14819278? ago

EXCELLENT!! You sound exactly like me talking to my boys.... but they are not redpilled yet. I’m still crazySOON

14816263? ago

Even Google will take you straight into the madness that your eyes can never unsee.


14814767? ago

VERY good news! I have my own minions of begrudging agreement on social media who are daily getting more awakened but remain obstinate in their support. It's good to see a light and a ray of hope wherever I can find it as I steadfastly remain optimistic. Thanks for sharing your personal story and thanks for raising men who think for themselves!!!!

14814581? ago

The Truth is Seeping into the National Consciousness because vibration/frequency has a role to play in the awakening. The MSM know this, it's one of the main reasons they're so important. If you can control a thought pattern, you create a vibration. Everyone knows what it's like to feel someone's anger or walk into a room, a sports stadium, a party, and feel the energy. You're picking up on the frequency/vibration pattern being emitted by those around you. You're doing it all the time sub-consciously.

I think that most people understand that the Earth is an energy field, and we are essentially energy beings. Your heart for example generates an electromagnetic field that can be picked up at over 30ft from your body. You're projecting your thoughts 24/7/365. The Cabal know this and for years have used this against us. The MSM for example use predictive programming, they seek to divide, and cause fear, by whatever means they have. Fear, leads to thoughts of helplessness, depression, and hopelessness, which lowers your vibration, and makes you more receptive to negative energies, and more state dependant, and unable to think for yourself. Think of symbolism, why does the Trudeau Foundation for example have a symbol of a spiraling triangle. The exact same symbol used by pedo's who have a preference for little boys! Because symbols also create thoughts, even if sub-consciously. Never underestimate your subconscious, it's where all your personnel battles take place. That's why symbolism is so important. Hollywood, Music Industry, advertising, the education system etc, are all part of it. Control the thought, control the energy, control the people. It's how FF attacks work. All of us are connected, your mind is a synapse of the collective, irrespective of your Race, Nationality, Sex, Religion or personnel dogma, and it is linked to the energy field that is Earth. Your consciousness effects your reality, and our consciousness effects our World.

You can change or enhance your own personnel energy field through Meditation. Your diet, and fitness are also important, but any form of Meditation is beneficial, but the 2 most powerful forms are…

TRANSCENDENTAL MEDITATION. Many scientific studies have been done on TM, and it has many benefits for the individual, as well as for society. For those who are unaware, meditation changes the physiology of the brain, It's been used to reduce crime rates in cities for example, calm War Zones, and help those in distress. It links your mind to the greater energy field. Only 1% of a Population in a certain area needs to Meditate in order to effect change. Again this is scientifically proven. TM for example is used by the US Military to treat PTSD (Operation Warrior Wellness), and as a training aid for Officer Cadets at Norwich. But don't just take my word for it. Find out for yourself. Dig.

MINDFULNESS in my opinion, would be more beneficial for those of you with strong Religious beliefs. I don't know much about this technique, but just know it fits in well with Christianity, and it came in second on studies done to find the most effective form of meditation. and again you can look into it for yourself.

We are already collectively waking, but for anyone wanting to actively participate in the turn? You can. It's passive, can be done by anyone, and benefits everyone. Except the Cabal….. By walking round emitting a higher vibration yourself, you are not only negating the effects of negative influences on you, but are helping to raise the collective overall vibration which helps those who may still be asleep. It is my hope that anyone reading this will at least consider it food for thought, and hopefully look into this subject for themselves.



14814236? ago

I'm reading this and thinking I could have written it. Q from CTH, mouse mask, occasional text with a link to kids or friends. Watching everyone's eyes open slowly step by step.

Everyone says watching the MSM thru opened eyes is the complete validation. What's happening makes perfect sense then.

14814007? ago

Norway is an example of successful socialism but you people insist on bringing up the CIA playground Venezuela. Free markets gave us mass poverty culminating in two world wars. And we're on course to repeat that.

14813222? ago

This submission was linked from this v/CalmBeforeTheStorm comment by @Silverlining.

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14812771? ago

What an excellent post this is.... Wow you really made me smile and feel such extraordinary hope.

14814701? ago

Thank you so much. It felt very personal to write.

14812457? ago

What can I say , I have chills. This is so beautiful and encouraging. Truth is powerful and simple. Love your suggestion of less sometimes best. Thank you!

14814706? ago

I love the people in this community. You are very kind.

14812425? ago

It's the 100th monkey effect. All beings have a "psychic web", we are all linked as a memory complex, once we reach the "100th monkey effect" as a species, that species changes it's behavior seemingly overnight. Look into the effect for sources as to how it has been studied and why marketing uses it as a means of mass Mind Control/Manipulation.

14814712? ago

Thank you I will. I am interested in this topic although it is a bit scary to me.

14811990? ago

Andy Spade mouse mask? What the hell is that all about?

14812095? ago

It's weird, for sure. But Andy Spade was clearly into some strange stuff.

14811856? ago

Wonderful post! I couldn’t agree more about welcoming those coming out of the darkness. I attended the Columbia MAGA Rally and It was incredible! Sarah Palin posted something on twitter reporting around 27k in attendance. I was encouraged to see people of all ages and backgrounds there, especially the college-aged patriots!

14811739? ago

I usually tune out when posts are long, but read the whole thing cuz paragraphs. Nice job! I hope to red pill my cousins and parents, too.

