14748885? ago

OP thanks for making this list. It's awesome.

14748805? ago

I'd like to point out that CDAN never says Kurt Russel engaged in pedo shit. He is on the good side, wanting to expose it.

14748268? ago

so, a bunch of of stories written on the internet with no corroborating proof is to be believable?

14748006? ago

So because he is so off the rails and anti-Trump, I keep expecting to see something about Tom Arnold. What's the deal with that guy?

14746982? ago

I love CDAN! I only started reading it this year after discovering Q, though. One thing I've noticed on CDAN is that much like Q, there are some fake posts peppered in there. I don't know if I can believe the MJ one, it seems incongruent with all the other evidence against the accusstions

14745773? ago

All crimes are commercial.

14745660? ago

thank you for putting this all together!

14745671? ago

No problem! We all need to come together to stop these monsters!