14739835? ago

Dan Bongino gave a great explaination on todays podcast

14737565? ago

sorry i killed your thread by disclosing this content, now voat will censor it

14737664? ago

I can make another then.

14737847? ago

ok see you there

14737508? ago

Attorneys have a title of Nobility from the Queen of England,

no state shall grant titles of nobility blah blah blah

Attorneys are elected to represent entire states

Attorneys can not represent you unless you are incompetent or invalid, (research it) ive done it already been doing it for years.

it makes all the states inhabited by retards

Attorneys are in every branch of government, WHY I ALWAYS SAY "

Trump is the first American President in a long time" hes not a British agent, hes an American NOT a US citizen