14747140? ago

Daily disinformation posting from whatdoesitmean.

14749702? ago

everytime you say that 3 days later someone posts the exact same story from a different site, and im like i already posted this is old news

14749752? ago

It's not the same story .... the sources are usually posted BEFORE any fake article you post.

14739157? ago

Implying the brazillian president could scare anybody, let alone the fucking global deepstate.

oooh no - they got American and now brazil - whatever shall we do combrades

nothing we can do - truly we are doomed. If only we'd kept the nationalists out of Brazil, we would have won so easily

14739132? ago

Don’t overlook Sebastian Kurtz, 32 year old Chancellor of Austria.


14739365? ago

yeah im thinking GREXIT is in the future too hopefully Germany

14738996? ago

I pray that Brazil will join with US and fight and defeat the Deep State! This war is World Wide! And every new ally is another nail in the Deep State socialist coffin. They want us divided and ignorant, but we are sheep no more! They (the DS) have gone too far. They've crossed the red line and have awakened the sleeping giant. Now, our children will be spared and their blood will be the blood spilled! Praise the Lord, and pass the ammunition!

14738030? ago

The article had little to say about the Brazilian president, but was more about Trump's coming executive order ending anchor babies. What would have interested me more would have been information on BRIC and what Jair Bolsonaro would do. BRIC, as I remember, is an alliance with Brazil, Russia, China and India to sell oil for gold backed currencies instead of the fiat petro dollars the banksters inflate at will.

Yesterday, Oct 29, Trump tweeted this: "Had a very good conversation with the newly elected President of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, who won his race by a substantial margin. We agreed that Brazil and the United States will work closely together on Trade, Military and everything else! Excellent call, wished him congrats!"

I wonder if that means Trump talked about BRIC and getting the US onto the gold standard?

14738544? ago

Thank you. These links provide more information on Bolsonaro. I am still interested on the Trump and Bolsonaro's view on BRIC. Of course that is not the point of your post, and this shows, once again, how much QAnon, the military Alliance and Trump are impacting the whole world.

14741063? ago

I only care about Trumps view on US Notes

no IRS when you use US Notes

14737684? ago

Stuff from this domain is pure faggotry.

14737773? ago

you didnt even read it, youre just a lefty shill

you think Brazil didnt just elect "Tropical Trump"?

lol youre credibility is in the gutter

14737802? ago

Sorcha Faal = Such A Fail

14737843? ago

again you still didnt read it.

14737861? ago

I don't need to. If Sorcha Faal is the source, it's total bullshit. Save yourself the trouble.

14738475? ago

youre just one guy, and so am i


14740454? ago

Research Sorcha Faal. It's literally disinfo. You're reading actual propaganda.