14776709? ago

I cant open the first link either folks.

But second link is to pdf describing HATCH Act requirements.

Have re-uploaded pdf to https://ufile.io/6jfh3 in case anyone still having access issues.

14776650? ago

The SHEEP (Q dependant) get a crumb Meanwhile, patriots are OUT and busy with very little banter The lesser class is just pounding a keyboard like this matters Im over the target and you fags are worthless,go back to Facebook with your fake sht!

14778850? ago


14776467? ago

Q is right...all this unity will be for not if we don't vote. If you don't vote, then you don't belong here nor deserve to be heard. Make a difference, for you own life.

14777561? ago

Take a day off work if you have to!

14776317? ago

This is why Trump was so CONFIDENT in his speech tonight

14776111? ago

Anyone else notice that qanonposts.com is considered a deceptive site by firefox?

14775948? ago

Links to archive versions are in this post.


(The links are to a description of the Hatch act. Makes sense.)

14775934? ago

Divide and conquer is the oldest trick in the book. They use collectivism to distract us all from our shared, and true, enemy; the slavers. Don't be a collectivist house slave!

We have nothing to fear but fear itself! Anyone selling fear or division is not your ally!

14775490? ago

Links wont open here either

14775347? ago

Both those links are to .gov sites. Did Q intentionally set this up to ddoss these gov sites?

14775112? ago

and 2383 - what is the delta between? Significance to what ?

14776142? ago

17 mins?

14775103? ago

Thank Q. Same here. Can’t get to the links.

14775052? ago

We're flooding the gates re:links given. I'm gonna wait until the traffic-jam clears out.

14774995? ago

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.375 πŸ“ Nov 1 2018 20:01:23 (EST) NEW 29_14-28-35.png ⬇ "We have to bypass the media in order to get straight to the people." "We've gone around them like no one in history has gone around them." -POTUS @ tonight's rally Think MSM attacks re: Q (We, the People). Q

14777941? ago

I noticed something. Trump said these quotes 17 mins after the hour.

14775034? ago

When you are awake you can see CLEARLY. -Q

14774833? ago

Why would Microchip post this after revealing himself? /s

14775096? ago


14774843? ago


14776725? ago

just a shill, he was pretending he was Q using some chat log that was faked

14775555? ago

A loser on Gab who claimed he was Q.

14774823? ago

Wow! I didn't expect Q back until 7Nov2018.

14776545? ago

Based on?? The Q clock?

14778293? ago

Some anons were suggesting q silence because of hatch act - but it was nonsense.

14776860? ago

Based on the elections occurring on Nov. 6th.

14776985? ago

Oh ya, duhhh lol

14776377? ago

Me too...I'm very surprised!

14774806? ago

Drop about polls: https://qmap.pub/read/2029

14776029? ago

I love Qmap and whoever is behind that site has done an AWESOME job! Thanks for sharing:)

14776136? ago


14774789? ago

Take someone to the polls with you and vote. Patriots United

14774748? ago

Welcome back Q

14774716? ago

Can’t connect to either of these links.... yet. Getting hit hard.

14777540? ago

Me neither. Imagine, there are so many Q followers that these pages have been overloaded :)

14776824? ago

Yea somethings keeping those links down. I cant reach either

14776698? ago

14776121? ago

OSC opens fine. OGE fails to connect to server.

I’m on mobile.

14775862? ago

an hour later and I still cant, rip

14774763? ago

could be the traffic trying to open them

14774735? ago


14774731? ago

same. tried changing DNS around - no luck

14774810? ago

Likewise... lines are busy.