14811569? ago

Well said,...This is why I tell the left that they are screaming at their own image in the mirror////The govts of the last 55 years were not the USA but instead was different faces of the cabal which is funding their existence...One must understand that the ugly elements of western finace systems is what the left hates..and its also what the Q people hate...The corruption in high places....What the left does not see is the gains they have made are small pay offs in exchange to have the collective bridle across their heads steering them up the hill to their final demise...The left planned to usher in the NWO...THOSE IDEALISTIC CARING HUMANS CANT SEE THROUGH HISTORY WELL ENOUGH TO SEE THE AGENDA CAUSING THROUGH DECADES OR CENTURIES or passed from one generation to the next for world conquest.... The reason the cant believe that hundreds of years ago this plan was put into effect is they can not see the common driver who saw benefit for the times they were in....the devil.

14811503? ago

Mom, may I just simply say to you, "I glory in your spunk!" (old saying which is quite the compliment).

14811355? ago

Thank you. I've missed the last couple rallies, but previously, I'd noticed what I thought was a change in Trump's rhetoric. He was talking less about conservative vs. liberal and more about having "common sense." I think we need two more years of the conservatives, but in the end, I hope my liberal children (I raised them.) will feel welcomed into a unified-field of WWG1WGA.

14810843? ago

I hope ppl are getting woke. But I’m also fearful that in the mean time we are going to become so divided that when the hammer comes down there will really be a civil war cause the left won’t accept the truth. I wish Q would just drop the hammer already.

14810695? ago

[email protected] is an amazing video. Things every American SHOULD know but doesnt because of the stupid MSM. if you cant handle sitting still for an hour (trust me, I didnt think i could until I started watching) at least FFwd to the 30 minute mark. if thats still too much (you're missing GREAT data!!) go to the 40 min mark for very VITAL info on ISIS (warning-extremely graphic), Iran and China. our kids and grandkids were about to be fucked over BIG. scary shit! https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=465&v=2s9ejkYkb88

14810653? ago

This mom of two college sons salutes you! I am still trying to red pill them and hubby...it's a daunting task...but I keep praying and sending proofs. Thank you! You have given me HOPE. !!

14811388? ago

You will be surprised one day I think! Truly, the telling them thing doesn't work. Ask them questions you know they will have a hard time answering without looking up undeniable truths.

14810014? ago


14809913? ago

One of the most promising things I’ve read in awhile...thx

14808883? ago

Just like you are pissed off sad about Disney, I'm upset sad about ALL my favourite movies spoilt by the BAD actors/actresses.

I'm optimist that there are a lot of Talented people (more talented) that were not given the chance (not corrupted) will FILL their place !

Better script writers also.

For us the Sky is not Falling, but the Sky is the Limit.

14812178? ago

Me too. I know I drive my family crazy when I say I won't watch anything with xyz in it... Tonight, I said hmmm, not sure about him when hubby wanted to watch something on Ron Howard's latest movie about Mars. I hope not "Opie"!

14808647? ago

So very well said!! Congratulations on being wise enough to let your children come to the awakening at their own pace.

14808131? ago

I managed to turn someone who posted on Trump's twitter feed with disparaging comments - from hating him with a passion, to saying "I have a soft spot in my heart for him" in a period of about 10 minutes of conversation.

I'm still working on getting them to be a hardcore Trump supporter, haha.

14808203? ago

One at a time and all of the sudden!!!

14808044? ago

You want us to welcome wolves in sheep's clothing just when they're on the run? Go to hell.

14807841? ago

This may not be part of your point, but the "CNN wrestling" thing was YEARS ago. The WWE brought in DJT for a story line of "Trump vs McMahon, billionaire vs billionaire". When he began to embarrass CNN on a regular basis, someone else photoshopped the CNN logo and POTUS's face on the wrestlers. I know this because I watched WWE back then (I think it was still WWF then).

14808209? ago

Yes, but he re-Tweeted it.

14806881? ago

We must welcome anyone coming from the dark into the light, into the fold, without ridicule or I told you so's.

This. So much this! Great write up.

14806880? ago

That's a great post. Thanks!

14806742? ago

"I'm still pissed off about fond memories of Mickey Mouse and Disney World being ruined forever. But the good news is this. I was as sad about GWB as many of my friends will be when they find out the truth about Obama (and Hillary but c'mon, by now most of them know). And in that we can unite and console, and move on to something so much better. Something we could never have imagined even a year ago. This Great Awakening will make these times the most glorious. I can feel it in my bones." - 2828599?

Thank you for your entire post Patriot, but especially the last paragraph....made my day! WWG1WGA

14806632? ago

Great read. I'm a London anon, we're being utterly screwed over with the brexit vote here, I'll be surprised if it goes ahead. My 15 yo son's mother and her family are as liberal/marxist as they come, she's a producer at the BBC. When I had that hard talk with my boy a few years ago about why I hated the EU and would vote Brexit, and why I thought Trump would win and be a great president he just listened agog - he'd never heard anyone stating the case for either position before - anywhere. I explained that the media is all one-sided lies, that we live in a sophisticated version of North Korea where people are seen as being mad if they have an opinion other than that spoon-fed in the media or by the teachers. He's a smart kid and quietly ruminated on what I'd said. He decided that Brexit made sense and shocked is mum by arguing in favour of Trump. We have exactly the same issues here as you have/had there but no Trump/Q team to help us out. Let's just say I've become obsessed with the US primaries ...

14806778? ago

I am amazed at how many people from outside of the US are following this thing. It really is a world wide movement. As a history buff I can barely stand it - so many people seem to be oblivious to how BIG this thing is from a historical perspective. As to your situation, do not despair. Did you see the article about the May ultimatum? You can read it as good or bad, but clearly she thinks that what happens with the mid-terms here will have a world wide impact. And even if you take a step back, sooner or later you'll take another two steps forward if this snowball continues to pick up speed. If I could only describe how despondent I was when Obama won his second term. It's almost impossible to describe how bleak everything seemed at the time. And now I have so much hope. More than I could ever have imagined. It's a remarkable time to be alive really.

