14829545? ago

Projecting Q 2416 to 11:7? This is what I project: https://voat.co/v/uspolitics/2831951

14828748? ago

Q quoted the Declaration of Independence- zoom in on the part that says-"NEW SAFEGUARDS". WHAT might those be? HOW can we insure this never even gets close to happening to us again?

14829369? ago

Ban the jews permanently. History shows a universe of evidence that the jews are the root cause of most of the worlds problems. They have been expelled a large number of times from numerous countries. They are the only people in the world allowed to get away with genocide of Palestinians and Europeans/Whites. They forced the immigration policy change in the 60's. They were responsible for virtually all wars the US has been involved in, WW1 and WW2, French Revolution, etc. They created and control The Federal Reserve, pornography, marxism/communism/bolshevism, feminism, homo rights, transgenders, etc. etc. I could go on for weeks. Bottom line, they must forever be excluded.

Read Eustace Mullins' The Biological Jew. Also Alfred Rosenberg's The Track of the Jew Through the Ages. John Beaty's Iron Curtain Over America. Theres also Martin Luthers The Jews and Their Lies. Honestly, I could go on and on with proof. Brother Nathanael has a great channel on YT.

14968495? ago

I will read it. Dear God- it is just so intellectually hard to swallow that ANYONE would do such things. It is revolting to think about. And yet, "if" true, then it is reasonable , and indeed our responsibility to analyze and address it. THERE MUST BE Open andHonest Discussion on a National level . To NOT openly and without rancor-(if that's even possible), discuss facts, is to deny Truth It's Day- all must be revealed, if we are to progress. Are not many jewish people just trying to survive? Are they not compelled, like in a union, to support their own, or lose their "citizenship"? There MUST be open, honest discussion, so that IF there are many within "their" ranks who do NOT support Talmudic socio-political outlooks- they can see a way to oppose it- the 6 degrees of separation thing. - ? With open discussion and the light of day shown on it- then also aline in the sand is drawn, and people knowingly make choices-

14829811? ago

When can we all get that the Zionists are separate from ethnic Jews?

14829875? ago

When there is conclusive evidence, beyond reasonable doubt.

Zionism apparently emerged in the 1800's, did it not? Jews have been around much, much longer than that. There is a universe of evidence to prove they should be excluded. I understand non-jews are often Zionists, hence why Zionism isn't the core problem, jewish ethnicity is. The evidence is in abundance, most of it free on the internet, hence, I suggest kindly, read the books mentioned above, and do the research.

14827223? ago

Can anyone use image enhancing software or try to read the information on the Fisagate Poster. I think there is a hidden message there. I read "There has been a real attempt to undermine the president..." and then I can't read the rest.

14826008? ago

This submission was linked from this v/CalmBeforeTheStorm comment by @Silverlining.

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14825888? ago

I am next to fucking tears right now. I am so god damned proud of this fucking country. I know this is still before the facts come out, but I am not the only one who believes we have been getting fucked by the ESTABLISHMENT, and I could not be happier to know there is a light at the end of the tunnel. We could all use a whole lot of light right now.

14825278? ago

No surprise that antifa,black panthers,and other jackass's would try and intimidate voters.

14823915? ago

IMHO, those 29 battleground locales are EXTREMELY valid FISC warrant, surveillance points. Hopefully, Q team had the foresight to pre install the video cams outside all of those locales. If not? Then, they missed a major tactic.

14823879? ago

(2416) Just a reminder, electioneering is illegal in most places in the USA and if you see suspicious activities call your local police or sheriff's office.

14823034? ago

Q+ and Q I request a rally in the western part of Washington state! Have it century link field. Hold in enemy territory. King is blue but most of Washington state is red! Do a rally here!!!!

14822780? ago

Are these recent posts by Q written by the same poster? Feels like a different person.

14822758? ago

OP, your numbering is off for the last couple drops (skipped a hundred).

14822305? ago

2416 is a bit ominous.

14822290? ago

Hate to say it, but this latest round of drops since Q's return have left me flat.

Where the fuck is #REDOCTOBER?

One year of promises, "trust the plan"... not a single fucking INCH of progress.

Fucking Twitter retweets of people in Q gear? ARE YOU SHITTING ME?

Fuck this.

14829833? ago

Q had to go silent to please election rules, verify theyre not doing something illegal. Being very careful here to not provide ammo to Dems.

14828882? ago


14826410? ago

Be patient.

Wait for election to finish.

14830057? ago

The election finished 2 years ago.

