14803969? ago

I was exposed to this Abel and Cain wisdom from an elderly Christian about 8 years ago. It was explained that Eve was tempted by Lucifer and ate of the knowledge of good and evil (apple) first. Which means she committed sexual sin with Lucifer. She tempts Adam into sexual sin with Lucifer in short order. (possibly sodomy/homosexuality enters the world here) Abel was of the Godly lineage, Cain was of Satanic lineage. Cain kills Able. Seth is born later but the bloodline is now tainted and we still battle the fleshly carnality of that knowledge of good and evil. Jesus was the Son of God and the perfect blood sacrifice, born of a virgin(no sex--a seed planted by God Himself) and when Christ is accepted by us, the lusts of the flesh can be restrained and erased by that pure bloodline of the Holy Spirit residing inside our mind and spirit. This man also mentioned that Satan/Lucifer had the 1/3 of angels who chose to follow him, also commit sexual sin with the women of men. A race of cannibalizing Giants existed from that geneology apparently. (Satanic rituals usually involve unnatural sex acts, blood sacrifice, torture, cannibalism, spirit cooking...and apparently worse?? Sound familiar from some of those Q rabbit holes?). This was so abominable and abhorrent and corruptible to humanity, therefore God sent the flood saving only Noah and his family to begin a reset by placing these demonic angels in holding in complete darkness until his plan for redemption is complete. Certainly Noah's sons and daughter in laws still had the carnal sin nature, but that angelic abominable race was destroyed. The book of Enoch found online is difficult to read, a lot of angelic information. Jude verse 14 mentions the book of Enoch, but the entire book of Jude speaks of Cain's unholy lineage, the unholy acts of Sodom and Gomorrah, and those fallen angels held in darkness. In the flesh we give in to carnality and evil natures. Through Christ's redemptive power only can we fully cast aside that sin nature. That is dark to light and the Great awakening. This biblical knowledge is meant for these days, for the unseen battle for the souls of mankind is being exposed. This war is good verses great evil. ((They)) have tried to keep the sheeple asleep and in the dark. We were mesmerized by Hellywood and slept too long until we could not kick against the pricks to our spirit anymore. These people are sick. The evil of movies, tv, music, media, education is literally making us soul sick. Thank God some awakened souls and Christian men and women and Trump have taken up the Truth of the word of God and initiated the war plans. Prayers are said every single day in the Oval office. Prayer Warriors worldwide are accessing God's power for safety and victory 24/7. We win, Praise the Lord Jesus Christ, but we need to awaken the world and exponentially grow the Kingdom of God.

14811152? ago

Beautifully said. To most, this would seem like an insane person talking, but I believe it's the 100% truth. Go tell someone you believe giants roamed the earth in the past and watch people's reaction.

I really hope Qanon starts turning it up a little bit. I know they have to avoid the conspiracy label and all, but people like us deserve the truth, we've been in the dark long enough.

14802622? ago

Eden is the enclosed garden?

14802597? ago

the two Enochs refer to the 1st son of Cain and the city Cain built east of Eden

14802677? ago

There were two Enochs in the Bible, one was the son of Cain.......the other was the son of Jared, father of Methuselah....(the one that "walked with YHWH")

14802511? ago

If you observe, you can "see" a bloodline ... https://files.catbox.moe/pvre64.png

14802320? ago


14802585? ago

Why yes, I am anti-Shekelstein.

14802310? ago

Fascinating thread - thanks for posting

14801693? ago

Now add in the Genesis 6 Conspiracy and how the nephilim came about. Angels mating the daughters of men. The book of Enoch goes into greater detail than the Bible.

The crazy thing is, you can tell this shit to Christians and they'll call you crazy, even though it's in the very book theyre worshipping.

14801989? ago

(very very few Christians have ever read the Bible, far fewer have every read the Book of Enoch or the Book of Jasher) .... I had a friend who at a young age became a 33rd Degree Mason --- they actually sent people from England and Europe to his home in Texas, because, as they told him, he became 33rd Degree faster than anyone else on record. They recruited him so hard, it scared him to death. They promised him everything, wealth power etc., if he would only come with them and basically dedicate his life to Freemasonry....they brought him very old books and he had one with him when I visited him ... it was spooky, old English text, leather bound and it was all about "Magic"...... mostly black magic and "sex magic"..... the last two people that came from Europe to his house, explained to him that those below 33rd Degree know nothing of Freemasonry...(one of these men introduced himself as 90Degree--and he said the other man appeared to be his Superior) .... He told me that one of the curious things that they brought up was ... not to confuse the Enoch of Freemasonry, with the Enoch the son of Jared.... the Enoch of Freemasonry is the son of Cain

14801619? ago

I would add to the story of Nimrod, the fall of Sodom and its 3 survivors. Lot and his daughters escaped from Sodom on foot. Even to them, the destruction was obviously localized. Lot even asks the LORD if he can go to the city of Zoar close by. When Lot's daughters decided to get pregnant by their father, it's not like they didn't have any other options. They were preserving the Sodomite bloodline.