14810520? ago

Do not be surprised Patriot! I'm from Australia and follows Q every day.

14806604? ago

Thanks for insight into your perspective. It's always good to hear about the view and situation on the ground from other's around us.

14806375? ago

I'm saving this comment, thanks.

14806382? ago

Wow, thank you.

14806297? ago

well said! making me emotional just reading and thinking how patient you were with your boys and reading on as they start to come around. love it! Lord, please continue to wake people up to the evil that is in this world and protect those in power that are fighting for good, amen!

14806357? ago

So glad you liked it. I love my boys so much.

14806525? ago

I am trying to red pill some family as well. My mom is interested for sure. My dad could care or less I think. Sister is soaking it up along with her husband. I am still fairly new to it only starting in August after being redpilled by an older buddy of mine. I feel like I am one of the younger ones on here being in my early thirties but I am checking voat multiple times a day catching up on articles that people are posting. It’s still insane to me how blinded most of us have been our whole lives. Some people have been awoken for a long time but this stuff never occurred to me in the slightest. Just regurgitated what I heard without any research into it. Sobering! Praise God for seeing truth!

14808976? ago

There are some of us who have been awake since the assassination of JFK and grew up in a country we witnessed being destroyed. Imagine being awake that long when everyone around you is asleep. Yes it will be difficult for many to finally see what corruption has been around them for so long, but for others it is like realizing all these many years we were silently screaming for everyone to wake up. Now they are and I don’t have the words to express what that feels like.

14806081? ago

Great job mom. I have been saying that President Trump has been playing a reality show character all along. As time goes on he shows more of who he truly is. That character caused a lot of people to underestimate him to their own demise. Trump has been taking all the flack and abuse to keep up the distraction yet at the same time he has exposed who the real racists are. While MSM and dems spew hatred they have exposed how they play this game. Every thing they throw at President Trump backfires as well. Each incident brings more people to the truth as well. I've seen a diehard liberal (one that would probably wear a vagina hat) wake up with the Kavanaugh show and I've seen another diehard Democrat come around to Trump with the caravan. He actually feels bad for President Trump.
So when I get anxious for arrests I just remember that more and more are waking up ,& we want as many as possible on the side if truth. I truly believe GOD has lifted the veil that we were sleeping under & these corrupt ones are done for.

14805847? ago

I really enjoyed reading this---thanks for sharing it and thanks for being a good mom and a good Patriot. So much truth in what you have written.

14805926? ago

Thank you so much. It's only my second or third post here but I really do see something big changing in the last month or so.

14805683? ago

Way to go Mom! It's easy to get impatient and think 'how can they not see......' but we need to keep keeping on. One day soon it will made clear.

14805757? ago

I really do think so.

14806163? ago

My husband just says "I hope you're right" and I smile and say "you'll see".

14805108? ago

This is so heartening to hear!!! Every day I pray that enough people are awakened to finally turn the tide and make all the difference! Thank you so much for sharing!!!

14805525? ago

WWG1WGA is becoming a reality! We just get their in our own time I guess.

14805080? ago

Thr truth is a seed that will grow, sometimes fast and sometimes slow. Good on you Mom.

14804913? ago

Great post! Keep chipping away at them! In the meantime can you please share what you are referring to about the article and Andy spade's mouse mask, I am not familiar with that. Thank you!

14805448? ago

https://www.insideedition.com/kate-spade-dead-55-andy-spade-dons-mouse-mask-hes-spotted-first-time-wifes-death-43972 https://www.yahoo.com/news/kate-spade-dead-55-andy-192005932.html

If you google Andy Spade and Podesta artist you will see that he collects the same bizarre art that the Podestas collect, Biljana Djurdjevic. Lots of not so subtle child abuse/molestation depictions. You can google the name and you'll get the picture no pun intended. Once you start to research this you will see that there is a certain amount of shared symbolism that starts to pop up over and over again - the one red shoe, red ribbon, bunnies for some insane reason. It's unbelievable how prevalent and widespread it really is. Here's Spade with a portrait of HIS DAUGHTER by this twisted artist:


So the question at that point becomes, what did the Kate Spade "suicide" note mean? If you don't know, the note she left for her daughter said, "This is not your fault. Ask your father."

Lots more. Spade's Instagram/Twitter not unlike the bizarre Instagram/Twitter account(s) of Anthony Bourdain. They died the same way, hung "themselves" on a doorknob. Bourdain's girlfriend Asia Argento was the Metoo lady at the Cannes Festival who, oddly enough paid a young man when he sued her for molesting him when he was just a child. Her Instagram/Twitter also replete with strange eye of horus, horned this and that BS. There is an entire not so underworld of these weirdos. Hard to separate the victims from molesters, because the victims become the molesters. Argento was the daughter of a famous horror film producer so she grew up in Hollywood. Rumor abound about how she became such a nut.

14819204? ago

Thank you very much!

14804777? ago

God Bless You & Yours!

WWG1WGA (•◡•ʃƪ 🐸🗽✝💗FOR GOD AND COUNTRY 💗🕊🗽⚖🐸(❀◡‿◡)7 #TheGreatAwakening #Q

14805467? ago

God Bless. Don't you feel like this movement is picking up momentum big time?

14806116? ago

You are absolutely correct ~

We are witnessing the D5 Avalanche Scale of TRUTH & INFORMATION which is fueling our GREAT AWAKENING movement,

and God Almighty, is it ever BEAUTIFUL!
WWG1WGA (•◡•ʃƪ 🐸🗽✝💗FOR GOD AND COUNTRY 💗🕊🗽⚖🐸(❀◡‿ ◡)7 #TheGreatAwakening #Q


14804752? ago

There is no way to know the truth but with personal experience- your children will know soon.

