14713880? ago

Neon Revolting is a self serving, narcissistic faggot!

14713265? ago

I get it, people need to make a living, however, he seem like such a shill.

The anons across the world who are anonymous, yet put in tons of work for FREE, deserve all of the credit. This NR dudes to get paid/donations for his little blog where he just lifts the research from the hardworking anons.

It reeks like shit if you ask me...

14714899? ago

Whatever their motivation is doesn't really matter to me. Both NR and SB2 are excellent at what they do. I'm glad they're on our team. How about sending a sample of your digs?


14725013? ago

How about asking Neon to sell his made in China crap at a reasonable 30% profit!

Or would you rather he rip off veterans and old people?

14731407? ago

I would say that we shouldn't stifle anyone ... If he can make a large profit why shouldn't he? ... The CHOICE to buy or not to buy is yours, nobody is forcing you. Or are they? Cause if they are?!!? We don't let anyone push our vets or old folk around in these here parts ... WWG1WGA

14713500? ago

I like Neon. Even if as you say that he doesn't do research himself. He's doing a great service by bringing it all together. I would bet that 95% of the people here don't have the time to read everything on 8chan. Seriously, that would be a full time job and mind-numbing. Neon does a great job of bringing together a lot of deep dive stuff and presenting it in a way that makes it understandable. I'm not sure how HATING on him is furthering the movement. He's a dedicated participant in this whole thing. Who gives a shit if he makes a few bucks off of t-shirts. I bought Q stuff from Amazon, probably from some dickhead that isn't even involved in the whole Q movement. So hate on me I guess too. I wanted a Q shirt and coffee mug so I bought them.

14724972? ago

Did you follow the special care instructions? Remember his stuff is made in China and you have to be careful how you wash that T!

14725803? ago

Didn't buy from him. I'm good.

14725855? ago

There you go!

14713755? ago

Only a matter of time when the shills check back and you'll be downvoted. But you make good points to anyone with any common sense, which shills don't have. Neon and SB2, DO do a lot of research in conjunction with bringing it all together, and because of it is why they are attacked more than others. If they were true Patriots, they might not like what Neon and SB2 are doing, but if isn't hurting Q movement and getting the truth out, they shouldn't feel compelled to attack them.

14724992? ago

Wrong wrong wrong!

He’s being attacked because he’s a Jew and is ripping off Patriots with his cheap made in China shit that he makes profits that Jews are proud of!

14715016? ago

You don't get it.. It's because these people are profiting off of a good vs evil world war for the future of humanity. If you cant see why thats a bad idea, there's no helping you.

Go ahead, suck some more Neon cock and give him all your hard earned money. Why don't you go and post in the other subverse where namefags like them post?

14714570? ago

Only a matter of time when the shills check back and you'll be downvoted. But you make good points to anyone with any common sense, which shills don't have.

Anyone who criticizes neonrevolt is a shill? Fuck off with that bullshit.

14713708? ago

You call it hating like im hating on his success and popularity like some jealous millennial, which tells me you don't quite understand the problem.

He's trying to profit off of a fight between good & evil. Literally the future of mankind on earth depends on this battle but this guys focus is making money. If you can't see why that's a bad idea, there's no helping you. So get over yourself, this isn't some jealous hater shit here.

14712506? ago

Neon Swansong is a donkey

14712472? ago


Neon talks about himself a lot.

He stops long enough to plug a friend, repost other people's research, and sell shitty Tshirts.

I notice now that we're in an environment where comments can't "disappear" that neon is a lot less popular.

14724914? ago

He is a huge fan of Obana!

14713105? ago

An environment full of shill faggots.

14714596? ago

An environment full of shill faggots.

Anyone who disagrees with you is a "shill faggot"? Maybe put that in your next blog neon. You're voice stands out. You are pathetic.

14716004? ago

I'm not Neon, but I feel flattered. I wish I was doing as much for the country as he is. I don't know why shills like yourself sell out for a few bucks.

14724928? ago

Nope, neon sells out for the shekel! $25 Ts that cost $5 and $60 hoodies that cost $12 plus they are made in Chinese sweat shops!

This is a traitor not a hero!

14730945? ago

Buying low and selling high is the essence of capitalism. The US is a capitalist country, and that is what we are trying to preserve. The alternative is communism. You are either a commie, or you are really really stupid. Why are you here attacking patriots?

14732461? ago

Didn’t know We were supporting Jews! I didn’t get the memo

14718380? ago

I wish I was doing as much for the country as he is.

Reposting 8ch posts andselling merch?