Abraham had tried to plead with the LORD for mercy on Sodom in order to save his nephew Lot. When Abraham heard of Lot's incest he realized the harm that would do to the future of mankind. When God told Abraham to prepare his own son Isaac for a sacrifice, Abraham had learned the lesson to "trust the plan". He willingly prepared knowing that God sees the future.

Lot became father to the Moabites. Their mission was to infiltrate and disrupt every holy plan for humanity. At Sinai, God commanded the Israelites to never intermarry with the Moabites. Boaz did just that in the book of Ruth. Here is the connection between Freemasonry and bloodlines. The Masonic Temples all have icons to the twin pillars of Boaz and Jachin. The first step in the Masonic initiation, introduces the 'entered apprentice" to the Book of Ruth. It is the story of how the Israelites failed to "trust the plan".

At Sinai, God told the Israelite not to have a king. They did not trust the plan but demanded a king. They wound up with David, a decent but ruthless man and a serial monogamist. All the kings of Europe claim divine right of kingship through their descent from David.

Finally God gave us a king in Jesus. Through his legal father, Joseph, Jesus inherited the eternal kingship promised to David, but Joseph was not His bloodline father. The bond was broken. We now have an eternal king in Jesus. Jesus was proclaimed King at His entry to Jerusalem, overcame death and lives forever. We need no other king.

Nevertheless, people throughout the world cling to their royalty. A royal family thinks generations ahead. A politician thinks to the next election. Ask a Native American who honoured their treaties better, the American presidents or the British monarchs. After the Battle of Little Bighorn. Sitting Bull led his caravan of refugees across the "Medicine Line" of the 49th parallel. There, they surrendered to a single police corporal, James Walsh, and his Metis interpreter Jerry Potts.

This is the predicament of our times and of history. Politicians are corrupt. Aristocracy is out for themselves and not for the people. How do we restore power to the people and ensure that we the people act for the good of future generations and not for our hedonistic pleasure? I guess we have to TRUST THE PLAN.

14801798? ago

People who actually "know" the Bible......are the most impressive people I have ever met.........Thanks~!

14801939? ago

I should add to my comment, that trusting the plan means recognizing Jesus as our king, now and forever. We must continually try to understand the gospels and how they relate to the law that preceded them. We must reject those who would rewrite the Scriptures in the false name of "diversity and inclusivity".

14811834? ago

It's amazing how we can see the Bible for exactly what it is. It was written for US! Jesus warned us about the money changers when he best their asses out of the temple of God.

14802065? ago

Understood~ ......... https://files.catbox.moe/5fy664.png

14801537? ago

Cain...son of the "serpent". Yep that is a big red pill. Not one many want to swallow. You will be called a kook. Better get your Bibles out and reread the story of Eve's temptation. Pay special attention to what happens once she "eats" the "fruit" Pay special attention to the"punishments" handed out by God. IE: note that the FIRST thing they noticed with their newly opened eyes was that they were NAKED. And eve's punishment dealt with pain during childbirth. Yep it was all about sex.
The enemy has been using sex to lead every generation since into bondage.

14801079? ago

Cronus is an alias for Tammuz. Tammuz was Nimrod reborn - alias, his son. His wife and mother was Rhea (Semiramis). Egyptian and Babylonian antiquities recognize his mother as Semiramis, and his birthday is celebrated onĀ 25th December.

Read that pdf that was posted in the comments and search for Enoch.

This is how we find the Devil and destroy evil.

14800810? ago

"Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, figures which ye made to worship them: and I will carry you away beyond Babylon." - Acts ch7 v43.

Do an image search for the "Star of Remphan". The conspirators are just as deceived as the ones they deceive, because Lucifer the Satan is a real entity. And if Satan is real, what does that mean for everyone that doesn't believe God is real?

It gets pretty weird.

14802412? ago

I thought Lucifer was the planet Venus, the morning star?

14812250? ago

Lucifer is a Latin word, a direct reference to the planet Venus. So, yes, you're right. At least superficially. Dig deeper! There is a link to mythology, and how the nations were deceived by the "gods". Very often in the bible, there are warnings to stay away from pagan deities, from worshiping idols and other such things. But why is the bible so strict in this regard?

