14707658? ago

This thread is a trap. Dont respond. You cannot win the argument, it is a slide, and bait. Just close and move onward. Those of us been doing this awhile can see it. I REPEAT, ITS A TRAP! DO NOT ENGAGE!

14709556? ago

Shut the fuck up - Trap? You are one of the shills!

14698613? ago

First off most claim to be jews and are not. They are the fake jews mentioned in revelations. They are either secular or luciferian but not true judaism.. They are from European decent and do not have the 12 tribes of israel blood in them. They are Khazarians that took over the jewish religion for political reasons. They worship the Talmud and kabala. They don't believe in the Torah.

We are dealing with FAKE jews. They neither have the religion or DNA of jews. They are FAKE! Perfect cover. Say that u are the descendant of Abraham and that the world is given to you by God. If fact God only gave a small piece of land and NOT the world to Jews. And God commanded in the 7th year ALL debt is to be forgiven. Have you ever see a jew honor this and relieve people's debt the 7th year? They won't because they are FAKE jews!

14697668? ago

Read "synagogue of satan". Ashkenazi Jews are not Semitic or Jewish. They are Satanists and thus you can be a part of the club as a fellow Satanist or simply by virtue of bloodlines.

14696578? ago

It can be both . While DNA may pin point a specific ancestry, blood lines were lost during the historic diaspora/enslavement/holocaust/etc There is a word in Hebrew for someone who converts to Judaism. Someone could have Jewish DNA and not know it. (Hebrew: גיור‬, giyur) is the religious conversion of non-Jews to become members of the Jewish religion and Jewish ethnoreligious community.

14696225? ago

It is a religion! The current Israelis probably have 1/1024 of the blood of ancient Israelites. Whereas, Palestinians have much of their blood. Strange, huh? According to the Bible, the land was promised to the seed of Abraham. Who has more of Abraham's DNA, a fair skinned European or a Semitic Palestinian? Definitely something to think about!

14696185? ago


Jews are too stupid to become a light builder. That is why they remain toy makers and kiddie fuckers.

14695404? ago

It's interchangeable. They flip back and forth depending on need and convenience. When it suits them, it's a religion. But, when they want to identify as a group, it's a race. Imagine if "Catholic" was a race.

14695319? ago

Actually it's a race, a religion and a National Identity!

14695262? ago

King David was the grand child of a convert (Ruth), from his seed mashiach is supposed to come

14707681? ago

But didn't he already come? Christ is a descendant of Ruth, and David made the bloodline royal when he became king?

14728934? ago

There is no such concept as "making the bloodline royal" I Torah, I dare say I have heard it expressed anywhere else either. Regarding Jeux, Christianity claims he was not the son of Joseph but the son of God himself, having been immaculately conceived. Also a concept which is foreign to Torah. Was he the messiah and was e rejected by his own? I am reading through and so far it does seem he had sought to bring forward a new covenant to replsce the old, which according toTorah cannot happen. So we'll see.

14695016? ago

The seed of the serpent.

14694856? ago

It’s both. It’s a religion. It’s also an ethnicity. The two are often not connected. Some are both, some are one. Almost all are neither.

14694556? ago

Another race-baiting liberal masking as a Trump supporter... yawn

14694553? ago

Don't be stupid. Anybody can convert to join the Jewish faith. Ivanka Trump, for example.

14694778? ago

That doesn't make her jewish in ethnicity or heritage, but it makes her a believer in judaism as a religion

14707704? ago

And one who denies Christ. Her and Jared are piculiar; I wonder what part they will play in "saving Israel for last."

14698731? ago

And she is entirely degenerate for that. Judaism as a religion is just as bad if nkt worse than Islam.

14694891? ago

No shit.

14694519? ago

Hebrew is dna Jewish is religion. Hebrew includes the dna of all twelve sons. Jewish includes just the tribes of juda and Benjamin. The others betrayed their faith worshipped false Gods were renamed samaritans and sent into captivity. Seek their history and shock yourselves.

