14751615? ago

Note that coming here to drop a baby, suggested act of kindness for the baby, is really for the baby's parents, siblings, grandparents, et al, who then qualify for chain migration due to the baby's citizenship. Just how stupid is that!?

14750228? ago

Three things:

 1.   Timing is everything.  Trump brought this forward now to distract the press/Dems/DS.
 2.   This is only the first step of a process likely to be finally resolved by the SC.
 3.   Citizenship for Anchor Babies is wrong, just like Civil Forfeiture (as practiced)

14750730? ago

Concise and to the point. Nice work!

14749329? ago

and another good explanation of the 14th amendment.


14748808? ago

Dual citizens btfo too?

14749349? ago

I don't know what the law says on that, apparently its ambigous at best. We MUST close that loophole, Congress must pass a law forbidding it, our gov't has been infiltrated by Israeli agents.

14747495? ago

This is good, very good. However, it effects a relatively small number of people.

I'm still waiting for Autists & Anons to tear into the 16th Amendment and the grand weaponized THEFT BY DECEPTION that is the IRS Federal Income Tax scam. This effects every single American adult.

They have literally been confiscating our property under false pretenses since WWII. The vast majority of Americans are NOT actually subject to the Federal Income Tax since the vast majority of Americans DO NOT HAVE FEDERAL INCOME.

"TO PUT IN A NUTSHELL what you are about to learn, the "income" tax is and always has been an excise tax on gains from certain federally-connected activities in which most Americans do not engage in meaningful (taxable) amounts, if at all. The law says this plainly, if only in places not commonly seen by most people.

Unfortunately, most Americans have been successfully conditioned over the last 75 years to believe the tax applies to all economic activity. Concurrently, most Americans have been induced to report payments of all kinds to government tax agencies using forms such as W-2s and 1099s which are actually prescribed-- again, in places most people don't know to look-- exclusively for the reporting of federally-connected tax-relevant payments.

These reporting-form allegations are taken as true if unrebutted, and it is on that basis that the income tax is ultimately applied, both to those who have engaged in taxable activities and those who have not, but aren't aware of the need to rebut the erroneous reporting-form allegations to the contrary. Because of the way this has all been designed, put in place and maintained, for most folks the "income tax" could be better called the "ignorance tax"."

If this piques your interest you can read the full text at: http://losthorizons.com/The16th.htm

And then you can buy the author's book, "Cracking the Code: The Fascinating Truth About Taxation in America", where you find out how to LEGALLY -- using the IRS' own tax code -- reclaim your erroneously withheld property and never pay the Ignorance Tax again.

The author estimates that since his book was first published in 2003 that over 100,000 Americans have used the truth that he discovered buried in the IRS code to recover over a billion dollars worth of their property (dumbest thing the IRS ever did was to digitize Title 26 and make it searchable).

If every American would discover this truth, or even just a critical mass of them, we could put the insatiable Federal government back to its originally intended size and scope, that is to say, very limited.

14760739? ago

also check out the REDEMPTION MANUAL SERIES 5.0 lots of political history and cabal maneuvering to get us up to this point of servitude and bondage that they have burdened humanity with

14749443? ago

That's a lot to cover and very well written. Let me jump on the bandwagon here too. In a nutshell, over the last hundred years or so, the U.S. Constitution has been usurped by lawmakers in conjunction with a compromised liberal SCOTUS. We have the correct Justices in place, now we MUST keep the power in Republican and President Trump's hands so they can complete the plan that will return this country to a Constitutional gov't. It will clear the landscape of many injustices, one as you have described above, the other the birth right citizenship issue, the Federal Reserves ability to print money, and many others. It will take time and we have to give the power to the patriots.