"And hath gone and served other gods, and worshipped them, either the sun, or moon, or any of the host of heaven, which I have not commanded;" - Deuteronomy ch17 v3.

It has a lot to do with free will and truth. Evil easily manipulates free will and truth, because that is what evil does. Truly evil people manipulate these things very well. The objective of Lucifer isn't to win (steal, kill and destroy; John ch10 v10), but to make everyone else lose, which is a big difference.

"How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!" - Isaiah ch14 v12.

Lucifer is Satan's proper name. Satan means "the accuser", like a prosecuting attorney. Lucifer means light-bearer. (Think along the lines of Prometheus, another pagan deity). The serpent in the garden of Eden. The word serpent has overlap/overtones of a luminous object; "shining one".

14813110? ago

Thank you for that. I will dig deeper.

14804595? ago

Saturn. Satarn.. Satan..

Black cubes all over the world.

14804881? ago

The more I look into these things, the more I realize that the movies and science fiction is NOT fiction. Like the beginning of the original Superman movie, with the bad guys locked in a black cube. Or the latest movie out about a Russian plot to overthrow Putin. I just read on Fulfords page that that was real too.

All I'm really after is the truth about the bible, cuz I've been thinking its garbage since I was 6.

14800659? ago


Just search for Enoch.

It's all right there. A second 'faux' trinity created by Nimrod. Guess we got to trace the bloodline.

14800646? ago

The Bible says Cain was the son of Adam and Even. And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the Lord . Genesis 4:1 KJV

Forget all of that. The secret societies are real. Freemasonry is the biggest one, they were created by the Jesuits or at least taken over by them. Jesuits are Society of Jesus S.J. Scottish Rite of the Souther Jurisdiction S.J. How can the Scottish Rite be the "Southern Jurisdiction"? Their headquarters is the House of the Temple in Washington DC. That's the north. S.J S.J. S.J.

Wake up folks. This is Mystery Babylon. Once that falls the Jesus will return and establish his 1000 year kingdom on earth. Not before. Rev chapter 18 tells us to do this. Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double. Revelation 18:6 KJV

14812353? ago


If Satan did this thing you speak of, he would be chained with the rest of the fallen angels in the abyss of hell. (See: 2nd Peter ch2 v4 & Jude v6). Disobedience is simply unfaithfulness to God: "Adultery". It has nothing to do with sex.

Yes, it really was about eating a fruit. That was the only commandment at the time. Satan muddies the water by over-complicating simple truths, or over-simplifying the complex things. Take the bible at face value when it is in "story mode" and pray for understanding, because understanding only comes from the Lord. If you attempt to learn these things using a man's reasoning, deception is close at hand.

I used to believe this doctrine, but no more.

14800820? ago

You have to read Genesis in Hebrew, (it's very different from the translated KJV) .... immediately after the "fruit" incident what happens...... first off ... when YHWH refers to Eve immediately after, he calls her an "adulteress" ...why? for eating fruit? ....... no she had sex with the "Enchanter" (no snake was mentioned in Hebrew) ....... the next thing he does is he tells Eve about the "pain" of giving birth --- why? ... because she was pregnant but she was pregnant by both the Enchanter and by Adam.... it's called Heteropaternal superfecundation and it's not extremely rare..... Eve was pregnant with a son by Adam and a Son by Satan (the Enchanter) ..... which is why Cain murdered Abel..... the entire Old Testament is a group of books that follow the Bloodline from Adam to Yeshua (Christ) .......... I will bet you 1 Billion Dollars that you cannot find anywhere in the Bible any chapter or verse that says that Cain was Adam's son ........but the Bible does state 5 times that Cain was of the Devil, of the Evil One ... of Satan....... (and Mystery Babylon is not the United States)

14801469? ago

Very interesting. See I was always thinking the cabal bloodlines were the bloodlines of the Nephilim, but they may just be a side story.

14801594? ago

Wow my mind is fucking blown. The truth has been staring us all in the face forever.

14802381? ago

I'm lost. Can someone give me a quick summary?

14800420? ago


14801056? ago

^^^^ what he said DAMN

14800168? ago

That's a deep** rabbit hole, but well worth going down. Think Nimrod.

14800671? ago


Just search for Enoch.

It's all right there. A second 'faux' trinity created by Nimrod.

14800361? ago

"Red Pill"

That's a deep** rabbit hole, but well worth going down. Think Nimrod.

Hush, Elmer. Silly 'shade tree scholar' - I knew you wouldn't be able to stay away.

14800311? ago

"Red Pill"

That's a deep** rabbit hole, but well worth going down. Think Nimrod.

Hush, Elmer. Silly 'shade tree scholar' - I knew you wouldn't be able to stay away.