14695776? ago

This is truth. Israel (10 tribes) and Judea (2 tribes). The term Jew only refers to the Southern Kingdom of Judea

14694499? ago

Palestinians are Jews by heritage and by faith. And they are good people.

14694378? ago

Jesus was a Jew. All the original Apostles were Jews. The Apostle that was sent to the Gentiles was a Jew. To hate anyone because of race or ancestry is wrong. As Q has reminded us on numerous occasions: Ephesians 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

14707755? ago

Did the Jewish "religion" even exist during the time of Christ? Is that the religion of Moses' time, when people believed in God, but before Christs birth? Wasnt Abraham Hebrew, but coverted to the bloodline by faith?

14694902? ago

Jesus was declaring war on the Jews with his final actions.

14696665? ago

Read your Bible! Jesus' war is against Satan, NOT the Jews, and He didn't DECLARE war with His the crucifixion, but He WON the war. Also, the crucifixion is NOT His final action.

14696895? ago

It was against the synagogue of Satan. He was martyred for starting the war against them.

14702670? ago

Do you not have a Bible? Jesus came to Earth to offer Himself as a sacrifice to save the world from sin.

14696147? ago

He said he would tear it down and he did

14694220? ago

Why is this sub so concerned with jewish people? It seems OCD.

14694280? ago

It seems forced and artificial, I agree. It could be an agenda at play.

14694275? ago

Just part of the effort by fake accounts, bots, shills, shareblue cunts to get this platform shut down too. True Patriots don't give a shit about your religion or race, just about your fucking behavior. People should have the right to say anything they want, to be as racist as they want, but you're right, it's going crazy here lately and it doesn't seem natural. It's an excuse to shut this down too.

14697230? ago

Wow you nailed it, fellow patriot. Surely, the years and years of anti Jew and anti black speech on this platform before the Qucumbers arrived was a cunning plan to paint Q followers as evil anti-semitic racists when they finally did appear!. Great decode!

14707801? ago


Besides, isn't it the FAKE "Jews" they are referring to? Who are neither Jewish by blood or faith? The ones of the synagogue of Satan, who hate and deny God, yet operate under the hijacked label of "I'm Jewish"? Am I confused?

14709662? ago

All Jews today are those fake Jews spoken of. When Jesus said those words and his other statements on the Jews, he referred directly to the Pharisees. All Jews alive today are Pharisees. All carry the blood on their line of choosing to kill Christ.

14695993? ago

Maybe some are shills. And some are not.

Maybe not giving a shit about someone's race means ultimately not giving a shit about your own.

Maybe this is what they want, for whites to hate themselves. Stop forming families. Stop surviving.

Maybe being a true patriot (from one's fathers) is more about caring for your people than for your soil.

Maybe you judge individuals by their behavior, but you judge groups by their dynamics.

Maybe they bring up jews because as a people without a soil, they have infested the lands of the nations of the west, entrenching themselves in a parasitic dynamic.

Maybe it's right to hate that which sucks your blood, but do you really hate the mosquito, once he's gone? Would you need to swat it dead to satisfy your hateful ways or is it the same to you if he just left you be, in the peace you seek from the start?

Maybe take these people seriously, and give their arguments a second look.

It's not about hate, it's about truth.

It's not about violence, it's about survival.

14696626? ago

Word salad. I'm not fooled.

14696926? ago

I see your poi... oh, that's right.

14694895? ago

I've been here a long time. They.re anti-social kids with psych problems.

14696600? ago

Yep. Off to the mental wards with them.

