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14737122? ago

Sorry, could OP please cite in the Constitution where it says the U.S. is a "corporation"? If OP cannot, then fuck off with this bullshit. All unconstitutional laws are null and void.

14737243? ago

nothing in the constitution says you have to get a drivers license, look at the world around you buddy

14746160? ago

This has exactly what to do with the Constitution which mentions nothing about the U.S. being a corporation?

14787936? ago

Another "Act". Give it a rest. Acts, laws, bills, statutes, call them what you will, if they're unconstitutional, they're null and void.

14790392? ago

it wasnt suppose to effect us thats why they didnt tell anyone, now every state has been replaced by a corporate franchise of the same company

All the DUNS #'s

14813881? ago

No, the United States Constitution was never amended to make the United States a corporate franchise. Please cite the congressional vote which amended the Constitution in this way.

14830132? ago

Oops, sorry. Not a lawful Constitutional amendment. Therefore null and void.