14784240? ago

For those who believe that Trump's hands are tied by the Hatch Act, look at the last line of the first link, above. All Trump has to do is NOT expose who he is. He cannot use his name or title. Maybe this clause would allow him to act sooner.

14783297? ago

10 days until 11-11-18 (today included). Considering what's likely to be a very poor reaction, from the left, to the election, this 10 day period seems to fit. (Ten days - darkness) (11:11 will be glorious). The next clock cycle that looks to fit is at the end of January, but that may exclude (2018 will be glorious), unless the election is enough to set US on the right path. New Congress at the end of January? Need new Congress for completing the plan? I still expect (like a lot of us) things to get HOT right after the election. I'm also willing to wait until January if that's what it takes to do this right.

Do It Q!

14781832? ago

Did any of the Dem Senators violate this during the Kavannah Confirmation hearings?

14783163? ago

Good point! They were mostly using their 5 minutes to make campaign speeches, weren't they.

14781816? ago

So how many Obama officials had violated this and were never called out on it?

14781404? ago

“Power shall be returned to the American people” Maybe the midterms are not so pivotal. Control of the executive, Supreme Court, and Senate, DOJ. Execution of the sealed indictments. Arrests and removal of deep statists. Military tribunals are a separate power. Removals of the Obama and Clinton actors. Restoration of the 4th estate. Pelosi can pound her gavel all day and night but nobody will care.

14780242? ago

Now that's what I call a warning shot.

14780224? ago

This is really a cult.

14780271? ago

You think? Of course looking at all the wild conspiracies afoot, one realizes that the truth may be much more mundane. Maybe along the lines of human trafficking and sex cults? At least that seems mundane compared to some of what is out there...which could be the whole point. Not long ago theories about slave trading and sex cults would have been considered "wild".

14779387? ago


14779262? ago

Omfg I'm so happy Q is back! ! !! ! !

14778998? ago

https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Airlines_Flight_587 interesting. And the first drop was 19:44 WWII obv.

14778725? ago

All of .pub disappeared except 1 page. Was all there 30m ago.

14778617? ago

The message was strong. Doesn't matter who sent it really.
Also something I'm thinking now is post-midterm red wins. Q had a purpose...to reach out and get people to THINK and RESEARCH for themselves. Sure Q supplied the basis for our researching but we've now learned how to do this on our own...what to pick up on and run with and then share. I wouldn't be surprised if Q is called elsewhere after elections to perform (maybe another country in midst of change and/or elections, or whatever POTUS decides)... These are just my own thoughts, but to me it seems we were 'cherished & needed' tools to be used for these midterm elections since MSMs weren't reporting properly...where we did report properly, accurately and truthfully. I wouldn't be surprised if after the elections, Q no longer babysits us but trusts us now to carry on what he got started -- Anons researching and supplying truths to those not getting it otherwise. Carry on I will...and wish Q safety and continued great outcomes. WWG1WGA 💕 Love y'all! 💕

14780533? ago

There is a lot of truth to what you say. At the start, Q-team showed us where to look, let us find out for ourselves how deep the swamp was, asked questions when we stalled and guided us in our search.

Now we know. Many Anons have gone soooo far down some rabbit holes that I've asked simple questions about some (new to me) name, and get a ton of information on that person, and their connection to events. Its fuckin' unbelievable, the amount of information we have available on the cabal and their tentacles.

They have accomplished their mission, in that regard. And along the way, showed us the playbook, taught us to recognize false flags, and that there are no coincidences.

We the People are awake now, and weaponized with knowledge.

From here on in, I think Q-team will give us encouragement, clarification of some events and updates on resignations/neutralization of bad actors that don't show up in the media.

The ball is in our court now.

14778425? ago

Am I reading the subtext to our President's tweet properly - that he has 57 M as in millions Twitter followers? Wow.

14778299? ago

I was napping and heard my phone.. Was so happy to see Q back! I wasn't concerned. I knew he would be. It's just great to hear from him and Q+!

