

14879336? ago

Boring, true Patriots want to see ACTION! We are losing Anons by the dozens because of the inaction.

14879152? ago

Yes. We need to play politics to end politics. The more we play the game of Republican vs Democrat the more likely lives are going to be saved.

14879136? ago

Trump + full Republican control of government for 2 years = let's let kids continue getting raped for a couple years so we can.... ?

14879122? ago

The Q-team seems to be working within legal constraints and are using the resources available to them. They are up against an entrenched evil with incredible assets that will stop at nothing. Patriots have died going up this unbelievable evil. They are also serving POTUS and let him make the calls. Who knows if the original strategy was changed and some wish different approaches had been taken. Adjustments are being made. We may never know what horror has been successfully avoided and what had to be given up to avoid it. A lot of good has been accomplished and more will come.

14885675? ago


For the past 70+ years the USA has been bombing one country after another, sometimes to smithereens, often using fake intelligence and in complete violation to its own constitution and international law. MILLIONS dead. And the US military has been the very tool of all that destruction.

But now you're telling me that the US MILITARY and the CURRENT ADMINISTRATION is fully aware of some Satanic Global Pedivore Cult that is raping/murdering children en masse, trying to foment WWIII to destroy the USA in a nuclear holocaust (amongst a million other EVIL machinations) - but they can't act because of "legal"


The President has the power to declare this Satanic Cult (if it truly exists) as a CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER to the US and then can LEGALLY have the US military kill EACH AND EVERY ONE of these so-called Satanists. Drone strikes. Targetted assassinations. Clandestine poisonings. Hundreds of different ways to kill ALL of them (there are only a few thousand). Then they could nationalize the Federal Reserve and ALL Rothschild banks across the world. The entire operation could be completed inside of 30 days.

They could do this tomorrow. In fact, they could have done this a year ago. But they haven't acted and it doesn't seem that they will be acting.

Q often says - THINK LOGICALLY.

Okay, so I'm thinking logically and I'm sorry but none of this really makes any sense and just looks like a new form of high-stake partisan politics, rather than the epic battle between Good and Evil that many here have been hoping for.

What's going on now MAKES NO SENSE if the threat is truly of the scope of what Q has led us to believe. On the other hand, it does make a lot of sense if the "threat" is really just an old guard of political hacks who are being replaced by a new guard.

14886583? ago

Seems like you are thinking logically. I think most might come to the same conclusion.. "just lock 'em all up already"! Realistically, there are several problems that you might not of thought of. 1- there's about 330 million people in the US, half don't agree at all and of the other half, maybe a small 5-10% are truly aware of the global web of corruption. 2- three people and their families control about 10 TRILLION dollars of wealth.. that can buy a lot of crazy! Also, that amount of money can make good people forced to do horrible things. A small suitcase package could literally level a city with 5 million people in seconds. The ties need to be severed... escape routes,etc.... If you re-read drops.. those are being done.. ie, SA, NK, etc. The main reason I see that this needs to be done "by the rule of law" is, if it weren't, the public outcry from the MSM attacks would make it sound like hitler all over again, and on a global scale... we could literally be vaulted into a WW3... Losing the House is not good by any stretch.. but, is it possible dems could pick up seats in very liberal districts? yes, and if they didn't, the 1st thing the msm would say is the POTUS rigged the system. Having fair elections are important. Exposing election fraud is also important, but it needs to happen to be exposed.... The Senate holds a much stronger majority today, and a hand full of rinos are gone! Bottom line.. you don't undo a 100 years of trillions of dollars of evil overnight or a week or month or year... this needs to be planned very carefully.

14887278? ago

Good points. I'm still holding out hope for Q. It's just that we've been fooled so many times before I can't help but have major doubts.

14878947? ago

If people are serious about stopping pedophilia, than people need to look to their own behavior. What keeps pedophilia alive? The demand for it. What motivates producers of pedo material? Money. How many have stopped paying for venues that promote pedophilia? How many complain to the venue about WHY they are cutting off the money train? Going to Spielberg movies, streaming Netflix, Hulu, the premium movie channels that show this shit, sexualizing children by buying age inappropriate clothing; all puts money in someone's pocket.

Pointing out to friends how all of the above feeds this travesty, red pills at the same time. Those who make excuses for continuing after having been red pilled, need observing; including some on this platform.

14885849? ago

Western culture. And Eastern culture for that matter. And African culture - are all steeped in what we now call "Pedophilia".

The ancient Greeks, Romans and Egyptians all had sex with barely pubescent and pre-pubescent kids and thought nothing of it.

The age of consent across most of the USA up until 1900 or thereabouts was 12!!

Females used to get married by age 14 up until the industrial revolution.

All across Asia up until the 1990s (and even still persisting in places like Thailand and Cambodia) sex with pre-pubescents was considered a normal part of growing up. They only started curtailing it due to Western pressure.

And no - I am not advocating for pedophilia. Just pointing out why it is prevalent and will persist. Namely, this behavior was (and is) considered normal across most of the world for most of our history. It's only in the very, very recent past that it has been stamped as "EVIL."

14891800? ago

In an age when you only lived 30 years...starting young was an evolutionary requirement. I am sorry...but if we did not empregnate 12 year olds 350,000 til about 5,000 years ago...we wouldnt be here.

