14832838? ago


14828894? ago

I just got accepted for food stamps, my husband and I. (In California) at the time of application I was jobless and he had quit working to care take for his elderly father. The entire process I was shocked to find NOWHERE did ANY PERSON or question on a piece of paper ask me for my social security number. There was a moment towards the end when we provided our drivers licenses, but no layers of verification during the other programs like medi-cal. It was too easy, or seemed that way to me at least. It seemed way too lax, it almost felt like a corporation where the workers are salesmen who try to get you to be a consumer. Everything was about what we "qualified" for. I imagined a place of strictnese, competition, heavy vetting, and it felt like the opposite. At the same time, living in CA, I also wasn't surprised, in a way. Our case worker said they never see married couples in there and it's a rare occurrence.

14828473? ago

Leave charity to charities

If people want to donate to christian charities or whatever for free food distribution or whatever aid they are free to do so

It's not normal to make people support others' kids, especially when the said kids have parents on welfare and the said people are middle class already struggling with debts, you only encourage and reward failures that way, and no they shouldn't reproduce to begin with but they did despite the fact they knew they couldn't provide for their kids so fuck them

14828201? ago

They seem to get a lot of money based on what I've seen. What about people like me who are on Disability who "cannot" work. I can't drive, I could never pass a driving test due to my vision and my health isn't that great either. Working a job that makes enough to survive on would probably kill me due to the fact I just can't do strenuous work, yet people who "can work" and illegally come into the country get plenty of money and sometimes get jobs that pay under-the-table so they can keep their Welfare too. Citizens of this country who "cannot work" get barely enough to survive on while people who illegally enter the country get free handouts? How is that fair?

14826244? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/2828599/14813186 The Truth is Seeping into the National Consciousness

14826255? ago

14826009? ago

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14824782? ago

motherfuckers in Canada be making it a welfare state with those refugees, and a shit ton of other people immigrating there with refugee status.

14824359? ago

That's the cover story but this is all about restoring the elites' free access to those kids.

14824294? ago

But until we can get all the shit of the welfare state straightened out, the Wall will be the most cost-effective means of halting the vast majority of illegal aliens flowing in. It will very quickly pay for itself many times over in savings to tax payers.

14824286? ago

He’s going to save our poverty stricken black AND white communities! Trump is going to go down as the greatest president in the history of the world by the time he’s finished.

14824127? ago

Absolutely, I have zero sympathy for able bodied people working the system. It's bull, especially while I struggle to pay for my kids, childcare is more than a freaking mortgage. I hate absolutely hate knowing that I subsidize welfare queens reproduction. If your not physically or mentally handicapped they starve on the street or beg or go to a charity and ask for help. No more taxing me to benefit dead beats.

14823736? ago

That's every country now it seems.

14823599? ago

Welfare is sabotage and dysgenics.

If you want Americans, offer freedom.

If you want willing slaves, offer nanny state.

14823166? ago

Exactly. Cut off the incentives that bring them here. Ron Paul tried to explain this years ago. All I know is when my backyard bird feeder is empty, I see zero birds.

14823149? ago

Jobs, good paying jobs, will cure this.

14822487? ago

Halloween night, my car was stolen. It was recovered yesterday morning, completely wrecked, abandoned, reeking of meth and piss. They left a heavy flannel and mariachi music inside. This is why we need a wall.

14822381? ago

Very true.

14822281? ago

Just some facts, if you're an illegal you CAN NOT get welfare...You can get emergency medicaid as an illegal but NOT cash assistance or food stamps!

14822137? ago

Correct. They'd be here, angry, hungry, hopeless, and stealing your stuff.

14830752? ago

like playing monopoly struggling landing on motels and then you see the bank loading up a new player with a extra budget and a kick....and you say who is he...banks says....illegal legal migrant.

14831944? ago

I have no fucking clue what it is you're trying to say.

14822120? ago

You can have a welfare state, or you can have open borders, but you can't have both. Since before the founding of our great nation, up until 1965, were never had any problems with immigration. Sometimes our borders were wide open, and other times the border was closed up, tight as a drum. 1/3rd of all the immigrants that came to America prior to 1965, ended up going back to their country of origin.

Ending welfare would be tricky. It's easy to say that "...a massive welfare system that steals from hard working people and gives money to deadbeats..." But that's only part of it. Like it or not, we have a system that takes care of people who cannot take care of themselves. Even if you were able to accurately identify and remove the losers and deadbeats, there will still be some number of people who need, and deserve help.