14778257? ago

This guy who calls himself microchip on twitter says he's Q. why doesn't he "drop a Q post" saying he's microchip? that should put an end to this Q thing right?

14782396? ago

Claiming to be Q is just asking to be Arkancided. The proof that he is not Q can be found in his next breath.

14779797? ago

who wouldn't want the honor of being Q

14778228? ago

Wow. Lazarus arises from the dead! Such great news. Thanks.

14778090? ago

Q is back and there's gonna be trouble. Hey nah Hey nah The Q is back... sung to My boyfriend's back a 60's song.

Please can I ask a favor of the Q army? There is a website I shop on that does have Q items, but I found their "forums" and on the forum there are threads about politics. The Q supporters and Trump supporters are few and are really fighting against the mob on there. There are good patriots who defend us but they are suppressed banned and ganged on. Could some of you guys show them the way? I'd like to see the moderators contend with a Q army. Stay polite but let them know the facts of life.
You have to join first but you don't have to dox yourself I think. I can't seem to supply a link

14780694? ago

Good Call

14778119? ago

Here it is

14777960? ago

14777932? ago

A Rasmussen poll from October 29th, 2018 said that President Trump's approval amongst Black Americans is at a record HIGH at 40%. This is a huge blow to Democrats who need around 85% of the black vote to win national elections. Watch video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQOxXKZKBgc

The same day, Trump approval rating hit 50%. This was 6 points HIGHER than Barack Obama at the same time in his presidency.

• Related tweet by Candace Owens at https://twitter.com/RealCandaceO/status/1056929205206896640

• Archived tweet at https://archive.fo/X0fzG

• Article at https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/10/boom-black-support-for-president-trump-reaches-25-a-week-before-midterm-election/

• Archived article at https://archive.fo/dxvdd

BLEXIT https://blexit.com

14777888? ago

23 days since last Q drop. 23 is the number undoing DS. We know that's what we're all here for. Some of the Radical Democrats and MSMs are just useful idiots. The others actively collude. Projection is really stupid. I'm sick of it. Their playbook is so stale and rotten. That's why Conservatives can be ahead and have the best and most entertaining and real news anx programs. Look how we just feasted on Q drops. The lefties aren't even close tl interesting unless they're going to prison or a hangman's noose. Then that's MUST SEE TV!

14779846? ago

i'm confused about that. I thought 23 is skull & bones while 32 represents the counter to S&B

14780718? ago

322 is the number. Tim Russert was killed over it...


14777862? ago


14777624? ago

I just won 500 bucks on a scratcher when my phone alerted Qdrop. Now i dont remember where i stuck the ticket. It was like yesterdays news compared to Q dropping . Kek

14777535? ago

You guys have to pick up on what the Rock is cooking... Q can't be a larp, conspiracy, military savior, punishable by a hatch act or anything other than WE THE PEOPLE ...Vote the douchebags out.. take back the power. We appreciate Q posts but they are worthless without US. Quick message to Q Teams (Americans patriots) Missouri will do their part and oust Claire .... the rest of you do yours... and more importantly live every day as if you just saw the last Q post and get on with kicking ass....... wwg1wga

14781229? ago

MO should've put Austin Petersen on the job though...

14780602? ago

I can smell what the Rock is cooking. We don't need any Rooty Poos around here!!!! Only Patriots

14779271? ago

Well said!

14777439? ago

And how will the media look after Q is 100% (((+))) verified? All 1,000+ BS articles written about the "Mother Russia of all Conspiracies" will make them be 10000000% fake... but then again, it validates basically every "conspiracy" theory out there.

14777413? ago

If this isn’t motivation to get out and vote I don’t know what is, other than draining the effen swamp

14777350? ago

Does Hatch Act apply to Q+?

14780553? ago

Applies to Federal employees, basically.

But they gotta find you to charge you.

14887019? ago

Ever wonder if passports have been flagged?

