14759655? ago

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14756375? ago

I love it when you morons talk about your "spirit world". Wishing on stars and believing in this dumb shit is the reason none of you has any money or respect from your community. Keep the hilarious posts coming, dummies! Hail Satan!

14755981? ago

Does that mean I should turn the volume on my TV up and turn on the lights inside my house?

I was planning on doing the opposite because I bought no Halloween candy.

14753837? ago

Happy All Hallows' Eve, All Saints' Eve! Lucifer has taken over the importance of this day...

14753816? ago

I have counter-acted the acidic effects of Halloween by handing out Christian salvation tracs along with candy. Spreading the gospel on the most satanic holiday on the calendar. Halloween is not something Christians should be celebrating; we need to fight back with prayers, spreading the gospel and love. ITA with your post.

14752860? ago

Here are the true Patriots. This thread is so powerful and full of the Lord that the shills have stayed away.

14752530? ago

tell them they look nice

But don't tell it to a leftliberal woman, lest you get accused of sexual harrassment.

14751978? ago

It must suck to walk around afraid of the power of negative energy all the time. Let It Go. Nothing is affecting you. There is no negative energy that can harm you. It's all in your mind.

14751934? ago

Amen brother! Can't agree more.

14751871? ago

Balance is pure delusion...

14751732? ago

I lit a candle this morning for good to triumph over evil. On my walk today I will look for opportunities to do good.

14751423? ago

Prayer is the most powerful tool in the human arsenal. Especially when coordinated and focused on a specific subject. We are all Oneness and connected spiritually and energetically whether believed or not. I truly believe that this was deployed to get our President elected. All odds stacked against him through rigged voting machines, ballots being tossed, etc,, he still won through

14752281? ago

David Wilcock always gives the example of 7000 people going to meditate together, and they found out the crimes elsewhere dropped 70%. I know there are many prayer groups around the USA who pray around the clock ever since the presidential elections.

If you think about how it might work, you may notice that mass meditation/praying in church is kinda like the cabal's satanic "performance art" in public. I'm reading presently the ancient wisdoms, get off the Bible and try to see what the Ancients say and knew. Think. The cabal knows all about the occult, we the people were left totally ignorant. We haven't even been taught how to pray, how it works. Yet Jesus told us it's our greatest weapon.

The satanic "performance art" is actually using our own power against us. That's what the cabal does. They put us in a trance with their show, put images into our minds. And the energy our minds produce is supposed to accelerate the materialization of the images. Add to that the cabal is constantly provoking negative feeling into us, our emotions activating more energy from our minds to materialize the cabal's dreams.

Prayers are somewhat the same. Except we visualize what we want and ask for it. Meditation is rather like prayer. Now, when you have thousands, millions of people praying at the same time for the same thing, you can imagine what power of materialization we have then.

I believe for myself that's the collective consciousness at work. In some other philosophies, they would call it God. There were some indications of the Bible, they just didn't explain the step by step to us about how it works. Or you can wonder if our religious authorities didn't do it on purpose to keep us dumb. We've been disadvantaged for millennia because the cabal knew that step by step and how/why it works.

14759144? ago

Thank you anon for taking the time from your primary agenda for your response. Everything you mentioned above hit home. Very familiar with subjects and person discussed above. Flower of Life Vol1 and 2. Psionics, chakras, crystals, oneness, guides and what they are...have several. Being awake has its millstone in someways. Knowledge is very powerful and if misused very dangerous as you know. Lurked biblefags, and many other topics to find pieces to put the puzzle together. God Bless Anon. Hive Mind.

14751277? ago

Well, First Hillary couldn't see, coke bottle glasses, then she couldn't walk. Coughing fits keep her from talking. . . . . cant see cant walk cant talk hmmmmmmm Sounds like vooodooo to me

14750935? ago

It's much easier to redpill people when the respect you. Easy way to gain respect is to recognize opportunities and help those around you.

So, action plan: Help people, when they are grateful tell them all the good things about the movement but be okay with them disagreeing - sowed seeds will eventually bear fruit.

14751022? ago

That is true! I'm a nice person and I help friends and strangers alike. The strangers are usually so surprised that a "stranger" would go out of their way to help them. Anyway - the last few years I've made it a point to tell them - "Well, I'm a Christian and a Trump supporter." It's a great idea to add Q-Anon too!

14750995? ago

So true...great advice anon.

14750798? ago

Fasting is the traditional thing to do.