14879048? ago

Been doing that for a couple years

14878789? ago

That's right there's no room for any unquestioning behavior just blind faith. To question q is to support pedos. And Satan. Who cares if nothing concrete has ever happened don't you care about the children? /rolleyes

14880284? ago

and don't you have enough common sense to figure out that this has to be done LEGALLY or their creatures will weasel their way out of this and go after Trump. Seriously. Take your satanic concern somewhere else.

14878754? ago

I would give my life to save those children, unlike the fraud Q. Why has Q not stopped the cabal and their crimes against children if they "have everything" like Q say?

14881022? ago

There's been well over 2500+ arrests over the past 2 years regarding pedophilia and child/sex trafficking! Do u think this widespread problem can be shut off like a light switch? Many good people are busting their asses and defeating this "market/industry" of the criminal underworld! C'mon! Show some patience and resolve! Things dont correct themselves in a day...

14881050? ago

Do you want more proof Q is a LARP? "Trust Sessions"

14884170? ago

Meaning sessions was not a concern about de-railing the plan.

14879257? ago

We let 200 kids get sodomized to save millions? I guess that’s the sacrifice? I say guns blazing, knives scalping, buildings burning.

14879157? ago

You do realize you are releasing your power by blaming Q and POTUS. What are you doing about it?

Even my kids know to boycott and not use entertainment that is a tool provided by these sick people. It has to be an act of attacking them were it hurts. It has to be YOU putting your boots on and applying yourself regardless if Q or POTUS has a plan that you don’t see. Grassroots my friend. That is what the sick fuckos found out long ago.. confuse the lower/middle income areas decades ago and grow them fuckos into positions of power.

14878684? ago

Do you think the current 'shill' attack is organic? Buckle up. Q

14879635? ago

no tired of the cryptic bullshit. grow up. superman q isnt going to save you

14879783? ago

you're right, Q should plainly write out every operation and step taking place in realtime, for maximum surprise for the enemies they are trying to take down! /s

14880057? ago


14879182? ago

I just giggle and down vote.

14879447? ago

I can't down vote. I don't understand the comment contribution points thing. I haven't really cared that much about down voting, but I'm beginning to think I should be better armed. How does that work?

14884388? ago

Just make some comments on some threads in v/GreatAwakening. You automatically get 1 CCP for every comment, even if no one upvotes you. If you contribute an interesting article or comment to another persons thread, you'll likely get upvoted. If you archive their thread and post the link, you'll probably get upvoted. If you say something helpful or share a cool meme you'll probably get upvoted. Once you have 100 ccp and can downvote, the only limit is you cannot downvote more than you upvote, so make sure you help those valuable submissions and comments from others rise to the top. :-)

The main thing is, you have to get out of v/QRV more often.

14880041? ago

Everything on QRV doesn't count. You have to go on other boards and comment - stay out of fights so you don't get down voted as that will lower you CCP. System is a major pain, but it can be beaten.

14879712? ago

You'll need to post more content and get upvotes before you can downvote.

14879890? ago

It's an extremely stupid system and don't even bother because schills will gang downvote any hard work you do to try and get CCP points. I know this from experience, also came close twice to the 10 and my account is mysteriously locked so I just gave up. Oh well.

14880594? ago

There are other subverses to make it easier :P

14880347? ago

Can confirm. I was at 88 CCP's when I got attacked down to 61.

14881501? ago

Is "Neo" short for a user?

14893027? ago

Neo, from the Matrix films.

14893350? ago

Thanks. I should've realized; I was not reading carefully.

14880207? ago

Good shit!

14879673? ago

Good posts, thanks!

14879520? ago

Shit is the correct term.

14878584? ago

Terrible, what "they" do! not human(s)! But they are DOWN WW and know the last hour of their ???lives??? ITS GODs PLAN. I know it. Godspeed edie

14878351? ago

Patriot parents never stop fighting! This is not a game!

14879011? ago

Remember everyone: What is a shill's favorite game?


That's right! And how does one do that?


Correct again! How would one go about that?

1) Low effort comments about blind faith in Q. They will shout the rallying phrases "Stay the course", "WWG1WGA", "Q said this would happen!" in a manner as if they have autistic turrets.

2) Post demoralizing comments about how they've followed Q for a long time, but they just don't see anything happening. They will be super bummed about the results, even though the media clearly isn't very stoked about them either.

So there's your shill teams. The goal is to demoralize you with negativity, or make you look like an absolute twit for maintaining positivity. You can feel however you like, just take notice to these comments trying to influence you.

As always, thanks for playing DIVIDE AND CONQUER!

14889605? ago


As always, thanks for playing #trust the plan.

14878248? ago

So Q cant deliver on ANYTHING, yet somehow hes going to take down the global cabal? Are you retarded?

14880312? ago

are YOU considering that you are the one who is shilling for satanic pedophiles😆

14878567? ago

Those kids lives are more important than yours shill. If Q doesn't do it WE WILL. I trust in the plan because those kids being tortured need us to. They don't deserve to be some Saw/Hostile tortured sex slaves piece of shit.

14879314? ago

Where are they? I can't rescue something that I can't see.

14878809? ago

With what your keyboard?

14878497? ago

I didn't realize Q was bound to your arbitrary timeline.

14878214? ago

Its for the children! stay the course!