14804658? ago

"If You Are Not a Liberal at 25, You Have No Heart. If You Are Not a Conservative at 35 You Have No Brain." There is always hope momma. Heck, I voted for Bill Clinton in my college days.

14804601? ago

It feels so good to say "I told you so," even if you can't say it out loud. When you're alone make sure you do the I Told You So dance. Know what I mean?

14804450? ago

The truth IS truly getting out.

More people are waking up to the JQ every day.

14804429? ago

Oh my, I can relate to that! Our daughter is a Bernie lover, voted for Hillary though because she couldn't get herself to vote for Trump. The Pussy comment was too much for her and she just won't get over it. She just hates him. She knows about Hillary/Bill being pedos, knows about the Lolita Express (she found out on her own). Still, she hates Trump like the plague. She thinks socialism is okay. I grew up in socialism and no matter what I said, she still supported it because she figured "they" would get it (socialism) right this time, LOL. She goes to college and works at a hair salon on the side. We were talking about customers being cheap with their tips etc. and she says "Yeah, but imagine I worked at a salon where they pool all the tips and then divide them evenly among the hair designers. How is that supposed to encourage anyone to do their best?" And there it was: she couldn't have laid it out any better for me to jump in and say "Uh, yes, that would be socialism. You wouldn't want that!" and I left it at that. I could hear the gears in her head turning. It was the end of the conversation but I know she walked away from it thinking and she will remember it every time she puts her tips in her pocket instead of sharing them with someone that didn't do the work. It will take a while longer but she WILL SEE THE LIGHT.

14811798? ago

Billionaires next to the homeless - every American dream has 99 nightmares. Work hard and die. There are some nasty jobs out there and lives to go with those jobs.

Gotta be a better way.

14804520? ago

There's a famous story about a professor asking his A students to share the wealth so no one had to get a D or whatever. It's hilarious. The other is the beer story. I am going to look for them. Here:

The professor then said, “OK, we will have an experiment in this class on Obama’s plan”. All grades will be averaged and everyone will receive the same grade so no one will fail and no one will receive an A (substituting grades for dollars – something closer to home and more readily understood by all). After the first test, the grades were averaged and everyone got a B. The students who studied hard were upset and the students who studied little were happy.As the second test rolled around, the students who studied little had studied even less and the ones who studied hard decided they wanted a free ride too so they studied little.The second test average was a D! No one was happy.When the third test rolled around, the average was an F.As the tests proceeded, the scores never increased as bickering, blame and name-calling all resulted in hard feelings and no one would study for the benefit of anyone else. To their great surprise, all failed and the professor told them that socialism would also ultimately fail because when the reward is great, the effort to succeed is great, but when government takes all the reward away, no one will try or want to succeed. It could not be any simpler than that.

Second one is actually more about taxes:

Suppose that every day, ten men go out for beer and the bill for all ten comes to $100.

If they paid their bill the way we pay our taxes, it would go something like this: The first four men (the poorest) would pay nothing. The fifth would pay $1. The sixth would pay $3. The seventh would pay $7. The eighth would pay $12. The ninth would pay $18. The tenth man (the richest) would pay $59. So, that's what they decided to do. The ten men drank in the bar every day and seemed quite happy with the arrangement, until one day, the owner threw them a curve. "Since you are all such good customers," he said, "I'm going to reduce the cost of your daily beer by $20." Drinks for the ten now cost just $80.

The group still wanted to pay their bill the way we pay our taxes so the first four men were unaffected. They would still drink for free. But what about the other six men - the paying customers? How could they divide the $20 windfall so that everyone would get his 'fair share?' They realized that $20 divided by six is $3.33. But if they subtracted that from everybody's share, then the fifth man and the sixth man would each end up being paid to drink his beer. So, the bar owner suggested that it would be fair to reduce each man's bill by roughly the same amount, and he proceeded to work out the amounts each should pay. And so - the fifth man, like the first four, now paid nothing (100% savings). The sixth now paid $2 instead of $3 (33%savings). The seventh now pay $5 instead of $7 (28%savings). The eighth now paid $9 instead of $12 (25% savings). The ninth now paid $14 instead of $18 (22% savings). The tenth now paid $49 instead of $59 (16% savings). Each of the six was better off than before. And the first four continued to drink for free.

But once outside the restaurant, the men began to compare their savings. "I only got a dollar out of the $20," declared the sixth man. He pointed to the tenth man, "but he got $10!" "Yeah, that's right," exclaimed the fifth man. "I only saved a dollar, too. It's unfair that he got ten times more than I!" "That's true!!" shouted the seventh man. "Why should he get $10 back when I got only two? The wealthy get all the breaks!" "Wait a minute," yelled the first four men in unison. "We didn't get anything at all. The system exploits the poor!" The nine men surrounded the tenth and beat him up. The next night the tenth man didn't show up for drinks, so the nine sat down and had beers without him. But when it came time to pay the bill, they discovered something important. They didn't have enough money between all of them for even half of the bill! And that, boys and girls, journalists and college professors, is how our tax system works. The people who pay the highest taxes get the most benefit from a tax reduction. Tax them too much, attack them for being wealthy, and they just may not show up anymore. In fact, they might start drinking overseas where the atmosphere is somewhat friendlier."

14813186? ago

But tax them not at all and there will be problems too. Goldilocks Tax!

And when one man owns the world and everyone else has to pay rent to him, the rent had better be reasonable and fair.

The drinkers must have been totally pissed to have been so totally pissed off. Irrational. But people do cut off their noses to spite their face at perceived unfairness and injustice - may not be rational.