It would be great if welfare, or "assistance" was done by the private sector. Americans are among the most generous people on the planet. But right now, for every dollar of tax revenues allocated to social welfare programs, 75 cents is consumed by the government bureaucracy, and only 25 cents actually gets to the people who need it.

Put the whole program into the hands of the private sector and innovation and efficiency will rule the day. We all know there's no way the government will ever agree to surrender its power and authority, so putting welfare into the hands of the private sector just isn't going to happen.

Given the size and scope of our social welfare programs, I doubt that any efforts to reform welfare will produce the results we're looking for. But there is a much easier way to accomplish the same goal. Pass a law, or maybe a Constitutional amendment that simply proclaims only US Citizens, Natural Born, or Naturalized, and those who are in the US legally, with a Green Card or Visa, shall be eligible for any government assistance programs.

If that were to happen, along with an end to anchor babies and chain migration, it would remove the incentive for foreigners to come here illegally. If they know they will not get housing assistance, food cards, or free medical treatment, the ILLEGAL ALIENS that are already here will begin to self-deport en masse. If we really wanted to be hard core about it, we would put all aliens who enter illegally in jail and charge them with a felony for ignoring our immigration laws. And if they apply for asylum, make them stay in a secure, monitored facility until their hearing.

My personal preference would be to downsize our government to what it was prior to the Civil War, but I doubt that could be accomplished in a peaceful fashion. I think it would require a full-on Second American Revolution, and a complete tear-down of our existing government. Then we could rebuild it the way our founders envisioned. But that won't happen in a peaceful fashion either.

I think the easiest and most direct way of addressing the issue is to simply make all illegals ineligible for any government assistance.

14826676? ago

75% v 25% for real? That means it costs $3 to distribute $1. Seems implausible

14821878? ago

If only it could be retro active. I would even support abortion if it was legal until the age of 26!

14821823? ago

Amen to that!!!!

14821771? ago

It is written..."if you will not work you will not eat"

Does it take a "brain trust" to figure out what happens if you don't eat?

Make America Common Sense Again

14821334? ago

Absolutely the same here in the UK. Our pansy ass government and there acceptance of every single asylum claiming sob story immigrant is a joke. People with no skills, no understanding of our language, not wanting to add to the country, not wanting to integrate. They want it their way with free access to the best schools in the most expensive parts of the country. Immigrant families being put up in houses worth hundreds of thousands FOC. The NHS is the greatest institution in earth paid for by us hard working folks - we can’t afford to pay for all these extra non-contributing people. Our schools are ok but full and now having to accommodate and make allowance for dozens of languages.

It changes society, it changes what is taught to our children, it changes their diet, it changes their expectations, it changes what they think is ok, it changes them.

Make Great Britain ‘GREAT’ again - GB for those who work for and make it so.

14821234? ago

Stop Immigration! Start Deportations!

14821168? ago

Ok, not to dissuade you... But the purpose of welfare is not to bring in illegals (although right now that's what it's being used for).

The purpose of welfare is to keep good people down. It's to keep poor people poor. If you don't have to do anything, what happens to incentive?

Some welfare is necessary--no need in this country for anyone to go hungry or cold or without healthcare (yes, the poor received FREE healthcare before Obamacare).

I know it seems counter-intuitive, but welfare is racist against blacks.

14820981? ago

I think shut illegals off but WHERE DO YOU THINK THE VICTIMS OF THIS HORRIBLE EVIL LAND ? Where do the rapeD and molested and abuse hen up? Who do they have the most control to screw with in everyway including food and medicine ? THE POOR , THE SICK, THE BROKEN.

14820926? ago

We can use the savings to build two walls, an SDI space barrier, and submerged minefields off the coasts. The blue helmets will think twice before invading then.

14820918? ago

Sure there would. Welfare wasn't around when all the other immigrants were coming into New York City and San Francisco. They were entering legally, but it shows that there was definitely still demand without welfare.

14826744? ago

That is the push, not the draw - Irish potato famine - Italians moving for a better life, just like the Hondurans today.

The streets of London are paved with gold - The American Dream - all PR puff.

14820696? ago

The welfare system needs a complete overhaul. First we gotta get that wall up. Then establish voter Id system. Proof of citizenship should be a requirement to apply for any type of government help. When the news gets out, that you have to prove citizenship, they problem will lessen over time.

14820545? ago

I live in a predominantly immigrant neighborhood. I'm the minority. They don't speak English, all drive brand new cars, ignore driving rules and the men have no respect for women. If I moved to another ountry I certainly would make an effort to acclimate myself to their culture. I wouldn't build an American store in Nepal and say screw you and your country we'll do our own thing They ALL have government food cards. Ugh. So tired of feeling out of place in MY Country!!

