14778316? ago

And if it’s an invasion then posse comitatus doesn’t apply to the military.

14775838? ago

Clock in background, does it match with this clock??? https://twitter.com/usarmycentral/status/1056984765507792899

14776938? ago


14775162? ago

Q NEW POST...CAN'T ACCESS LINKS.HMMMM.......... New: Title TBD 2382 Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 1 Nov 2018 - 8:44:41 PM Do not let them DIVIDE you. TOGETHER you are STRONG. TOGETHER YOU WIN. Your vote matters! Re_read drops re: Polls https://www.oge.gov/web/oge.nsf/Resources/Political+Activities📁 https://osc.gov/resources/ha%20pamphlet%20sept%202014.pdf📁 Q

14774553? ago

I see videos of these invaders and it looks like they want to harm people that stand in their way. I am an American - born and raised, but I am over 60 and not sure I can defend myself and my grandkids against an army this huge. I am afraid of what is coming.

Of course I vote RED all the way, because if HRC was president she would tell me to suck it up and give them what they want. But I have worked since I was 13 and paid taxes since I was 17. I gave so much to the poor that needed handouts, to the corporations and banks that needed bailouts, to the elected officials that had lawsuits against them and just wanted a free out, all this money to everyone else. I paid.

I paid my whole adult life and now I am afraid of a group of renegades coming to storm a border not far from where I live. They want to change America into something else that will speak a language I don't understand.

I want to stand up and shout ' WHAT ABOUT ME?" What about the time and money I put into this country. I bought houses, I bought goods and services, I paid taxes, I contributed to Social Security...

Who is gonna protect me if I can't? I am an old fashioned patriot that believes in the constitution. I wouldn't have done any of this if I thought I would lose it all because of invaders into this country. My government needs to stand up and protect me and others like me. I hope this is why Trump was Elected. WWG1WGA.

14778447? ago

Dude, that is some poetic writing there. Prayers from NYC Matrix capital. WWG1WGA!

14774368? ago

This is the dnc blue wave = Destroy Nation Criminal party invasion.
Vote All dnc Out

14773097? ago

1,000 per day. Nothing done. Military will just help the process. Watch.

14771912? ago

yep and he brought up the human trafficking and said something about Obama messed up because they "thought HRC would win"😳

14771941? ago

also said that trafficking is a business and has been at its highest numbers in recent years. Wonder how CNN will explain that!?

14781580? ago

Do MSM even watch his rallies?

14783823? ago

This wasn't at a rally, it was at a briefing that he gave from the Oval Office about illegal immigration and the negative effects it has on our country.

14773354? ago

They will just ignore it

14771793? ago

Damn. Shits getting real.

14772747? ago

I've only been mentioning this stuff for a LONG time. Used to work with a DHS guy a few jobs ago. The stuff he said happened at border crossing made me cry. Said they always check the babies because many of them are dead and stuffed full of drugs.

14774201? ago

Civilized people don't stuff dead babies with drugs. We should just wipe out all humans south of our border and start over. We can bring in Europeans, Afrikaners and Australians to help colonize the land and we won't have to worry about any of this stuff again. Think how nice it would be to border a civilized country.

14774630? ago

Sounds good to me.

14772214? ago

I just wish it would get REALLY real and gunshots would start going off. We need to take out this communist cancer once and for all.

14771962? ago

Yep, I can't even focus anymore! So full of anticipation for what's to come and just SHOCKED that there are still some people who can't see it😳

14771722? ago

And what do you do to invading armies? You shoot and kill them.

14771992? ago

yep he sure wasn't holding back on what's going to happen and that's awesome because all these evildoers need boundaries! I read a meme somewhere about satan being the first liberal and it's totally true! The left handed path leads to the devil and his material realm, and we want to ascend out of that crap hole😇

14771890? ago

yep and he brought up the human trafficking and said something about Obama messed up because they "thought HRC would win"😳