14747085? ago

The following quote by Senator Howard tells us exactly what was the meaning and intended scope of the Amendment as introduced by him to the US Senate in 1866:

"The first amendment is to section one, declaring that 'all persons born in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the States wherein they reside.' I do not propose to say anything on that subject except that the question of citizenship has been so fully discussed in this body as not to need any further elucidation, in my opinion. This amendment which I have offered is simply declaratory of what I regard as the law of the land already, that every person born within the limits of the United States, and subject to their jurisdiction, is by virtue of natural law and national law a citizen of the United States. This will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the Government of the United States, but will include every other class of persons. It settles the great question of citizenship and removes all doubt as to what persons are or are not citizens of the United States. This has long been a great desideratum in the jurisprudence and legislation of this country."

14749466? ago

Thank you for the post patriot!

14746717? ago

From what I've seen of lawfags, I'd rather BE an ignorant , illiterate shill. 99% of the fucked uppedness of the world can be claimed by sociopath lawyers who twist common sense right and wrong into an unrecognizeable quagmire.

14749482? ago

Like all things on earth, there are good and bad, we have to be able to discern the difference. Critical thinking is our only tool and its tough, but let's not throw out the baby with the bathwater. There are some very patriotic lawfags out there on our side, let's find them and elevate them, we need them.

14760792? ago

only if you want to play with there subject matter what you think is law is privately copywrite which has no jurisdiction over sovereign beings COMMON LAW is the place for me!!!!

14768871? ago

Or the law of the gun. We may need to go to that third box.


14745338? ago

Saw politico is spreading a false narrative that birthright citizenship is a "constitutional gaurantee".

14749525? ago

Politico?....pssshhh....faggotry fake news central.

14744833? ago

Thanks for explaining that lawfag. Got a clear understanding of the 14th now. Was always a bit convoluted reading it.

14760860? ago

you must define every word in legislation with a law dictionary because there is a different definition from your college dictionary

14761774? ago

Thanks for the input anon. Didn't realize this.

14788364? ago


14749598? ago

Unfortunately our founding fathers used the obtuse legal language of their day and our language has changed over time, so its easy for their words to be twisted by treasonous types. Fortunately, we have their other writings to understand what they meant and their intent of everything written in the Constitution. As a country, we need to put a big emphasize on Civics in school, its being "glossed over" for a reason. Their is also a reason why many schools are not teaching cursive writing any more. If you can't read it, how can you understand it.

14750774? ago

I watched ((them)) for years slowly twist the children utilizing the schools. Whether by psychotropics or common core today. While estimating at work, I would take breaks and talk to the kids. The little one seemed a bit confused in addition /subtraction of 3-digit figures. She was starting her work on the far left of the figure. I showed her how to start on the right, "Borrow, minus the 1, and add to method. She told me "why didn't the teacher do it this way"? Needless to say, she finished up her homework in an hour, and was outside playing with her friends. Time+Patience was their primary tools to use/create a generation to create havoc,divide. and demote another Gen(s). Insidious tactic. Again, thank you for clarification.I read/lurk a lot of lawfag on 8chan Glad to see a deeply entrenched ally working for the good of humanity.

14753244? ago

Q has given us all hope. WWG1WGA....more than just a slogan.

14744381? ago

The 14th Amendment was in response to freeing slaves and repeal of the Constitution item that termed slaves as property and considered 3/5 a person. Those freed were already persons under US political jurisdiction and thus granted full citizenship. The 14th Amendment does not address immigration as there was no change to the clause that establishes Congress's authority to make laws on immigration and naturalization. Legal immigrants fall under US jurisdication by legal application as an immigrant or visa. Foreign Nationals who enter the US illegally or violate the law beyond their granted legal entry are still Foreign Nationals under the political jurisdiction of their home country.

14743994? ago

OK so Section 1 is what it is and the caravan has it front and foremost in the news. REsearch for yoursefl. Read on through the full text of the 14th. Section 3 is very interesting, especially considering every mainstream media outlet is shouting todayabout the infallibility of their view of Section 1. It's going to be hard to back off that should any of our elected officials for example, suddenly find themselves disqualified from holding public office.

14749646? ago

It is what it is and a lot of our public officials belong in jail, not in public office in the first place. Especially ALL of the dual-citizens that are Israeli agents.