14822589? ago

When the civil war starts, it's open season. Stock up.

14820375? ago

This alone would cause the U.S. to become super-majority white in a generation or two. I'm not even joking.

Who has the most kids? Blacks and Hispanics.

Who draws the most welfare? Blacks and Hispanics.

How do you think they feed all those kids? That's RIIIIGHT. Welfare money. Green cards.

White birthrates are on the decline because we actually pay for our kids. Our race naturally thinks in a more "I must be RESPONSIBRU" manner. A good chunk of Asians exhibit this trait as well. Not all, but a good chunk.

Take away welfare, you'll see Black and Hispanic births drop like a bullet shot straight down into the water. Fast as fuck at first, then slows down but still drops.

14820325? ago

That’s fine if the jobs are there.

Kicking them all out would be the better option

14820272? ago

I am with you in regard to deadbeat welfare people. Not a fan. My research shows that they are a pebble compared to the boulder of corporate welfare. Decades ago corps were contributing to the greater good and needs of the many and now they are recipients of the effort and contributions amassed by their customers. If you search for the taxes paid by many of them you may be infuriated. Loop holes are designed for the wealthy.

Imagine that you have two neighbours. One has his dog shit on your lawn without picking it up. The other is selling crack to your kids. The first is the deadbeats and the latter corporations. Which will we focus on? A company whose full time workers need food stamps is a failed entity. Look for yourself of income inequality graphs, taxes paid by corps, offshore illegal tax havens (the panama papers for example), etc, and compare the degree of welfare enjoyed by individuals and business, banks, charities, etc…

One article: https://markmartinezshow.blogspot.com/2013/11/corporate-welfare-101-what-we-could-do.html

14819578? ago

The left went full throttle with the Cloward-Piven strategy under obummer.

14826794? ago


called for overloading the U.S. public welfare system in order to precipitate a crisis that would lead to a replacement of the welfare system with a national system of "a guaranteed annual income and thus an end to poverty".

14819554? ago

Welfare has always been a pet peeve of mine. A married couple gets very little help but if you kick out the Husband/Father then they will help you. That just leads to broken FAMILIES. Welfare definitely needs reforming.

14819435? ago

Yup. And this is EXACTLY what true conservatives have been screaming about for 50 years!! Thank you President LBJ...you rat bastard.

14819311? ago

Right here, what this guy said.

14819134? ago

And any coming over border, we wouldn't be concerned if they are producers or leechers.

14819028? ago

Why the hell is it so hard to determine eligibility for food stamps, healthcare, education etc.? The welfare given to illegals is unsustainable, illogical, immoral and should be illegal. These unearned benefits cost U.S taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars each year. These monies should come back to our wallets. Additionally, the earned income tax credit given to illegal immigrants is ridiculous. This money should go to Americans. I am so sick of this shit that I want to get violent! I will not. However, how much are we expected to put up with????

14818998? ago

I used to live in S.F. a looong time ago and when I moved there I was disgusted with how many bums littered the streets of the city. It only took a short amount of time to realize why we were overrun, there were hippies handing out bread, Food Not Bombs were giving out free soup and bread and the city itself was handing out cash.

All of the bums moved to S.F. because of the gibs, the idiot libs thought that they were White Knights helping the homeless when all they were really doing was enticing every single smelly stinking bum in the Bay Area to move to their city... which has an open border policy.

The microcosm reflects the macrocosm; America must HAVE A FUCKING WALL!!!

14818968? ago

Create the "OFFICE of the Handicapped" and regulate who is eligible for aid. Change the welfare and help the disabled !

we can call it the "OH" so when things go, uh oh ! you know where to go ! Put OSHA & Social Security in the OH !

14826822? ago

Beggars in India amputate the limbs of their children to help them be better beggars when adults - perverse incentives.

14818852? ago

No need to ask why medical costs are so high either. We pay once with taxes which the swamp immediately siphons off then again with paying outrageous premiums to cover the cost of others then again when we go to dr or hospital paying 10-20 times what it should cost to again cover the cost of those without means to pay.

This shit needs to end.

14818800? ago

I was under the impression , when i was younger, (many many years ago) that welfare was to help an AMERICAN get back on their feet after a job loss or whatever bad thing happened. Was supposed to be temporary. Most AMERICANS considered it a shameful thing to be on welfare and worked hard to get back into the working society, WE WERE A PROUD AMERICA!!! We need to get rid of the 3rd generation welfare crap! There are jobs out there. We need to get on the GOV"T EMPLOYEES that allow these scum to slip through generation after generation. I have talked with some employees that allow them to slip through because..well, ya know they need help cause baby daddy in jail or momma is an addict...FUCK THIS ALREADY!!!! I know it starts at the top Well..POTUS needs to fire most Gov't workers and start fresh!!!!