14777696? ago


14777182? ago

I'm noticing a common pattern between what Trump says and what Q says. A lot of the time it's open to interpretation but generic enough to appeal to everybody within the movement. A common thought is created but develops organically among us. Q said a while back that "these keywords and questions are framed" but perhaps also for other reasons?

Lately I keep being reminded of a Doctor Who episode that alludes to something people have forgotten about. Second paragraph. I like to take it as a chunk of truth hidden inside propaganda. The same concept is inserted into other TV shows for propaganda purposes.

I think Q is intentionally trying to pull off a white-hat occult ritual to "deprogram" people by utilizing the collective consciousness.

14776806? ago

Anyone wonder if we're being blocked from the links? What do they call that? DDOS?

14776802? ago

These first two November posts came 17 minutes apart. Branding at its best!

14776780? ago

at what minute, second did TRUMP say this?

14776777? ago

I could not get either link to load. Any ideas, why? Also, any ideas on how to resolve it, please?

14776772? ago

Beyond ecstatic Q is posting again!

14776742? ago

I'll say this at risk of being blasted by some of you, but I was starting to wonder if it was over. I started to wonder what would happen if Q simply never posted again. I realize the momentum that Q created has potential (the media bashing of Q shows that they know this, and it scares them), but it has a hell of a lot more with the reassurance that Q is still there. Be honest...any of you feel the same way?

14776979? ago

No I never doubted it for a minute, besides I feel Q works for Trump, so as long as President Trump is there, so is Q

14776958? ago

As long as POTUS is tweeting I expect Q to be with us through the whole ride.

14777506? ago

Be cool if Q was around throughout PDJT's whole presidency

14777645? ago

I think he will Patriot. We have a generational fight on our hands. We have many brainwashed brothers and sisters out there that are going to be fucked up when these pedo fucks start getting arrested and face the tribunals. Our focus will need to transition to those as we need to bring them into the fold. Won’t be easy but I bet God, Trump and Q will be there for us. WWG1WGA!

14776920? ago




I knew he'd come back

He referenced the Bible so now I'm thinking he's either got God's blessing and we should trust that this movement is God-led OR Q is referencing the Bible, using God's name for what purpose? Power? Credibility? If that's the case, Q is fucked! Q is too bright to fuck God over and use his name in vain. At least for his soul's sake, I hope he knows better. I put my faith in God and genuinely FELT, not knew, just felt, like he'd be back. Here he is! Woo!

14779725? ago

Good vs Evil God vs Satan

14780655? ago

Pitshuu Pitshuu Thats my Ray gun. Pretty cool HUH.God wins again!!!

14776601? ago

Wondering if Q is hinting that faking polls and deplatforming conservatives is a violation bc it’s being done by govt officials

14782225? ago

Need an AG with a ball sack to do anything about it though.

14784781? ago


14776588? ago

Well the first link is DDoSed. But I like the second. Proves me right, Q's absence is due to the Hatch Act. Pretty sure the second half of November is going to be delicious. Gonna need some extra turkey pop ups for all the fried Dem ass, (popup works better than a fork). Either way they're done! WWG1WGA

14776583? ago

Just got done watching the rally in Columbia on OANN, slightly delayed on DVR due to making dinner, and then I see this. Amazing. And it was a great rally indeed.

14776526? ago

Welcome back, Q! We stand at the ready.

14777495? ago


14776484? ago

Excellent, in Montgomery Burns' voice.

14777502? ago


14776440? ago

Point is right back to a POINT(yes you left it) Time for a Q audit maybe?

14776391? ago

Sites in links not loading.

14776382? ago

Sadly both of the links he gave us are unreachable.

14778520? ago

The links are probably unreachable now because so many Anon's are visiting the sites. I got in. Hatch act stuff.

14778886? ago

I got in first try and then on the second one the link wasn't working.

14776285? ago

We're on the WINNING TEAM LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! NEVER HAS THIS HUGE OF AN INTELLIGENCE DROP BEEN DONE, EVER! LOVE YOU ALL! KEEP FIGHTIN' AND DIGGIN'. THROW AWAY YOUR OBAMA SHOVELS AND DIG WITH OUR GOLDEN Q. I'm the worst at all this, but big things are going to be happening and we literally scare the HELL out of Radical Democrats and DEEP STATE and MSMs.

