14740632? ago

It appears Candace Owens was using Kanye's name to advance Blexit and he wants distance from it.

14740512? ago

I don't like this breaking news twitter acc.

14739622? ago

Weird. Looking forward to find out the story behind this.

Serious threats or blackmail maybe. That's my best guess.

14739731? ago

It usually is blackmail

14739522? ago

Read the 13th Amendment it woke him up.

14739480? ago

Its all about the contracts, and questioning the offers to contract for disclosure of the



got social security number?

you are paying into a pension making you an employee, which you dont get paid for

14739263? ago

Who threatened him?

14741137? ago

Probably the same people who killed 2 Pac and Biggie.

14739448? ago

I hope the right people told him about the us citizen vs the people


14739125? ago

DS got to him. They can't allow runaways from the plantation. His message was a genuine threat to them.

14739032? ago

Bipolar is a bitch

14739029? ago

I think this is a perfect time to onboard Mike Jones

14738976? ago

Oh my could the big boys told him about butter on the bread?

14738824? ago

Looks like Kim threatened to cut him off from anal

14739528? ago

He read the 13th Amendment again.

Voluntary Servitude IS LEGAL

14738777? ago

https://tweetsave.com/breaking911/status/1057390933837258753 :

Breaking911 on Twitter: "Kanye West Breaks From Politics and Says He’s Been Used: “My eyes are now wide open and now realize I’ve been used to spread messages I don’t believe in. I am distancing myself from politics and completely focusing on being creative”"

This has been an automated message.

14738721? ago

Kikes must've threatened him.

14739548? ago

he re read the 13th Amendment after misquoting it, now his eyes are open to the contract for voluntary slavery

14738720? ago

The source on twitter has no links to prove it. So I call bullshit..

14738729? ago


I already made a post about this,

14738619? ago


14738645? ago


14738593? ago

He was probably lurking on VOAT and was like damn these niggas crazy