14830078? ago

midterms Anon

14840914? ago

And guess what, there will be another election two years from now. My point is the whole "wait til the midterms" is BS. You are always operating on a 2 year window when talking about politics, and R's are going to lose the house which I'm guessing will be Q's next excuse. "we can't do anything because we don't control the house."

14844752? ago

Yes Anon, another election 2 years from now. Plenty of time to do as much as possible.

2 years is a BIG difference than 2 days. Or 1 day even. Understand the big picture?

R's not going to loose. Future proves past right? Wait for after midterms, and you'll understand what I mean.

In life, no matter how hard it is, always look for the positive, and steer yourself towards it.

Looking at the negative, you'll steer yourself to it, so it's better for you to steer towards the positive.

It's your life, your choice. Good luck to you.

14821901? ago

About a year ago i bought a "Q" lapel pin on amazon. A few weeks after posts started. It was relatively obscure purchase and not many being sold. When i added it to my cart, it recommended "commonly purchased with this" a "full armor of god pin". I thought it was strange they were being purchased together at ththe time. Whoever was buying these pins was also buying that one. NOW A YEAR LATER Q QUOTES EPHESIANS. I not particularly religious, but this blew my mind...

14825219? ago

Q Source is real. Evil has hidden it from us for a long time now.

14821688? ago

Thank you Q, for protecting the vote! I did my part in Florida. WWG1WGA

14821585? ago

I'd like to discuss how gay this all is. Where are the arrests?

14829794? ago

Yes, Im weary of the movies, need the brass tacks now.

14821785? ago

You should just go back to looking at your gay porn and not post here then.

14822378? ago

All this time would have been better spent trying to GOTV before Tuesday.

If we lose the House, the momentum of the past two years comes to a screeching halt.

Yet here we are, a bunch of faggots, sucking each other off over imminent arrests and indictments for the last year... when it's becoming increasingly clear they are never going to fucking happen.

14825334? ago

Use Logic good grief.

14825126? ago

We will witness the biggest red wave in history.

14825147? ago

Ex dem OregonAnon here. Voted straight Red for the first time ever last week. I couldn’t be more proud of my POTUS.

14824515? ago

Ya, just like the polls in 2016. Supposedly Trump had no chance. I called bullshit then and I'm calling bullshit now. GOP will keep the House & gain seats in Senate.

14822896? ago

FUCK OFF Shillary Clinton, your little baby dick defeatist whine post trying to sway people from the plan says a lot of about you.

14822829? ago

There is no way Dems gain seats in this election. Obongo can't even fill half a high school gym in friendly territory.

14821422? ago

VERY profound stuff today.

14822314? ago

You've got to be busting my balls. FUCKING TWITTER RETWEETS are profound?

14839509? ago

lol, I'm kidding

14822845? ago

Perhaps it is you who is busting the balls. Twitter retweets are all he posted today?

14820828? ago

November 5th, 2017

73 - - Post, 74 - - Post, 75 - - Post, 76 - - Post, 77 - - Post

78 - - Post, 79 - - Post, 80 - - Post, 80 - - Post, 81 - - Post

82 - - Post, 83 - - Post, 84 - - Post, 85 - - Post, 86 - - Post

87 - - Post, 88 - - Post, 89 - - Post, 90 - - Post, 91 - - Post

92 - - Post, 93 - - Post, 94 - - Post, 95 - - Post

14819907? ago

This is where our real war lies...

"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."

14828735? ago


14823903? ago

Yes sir and what a blessing to see Q post it

14819340? ago

Thank you so much for posting this. It helps more than you know.

14819297? ago

Why can I see the "Your country needs you" post on 8chan, but not on Qanon.pub?

14818455? ago

Ooooh! I see what you're doing now with all the screenshots of old Q drops.


14818178? ago

https://archive.fo/aWiaE :

ThePurposeProphet on Twitter: "#qanon #TheGreatAwakening #TheStorm #MAGA #POTUS. @Shady721Brady @intheMatrixxx. < 4 hrs for The Great Defender to arrive in GA. We are upfront and carrying the @Q_ANONBaby Q Confirm flag back to @POTUS… t.co/y7Ot7jSG2f"

https://archive.fo/aWiaE :

ThePurposeProphet on Twitter: "#qanon #TheGreatAwakening #TheStorm #MAGA #POTUS. @Shady721Brady @intheMatrixxx. < 4 hrs for The Great Defender to arrive in GA. We are upfront and carrying the @Q_ANONBaby Q Confirm flag back to @POTUS… t.co/y7Ot7jSG2f"

https://archive.fo/ctGZw :

Art can help distinguish between conspiracy and reality, and this exhibition proves it

https://archive.is/CZ9Ei :

The Details About the CIA's Deal With Amazon - The Atlantic

https://archive.fo/ctGZw :

Art can help distinguish between conspiracy and reality, and this exhibition proves it

https://archive.is/CZ9Ei :

The Details About the CIA's Deal With Amazon - The Atlantic

This has been an automated message.