14776094? ago

Some people wrote really long posts about why Q will never post again. I wonder how they're feeling right now.

14780716? ago

Anyone who did is an obvious shill psyop. If you've followed Q since the beginning you know he comes back, even after long periods.

14781107? ago

I only learned about Q in July

14775975? ago

Q is Back !!! He/they says every C_A and Mossad Trick in the book is being used against 8Ch.net to take down Q. Threads #2382 and #2383. Go Q.

14775904? ago

Glad Q is back. The silence was deafening.

14775739? ago

Q says to re read drops re; polls... I just did search on Q posts / key word / polls. Only 2 prior posts come up. Post #2032 and #2029. #2032 is interesting

14775641? ago

I will check back in a little while. Too many people must be crashing the links.

14775577? ago

https://osc.gov/ Looks like the entire site is crashed. Not sure why everyone so happy. These drops don't tell us a fucking thing. If it wasn't the Hatch Act then WTF was the point of the silence?

14780027? ago

Does it really matter anyway. what really matters is that we stay united and help Donald win. god bless

14775783? ago

Bread crumbs and circus?

14775495? ago

Just tried both links on #2382.....Getting, THIS SITE CANNOT BE REACHED.... Heavy traffic or DS blocking?

14777172? ago

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14777127? ago

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14776873? ago

I just re-uploaded pdf to https://ufile.io/6jfh3 in case anyone needs .... but can confirm both of above links are active.

14776705? ago

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14775896? ago

This comment was linked from this v/QRV comment.

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14775519? ago

Me too.

14775511? ago

Me too.

14775474? ago

A good reminding experience to seek on "poll" in the Q drops.

14775473? ago

I wonder if Q planned on us all swamping these links? They are dot gov sites.

14775554? ago


14775463? ago

The links won't pull up for me. Anyone else have trouble?

14776070? ago

Yes :-( I'm assuming all 17 zillion of us are trying to open them at the same time....

14775429? ago

YEEEESSSSSS!!!Q is back.thank God.

14775414? ago

Yippee!!!!!!!! Now to read the drops... Can't wait to read the anons take on Q's return.

14776010? ago

How do I get there? I haven't seen anon comments since my Reddit links were purged.

14778218? ago

Qmap.com is what I use to view the drops.

14775365? ago

He is also reminding us of shills in #2383.

14775275? ago

Are the links in Q2382 broken?

14775417? ago

Just hit too hard. Those sites are probably not used to 100K hitting them at the same time :D

14776785? ago

Or is someone trying to stop traffic going there?

14775245? ago

Wow! I am jumping on my seat! Thank you! Back soon !

14775221? ago

Have to save Maggie, have to save Jack. Q is back.

14775174? ago

Oh, how I've missed that familiar sound.

14775122? ago

He just posted again :)

14777481? ago

17 min apart I read

14775106? ago

14776493? ago

That website is net-aids on mobile

14776924? ago

deceptive site?...scare tactic...

14775089? ago

Link to Hatch Act a possible verification of lack of drops until midterm elections over...

14775086? ago

Drop 2383 up now

14775401? ago

Not seen yet ! I am boiling over!

14775083? ago

Consciousness is the state or quality of awareness or of being aware of an external object or something within onesel... Oh fuck it never mind welcome back you magnificent bastard.

14779881? ago

I lol'd

14775079? ago

Hooah! Yeah!

14775075? ago

anyone else having problems loading the page links to his post??

14775305? ago

Same here.Damn it.

14775100? ago

Keep trying

14775144? ago

I am... oh I AM!!!

14775074? ago

Drops 17 mins apart!

14779721? ago

and he didn't post for 23 days! Isn't that the code for Skull and Bones?