14757677? ago

Kudos... Traditionalist practices have been replaced by conservatism, unfortunately.

14750884? ago

You want to fast? Go to Taco Bell. Use lots of Fire Sauce. That stuff will give you the taco shits mighty fast. After you shit your brains out, you won't want to eat again for awhile. It's the perfect way to follow tradition.

14750720? ago

Wouldn't it be great if their ritual sites all got raided at the same time in the middle of the blood rituals, with the police body cameras made public just in time for mid-terms?

14758452? ago

That would be a slam dunk anon. It would be similar to that snuff video being exposed and truth bombed. (No way out anon)....

14750855? ago

Q already said: "We have everything". They could have released all that stuff back in early October and had a HUGE impact on the elections. But, they're keeping it secret and hiding the evidence so nobody will ever know what really happened. Just keep waiting.

14753064? ago

What's the alternative? Take to the streets and give them REAL photo ops when they're getting so good at the FF fake ones? Or?

14750778? ago

And live streamed on several platforms...

14750692? ago

I was going to pass out glow sticks and glow necklaces for my "teal pumpkin" offerings. I had good intentions of taping a message about "Jesus is the Light of the world" to each one, but unfortunately, it looks like Trick or Treating will be rained out where we live.

Prayer is the most powerful spell breaker.

Our Father, which art in heaven Hallowed be thy name Thy Kingdom come Thy Will be done On earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread And forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from evil. For thine is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory FOREVER. Amen.

Heavenly Father, Abba, Daddy. You hold the whole world in your hands. Not a sparrow falls from the sky without your knowing. And if you care for a sparrow, how much more do you love us, your children. God, we are in an epic battle of good and evil, and we ask that you will powerfully intervene. We ask that that the evil ones will be brought to justice, that the children will be freed and healed from the atrocities rained down on them and that your good will be done. Bring heaven to earth, shine your light of truth on all of your creation. Open the eyes of the blind. Victory and vengeance are yours, God, and we lift our voices as one to fight against the forces of darkness. In Jesus' powerful name we pray, amen.

14750868? ago

Individually, we are weak, like tiny twigs. But, together, we form a mighty faggot that cannot be broken!

14750661? ago

Pray, and shine the light of Truth on all of them.

14750594? ago

ABC Morning show had kids in their costumes. One was a 3'x5' NYT front page with a face-hole cut near the middle top. Headline was "Part of the Resistance" Made me kind of wish this kid would show up at my door. Not only no candy, he'd get a talkin' to! Perhaps turn his parents in for child abuse.

14751483? ago

Wow...it's disgusting how they use children in these ways..you might remember this NTY gem:


14750535? ago

You will have ZERO effect with mortal works in a spiritual WAR.

14750800? ago

You are a spiritual being having a physical experience friend..you can do much more than you know..

14754534? ago

Point remains who your actually doing it for. You serve the god you see

14751553? ago

ONLY IF your Spirit filled.You MUST be hooked to the power source. Walking an aisle and saying a prayer does not make you spirit filled. Read the book of Acts,its very clear.

14750909? ago

How about the physical beings and spiritual beings get together and go arrest Hillary Clinton? That would have a HUGE effect.

14751019? ago

Conspiracy label: There are certain things [advanced weapons] holding everything back..

14751116? ago

That makes no sense.

14750523? ago

Say a prayer that the 13 luciferian bloodlines are incapable of having human sacrifices today. We know they will really be in full force to brings demons against the godly this midterms. We need to pray for God and his heavenly angels to bind these demons in chains. Including the demon named Don Lemon.

14750841? ago

It won't work. God is about effective as Q when it comes to doling out the justice. He's an invisible, mythical figure who never appears. They both make a lot of promises but, are kind of light on the action if you know what I mean.

14750254? ago

The Haitian people hate the Clintons and Democrats they've casted heavy voodoo spells on them over and over again.

14750355? ago

Except Haitian Voodoo is very powerful and they would be dead if that were the case. Maybe they're going the slow and painful route and it takes a few years for the curse to set?

14751916? ago

Or maybe it's nothing more than superstition. Haitian voodoo is very powerful... Give me a break. What makes it more powerful than any other?

14757961? ago

The demons.

14755151? ago

Cuz some other anon said voodoo is super powerful and obviously they have no reason to lie guyz.


14750414? ago

It's been working. They help take down the Clintons. Made the demtards rabid.