14743036? ago

hey look anchor babies


14745041? ago

Why do liberals love to make children act like foul mouthed cunts?

14743395? ago

throw the little bastards back in the Rio Grande

14743016? ago

I would add that John Bingham’s definition of “natural born citizen” proves BHO was not a natural born citizen under the US Constitution & therefore not qualified to be POTUS.

14744069? ago

Wouldn't that mean we can impeach his SCOTUS picks?!?!?

14748301? ago

Yes, however I don’t believe it’s likely.

14743794? ago

Well let's see how BHO reacts to Trump bringing up the 14th amendment. This could be a big BOOM for the Renegade.

14743663? ago

I remember asking that hypothetical awhile ago, never got a good answer

14746092? ago

What does: never got a good answer mean?

The answer you wanted to hear? The answer your question requires yet did not conform to your eh..expectation?

14749144? ago

It was never answered at all, dismissed as non issue.
I do still want to know what would happen

14742292? ago

Thanks for posting this. Glad to see actual information here again

14743410? ago

We're in it to win it!

14742235? ago

Everyone that is here illegally and everyone who is a child of someone that illegally came here needs to be deported now. If your here because your parent(s) broke our laws and you now have no nation, well, sucks for you. Blame your parent(s) for breaking our laws.

14749022? ago

Birthright laws for illegals is legalizing an insurgency. I've said it before. There's NOTHING to stop China from sending citizens they don't want to America and taking over.

14745002? ago

plays world's smallest violin

14743644? ago

I wonder, will the executive order act retroactively as an ex post facto? I know that congress and the states are prohibited from creating ex post facto law by the constitution. This applies for creating laws and the amendment was created long ago, so does that prohibition extend to the President's prerogative of interpreting and enforcing said law? This might be quite interesting.

14748192? ago

I am not sure it is in fact ex post facto as there is no law or SCOTUS decision on this. There was an interpretation and people ran with it, but it was never challenged, litigated or legislated.

14744254? ago

I agree. This is one reason we needed to get BK on SCOTUS. President Trump will continue to dismantle the anti American power structure. I'm sure many cases will reach the SC.

14760617? ago

find the one original copy of the 13th amendment and ratify and implement that too!!!!

14743810? ago

Well, they're here illegally. That fact alone is cause enough to make this very simple.

14743428? ago

Jim Acosta is fake and gay.

14743508? ago

yeah no idead what that thread was about i was pointing to the comment linked

14742117? ago

Guess this will be fought all the way to the SC. I wonder how that will turn out? :)

14760642? ago

5-4 of course

14743443? ago

I assure you it will turn out good for the country, why do you think they were fighting Kavanaugh so hard, they know we have the votes now to nail down undecided unconstitutional actions.

14742080? ago

There is a national emergency regarding immigration, so the rules are different.

14743463? ago

What national emergency? and what is different? explain.

14748879? ago

Read Trumps Executive orders. One was signed last December 21 regarding human trafficking. When a national emergency is declared, certain provisions kick in that increase executive power.

Trump can ban anchor babies as long as the emergency persists. He cannot make this change permanently, though.

14749665? ago

It only needs to be in place long enough for us to elect a clean Congress, a Republican controlled Congress that can enact proper laws. I firmly believe that is the plan. If we do our part, they will do theirs.

14751042? ago

Agreed. Then we start repealing these unconstitutional acts these traitors passed.

14753202? ago

There is ~100 years worth of unConstitutional acts to go thru, its going to take awhile, but we're in it to win it.

14753649? ago

Start with the Fed...

14744198? ago

Trump signed something last year. I'm sure you could find it if you googled it

14749817? ago


Yes, we are under Emergency Powers, but Trump is using them very quietly, not drawing attention. The plan will not fail, Q is in total control.

14750100? ago

Thanks for the link, Patriot!

14742330? ago

country was founded on naitonal emergency

14742628? ago

Good stuff. Thanks for sharing your work.