14780008? ago


14779230? ago


14779118? ago

Nice catch

14777458? ago

Nice patriot

14775050? ago

So much for all the "Q is over" posts lately.

14778633? ago

Until Q gives us something real, expect the continued exodus.

14780699? ago


14776222? ago

Yep. The C_A tactic was weak AF. Like do they really think that will work? Guarantee not one person left because of that infiltration tactic.

14774947? ago

Second link lays out Hatch act. Interesting.

14774873? ago

Important to push these concepts to your liberal friends. No one should be okay with being psychologically manipulated.


14774827? ago

Links not working for anyone else?

14776987? ago

Tried both OSC and OGE home pages, too. No server response. 9:35 CT.

14776798? ago

I cant access the first link, but was able to download the pdf about the Hatch Act (2014).

Have re-uploaded to https://ufile.io/6jfh3 if anyone wants to check it out.

14775494? ago

Links not working for me either!

14775460? ago

They reference the Hatch Act: https://voat.co/v/QRV/2825436

14775355? ago

Nope.must be over the target lol.

14775311? ago

Try all those qanon.pub qanon.app qdrop.pub qntmpkts.keybase.pub qanonmap.bitbucket.io

14775183? ago

Not for me

14774861? ago

homepage down.

Getting hit hard

14774803? ago

Re_read drops re: Polls

Caravan or Election Tampering ??

14774942? ago

Specifically 2032 I think

14774783? ago

One thing Q needs to do and I really mean NEEDS to do is link again to us here at Voat. We need another influx of members. They’re out there !

14778403? ago

I can't figure out how to leave a comment under a subject! It said I didn't have enough points or something. I think VOAT may be confusing to some (people like me!)

14782504? ago

From my understanding, and I could definitely be wrong, but you have to go outside of QRV to get your points. I went to https://voat.co/v/theawakening to get mine. It didn't take long.

14780448? ago

Yeah, Voat sucks ass. Only here because we have to be

14784444? ago

We don't have to be here. We can use the Patriots Soapbox Forum. https://www.patriotssoapbox.com/forums/

14783050? ago

You do realize that the reason that the platforms like FB, Google, YouTube, et al are so "convenient" is that they have lots of money to pay programmers and to buy equipment like servers, etc. From what I have seen, VOAT is being operated by 1 person or a small group with very little financial support.

14779763? ago

You need 100 Comment Contribution Points (CCP) in order to post. You can always comment on someone elses' post, regardless of your CCP

14776244? ago

Can't believe how many we've lost in the great migration.

Although there could be a ton just lurking. I know from mobile it's hard to find the subscribe button.

14780908? ago

Honestly, IMO the voat format just sucks. That combined with the occasional racist nonsense is keeping many good patriots away. But you are right. They’re out there.

14782978? ago

Yes. The VOAT format is more old-style and not as convenient as the social media platforms, and that's exactly what the globalists are depending on. They want us dependent on all the cute little bells and whistles provided on their fancy platforms. Unfortunately, they are then able to monitor our conversations and censor those that don't meet their community standards. VOAT is non-censored (or only very little) so unfortunately, we have to put up with some seriously objectionable comments. I keep reminding myself that "Freedom Ain't Free", and if the worst that I have to put up with is wading through a few shill comments, then I have no real grounds for complaint.

14776559? ago

I don't believe their lost anon. It's like starting on a new phone your not familiar with. I bet there are hordes of them monitoring/lurking these threads, just not ready to participate. "Hesitant" so to speak. Some also, may have an underlying fear that they themselves must overcome(maybe through prayer/meditation) and just hit the subscribe button and jump in. Can't go by the number of subscribers. Their there.

14781209? ago

I'm one :)

14788521? ago

"Wingmakers" }}}}<Anon>{{{{ God Bless. Thank You

14780935? ago

I ran in to a Trump supporter today that I haven't seen for about a year. This person had never heard of Q, so I explained about Q and the person left intrigues. If each of us got the word up to 10, 20 or 40 people we know this place would be overwhelmed.

