14811580? ago

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14799609? ago

14795845? ago

We're winning! Red Wave!

14795411? ago

"democrats are not turning up" "more republicans are voting"

meanwhile all the liberals in my family who don't usually vote in midterms are talking about how crazy it is that they all switched parties and voted straight republican tickets. I think the media is intentional ignoring the level of pissed of democrats out there. One of the 'breaking points' that made them realize we are now in 'bizzaro world' is that the 'network of lies' fox news is reporting on truths that none of the other networks have. The SC Conf hearings was also another huge eye opener for them. The demonrats propping up obvious liars for political reasons was a huge step back for actual survivors of abuse.

14795288? ago

My work takes me to people's homes every day. I see about 20-25 families a week. I'm in the home for about an hour each. Politics comes up in 90% of the homes. Of those I listen too 95% are voting RED. Some are anxious and some know about Q or follow some sort of truth journalist. So say of those that tell me who their voting red is 90% of all those talking. I'm in a rural area so subtract 10% from that and I live in Texas so subtract another 10%. That leaves us at 70% voting red. Then take off 10%-15% for voter fraud and it still better than a majority. This is not an official poll method. Just saying 90% -95% that I talk to are RED. Always have to give some for the voter fraud. Now that 55% is for cities and dem states (if there really is such a state) but in Texas it should be landslide Red.

14792545? ago

Many of the numbers that I've seen reported are only counting Dem-registered or Rep-registered numbers of voters. IMO, and my opinion ONLY, I think there will be 95+% of registered Republicans actually voting Republican. I think there will be 'significant' numbers of Dem-registered voters who will actually #WalkAway and also vote Red. The early vote numbers are GOOD !

14792788? ago

That thought has occurred to to me as well. I am a bit concerned about how it seems independents are swaying dem this time, but hopefully that's in big metro areas that won't matter as much.

14797450? ago

The bigger cities are what kills the republicans, at least in my state. It matters quite a bit here.

14792533? ago

Most leftists have completely convinced and not concerned in the slightest. They know a blue wave is comming, and they are very smug about it.

The left is complacent because the mainstream media keeps reassuring them all is well and not to worry. This will be their down fall... again.

14796765? ago

Exactly why Hillary lost.... they saw 92% HRC vs 8% Trump polls and many stayed home. Just shows you how many illegal or fraud votes there were, as well. That race was too damned close in actual votes - compared to the number of Blue voters who likely stayed home.

There were millions of fraud absentee ballots (86 sent to ONE address in Cali) plus thousands of dead voters.

14796903? ago

They are going to be in for a very rude awakening.

2016 already gave some of them Trauma and PTSD. What is this shock going to do to those people? lol

14797482? ago

This will be very bad for them. All hope is gone and they will resort to eating Ben & Jerry's Resist ice cream until they are too fat to move. Before they are fully incapacitated I expect the lunacy will be more than I care to see.

14792809? ago

Let us pray that they are in fact so complacent/smug, that they stay home!

14792503? ago

This is great news! Ty.

14792139? ago

What? Do you mean that Nancy Pelosi is lying about the blue wave to Bruce Springsteen? She has bought KY gel to last until 2020 for play time with that wooden phallus they call the gavel but she calls Boehner!

14792036? ago

You still need to vote.

Red Tsunami!

14792006? ago

Sure, Bernie/Gollum are only speaking to 300, but they're the best 300 that money can buy!

14791843? ago


14791507? ago

I tell people is borderline so it’s important for all red voters to get out and vote nothing but red. The polls are misleading. They were the same that called the exception for Hilary up u til Election Day!

I do believe there is a red wave, but I want it to be HUGE and wipeout any hope from the dirty Democrats and looney liberals.

14792219? ago

Ever seen a "wave" among fans at a sports event? This Patriot Wave was started more than 200 years ago by our Founders!

14791479? ago

Keeping my fingers crossed for you folks.

WWG1WGA ... Austria/Vienna.

14792164? ago

Cross every part of your body that's crossable!

14792158? ago

Thank you.

14791350? ago

early voting is pretty hassle free.

go on a rainy day to make it even faster.

14792239? ago

I love the smell of early voting in the morning; it smells like VICTORY!

14791200? ago

If I was xn charge of manipulating polls, I would be pushing that the other side is ahead. There is a big risk in complacency when people think their side is ahead.

14791145? ago

Thanks for this.

Even Tucker, who is the only one I watch on Fox keeps speewing the dims will keep the house. That's BS.

14812795? ago

They are doing that to push as many Reps as possible to get off their ass and vote.