14826841? ago

Possible positive for pizzagate?

14818754? ago

The title says it all, nothing to add.

14818705? ago

Reparations, Cracker!

14818818? ago

How about "Reimplementing Slavery Again" instead?

14826863? ago

It is covert - wage slavery now.

14830915? ago

work for the dole is next....so you have to work to get food tokens.....cant trust the sucker with cash....he mi9ght buy some booze and go berserk.....what about those dandy boys with thousands...might they go berserk on the drugs including drink,

14818638? ago

Same goes for Scandinavia - We are forced to pay for our own destruction!!!

14822641? ago

Feel free to take out the immigrants by yourselves while waiting for government to get involved. Relive your Viking days!

14818591? ago

14818567? ago

Remove the Great Society that Johnson administration created? It sounded like such a nice deal. Keep people hooked on government handouts while the kids are born by different baby daddies. Have the middle class pay for it. Have schools systems over ran by unruly kids that were created by this great society. The ungodly do evil under the guise of good. We need to wake up and get some backbone america. They use our Godly compassion against us. Time to remove the ungodly from our great nation. Vote Republican and vote the Democrats " do what thou wilt" out of office.

14830429? ago

Left out "when it suits"after the "do as thou wilt"

14818816? ago

Excellent points. Our "godly compassion" is misplaced. God does not actually require us to feed and clothe others. In fact it has become punishment. God's Law is designed to have us protect our own only. Others, foreigners, were never supposed to be taken care of by us. The biblical principle "if they won't work they don't eat" is only a part of it. The bible is not politically correct and does not teach we must love everyone.

14826505? ago

Good Samaritan?

14837277? ago

Too a point. Unfortunately most today ignore the following: 2 John 1: 9-11 "Whoever transgresses and doesn’t remain in the teaching of Christ, doesn’t have God. He who remains in the teaching, the same has both the Father and the Son. If anyone comes to you, and doesn’t bring this teaching, don’t receive him into your house, and don’t welcome him, for he who welcomes him participates in his evil works." (see also 2 Chronicles 19:2b)

Helping those who hate Christ is treason.

14818509? ago

I think anyone on welfare (who is physically able) should work 40 hours a week for the city / county / state, to get their perks. Drug tests also. I don't care if anyone smokes weed, smokes crack or shoots dope. Do what you want. But don't do it with my tax dollars. If you are unwilling to work like the rest of us, you don't get free money. If you spend your money on drugs or alchohol, you don't deserve free money. The can do clerical work, clean up the streets, whatever. There is plenty of work to be done. I do believe that we should have social systems in place who are disabled physically or even mentally (as long as it isn't bullshit like depression, etc). We have enough money to take care of the people who absolutely are not able to take care of themselves. But this free money for life bullshit is crazy.

14830452? ago

you gotta consider some of them addict are collateral damage from the globalist cultural barrage

14826496? ago

So replace workers with welfare slaves?

14830481? ago

bring in serco...careful...what you call govt to enforce for one class of people, will be enforced on all.

14818809? ago

Idiots on heroin are the LAST people you want doing "clerical work".

14825007? ago

That’s my point. If they are on govt assistance they would be required to work and pass drug tests. Only free to use drugs if you aren’t taking govt money.

14818395? ago

This... Fucking this 1 million times.... end communist Social Security and communist medicare and communist HUD and communist SNAP etc. After the first crime wave many problems would be EASY to solve. Think of the possible TAX CUTS. Imagine how easy it would be to start a business... Imagine how powerful we would be with our urge to produce not suppressed. As it stands now I wouldn't take a job even if I could get one because all I would do is support the system. All I would do is support the shitbags out there with my taxes. I would rather just meet my needs directly. No taxes on my garden. No taxes on my solar panels. No taxes on my rain water collection, no taxes on my pigs or chickens or cows. No taxes on my illegal cabin. Guess what? I only have to work a few hours a week to meet my needs when I am set up right. I won't come back to the world until things change for the better...

I won't support any form of socialism or income tax. I won't support a government that limits my property rights. I demand Allodial Title as a choice as a land owner. I will not support any government regulated industry or product. I won't produce it and won't buy it unless I HAVE TO. I'm fucking done with this system and will stand by until something better comes along.