14788689? ago

They have the fuel, but not the fire. It's "inside them" but just needs that spark. Enlightenment. I slow pill them at first to get a reaction. That reaction then lets me know "what road" to take them down. Glad to see the word being spread the old fashion way, not that I'm against tech. People need People.

14781217? ago

I told 5 people on my trip out of town nd they were really into it

14776499? ago

Voat is reporting just shy of 1,500 users here now.

14781269? ago

The numbers mean nothing to me. The so called statistical relevant polling science was destroyed and lost credibility the last election. Numbers are just being manipulated to control the narrative. Just keep on keeping on!

14781318? ago

Voat doesn’t ‘fuzz’ their statistics. This thread has been viewed by nearly 6,000 users.

It’s lovely that numbers mean so little to you (unless they are in your favor, I presume.)

14780322? ago

There are over 1100 users at 2AM Pacific time. That's 5AM Eastern.

There are a lot of us!

14777470? ago

God I’m here all damn day

14776944? ago

Yeah I’m curious if it’s just sub count. I barely log in

14777015? ago

It's not based on subscribers. AFAIK it's based on raw people at the page.

14776833? ago

I am here multiple times a day and had no idea there was a subscribe button - dont let the subscriber numbers fool you.

Interest in Q is at all time high, the shills are just making us more determined to stay the course and TRUST THE PLAN.

14776971? ago

I'm talking about users currently here, not subscribers.

14774755? ago

Thank the maker

14774742? ago

I thought you were a shill lol.

If I'm not mistaken, it's been 23 days since Q's last post. Now comes the pain? :)

14778628? ago

Nope! Now comes NOTHING.

14797304? ago

You sure hope not.....and what does that say about you, shilly? Ask the mirror...

14776773? ago

I believe it's 21 "dark days": he posted on the 9 so the dark days started on the 10th, today being the 1st leaves 10-31 dark days.

14778749? ago

if 10-31 are dark days then that's 22 days of darkness.

14775217? ago

Awww yeah.

14781228? ago


14774709? ago

I about shit myself when I saw it say “Q has made another drop” So happy

14777423? ago

I just peed ! Excellent

14776401? ago

Almost broke my mouse clicking this post.

14775366? ago

Interesting to see the hatch act theory was incorrect though. I'm tempted to say posting on this date was not accidental (in that they always intended to do so), but it looks like they don't care as much about the midterm / hatch act optics as people thought.

14780245? ago

But if Q is Pence the Hatch act won't matter. Or they can just grab him for a few tweets here and there.

14776922? ago

I did notice that the penalty for violating the Hatch Act could be as small as a reprimand and UP to $1000 fine. I thought that the penalties would be much greater. The optics of this, at this close to the election is very interesting.

14777020? ago

Really? That would be pretty hilarious tbqh. I hope he drops a real info bomb, gets taken to court, and then gets a reprimand + a 1k fine. Would be a fun 'fuck you' to the people who didn't play by the rules.

14778112? ago

Yep from the pdf: An employee who violates the Hatch Act is subject to a range of disciplinary actions, including removal from federal service, reduction in grade, debarment from federal service for a period NOT to exceed 5 years, suspension, letter of reprimand, or a civil penalty not to exceed $1000.

I wonder if this will be a tool for getting some out of "federal service" or a ploy of the MSM to attempt to discredit Q. As someone else said though there is a lot of plausible deniability with this act.

14779279? ago

People on this board obviously don't think in as twisted a way as the government lawyers do. From what I understand, that's a $1000 dollar fine per incident. So if you were to robocall 10,000 constituents (ie 10,000 different homes) with a prerecorded message using your title (suppose you are the director of one of the agencies listed) to persuade them to vote for a particular party... then the fine would be 10,000 X $1,000 = 10 million dollars.

Or... if you were to publish something contravening the hatch act on say... an 8 chan website which is followed by millions of Americans... then your fine can go up into the billions of dollars.