The Shepherd should look after his flock and the sheep should expect to be shorn - but killed and sacrificed to God - or merely eaten?? Not fair, not reasonable.

Exponential growth and how we're not designed to understand it and its consequences https://youtu.be/fiCKf7hfagk?t=1087 American Bread & Circus (Hidden Secrets Of Money Ep 10) [The end is nigh!]

we're surrounded by exponential growth it's in our economy it's in our monetary numbers it's in our debt numbers

it's in environmental statistics it's in how rapidly we're depleting things in an inverse exponential decay it's in everywhere we were surrounded by

so understanding is really critical so I have a couple examples to help people understand what exponential growth is and why it's so hard


from all of human history until 1962 put the first three billion people on the planet and then just 40 years to put the next three billion people on the planet

and this is important because the earth is our stadium and we're living through one of the most extraordinary periods of human history not just American history not just in our personal lifetime history but human history because you and I will be alive during a time when human population will have fully tripled from roughly three billion to nine billion if we live to ripe old ages

it's extraordinary it's putting pressure on everything and that exponential human growth is putting the curve on all those charts we just talked about how fast were depleting oil how much food we have to grow airline miles traveled loss of tuna from the oceans how much money has to be created

all of that is being driven by this exponential process and so something I really like to be able to communicate to people is that exponential processes speed up at the end

A couple of notices

Senior civil servants in Victorian times were ranked by the carpet in their office. Top dogs got fully carpeted, lesser got carpet up to one foot from the wall and lower orders got just a rug. There were also honours - gongs. So people can be motivated by status.

Somewhere along the line [Margaret Thatcher] the only status that mattered was the amount of money in one's bank account. It was probably always thus.

The top hunter in prehistoric times provided for their village - they got first choice of food and women - that was the "understanding".

For whosoever hath, to him shall be given, and he shall have more abundance: but whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken away even that he hath. Mark 4:12 [Always seemed unChristian to me]

https://biblehub.com/kjv/matthew/13.htm https://biblehub.com/kjv/matthew/25.htm

With the parable of the talents, in different circumstances, the "prudent" man who buried his talent may have been have been the only one with anything left if the others had lost theirs in unwise or unlucky business ventures - if their ships had not come in...

Then he that had received the five talents went and traded with the same, and made them other five talents. 17And likewise he that had received two, he also gained other two. 18But he that had received one went and digged in the earth, and hid his lord's money. Luke 19:16

Also, if you have much capital you can afford to take greater risks as failure may not lead to starvation or destitution. Risk some and keep the rest for security.

Of course, if you have nothing to lose, there is a different risk calculation. Not everyone is driven by fame or fortune.


14826254? ago

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14807680? ago


14804203? ago

I'm finding the same shift with my adult/teen kids. Thank you for sharing! We have to have the wisdom when and when not to speak, trusting that the truth always wins--plus good parenting along the way!

14804225? ago

Has to be happening then. The fact that my son would even think about going to a Trump rally is still hard to get my brain around. Probably the biggest "IT'S HAPPENING" moment for me yet!

14804201? ago

I never understood why young clueless people liked Bernie other than the fact that they are clueless. Maybe its because I don't watch: Comedy Central, SNL, Late night talk shows or follow MSM fads etc.

14804260? ago

If you are 20 you were barely a toddler when 9/11 happened and 10 when Obama was elected. All they have ever known is terrorism and corruption. They have never been taught about socialism. I can see what happened with Bernie pretty easily actually. But he did us all a favor when he threw in with Hillary's camp. Talk about the bloom coming off the rose. My kids couldn't believe it.

14804160? ago

An outstanding SMART Mom!

14804270? ago

Very kind, thank you. It truly is not an easy job but the best job on the planet earth. Bar none.

14804074? ago

Good Job. I would imagine the subconscious is very much a problem solver when we ask it ;-) I also think regarding socialism we are half way their already. Schools, taxes, social security etc. jmho

14804282? ago

I agree. I wonder, though, if things will continue to trend away from the whole nanny state thing.

14803971? ago

Well said! I admire the way way you tossed undeniable tidbits of truth here and there to inspire your sons to think in a new way and dig deeper. Having a mindset with an affinity for alternative theories, I still never comprehended the deep foul pollution of the fabric of our society. Nor did I imagine that a politician could serve as a shining light on it. My son was a DJT supporter, though, and I knew he had to be better than HC. His style put me off, but I soon realized what sheer genius it was. You stated it beautifully.

14804004? ago

You are so kind. I was a little embarrassed at how long my post was when I went back to read it! Damn lawyers!

14803848? ago

Great post. Thanks. I was a Bernie supporter. I even wrote him in on my ballot because i couldn’t bring myself to vote for either of the other two.

14803910? ago

My kids didn't vote they were so disgusted. I should have suggested the write in at the time but I didn't realize they decided not to vote at all.

14803616? ago

My younger son I think was sincerely worried about my sanity when I started to talk about Pizzagate.

That's exactly what the Deep State wants to happen: see people close to the truth as being bonkers. I'm sorry your son fell for that. But I admit it took me over 20 years of research to actually see many of the conspiracies actually fit and make sense. First I thought "If this is true, does the pattern over the long-term actually make sense?" The answer is a resounding "Yes!"

Once you know WHY JFK was killed, it all makes more sense. He was going to expose the corruption of the C_A as the C_A was really dirty at that point. It was a rogue agency.

The Kavanaugh hearing was essentially Trump defamation on steroids,

Yep, and after the hearings Christine Ford suddenly had a million dollars in her GoFundMe account. It was like magic!