14828084? ago

Solid. Genious. LoL Love from Scotland

14818089? ago

Why has Q or Q+ adopted the triple ((( ))) parenthetical?

For the past 5 years or so this symbol ((( ))) has come to exclusively signify that the person inside the brackets is:

(a) Jewish

(b) Acting subversively

So is the President signaling that he is fully aligned with Jewish power? Or is he trying to subvert the symbol and give it some new meaning?

14827414? ago

Maybe it's as simple as signalling to us that they know all about (((them))).

14832154? ago

Maybe it's as simple as signalling to us that they know all about (((them))).

If that was the case, it would have been written differently, maybe something like:

Q+ [ ((( ))) ]

Put the threat inside kill brackets rather than implying that POTUS is '"one of them" by enclosing HIS moniker inside the parantheticals.

14832992? ago

That's based on the assumption that they would stick to syntax. Either way, if Trump were truly one of (((them))), I seriously doubt they would come right out and indicate that to us with one of our own memes.

14835056? ago

Why not? Maybe that is exactly what they are trying to indicate to us. It's really the only logical interpretation of what was written.

Q has repeatedly said that "You will be surprised when you find out who was talking to you here..."

Just maybe the big surprise is that (((they))) have been talking to us and, along with POTUS, are basically saying that (((they))) are fully in charge and nothing can be done about that. But at the very least (((they))) have decided to throw us a bone and allow America to have some measure of sovereignty returned to it.

When you analyze ALL the facts, the above interpretation makes a whole lot of sense. Trump's own children are all either married to or dating one of (((Them))) or have even fully converted like Ivanka. Trump moved the embassy to Jerusalem and his entire election campaign was staffed by high-level Zionists. He even put a Rothschild banker (Wilbur Ross) in charge of the treasury. Trumps' entire business career has been closely tied to (((them))) and he was even saved from bankruptcy directly by the Rothschilds. So what more proof is needed?

14835323? ago

"What more proof is needed?" How about some instead of none? "It's really the only logical interpretation..." Did you try any other interpretation or did you just travel in one straight line?

I'm sure there are tons of us here who would walk away from this movement in a heartbeat if it were admitted to us that the Trump administration is just an elaborate LARP to shift power around but keep it within the same zionist hands.

14823947? ago

I took (((Q+))) to mean POTUS is controlled by the Jews. That is the only logical interpretation. Put quite the damper on my feelings about the great awakening.

14826770? ago

POTUS is not controlled by Jews but he needs to deal with them last.

14826393? ago

Don't be so ignorant.

Military supported Trump to run for President. Trump won, now giving power from Washington DC back to THE PEOPLE!

America First! Power back to The People!

14825194? ago

Well you’re an idiot. So there’s that. Results speak for themselves. Go back and watch Trump’s first sit down with BiBi over camps. His first motto? America First! Zionism = Israel First! Good vs evil. Nothing else. Israel Last.

14825478? ago

Blind leading the blind. Even when Q throws (((Q+))) right in your face.

14823256? ago

Uhhh yeah...

Trump has come out multiple times saying he "loves Israel"

"Kushner and his wife (who converted to Judaism in 2009) are Modern Orthodox Jews, keep a kosher home, and observe the Jewish Shabbat."

Best controlled opposition EVER.

Bringing in the New Dawn...

14825201? ago

Lurk more

14825956? ago

I think what he was trying to say is that the Jews can't call Trump an anti-Semite when he comes for them because Trump has Jews in his family.

14821596? ago

Is Q a bleeding baby dick sucking kike? I know i wouldn't refer to myself as a ((())) otherwise.

14818407? ago

I think it means hugs. The Q team plus POTUS is giving all of us a big big big hug.

14819367? ago

Because MILINT is going to fucking hug you.

14825158? ago

New generation of warfare bro

14826081? ago

Lol. Fucking HUG EM TO DEATH.



14817920? ago

Qmap post for easier reading. https://qmap.pub/read/2401

Do we have compelling evidence that Bezos is CIA? WaPO is certainly a mouthpiece for the same nonsense other MOCKINGBIRD outlets spew.

The Amazon contracts for CIA cloud computing should give us something.

14830426? ago

All US departments use Amazon cloud service.

14830979? ago

Yes, maybe they shouldn't.

14826381? ago

he did have that contract for servers, right?

14826419? ago

Yes, indeed there is that.