14791028? ago

Florida is in Trouble! Help with the memes! If the left gets Florida they will control all of Florida’s electoral votes in 2020!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

14800307? ago

After all of the good work that Rick Scott and his administration has done to create jobs and prosperity in FL, I’m baffled why anyone in the Sunshine State would want to vote in a known corrupt governor candidate who has promised to raise taxes on businesses by more than 40 percent. All that does is piss off the companies and give them a reason to move out. Then the socialist state is left with lower “revenues” to fund their programs. So, they pass it on to those who still manage to have a job in the form of higher sales taxes, homeowners in the form of higher property taxes, and ultimately a state personal income tax (which FL doesn’t have, but could get). This all leads to people moving to more advantageous states, which further compounds the problems. The vicious, downward cycle of Democratic policies has been proven over and over, time and again. Yet people still seem to be deceived. I’m praying for a Red Wave in FL.

14803152? ago

Most of the young voters in Florida are stupid. Academia be damned! Every person that I know with a Phd is a brainwashed stupid leftist! I would trade a Phd for a Post Hole Digger! The average person has no idea how they have been manipulated, brainwashed and have no original thoughts. They have group-think or no-think!

14791007? ago

Could be a blue trick. Hillary in a landslide kept voters home they believe So it's the old switcheroo. Not buying it Storm the voting booth

14790923? ago


14790792? ago

It is so red my eyes are bleeding red white and blue!

14790727? ago

This will be a historic wave, never before seen.

14790679? ago

polls haven't been reliable in over 2 years

14790647? ago

Good I hope the left believes that so that they stay home and play video games

14790478? ago

I never look at polls. You know who is polled right? Politicans pay "research " companies to call their constituents. Dems call dems. And guess what that gives? Skewed results. Meaningless poll "results"..

14796201? ago

I was polled when Reagan was pres by the big pollster of the time Somebody, Somebody, and Yovanovich. They were quoted on the news all the time, but I will never take polls seriously again. The guy who called asked me 5 questions about how Reagan was doing. He wanted Yes or No answers, and he was in a hurry. "Is Ronald Reagan doing a good job in foreign policy?" Yes? No? It was the sort of thing that we take online now, but online you can ponder a moment before selecting. I noticed that he was definitely more willing to take an answer critical of Reagan than one that was complementary. He would infer a negative, but I had to shout a positive down the phone at him. From then on, I've never cared what the polls say. They decide what they want them to say and massage the data until they get an answer that fits. I just keep remembering the news announcers' faces on election night when they began to realize that Trump was going to win. Priceless!

14790286? ago


Yes, midterms are safe. Watch CA. Q

14789902? ago

Doesn't matter.


Like your life depends on it.

Because it does!

14789846? ago

Just voted early in my traditionally red Idaho rural county. Even here, where few Dims exist, early voting has been huge -- the election worker told me it was the largest ever.

If there's a wave here............something's definitely happening nationwide.......

14789669? ago

Everywhere I look I see Red. Nearly everyone I know is Red. You can tell me different till you're blue in the face, but it is Red.

14789142? ago

I am not a believer in polls but I have never seen a 40% black approval rating for a Republican president. That has to say something. Rasmussen is considered more accurate than all the other network polls. I hope its right, if so then we have us a RED WAVE on Tuesday.

14799496? ago

Just look at the number of black conservatives now on YouTube with their own pod casts and opinions. It's a lot. And look at the number of #walkaway videos of blacks who realized they've been on the Democrat plantation and have walked away. It's a lot. And then number of blacks in the #walkway march in DC last weekend. A lot, including prominent speakers.

I've seen studies that if the Democrats ever lost 25% of the black vote, they couldn't win a national election. That seems to have some truth to it. I believe that Trump got something close to 19% of the black vote in 2016 which sent the Dems into complete panic.

If Trump picks up a few more points on the Hispanic side, the Dems will be toast for the foreseeable future.

14812665? ago

Yeah. I saw Candace in her speech recently - saying Dems needed 85% of black vote to stay in power.

I believe you are right - if they lose 25% they are toast. (Assuming we stop them from being able to import new voters).

14796594? ago

That one stat alone shows how the polls are going to be way off the mark when the results are tallied on Tuesday.

Blacks make up 13% of the population. And over 90% blacks vote democrat. So it's roughly a (90% * 40% =)36% change in the black vote from democrat to republican * 13% is 4.7% of the US population has left the democrat party and joined the Trump Train. That's a -4.7% from the democrat votes and a +4.7% to the republican votes; a 9.4% swing in the polls since 2016. And because polls are based on passed turnout they will not reflect these changes. This is only one demographic of the #walkaway movement, Trump's approval numbers are up across the board.

14799682? ago

Polls use to be reasonably accurate, but times have changed. The demographics, the increase in violence, intolerance, hate, harassment, resistance on the left is driving many Democrats our of the party or they are remaining Democrats but voting Republican.