You did good, just be persistent without forcing it down their throats. Make them prove their allegations against Trump, not using any MSM sources. They won't be able to. It's all fake news against Trump.

14803690? ago

That's exactly what I did with my younger one when he went nuts about Pizzagate. "There isn't even a basement in the Pizza Parlour Mom Geeze! You are scaring me." So I said listen, I don't care what you end up believing, but I insist that you look into this yourself and make up your own mind. These are open source documents available to everyone. Look it up, or I am going to have to start wondering what the hell I am paying for you to learn at that institution of higher learning." He did at some point come back to me and say, "You were right about the Nickelodeon thing but I swear, if we saw anything weird at the time we didn't know it!" Baby steps.

14803796? ago

There isn't even a basement in the Pizza Parlour Mom Geeze!

Why, was your son there?

14803876? ago

Apparently there isn't. I had read that somewhere too, but no one has dismissed the possibility that the Instagram pictures from Alefantis' account of the creepy basement with the strange comments that accompany it, could be located at some pig farm he apparently owns, or maybe it's his boyfriend. The left does this all the time. They disprove some irrelevant thing and then tag it to the bigger thing to disprove the entire narrative. Somehow it seems to work, over and over again. I think they have figured out that people are really afraid of looking stupid. So they use it. Snopes does it with their carefully worded "Mostly False" BS all of the time.

14803553? ago

Thanks for sharing your story! I am in a similar situation with my family. I've managed to redpill my mother about 80% of the way, and she supports Trump, but my father is still 100% never-trumper, and gets angry if anyone even brings it up. He's a Christian Conservative, so when pressed he will admit that he supports the wall, conservative justices, tax cuts, etc., but he just can't get past the Trump Ego/Personality, and refuses to look into any evidence of child-trafficking crackdown. I've decided to just give him space and let the story play out and the evidence come out! God Bless All Of You Patriots!!

14811698? ago

Same here, only my husband IS a pill. Like you, I have backed off because, "hello", I'm the cray-cray one! The story is still unfolding & it sure looks like the red carpet is rolling out, bigly!!! MAGA

14803704? ago

Back at ya! Keep up the good fight.

14803494? ago


14803425? ago

Thank you for that great account. I think the Kavanaugh hearings really snapped a lot of people out of their spell, but you're right, it's been drip, drip, dripping out all along. I feel like those that aren't awake by now, with an invasion force near our border, will never wake, but I still hope, pray, meme and of course, vote!

14803344? ago

is there a link for the specific andy spade mask article you referenced?

14803584? ago


If you google Podesta and Andy Spade you will find FB pages and Twitter threads with a ton of information. Some of it is arguably benign, but not all of it. Lot's of pedo and devil imagery. Creepy. To me the fact that he would have a pedophile artist do a portrait of his own daughter alone is extremely disturbing. I don't know if you have a Twitter account but for example: https://twitter.com/thesharpedge1/status/1005187764025884672?lang=en

14803251? ago

Terrific! Best wishes to you and may your children continue to wise up!

14803259? ago

I know it's really encouraging. Back at ya with the best wishes! WWG1WGA!

14803223? ago

Fun read and I agree. A lot of people starting to question the mass narrative as the shift in consciousness continues to spread! Thanks for the post!

14803403? ago

I am so glad other people are seeing this shift. It's really something. Even more fascinating is the likelihood that MI knows how this educating the masses thing works. A little scary though too.

14803107? ago

I see this type of thing happening where I work. I work in a very lefty city. Last year, my coworkers would point at pictures of Trump and say vile things. The drip, drip, drip IS seeping in. I have seen the biggest change since the Kavanaugh hearing. Now, they say things like "I like his policies and the things he's done, but I am not sure about his style". That is a long way from the hate they would spew about President Trump last year. They even join me in mocking CNN.

14803074? ago

Time goes by and as a lawyer,.... and other court documents that can be pulled straight off of PACER.

I'm assuming you are referring to the 57k sealed indictment claim? That's the only time PACER is discussed in relation to Qanon.

PACER doesn't identify sealed indictments, so it is a total lie to make that claim. I'm not saying you did in your post, I am pointing it out.

The only reason the numbers look high, is because they are comparing it to 12 year old data, and are comparing totally different sets of data. Make proper comparisons on recent history, and the numbers are normal. In other words, the entire thing is a hoax.

I did extensive research about this on PACER, and I also had discussions with the 'research' team that pushes the 55k claim. I wrote an article that explains every detail, and is fully sourced. I would be interested in you and/or your husbands feedback, since you are attorneys.


My husband was skeptical at first, but sadly, as lawyers we are both far too used to the corruption and at this stage of the game are pretty hard to shock. He's sold after a few Praying Medic videos.

Have you seen the infomercials he made where he sells his faith healing books that he wrote? This guy oozes snake oil, and he is VERY good at what he does. He is also getting wealthy off of the Q movement, from donations. There is way more money flowing here than most people realize.

Faith healing scam guy + Qanon money = bad smell.

Just sayin.

Here is a link to one of his infomercials.


14803244? ago

I wasn't talking about the sealed indictments. I was reading some of the Mueller stuff and a lawsuit filed by Dennis Montgomery and Larry Klayman. To this day, I believe (but I haven't checked in a month or two), Flynn has yet to be sentenced for his guilty plea. That's unheard of, and the first continuance requested almost a year ago was "due to the status of the special counsel" - whatever that means. As to Praying Medic, facts are facts. You can take or leave whatever you like about him but he does a good job summarizing the Q drops. I think Q has linked to him once or twice too. I've never given him a dime but don't begrudge him for wanting to make a living doing something he loves. But I am a capitalist so there's that.