No - this is neither a joke, nor a laughing matter. If people really understood how badly the DOJ could screw violators of the hatch act... I think most who skirt around the laws would take them alot more seriously. This is why Q is very careful about what he is posting at this point. You will notice there is nothing that Q is saying about WHO to vote for - Q is just saying to be united and go out and VOTE!

14782808? ago

Right. As a gov employee, you can attend a rally and listen, but you cannot go out publicly and campaign for a candidate. Remember the picture of McCabe wearing a tee-shirt supporting his wife when she was running for office? Even something as small as that sort of thing can get you called into the boss's office for a little talk. Unfortunately, it goes on your "201 file" which follows you all of your government working career and can have devastating effects on future promotions.

And OGE is the Ofc of Gov Ethics, the people who keep an eye on all those sorts of things.

14779566? ago

Very interesting point. I see that is why it seemed such a light punishment. I also agree this is no laughing matter that is why I voted today!

14782653? ago

Good Job! I'd vote too if I could... but I'm Canadian.

14776182? ago

They have enough plausible debiability and I'm sure the Demoncrats would do anything to avoid a federal court room discussing the hatch act with Qanon and Trump lol.

14775654? ago

According to the second link posted:

A Covered Employee:

• May not use his or her official authority or influence to interfere with or affect the result of an election. For example:

May not use his or her official title or position while engaged in political activity.

Q isn't an "official title or position". Q is "only a LARP and conspiracy theory" according to those clowns, thus, Q is not breaking the Hatch act.

14781862? ago

I didn't see anything from any Q drop that would indicate Q violated the Hatch Act and besides, I don't care. I do care if public (named officials with titles) have, particularly anyone who is a Dem. So which Dems violated this?

14789977? ago

Take a look on social media at the main clowns.

14780665? ago

If Q is military intelligence then the hatch act does apply to them and they are restricted on what they can/can’t say

14797282? ago

Q is a "we" so they'd only have to say that it was one of the non-sensitive positions that posted a certain something or other. And if it ever got to that point, we'd already have won HUGELY so whatevs...

14789989? ago

Yes, but we don't know that for certain. That's the beauty of it. He is anonymous, so he could be anyone from a random joe right up to Trump himself.

14775724? ago

Media perception =/= Reality though. If Q has been instigated for an official purpose (spreading truth behind MSM's back), and if he / the 'entity'/character of Q is officially sanctioned and run, then he probably does have official influence and / or authority, no?

If the point is to do things by the rules, just because the clowns are lying about reality doesn't mean you get to do so as well.

Solid theory, but I don't think that would be the explanation, or if it is, then it's at the very least beating the spirit of the law to death and pissing on its corpse, if not outright breaking the letter of the law.

14776006? ago

Yes, but they can't have it both ways. Either Q is a LARP and is not violating the Hatch Act - or he is real (thereby redpilling millions) and he is violating it.

14786226? ago

What exactly was shared in today's posts that violates the Hatch Act?

14789956? ago

Not today's post, in general. They would try to spin it that way, anyway.

14777227? ago

Not necessarily. Q only has a nitch platform, He relies on citizens (anons) to bake the bread and release.

14776270? ago

Yes, but they don't need to have it both ways. Does Q ever want to go 'legit'? Then this represents a plausible line of attack, legally speaking. Your theory only works under the assumption Q will never ever be officially revealed to be true, which would be a pretty disappointing ending, not going to lie. Government law can't be carried out on the basis of 'what the MSM claims to be true', or Trump would have been indicted years ago.

14777003? ago

If Q ever reveals himself, he puts a massive target on his head. I don't think he will ever reveal himself.

14797294? ago

Q is multiple people...hence the "we" in many posts including the latest ones...

14797491? ago

The "we" could be referring to himself and other people who are sympathetic to the cause. It doesn't necessarily mean that Q is multiple people.

14777059? ago

Yees, I meant in terms of 'the character of Q is officially acknowledged by governmental sources', mb, I wasn't very clear. I don't think Q is one person, for the record. I'm fairly sure in fact he references multiple operators, and obviously Q+ posts under the tripcode as well. Q is a group of people (Milint), not an individual. They would be cautious about publicly revealing the operators for sure though, cautious enough I doubt they ever will.