14818793? ago

Amen brother! Starve the beast! Black markets are the answer.

14818280? ago

I think it's likely that a huge RESET is imminent. It may be in the form of an economic crash, or all-out civil clashes between "The Diversity and Vibrancy" and honest to God Americans who are sick of the status quo. It may even come after the midterms by POTUS simply ending welfare in its current manifestation by Executive Order. Either way, it will have to come to an end, we simply cannot afford it any longer. Keep your powder dry and avoid crowds, especially crowds of the minority persuasion. The underclass will fight tooth and nail for their pittance handouts, it sure beats working.

14818212? ago

For sure no assistance of any kind to illegals, except maybe a ride home!

14818149? ago

Same here in Germany. Taxes high. Costs explodes. But they are telling you "we are rich". My question: Who is "we".

14819567? ago

My question: Who is "we".


My question: Why are you even paying attention to what theyre saying and even trying to discuss it as if you somehow could win a debate? Youre preaching to the choir here.

14818775? ago

When everyone is equally poor, they'll stop.

14818331? ago

"We The Elites" vs. "We The People"

14826429? ago

1% v 99%

14818025? ago

Why the fuck would anyone want to work for FAKE Money????

14818011? ago

The welfare system isn't the problem....the inexact laws and rules contradicting one another are! Also, the state hires minority workers as a matter of course then uses them to direct benefits the way they choose. I know this for a fact. As the "token" white lady in my office I was told I could never turn down a black person in Jackson, MS, by my supervisor who sent the relatives of workers to me to process so she give them an easy in. When she applied one rule one time, the next she'd apply a different one when it suited her. However, I had a white family who truly needed it. I think they were inbred as they were all mentally deficient except for ONE who worked to provide for about 14 people at a fast food place. They made her FIGHT every single time it was time to re-up. They'd lose her documents multiple times so that she'd have to bring them back time and again. They finally fired me and I went to the state offices just to be told off the record the reason no one will pursue the claims isn't because they don't believe them but that 95% of their work force is black so they are scared of a walk-out. The state is fully aware of the rules being broken and not a single person would stand up, even though there had been many over the years who complained as I did. Wanna know a good example? If you're "renting" from someone you either have to provide bank statements, receipts or other verifiable methods of payment EXCEPT in specific cases where it's been proven and already established that they have been renting that domicile in the past. THEN and ONLY THEN will they be allowed to use a note from the landlord stating they are still at the residence and paying rent. Without exception, whomever she wanted to let get through she would override me and say their letters were sufficient for proof. Even when I showed her there wasn't any past proof. I had one I fought with her about which was likely the reason for my firing. One filled out his paperwork and handed me a letter signed by an imaginary landlord IN HIS OWN HANDWRITING AS PROOFED BY HIS OTHER HANDWRITING ON THE FORMS. Oh hell no, HE went through. There has to be accountability and a house cleaning in all these government agencies, top to bottom.

14818760? ago

The country & the world would be so much better off without niggers.

14822561? ago

Isn't that the truth. Jews too.

14817965? ago

It wouldn't be nearly as bad. As well, if we didn't have affirmative action that put them at the front of the line. But simply having the rule of law and relatively free markets and prosperity is a draw of its own. It is the massive welfare system that makes it totally unviable/impossible for us to take them in -- especially given that we have our own ready supply of low-skill workers, with technology squeezing such a workforce all the more all the time.

14817859? ago

If you don't work you don't eat should be the policy. Fuck these assholes and their spiritual development.

14817854? ago

You know when you get called in to the boss and get told that you have to reapply for your own job?

Why not roll out a similar program for the welfare system .?

Come in for a random interview and bring your various proofs of ID and apply for your own benefits, which, by the way, will temporarily CEASE on Monday....

If you are illegal, please note that you will get FREE transport back home, after you have served jail time for fraud....

14817849? ago

You cannot take away pieces of an overall failing system. The whole system needs a reboot. LEGAL immigrants should not have immediate access to aid unless they can PROVE they need asylum. The real problem is corporate greed -- forcing hard-working middle-classers into poverty and onto the street. Yes, there are those that take advantage -- some because they have no morals -- others because they've been victims of a corrupt system and feel violated so they want "their fair share" regardless of where it's coming from. The answer is not simple. Reboot please.

14826855? ago

Asylum abuse.

14817772? ago

And no anchor babies!

14823181? ago

End birth tourism!

14817644? ago

The expansion of the welfare state was one part of the model to put the USA into economic decline.

The root is of course is our treasonous representatives who went along with this globalist plan willfully.