14694096? ago

Jesus said to "love your enemy" and to do all things with gentleness. So it's pretty simple here. Shooting up a synagogue isn't loving or gentle. The synagogue of Satan may be hiding behind the Jews to do terrible things but when we do terrible things to retaliate we are just as bad. Vengeance is mine said the Lord. Information is key here. Spread the word and be aware. The more awake people we have reading Bible's will produce the environment we desire. The Lord said "turn from your wicked ways and follow my word and I shall heal your land". Do not underestimate the Word of the Lord. The word of the Lord overthrew this cabal the last time they were in power operating as Christians through the Catholic Church. 1 man Martin Luther wrote the Bible in a language all could read and that 1 event was the event that started the beginning of the end of the Catholic empire. It caused a mass awakening and people turning to and following Jesus which further lead to the biggest prosperity of the human race in all of human history. It also resulted in the most free Nation the world has ever seen. The answers are right in front of us. Let Mr. Gowdy break it down


14694036? ago

Genetic markers cannot determine Jewish descent. Similar to the Native American population they share the lack of a marker being native American and why Pocahontas Warren was so laughable. Genetic scientist are left with using South America tribes for any markers. That is why the Native American tribes only use linage to determine tribal status. The sinister side of the DNA quest is the government now has access to the largest DNA database on the planet that was freely given by its population. Makes it easier for arrests and easier to frame enemies of the state.

14707840? ago

The Native Americans are Hebrew, I read once. The flood and cataclysms separated the lands but I don't remember reading how survivors remained to repopulate the Americas.

14693921? ago

Jesus expressed in the New Testament concerning the “Synagogue of Satan.” There is nothing special about the Jews.

The semites are the descendants of Shem, one of Noah’s sons. If you are white and you call yourself anti-semitic it means that you hate yourself. Caucasians are semites, by definition.

Is judaism a race or a religion?

We’re being told a lie about the Jews. They are nothing special.

The region of Israel became important a century ago because of dispensationalism. The jews of today are not bloodline jews. They are part of the jewish religion. Jesus himself said that we need to leave the synagogue of satan. . In 602 AD, after the diaspora, the King of Khazar Russia adopted Judaism as the state religion. Everybody in Khazar converted to Judaism. So, now we have white jews.

14693869? ago

Judaism is clearly a religion based on their 3,200 year history of uninterrupted evil.

Jews didn't become the most hated, most treacherous, most exiled people in human history by chance - it took a LOT of effort!

14694871? ago

This fucking link again.

14696124? ago

Anyone can take things out of context to smear a group/religion. Here is the context


14693854? ago

Judaism is a theology because Jesus taught us that Jews are the sons of Satan (John 8:41-48).

Jesus was right.

The Jews literally chose a Satanic hexagram / Star of Baal / Star of Moloch / Star of Remphan to represent their evil, genocidal, blood-drinking, anti-Christ region.

14694286? ago

Wasn't Jesus a Jew?

14707895? ago

One would have to look closely at the bloodline of Mary. And study the Exodus and Joshua to gain understanding of who God was trying to destroy and why.

14713092? ago

The bloodlines are where my eyes glaze over tbh.

14694301? ago


Jesus was born into a Jewish culture but he came here to end the Jewish laws of the Torah.

Jesus was sent to end Judaism.

14695804? ago

Jewish mother, heavenly Father. Of course he was Jewish. In his own words, he came to fulfill the Old Testament prophecies that spoke of him. He traveled Jewish land, and taught in synagogues as well as teaching the crowds that followed him. Exclusively.

We now live in the "time of the Gentiles". Read for yourself in the New Testament what his Apostles say about his blood-sacrifice and resurrection from the dead re: allowing the "spiritually born/awoke among us to have a "not guilty" verdict when judgment day comes.

There is also a promise of eternal life, instead of condemnation.

14704970? ago

he came to fulfill the Old Testament prophecies that spoke of him

Yes, he came to END the laws of the Torah.

He came to END Judaism.

He traveled Jewish land, and taught in synagogues

He referred to Jews as "the sons of Satan" (John 8:41-48) and as "animals" (The Cleansing of the Temple).

Jews claim Jesus was evil and was sent to be tortured in hill, screaming as he is boiled in shit.

Jews claim it is their mission to destroy the teachings of Jesus.

Jews are literally the anti-Christ.

14693837? ago

There is both a religion and an ethnicity that shares the name.

And our problem is with neither of those. Our problem is not with the nice Jewish neighbor or the synagogue down the street. Our problem is with the deep state.

14695354? ago

"There is both a religion and an ethnicity that shares the name."