14750185? ago

Also go watch some Randal Carlson videos to learn the original meaning of the day, to remember all the people who died when we got blown up by an asteroid from the Taurid meteor stream 12900 and/or 11500 years ago. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75hVrv392BY

BTW, we're in the middle of the Taurid stream right now.

14750147? ago

I feel like this is the last time Halloween has bigger impact on this planet. The light is pouring. Stay the course and hold the line. Vote.


14750779? ago

DO YOU READ THE BIBLE? Didn't Revelations speak of the end times and the Antichrist and the persecution of the Christians? The Mark of the Beast? The End of the World? We are barely getting started. This is one brief ray of sunshine that broke through the clouds for a short period of time. Soon the storm clouds will hide the sun and it will start to get dark. There is a LOT more pain and persecution coming. You guys are celebrating victory way too soon. It's going to get a whole lot worse before it gets any better.

14757839? ago

The scripture frequently uses metaphor and symbolism, imagery. The notion that it is all going to get bad and then Christ will just come in and magically fix it is immature and un-Christian in spirit.

Where is Christ's voice? Where is Christ's hands? How does Christ work?

The battle of Armageddon is NOW being waged. God has won the victory, and with the fulfillment of time, is now destroying evil to make way for the Kingdom.

Satan's kingdom goes down when God's kingdom has arrived. It is already here.

Satan's bloodlines go down when God's bloodline arrives. It is already here.

All around the world, many, many Christians are experiencing a NEW degree of awakening. Not just here, there in pockets. Everywhere. This is a world-wide phenomena, and such a worldwide awakening has never happened before. Everywhere.

Satan is ruling nations, passing laws with populations brainwashed to believe that killing innocent babies in the womb is a good thing. That teaching children from the age of 5 that their sex and gender are fluid is good. That suppressing any free speech that contradicts the Satanic State governments around the world is good.

Reading the Bible is easy. Understanding it is not.

The Kingdom is dawning, in substance. But the first step is the destruction of instruments and systems Satan has been using to rule humanity since forever.

14759579? ago

You guys want everything to be neat and clean. Sorry to disappoint you. It's going to get a whole lot more violent and bloody first.

14751933? ago

It can't possibly get any worse, Christians are being slaughtered allover the world and children are being sacrificed and raped en masse. Freedom of speech is gone, media is lying, medicine is killing us, air, food and water is polluted. These are the end times. Darkness is being revealed and the Church is being investigated.

And McMcain is dead.

Nothing worse will come. Bye bye Satan.

14752093? ago

Ahahahahah. "Nothing worse will come". They should print that on your tombstone.

You poor, dumb, naive bastard.

14751331? ago

Please remember there are other suffering much more horrible fate than we are. While we may have migrants coming up from central America our Christian brothers and sisters in the middle east are being run out of their countries and having a hell of a time settling in Europe. We have to protect OUR promised land.

14751416? ago

We have to protect OUR promised land.

The only way to do that is to pick up weapons and start killing your enemies. You can't reason with them.

14755117? ago

Found the violence promoting shill the sticky warns about!

At least wait until after midterms. Sheesh.

14750557? ago

YES let it be so AMEN!

14750459? ago

So true, lots of 'lasts' in these times..

14750298? ago

I had the exact same feeling this morning!

14750025? ago

Those who believe in prayer, (or the power of loving and compassionate thoughts), please take a moment and send Divine Light and Love to be with everyone, especially the wicked (if only to torment them).

14750362? ago

Thanks friend, you might find this knowledge interesting:

‘They Had the Power’: Former Satanic High Priest Says Christian Prayers Hindered Him from Carrying Out Evil”


14750674? ago

Great article. Thanks! I do know that sending love to an evil opponent (someone who has totally rejected God, and who serves satan) weakens them, and they tend to leave you alone after that. And we, being weak and imperfect, need to call upon the Divine to send that Love.

14749963? ago

Don't forget tomorrow too. All Saints Day is even heavier with ritual activity. Prayers to the victims.

14750811? ago

And the victims who never receive justices. Like all the people who Hillary Clinton murdered, like Seth Rich. Traitors like Obama who killed tons of American soldiers and patriots. Those people are crying out for justice! They want Hillary and Obama arrested and executed for their treason. When will the victims receive justice?

14749804? ago

Steal the enemies symbols and reshape them into something good.

14750824? ago

I carved a Pentagram into the door of my local church, but, it's OK, because we're taking it back.

14750476? ago


14749756? ago

Does sticking a Jew in the oven count as an "Act of Kindness"?