I have watched the middle and working class starved out by illegal immigration, HB visas, labor relocations and economic policies meant to punish industries and give access to crony international corporations over fair competition and small businesses. I have seen many take 2-3 jobs to stay off of food stamps, medicaid and tanf only for a single illness, accident, elderly relative need, or loss of one of the side jobs put them in the welfare lines.

I believe just like Turtle McConnell and Lindsey Graham that confidence and energy will return to those who became hopeless and compliant under the previous oppressive regime.

14820012? ago

Well said. However instead of pointing to what we All know we don't want, I'm going to suggest some solutions. (Warning: 8chan night shift material ahead....)

1) I'm trusting the plan because of the time travel evidence (!?...), redpills, low-key arrests, sealed indictments, and the awesome effect its had on We The People.

2) We'll finish the Boston Tea Party when Trump ends the fed and puts us back on the silver standard. (Time travel evidence exhibit # 1 : 'The Last President' by Ingersoll Lockwood in 1900! ) But we can't stop there!

3) Once the suppressed Tesla technology Donald's uncle John Trump (Formerly FBI now posing as Julian Assange) got is released we can take ourselves beyond money. With free zero-point energy, we won't need a limited currency because the falsehood of scarcity will fade away. We'll figure that out the 1st time we visit inner-earth civilizations like in the non-fiction satire book "The Adventures of Little Baron Trump" Ingersoll Lockwood 1893.

4) Abundance based economy will ensue. Like the example nature gives us in the common fruit tree we can make more than we can use, and giving the extra away will only help us make even more abundance. It's not perfect but 'The Ubuntu Movement' will get us going in the right direction.

5) With no further need of them we can then take all the underpants and put them in a big pile.

6) ???????

7) Profit! (We will be welcomed among the stars, and the 'sky' will no longer "be the limit"!)

Buckle up buttercups, its gonna be one hell, Heaven of a ride! Keep your mind-blowout prevention caps on, you're gonna NEED them! What we 'resist', persists so Please keep the positive thoughts going, and focus on what we DO want, not what we don't want.... Because WWG1WGA! (literally) MEGA!!!

14822525? ago

Pure pie-in-the-sky speculative bullshit on your part there.

14821476? ago

Just some questions- curiosity peaked, patience appreciated.

Did you ever read The Last President? How do you parallel it's story and it's ending?

Similarly please compare/contrast/parallel The 2 Baron Trump books (Travel/Adventures of Little Baron Trump and His Wonderful Dog Bulger- Marvellous Underground Journey) Do make anything of the spelling of marvelous as marvellous?

Ubuntu Movement? Would that be Contributionism and if so how would it work in reality vs theory and for those who aren't interested in participating?

Having met one of my own doppelgängers, I am going to wait and see on the JA/JT thing, but will keep it tucked away.

Thank you in advance for you thoughtful responses.

14828088? ago

Thanx for the thoughtful questions. I don't know anything of course the other reply is probably correct "Pure pie-in-the-sky speculative bullshit on your part there". I'm probably just crazy and all that but I see some connections anyway. Don't anyone take my word just suspend disbelief (giggle factor) to consider the possibilities...

Did you ever read The Last President? How do you parallel it's story and it's ending?

Yes I read it twice just to be sure lol. I Can't get around the unexpected win of the people's candidate over the expected winner, libs going full NPC and rioting, BURNING certain well known addresses, and it looks like Trump is calling up the troops too while he might also go after the fed. I think the whole thing is a very well educated guess made by someone who lived this time, and sent the details back somehow. We've already changed the timeline, so the further we get from the start of the story the more will change. I think the ending is a metaphor for We The People not needing big government when Q is done with us. (No spoilers here anyone reading this should go see for them selves its free online.)

Similarly please compare/contrast/parallel The 2 Baron Trump books

I only skimmed each chapter of both to get the plot and good descriptions of the characters. The main take away I got was that its all under ground, and there are many different lands inhabited by different bizarre types of people. Sounds exactly like Honeycomb Earth descriptions of inner Earth civilizations. Tesla tech would make it a lot easier to explore down there, and with black budget D.U.M.B.s being a known reality, there's no telling what we've already uncovered down there that has been kept from "John Q Public", or what tech we used to discover it. I have no clue why the spelling error, it might be a hint about 'The Mandella Effect', possibly? Perhaps a lost reference to a period saying, or a fad of the time? Also the similarities to 'Alice in Wonderland' can't be written off after Q's drops had it so frequently (double meanings exist).

Ubuntu Movement?