The polls today are not capturing these dynamics but instead are still using the old registered D's and R's and phone surveys that miss what is actually happening.

I saw this in 2016 when the polls overwhelmingly predicted a Hillary win. But the alternative media on the Internet and YouTube were highlighting other dynamics that suggested that the race would be much closer. It was a nail biter on election night and it proved the polls had missed the dynamics by a mile.

I see the same thing happening now. The pundits are not taking the #walkaway, Owens, West, Jim Brown, the black leaders, etc. seriously because they don't fit the MSM / Democrat narrative.

I don't know how Nate Silver gets the 85% chance the Dem's take control of the House with a pick up of 30-40 seats, but I don't see it in the real world.

Trump seems awfully calm and confident and his guy doing his internal polls who nailed it in 2016 doesn't seem too concerned either. Pence just told the Hill in an interview that the R's will hold the House. I think he knows something the MSM is trying to ignore.

Finally, I happen to believe that God's divine hand is in this as well. God always acts through people he anoints. There is no other way to explain how Trump has survived the massive political and personal assaults while managing to win virtually every single political fight in his drive to make America great again. It's not natural.

14795304? ago

Rasmussen is better than some but they still had hillary over Trump by a large margin.

14794132? ago

And now they just rolled out Michael Cohen to claim Trump has said racist things in the past about black people.

14794210? ago

But, Avenatti backed him up, so, it must be true

14792184? ago

Precisely why they pulled oprah out of storage. Barry ain't getting it done.

14798785? ago

Oprah Winfrey Network- OWN MIRROR= NWO

14794198? ago

LOL... Well played

14791521? ago

I posted about this exact same thing on Twitter recently. IF (and it's a bit of a big "if) that Rasmussen poll is anywhere near correct about Black support for Trump being at 40%, then we'll have a very red wave next week. That poll and the other poling we've seen are mutually exclusive.

Needless to say, I pray that the Rasmussen poll is correct and that we officially turn the Dem party into a regional one next week. And speaking of praying, I'm all for it and I'll never criticize anyone for doing the same. But God put us on earth to DO things. We have to make this happen. I know everyone here (minus the shills. Fuck you guys, btw) will be voting this coming week, but we have to make the effort to drag those people in our lives who are on the fence to the polls and convince them to help reclaim this Republic.

14798269? ago

"fuck you guys, btw". You made my day with that awesomeness! But yes, VOTE VOTE VOTE!

14792457? ago

Well said.

14789086? ago

To be fair, more Democrats are going to vote than have rallied, as compared to how many Republicans are going to vote that have rallied.

Think of it, Trump rallies the right. But, who rallies the left? Also Trump, but it's their hatred for him. They don't care about Bernie or Clinton or Obama anymore, they care about Trump. The media has also convinced them to be afraid of Trump supporters, so many are probably afraid to rally, but this doesn't mean they will be kept from mailing in their ballots.

I believe in the red wave, but this is something to consider when we try to judge numbers by optics.

14795426? ago

I have seen some of the most diehard anti trumpers change. Some with the Kavanaugh show and even more with the caravan. I have seen an elderly man anti Trumper change his tune with the migration issue. He watches MSM but he KNOWS its the dems behind it. He just told me that it was awful what the dems are doing to Trump because he would be called a hater if he stopped it and called terrible things if he let them in. He is AGAINST them coming in like an army. He would vote red over that one issue because of the invasion tactic into "his country".

14791725? ago

Can they even articulate the policies they support? Most just hate Trump - if pressed, I hear sometimes that they want abortion rights, $15 min wage and socialist healthcare.

14792076? ago

You misunderstand; they want $15 abortions, social media and Heath bars.

14800408? ago

That was fuckin hilarious, Thanks for the morning KEK

14792444? ago

Thanks for the laugh.

14791942? ago

They want abortion, high taxes (especially on wealthy), Obamacare, gun control laws, welfare and free entry for immigrants, and generally more government restrictions. They argue everything from a personal moral standpoint. Democrats basically support policies based off of their fear of fellow Americans (and desire for perceived moral superiority), Republicans support policies based off of the history and fear of oppressive rulers.

14799792? ago

They want abortion rights, high taxes, etc. until they get a real job, get married and have kids and try to buy a home. That’s when they discover they are part of the “wealthy” class and finally get what it means to be conservative.

14792099? ago

Poor dears were trained from birth to be dunces, thus they are.

14789125? ago

Yep. There's a reason this was the last "data link", and the early voting numbers link was the first.

14789954? ago

Anecdotal references only from Gateway Pundit, known for, shall we say, overhyping stories somewhat. Trump is clearly more confident about the Senate races than the House based on what he's been saying at the rallies. I cannot understand why any swing voters would be going with democrats this election, but seems to be seriously in play. Dumbfounds me, but I should never refrain from underestimating the American public.