14804217? ago

Well you are probably the only person in Qanon history who has mentioned PACER, and wasn't referring to the sealed indictments.

That aside, what is your opinion on that issue? Q said there were 50k indictments, and he also posted the chart that is listed at the beginning of my article.

My article proves that that claim is false, and that there is nothing unusual about the amount of proceedings being filed this year. Your thoughts?

I've never given him a dime but don't begrudge him for wanting to make a living doing something he loves.

The guy is a classic grifter, and he is making money off of something that has all the hallmarks of a cult scam... whether it is or isn't.

Just pointing that out. Not necessarily for you, but for anyone who is reading this and is unfamiliar with the situation.

14804426? ago

In the end I think there are probably an unusual number of indictments involving MS-13 and Human Trafficking. There certainly has been a huge uptick in the publicly known trafficking arrests and prosecutions. And it would seem that the Nexium and Backpage indictments (I think I have those names right) are geared toward pumping the lower end of the rung for information on bad guys way up the chain, which even I know is a common tactic. I can't dismiss Q as a shill or larp because there is just too much happening that is consistent with what he/they have said was going on behind the scenes. The North Korea thing for me was huge, but oddly, the John Perry Barlow thing was probably the biggest even though it's not something that anyone talks about. The executive order on Human Rights Abuses and Corruption (in Government) is also pretty hard to ignore. Why would you have a single executive order address these seemingly separate issues, together? It's almost like an announcement that government corruption and human trafficking are one and the same. This December 2017 EO comes out just as Q is talking about what? Human trafficking. At the end of the day, time will tell as my mother always says.

14804540? ago

Do you have a source for the uptick in trafficking arrests and prosecutions, that you referenced?

Thank you for your thoughts. Yes, time will tell. Unlike similar situations, this one has a bit of an expiration date... in 6 months, or so, we should all know the answer one way or the other. My bet is that it isn't legit, but we will see.

I also wrote a similar article that debunks the Whidbey Island 'missile' from back in June. That's also a big reason why I dont think this is legit. Here it is if you would ever like to read through it.


14803484? ago

Flynn is set to be sentenced in December. It’s been postponed 3 times. My best friend is a lawyer and she said that isn’t unusual. Seems pretty unusual to me since he was the first to do a plea. I’m trying to wake her up by asking her questions. Not working.

14803797? ago

That's a really long time. And if you look at the other court proceedings the judge was ticked off at first and then sort of just backed down on insisting on sentencing. It was weird. I don't know what it means though. There is so much going on that it's hard to follow all of it, no?

14803934? ago

If I remember correctly, the judge that accepted the plea had to recuse himself from sentencing him. Which I also thought was bizarre because nobody ever explained why. They said on the news that ‘it happens sometimes’ . I always wondered if he was aFISA judge.

14803068? ago

Nice job raising gays.

14803023? ago

I despise lawyers but this was well written and interesting to read

14803037? ago

Thanks? Truth is I despise most of them too. ;)

14802981? ago

I work with many attorneys, most all say much of the same as you. The evidence of the corruption of the FISA warrent is undeniable now. The last ditch smear campaign against Kavanaugh with allegations from 30 years ago put most of them over the fence into the "Right". Now get out and vote!

14802997? ago

Already did vote! And I am always late to everything (working on it though).

14802886? ago

Great story!

I am from the UK but am still trying to do my bit with my family. Stepson and fiancee came round recently and they both hate DJT and stepson thinks that anyone connected with the chans must be, at best, a LARP.

However, I think I scored a few goals. You can tell that by watching the eyebrows. A raised eyebrow means, back off, you have scored a point, just let it sink in and wait for another opportunity.

Thanks for posting.

14802620? ago

Thoughtful parenting! There’s no need to jam it all down everyone’s throat.. they’ll figure it out on their own. Great write-up!

14802648? ago

I appreciate your kind words!

14802440? ago

Not only are you a lawyer, but you're a pretty good writer. This was very interesting. And good job ;)

14816278? ago

I had the same thought!

14802643? ago

Thank you!

14811754? ago

Fabulous tale - thanks. Greetings from London @Silverlining

14802414? ago

Impressive!! Thank you for sharing!!! Gives m ehope that our youth isn't lost.

14802210? ago

Thank you for posting this, MomAnon.

14802144? ago

Beautiful !! Thank you. I'm keeping this up, because my wife needs to read it. I Love You.

14802137? ago

My 22 yo adult stepson texted me yesterday. “I voted! All red!” The lies are loosing their power.

14803092? ago

One thing that Trump did fantastically was force the left to dial up their smears to such a level that many middle of the road types said to themselves, "come on this is ridiculous".

14808677? ago

I think there was a Q reference to that in the past- something about ‘letting them spend their ammo’.

14806829? ago

It is exactly this that I used to open most of my moderate friends eyes with.

"Why do you think their rhetoric has become so intense? I mean, we all know they hate Trump, but think about it... this is above hate. Doesn't this look like panic to you? Why are they afraid? What are they afraid of?"

Questions left unanswered and given time to stew is what really people's eyes.

14813293? ago

Exactly, this is what I call building the bridge, you build the bridge and guide them to it, suddenly, they want to cross it on their own and they think it's their own idea.

14802104? ago

Me and my best friend were Bernie supporters. I started with the ThompsonTimeline.com before the primaries, so I knew better than to vote for Hillary. I voted for Trump so I could vote for him in 2020 and so did my best friend.

We are both voting for Trump in 2020 and I really don't have a problem admitting I'm wrong. The more you embrace being uncertain and not knowing, the more comfortable you will feel in knowing that you don't know. Uncertainty removes our judgements of others; it preempts the unnecessary stereotyping and biases that we otherwise feel. Uncertainty also relieves us of our judgement of ourselves. The only way to succeed is to remain uncertain and be open to finding them out through experience. The person who believes he knows everything learns nothing. The more we admit we do not know, the more opportunities we gain to learn.