14719351? ago

Hey microdick, why don't you come out of the basement and get a life?

14720099? ago

Hey neon, how many alts do you have now?

14720712? ago

LOL, you think he has time to mess around with the likes of you? He demolishes idiots on his web page, he doesn't need to do it here.

14724944? ago

Where else does he crib his material from? Why boards like this one!

14722205? ago

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14721987? ago

you think he has time to mess around with the likes of you?

You tried and we all made you look stupid.

He demolishes idiots on his web page, he doesn't need to do it here.

Tell us mord about how you picture youself?

14722613? ago

This is too funny. Neon lives in microdick's head. Microdick thinks he sees Neon everywhere.

14724949? ago

Neon lives with Jews.

14730987? ago

Your mother is a crack whore.

14732477? ago

Tell your mum to stop selling to my mom!

14724009? ago

No. You're just obvious.

14712930? ago

now that we're in an environment where comments can't "disappear" that neon is a lot less popular


14712334? ago

No thanks. Total faggot.

14712020? ago


I like neon.

14712479? ago

Neon is a dick licking homo.

14712652? ago

Then don't listen to him.

Problem solved.

You are welcome.

14724903? ago

Yep! Neon is raping latriots and the Jews approve of his business practice!

14713009? ago

I didn't know who neon revolt was until the shill attacks

Funny how you don't know who he is, yet automatically assume that people fed up with his shit are "shills"

but he's clearly doing God's work.

Does God own textile factories in China?

14713398? ago

Yes, God owns everything, faggot.

14712276? ago

You know your over the target 🎯 when the shills hit.

I’m gonna check neon

14724884? ago

The shills are targeting his Jewish business practices not his columns.

The trolls are over the shekel 💵

14712016? ago

We're getting close. Look for something between 11-11 to 11-17

14711886? ago

Is a merch selling faggot.

14724769? ago

Didn’t you hear? He’s got Save the Border! ts selling for $35!

14712181? ago

And I just returned from a Trump rally where I bought a re elect Trump hat. So what do you call him? Not every Patriot who sells something, means they are not a Patriot. But I wonder if a commenter such as you call yourself one. I'd rather fight beside Neon, who has never led anyone astray and only contributed to the movement, and done a ton of research to share, than a hard-on faggot contributing to division himself.

14724847? ago

How much was the cap? $25 ?

Neon sells made in China T-shirts for $25 that cost $5 and $59 hoodies that cost $13.

Nothing wrong with metchandise but making a Jew killing on patriots is a traitor!

14712217? ago

Sheep. You all are sheep.

14712385? ago

Don't worry about us. You can go back to sucking YOUR shepard's dick and giving your backside to him.

14712398? ago

praise Allah! Where's the sexy camels!

14724855? ago

Praise the shekels that Neon is reaping in profits!

14712119? ago

Yeah, Neon may be more merchant than patriot, I don't know, don't care.

But even POTUS sells stuff, as long as Neon doesn't try to force you to buy, as long as Neon doesn't lead astray...it can be used as a source for comparison uses at least. We are running out of places to share/compare/ponder.

So, don't buy his shiite, be wary of words but he cannot hurt us unless we let him, right? People are far more aware of what's habbening today.


14724826? ago

Made in China for $5 a T and $12 a hoodie marked up to Profit margins a Jew would shake his hand for!

$25 and $60. Special Save the Border T sells for $35!

14712107? ago

Are you jealous because he supports himself and isn't a welfare fag like you?

14724786? ago

Nope! He’s a Jew! Who else sells Chinese T-shirts for $25 that isn’t Nike?

14730882? ago

OK, Neon's a jew, and you're a nigger, ha ha, I guess this stuff is funny for an adolescent. Teenagers used to be interested in girls. Now they troll the internet between wanks. You should get out of the basement once in a while, it might help your complexion.

14732449? ago

Ive got a sun burned ass from being on the beach too much!

14712146? ago

Does your jaw get sore from sucking his dick so much?

14712501? ago

What’s wrong with capitalizing on a niche? That’s a beautiful thing about America.

14724802? ago

$60 hoodie that costs $10 to make. Sure boss! Fuck the Q anons!

The Jews would him one of their own easily!

14712518? ago

Yeah, it's great that idiots will spend money on crap.

14712167? ago

Keep your fantasy life to yourself, homo.

14711928? ago

Lighten up Francis

Don’t be a snitch fag

14712015? ago

Who the fuck is Francis?

14712302? ago

LOL, maybe shills know each other. They DO work together...

14712309? ago

Frank Underwood?