  • "In a nutshell" (quoting from Monty Python here). Well said. Trying to learn, and then explore the calculus of both can lead to paths that seemingly have no end. <Infinity symbol>

"And our problem is with neither of those. Our problem is not with the nice Jewish neighbor or the synagogue down the street. Our problem is with the deep state."

  • And by trying to "love thy neighbor as you do yourself".

14695202? ago

Look up Sabbatean Frankist Luciferian Jews

14698125? ago

Well, that category would not include all Jews, the synagogue down the street, or my Jewish neighbor.

14710441? ago

Correct. The ones who are believed to be in control (Banking Powers) are the sabbatean

14693846? ago

There is no difference. All jews are scum and our enemies.

14693862? ago

No, they aren't. You can take your hate trying to make this group here look bad and go post it at tmor or somewhere else.

14693872? ago

Jews got the q people removed from reddit. Are you retarded?

14693877? ago

If being loving and not controlled by hate is retarded, then I will gladly accept that label.

14694027? ago

Are you Swedish by any chance? Look how well that is working out for them.

14694106? ago

Rural Midwesterner actually.

14693891? ago

Ok. You go hug the people that are genociding us then. Tell me how that works out for you.

14694208? ago

My friends and relatives who happen to be Jewish are not genociding anybody.

14694399? ago

They are accomplices. By not stopping the other jews they are guilty themselves.

14695525? ago

I don't know any evil jews personally. How could I stop them? And don't tell me to shoot up a baby christening in a synagogue.

14695884? ago

This depends on your definition of evil.

14696091? ago

And you sound like a C_A shill, trying to give this group a bad name.

14698946? ago

Cringe anarchy are good people.

14693774? ago

https://archive.fo/FZtF8 :

DNA links prove Jews are a 'race,' says genetics expert - Jewish World - Haaretz - Israel News | Haaretz.com

This has been an automated message.

14693728? ago

K, then abandon the Talmud as a talking point.

t. Not a Jew.

14693736? ago

Explain yourself - I do not understand your K and t?

14694395? ago

Destroy a People by destroying their language... another VERY effective tool in the Jews arsenal against the goyim.

14707931? ago

Maybe that's why they've stopped teaching spelling and writing in American elementary schools. This generation of kids will literally not be able to read or physically write without technology. They will have no means to record their own history, which is how the cabal would prefer it.

14693749? ago

K (very well, in that case)

t. (regards [mockingly])

14693778? ago

I still do not understand - what is the K and the t and what are you trying to say. And if you do not wanna write a sentence then nevermind

14697290? ago

When people finish a sentence / post with

t. (insert identifier here)

It acts as a way of stating the basis on which the comment was made. For example, I have a biology masters degree, so when I comment on something related to race/genetics I may include (t.biology postgrad) - although obviously its the internet and there's no proof, it serves as an identifier for others to understand the basis on which you are making the comment - your internet credentials, as it were. It merely identifies a critical aspect of the posters background.

K is just an abbreviation of "OK"

14697407? ago

Thnx for clarifying for me, I like to get wiser. It was a good expl.

14697478? ago

Happy to help

14694203? ago

t = regards

14693801? ago

Enjoy the confusion, eurotard bigot.

14693906? ago

These people ARE stupid Q.

14694120? ago

You are both looking in the mirror - just because I do not understand a comment and ask kindly for an explanation, doesn't make me stupid, but it makes you both faggots - not everybody in here are American, but fighting from other corners of the world, and yes sometimes explanations are needed, when you try to come across in a language which is not your native!

14694632? ago

I was actually on your side faggot.

14694732? ago

Well it never crossed my mind that you weren't - until your condesending comment. Well my shoulders are wide, and I never take it personally. So let's leave it there and get on with the red-pilling instead

14694217? ago

No one said q was for you, faggot.

14694311? ago

Of course not - I never asked your opinion - I am her regardsles. That is what friends are for!

14694348? ago

We am english8ng beyond ur c4pacity. Fook off, ur n0t Villkom.