14775563? ago

Hmm, what if this Q is not working for the government? Hatch act only applies to government employees... Food for thought. :-)

14783405? ago

I've been real suspicious of all the posts saying Q is JFK Jr lol. They seem to come in waves. Is this what you're getting at?

14784291? ago

No, my objective is to keep an open mind. Anything is possible in this crazy world. I never thought I would believe that the world is run by a devil worshiping cabal but until I went down the rabbit hole all bets are now off.

14784314? ago

Fair enough. My suspicion has been that the Q team might be posting this JFK stuff just to get the possibility out there (if its true)

14797300? ago

Well, since you asked... http://magaimg.net/img/6lml.jpg

14776130? ago

JFK Jr.?

14778336? ago

No, its for sure MI. Or someone closely affiliated.

14775628? ago

Aye, quite possibly, that one could work. However, would that mean the 717th military intelligence division isn't Q? I'd assume they'd be bound under the stipulations of the hatch act.

14775752? ago

These specific posts are not MI related, they are specific to polls, hatch act. I think the more detailed posts we get on ops and/or target details fall under the act but this is just information. IMO, I'd expect the detailed drops to start back up after the election.

14775829? ago

That one I could perhaps believe. 2383 seems like it would be toeing the line a little closely, but I could believe it ends up inside the letter of the law.

14778323? ago

The bad actors could never/would never in fact WANT to, show who Q is, imho.

14797295? ago


14775454? ago

If people are violating hatch act, wonder if they get taken down before the elections. No reason to let them continue criminality.

14775442? ago

I mean... Why would they?

14775540? ago

No argument, I never thought the hatch act theory was wildly strong. As much as anything, my major irritation with this is the people screaming

OMG of course he won't be coming back till after the elections DIDN'T YOU READ THE HATCH ACT THEORY God shill #readthedrops

were, as per usual, speculating wildly beyond what they had available data on, and lacking the self-reflection to realise they might be wrong.

14775438? ago

Why would you say that when both of his links reference the Hatch Act?

14775501? ago

Because he's still posting? And because he actively came back before voting finished? Referencing the hatch act is not the important bit, it's obeying the stipulations it lays out that is important.

14778656? ago

Besides that Q is not posting drops that are political in the last two drops. Isn't it entirely possible that one or more of the Q group are civilians (trusted civilians) who do not hold an official title or office?

14774949? ago

I heard the "water drop" sound on my phone and my eyes got wide!

14774717? ago

Same here. Realized how much I missed the alerts!

14775118? ago

How do I get Q alerts?

14777447? ago

App Store

14776411? ago

Q Drop app on Android ,Iphone fags cant play there Its free

14775841? ago

you can only get them on a smart phone. iTunes removed the app

14781131? ago

I see what you did there.

14775522? ago

Then some other boards like qanon.pub and qposts.online and qmap.pub pull those posts and repost.

14775427? ago

You can still get the app on Android, not sure if have it on IPhone anymore.

14775279? ago

Q posts directly on 8chan on the Patriots Fight board. https://8ch.net/patriotsfight/index.html
WARNING! There are ads for sex toys/aids all over the board. You can get a real eyeful. Don't open this in a church group.

14780647? ago

Ads are based on your internet shopping habits hahahaha

14781241? ago

Not true, not on 8chan anyway.

14778811? ago

Can't get there. DDos? Too much traffic? This Q shit is HUGE!

14775773? ago

Hey, church groups like double-headed dildos too.

14776430? ago

Fat bitches need love too, Craig!

14774702? ago

Welcome back Q team! Family has been eagerly waiting.

14778620? ago

Yes, the mindless cult needs orders.

14779328? ago

Who needs orders? I think we all know what to do at this point, and most of us have already started.

14779204? ago


14775711? ago

Waiting eagerly.And loosing my FREAKING MIND! 😅