14811705? ago

Bernie would have won if his nomination wasn't stolen.

14830187? ago

Don't you think now that as quickly as he rolled over to Clinton that he would have rolled over to the DS in a heartbeat and done their bidding? Do you really believe Sanders would be Independent and upset their apple cart and provide education and homes to everyone?

You are still naive. Sanders is, was and forever will be a meat puppet.

14815116? ago

Identifying and verbalizing a problem doesn't mean his solution through redistribution of wealth (steal your money to give to someone else) was the right direction. The federal government has demonstrated for decades it's incompetence with taxpayer money.

14815647? ago

The capitalist solution of every man for himself seems cruel. Some swim, but others sink.

Tragedy of the Commons. When everything belongs to everyone, nothing belongs to anyone and the free ride becomes the norm.

But lighting a fire under everyone seems to produce better results overall, and with fewer total casualties. Nature's own solution - the carrot and the stick - risks and rewards.

Every intervention to try to right "wrongs" seems to create more of the wrongs.

If you subsidise poverty or ill health or homelessness, guess what? You get more of it!

But getting back to The Gardn of Eden, where th best things in life are free has a appeal.

The agglomeration of wealth in the hands of fewer and fewer people seems to be a problem and the revolutionary solution whether American or French has historically always been bloody.

Something to be avoided if at all possible.

14813903? ago

I think Bernie would have won too. However, too many people have figured out that he way would not have worked and Trump had a better way of helping the country. Bernie only had half a plan. Trumps plan is better.

14813305? ago

Was never a Bernie fan, but at least he actually believed what he said (in spite of being an angry old man). The fact that Clinton could steal it from him and he caved to her, really proves that he didn't have the chops to pull off the plan.

14806908? ago

What is important is the ability to admit when you are wrong. Because there are going to be many times in our lives where we are wrong. However, your ability to identify it and admit it is key. To shrug and say, "Well... shit. I was wrong, wasn't I?"

It is what comes after that moment that really matters most.

14808713? ago

Humility and Truth- 2 virtues that were sidelined for so long now making a comeback.

14802040? ago

What a gloriously well put summary (been through similar experience with kids - that were adult voters at time of 2016 election).

14802129? ago

Thanks so much for your comment, and went back and read my own very long post and thought "Geeze what a blabbermouth."

14805754? ago

"Geeze what a blabbermouth"

No, you made good points - a lot of families have been through or are going through this kind of internal division. Patience, restraint, faith, and determination to keep the bonds of love in tact regardless of these seas being negotiated - that was my take away and my own way of getting through this (with some success, I may add)

14801807? ago

Excellent post anon mom. Sounds like all hope is not lost on Bernie Sanders youths.

14801576? ago

Thank you. Encouraging story. We must be ready to console and refrain from alienating those who will soon be forced to see the truth. It will be devastating when they finally see the truth. We have to remember they are not bad people, they are just brain washed as we were once too.

14801554? ago

Fellow lawyer and husband of former Bernie, now-Trump-supporting lawyer here. Good on you and your family. It’s a process, but the Great Awakening grows like a flower. It just needs time and TLC.

14801440? ago

Great account. Happy to hear the message is getting through and that your strategy of subtle understanding and patience does in fact work. It is much better to redpill someone when they believe that they discovered it on their own, even though they were being nudged in that direction all along, there's much less resistance. Good work mom!

14801462? ago

Thanks. I did stumble along the way for sure. I hope my extended family comes around. People where I live say and think the most mind boggling things.

14801421? ago

Good Mom. God bless you.

14801430? ago


14801349? ago

Good job Mom!

14801435? ago

Thanks to you too!

14801188? ago

You've taken your first step on a long journey. You can take a second red pill and go deeper down the rabbit hole if you want.

14802422? ago

Alex Jones BS.

14802506? ago

He simply talked about it. He wasn't involved in the creation of it. You should spend some time and educate yourself.

14802616? ago

I already know all about Hitler from M.S. King.

14803675? ago

That documentary is factual historical footage. It's not a bunch of pro-Nazi propaganda. I'm not a Nazi. But, I believe that history was rewritten to demonize Hitler because of his attitude towards the Jews.

14804332? ago

BTW, history was rewritten not just because of his attitude. It was rewritten to justify stealing Palestinian territory to create the state of Israel, as well as to continue the jews as victims narrative.

14804268? ago

Whoever put that together should go back and take Jones out. He does not help their argument. As soon as I saw Jones I stopped watching, and I am not alone in that.

14804560? ago

This documentary came out like 4 or 5 years ago. Long before Jones was in the mainstream news. But, I agree, having him there does nothing to help the documentary. The historical stuff stands on its own. There's a lot of hidden information in that film. Stuff they don't teach you about in school.

14804798? ago

Well thanks for the link. It's important to be exposed to information other than "official" information. Maybe I'll skip past Jones and take a look.

14801092? ago

Donald J. Trump ✔ @realDonaldTrump

A vicious accuser of Justice Kavanaugh has just admitted that she was lying, her story was totally made up, or FAKE! Can you imagine if he didn’t become a Justice of the Supreme Court because of her disgusting False Statements. What about the others? Where are the Dems on this?

14806165? ago

Funny how I have yet to hear a SINGLE Democrat disavow this liar. What say you, Kamalama Ding Dong? You are the one who brought this person forward...

14813275? ago

I have heard some try with the "you don't understand the trauma"...as though that somehow made the lies acceptable.