I know I know, not perfect. It could be pulled off in this world though not easily. But if Tesla's free zero-point energy becomes a thing our scarcity based economic model will not work anymore. Star Trek is a thing for a reason. The rat race won't work anymore if the entire race track is made of cheese. Given replicators every Mr.T would break their necks unless we change our ideas of wealth and how it should be obtained. Reference: Metalocalypse + banana stickers. I think it's the closest idea we have in the real world that might still work if every material object can be obtained basically for free in any reasonable quantity.

on the JA/JT thing

It just about blew MY mind, and I'm the guy so deep down the rabbit whole for so many decades not even 'redpilled' anons takes me seriously. LMAO after all these years I STILL get surprised, wonders never cease. As Weird Al's karate instructor in UHF said "SUPPLIES!!!"

ThanQ Patriot. Godspeed. WWG1WGA

14834235? ago

Thank you for your response,lots to ponder!

14826033? ago


14834548? ago

Thank you, you are correct. Spelling matters!

14819494? ago

The root is of course is our treasonous representatives who went along with this globalist plan willfully.

The root of the welfare state isnt globalism, it is democracy itself.

You win elections more easily by promising to redistribute other people's money than by promising lower taxes.

Approximately 50% of all voters pay not taxes at all but need money. On the other hand, the top 3% high-earners pay 50% of all taxes and have a surplus of money.

Since in a democracy every vote has an equal value, the easiest way to get political power is by taxing the few high-earners and redistributing the money to the many mouth breathers in exchange for their votes.

Of course, jews and globalists (but I'm repeating myself) are pushing the welfare state to weaken the US, but this push only works because the worthless mouth breathers not paying any taxes still get to vote, so it is easy for the jew to purchase their vote.

The Jew would have a much, much harder time pushing for welfare if the recipients of the welfare werent allowed to vote in the first place. The Jew would have to persuade the tax payers to voluntarily pay the welfare, which the would be indistinguishable from charity.

14826095? ago

And yet Republicans get elected - are people voting for the American Dream and the possiblity of their winning life's lottery?

14827720? ago

White people elected Trump to get rid of Muslims, niggers and Mexicans. The economy was important, but secondary.

Even white women voted Trump.

Every other race, especially niggers, both women and men, voted left.

Republicans are the white party and we're in a cold race war now.

14834461? ago

Americans elected Trump to end the treason enacted through trade deals, espionage, laws and foreign policy, to put the brakes on people entering this nation at the detriment of it's citizens. Its a case of simple supply and demand. It is also the case of preferring individuals who can and want to assimilate into our British-colonial descent culture of meritocracy.

If you presume any racial bias, it is your own blinders preventing you from seeing the truth of which DJT has spoken and proven in deed.

14822538? ago

The root of the welfare state isn't globalism, it is democracy itself.

Part of the problem In America is that too many people think we're a Democracy. In fact, we are a Constitutional Republic, and far too many people do not understand the difference between the 2.

When the founders were considering all the details of this new government, there was talk of only allowing property owners the right to vote. Only allowing taxpayers to vote might sound like a good idea, but who would decide what is a tax and what is not? Would sales tax count? Would license fees for driving, hunting... count? Would price increases due to import tariffs count?

The problem isn't so much the form of government, Republic v Democracy, it the existence of government. Government is a concept that we've all been conditioned to believe is absolutely necessary, and that it's totally benevolent. Virtually every problem we face today is the result of, or the unintended consequences of some government action. Do away with it, and the problems will follow.

14828931? ago

Govern ment is is Latin for mind control :)

14822782? ago

Government is inevitable. If you don't pay taxes, a mafia will collect protection money in it's stead.

14821893? ago

Ummm...except we don't have a democracy.

The only time each vote has equal value is state and local elections of representation.

While I can see restructuring the fed away from central bankers, I doubt taxation will cease even with the removal of globalist controls.

Reworking the entire LBJ mess would be wise with an emphasis on rewarding nuclear families over single parent homes (exceptions- widow/widower).

I am curious since you are one of these "the jews, the jews' types.... Is 'the Jews' people who profess Jewish faith, those born of Jewish descent or does it require a combination of both?

Thanks in advance for your response.

14827631? ago

except we don't have a democracy.

If people have an influence on who is in charge, we do have a democracy.

I am curious since you are one of these "the jews, the jews' types

Don't take that seriously, it's just a voat trope. Marxists, commies, leftists, you can name them however you want.

14834249? ago

That is a response I didn't expect, thanks for the info!