14792049? ago

Often stories that appear in Gateway show up elsewhere days later.

14792540? ago

I've followed it for several years, I'm not ignorant of what they do.

14791035? ago

How about a different source?

Bottom line is Rs currently hold a 2% advantage nationwide in early voting. And although nationwide numbers don't matter that much, I don't ever recall the republicans leading in early voting. I am one of the people that prefers to vote in person on election day.

14792559? ago

I vote on election day as well. No doubt that Trump, unlike ANY other republican president, has super energized the base. We will find out Tuesday what that translates into.

14789177? ago

Yes, I appreciate that. I wasn't trying to call you out, but wanted to provide some perspective on those who are looking at rally numbers solely. Before this, I haven't actually seen anything reported on early voting numbers yet other than Democrats being lower than expected, so I was still skeptical.

14789029? ago

Revelation 16:4-7

4 The third angel poured out his bowl on the rivers and springs of water, and they became blood. 5 Then I heard the angel in charge of the waters say:

“You are just in these judgments, O Holy One, you who are and who were; 6 for they have shed the blood of your holy people and your prophets, and you have given them blood to drink as they deserve.”

7 And I heard the altar respond:

“Yes, Lord God Almighty, true and just are your judgments.”

Revelation 17:1-15

1 One of the seven angels who had the seven bowls came and said to me, “Come, I will show you the punishment of the great prostitute, who sits by many waters. 2 With her the kings of the earth committed adultery, and the inhabitants of the earth were intoxicated with the wine of her adulteries.”

3 Then the angel carried me away in the Spirit into a wilderness. There I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast that was covered with blasphemous names and had seven heads and ten horns. 4 The woman was dressed in purple and scarlet, and was glittering with gold, precious stones and pearls. She held a golden cup in her hand, filled with abominable things and the filth of her adulteries. 5 The name written on her forehead was a mystery:

babylon the great

the mother of prostitutes

and of the abominations of the earth.

6 I saw that the woman was drunk with the blood of God’s holy people, the blood of those who bore testimony to Jesus.

When I saw her, I was greatly astonished. 7 Then the angel said to me: “Why are you astonished? I will explain to you the mystery of the woman and of the beast she rides, which has the seven heads and ten horns. 8 The beast, which you saw, once was, now is not, and yet will come up out of the Abyss and go to its destruction. The inhabitants of the earth whose names have not been written in the book of life from the creation of the world will be astonished when they see the beast, because it once was, now is not, and yet will come.

9 “This calls for a mind with wisdom. The seven heads are seven hills on which the woman sits. 10 They are also seven kings. Five have fallen, one is, the other has not yet come; but when he does come, he must remain for only a little while. 11 The beast who once was, and now is not, is an eighth king. He belongs to the seven and is going to his destruction.

12 “The ten horns you saw are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but who for one hour will receive authority as kings along with the beast. 13 They have one purpose and will give their power and authority to the beast. 14 They will wage war against the Lamb, but the Lamb will triumph over them because he is Lord of lords and King of kings—and with him will be his called, chosen and faithful followers.”

15 Then the angel said to me, “The waters you saw, where the prostitute sits, are peoples, multitudes, nations and languages.

14789231? ago

Watch the water. The people are making their choices.

14788999? ago

The polls are fake news, blatant fabricated lies. Q told us about them:



And from Q drop #2030:


14788828? ago

Vote RED!

14788718? ago

Please make sure to go out and vote. Complacency is what will hurt us now by assuming we already have the votes. This isn’t directed at you OP just in general.

14792136? ago

Voted Republican up and down the ballot two weeks ago by mail (absentee ballot).

14789023? ago

Yep and take at least five people with you!

14789734? ago

I've got 3 pulse me.

14788711? ago

Praying Californians vote John Cox for Governor!

14794154? ago

Unfortunately I don't think California is ready yet, I think Cox will do better than expected but I don't think it's going to be close.

14792012? ago

Be nice if Cox would get out there and campaign. It's like he doesn't want to win.

14789389? ago

I'm not a huge John Cox fan based on the interviews he's given and what he's up against in Sacramento.

That said, I've already voted for him because I can't stand the thought of seeing Newsome shit can the rest of this beautiful state.

14797425? ago

I wish you guys luck. If CA could get some non-traitors in their government everyone will be better off.

14789018? ago

I know this Californian will!

14789963? ago

This one has (early voted by mail)

14792111? ago

Be sure to check that they received your ballot.

14792364? ago

Thanks, I did that through their website. I live in relatively conservative Orange County, Calif. I could never live in LA or San Francisco

14790621? ago

that didn't count

14791951? ago


14788626? ago