14876668? ago

Waves dissipate. Tsunamis rebound and spread. Fight fight fight.

14875706? ago

incumbents loose the house its normal, carry on concern troll

14875722? ago


14875766? ago

loose like your mothers butthole shill

14875832? ago

No, sorry. I was born from a test tube. Q gave his sperm and my Holiness was formed.

14877284? ago

The immaculate conception! Are you going to LARP for our sins???

14878504? ago

It's not LARP. It's just LA. I'm all Live Action, baby!

14875496? ago

Really? It's just a show and we aren't the actors? Directors? Producers? Stage hands? And more importantly are we not paying for this flick? We aren't pawns in this chess game and if we are being treated as one then fuck you

14875258? ago

Yeah, we're so busy trusting the plan, we haven't noticed the GIANT DICK going up our assholes.

14875041? ago

You're literally watching a show and screaming at the Screen that you don't like it.

It's incredibly infuriating dealing with you normies. Fucks sakes.