14819849? ago

You're implying that the rich people actually earned their money and aren't simply collecting rents. You redistribute wealth or the poor people do it for you and you'll like it a lot less when they do it. Why aren't there enough positions so everyone can be a doctor or engineer? Only the rich can afford to become doctors because the job pays fuck all for the first 20 years of their career (counting education). There just aren't enough good jobs to go around because the machines are doing most of the work and the workers are playing musical chairs to compete for the remaining ones.

14820342? ago

and aren't simply collecting rents.

Collecting rents is a valid way to earn money, you fucking marxist swine. Go eat a kike turd.

14821080? ago

Rent collecting is equivalent to feudalism. Kids inheriting deeds and living without ever working. Why do you hate meritocracies?

14821193? ago

Why do you hate meritocracies?

Why do you hate parents providing for their children? Why do you hate white families, you jewish fuck?

14826167? ago

So when one person owns all the land and it's not you, and you have to pay rent, that'll be OK with you?

14821762? ago

I don't hate parent providing for their children. The people passing down >$100M didn't earn it from hard work. They stole it. The average worker could have tons of wealth if most of it wasn't being stolen from them by the welfare queens like Walmart, Boeing, Raytheon, etc.

14818753? ago

Only whites would take "2-3 jobs to stay off welfare". Niggers and spics would have their hand out in 2 seconds flat saying: "Gibs me all dat free shit I's entitled to!" This is why welfare doesn't work.

14826317? ago

The Arabs may have the answer - 4 wives - so only the richest 25% of men breed - .Darwinianism at its finest.

14819094? ago

I suggest you diversify your social circle because my experience did include other ethnicities, the only two unifying themes are all are Christians, all are Americans living in rural America.

14818853? ago

Or a crappy (narcissistic, democratic leaning sheep) husband would send his wife out to work and pay up the ass for daycare (🤦🏼‍♀️ SMH 🤷‍♀️) rather than taking care of their 3 children then God forbid work harder to support his family. We are now divorced. Good men don’t do this and have been raised better. Praise God 🙏🏻

14818891? ago

Don't marry cucks.

14819753? ago

Narc = mask. Lesson learned. Don’t be a cuck yourself. ✌🏻

14817637? ago

No. It is the birthright's they are after. If they can cross, squirt out a baby, that baby is their golden ticket to a life without worry. End the Birthright, end illegals.

14820573? ago

And boy do they squirt them out!!!

14822485? ago

I think you mean "shit them out"?

14823035? ago

Bottle dance works both ways?

14818222? ago

Yes, and birthright plus chain migration is death to USA!

14820423? ago

Yes, it may not be deadly, but it is a shot in the leg of a healthy country. End the birthright.

14824344? ago

I stand by deadly for the USA, if the USA morphs into Mexico, then I consider the USA dead.

14819496? ago

Unfortunately we are figuring this out now, our enemies figured this out decades ago.

14824370? ago

We let our enemies create the welfare state right in front of our eyes. We have the power but forgot how to use it.

14817625? ago

Moral of the story: end welfare.

14817598? ago

Starting with ALL the ILLEGALS that are on welfare.

14818854? ago

YES!! and 2-3rd generation welfare...Like a free job!! Fucked up! AND THEY SHOULD BE DRUG TESTED!!! No housing unless CLEAN!! Drop the mike BOOM!

14822186? ago

Or "Drop the Mic"

14830154? ago

and then watch the government do the same thing to you after they do them.....Thats what happens when you call for draconian laws....The govt say next to the good folks...here's the bottle can you kindly piss in it....Frankly .,thats what the cabal waiting for everyone.... Some people calling for more intrusive govt,

14823076? ago

That too lol most are not named "Mike" right TY !!! lol

14819166? ago

Or a 1 time 5k payout to get sterilized.

14819309? ago

There ya go!! planned parent-hood only uses their fetuses to use for the satan clans (funny how they condemn the blacks..oh wait "they all look the same") Worthless people if all they can do is create more brainless walking apes I would think more if they tried to do something to better the planet.. shit will run out but, I do not expect them to understand economics

14818723? ago

Lazy niggers too.

14819077? ago

The black population needs to get fathers back into the family. The same goes true for white "hoobie scoobies".

14822501? ago

I don't even know what that means.

14834529? ago

It means the societal standard of a man discerning his value as a husband, father and head of household as part of the greater maintaining and expansion of this nation and his lineage needs to return in place of the rampant and detrimental existence of single motherhood. A return to valuing the nuclear family.

I would also add the need for a return of an economy in which a man can provide for his wife and children while still having money left over for savings, retirement and family vacations.

14817579? ago

Donald Trump has already lifted millions off of welfare and unemployment, and he's been president less than two years!