Watch the Water - Department of Energy launches Water Security Grand Challenge (QRV)
submitted 6.3 years ago by 2812219?
“We’ll call on the power of competition to spur innovation, draw on the strengths of our partners and stakeholders, and tap into the expertise and world-class capabilities of DOE’s 17 National Labs.”
17 you say?
14663176? 6.3 years ago
Anyone else getting tired of these "watch the water" posts?
"Watch the Water: Ocean has tide."
"Watch the Water: Rain falls from SKY?"
"Watch the Water: H2O"
"Watch the Water: Donald Trump takes a sip of water with Liq(!!!!!)uifina on it. Q confirmed!"
"Watch the Water: Q is Christ's return! Water turns to wine color!"
I could go on for days....
14666466? 6.3 years ago
And I'm sure you will. On and on what bothers you and how we could all be better. Your signature bullying and belittling techniques make you obvious, along with your intentions to divide, thought police and nurture doubt. But please, carry on.
14666337? 6.3 years ago
Anyone else getting tired of bored cynics with nothing better to do than criticize posts?
14661465? 6.3 years ago
It does mean more jobs.
14657602? 6.3 years ago
Gets better and better. 5x5.
14663176? ago
Anyone else getting tired of these "watch the water" posts?
"Watch the Water: Ocean has tide."
"Watch the Water: Rain falls from SKY?"
"Watch the Water: H2O"
"Watch the Water: Donald Trump takes a sip of water with Liq(!!!!!)uifina on it. Q confirmed!"
"Watch the Water: Q is Christ's return! Water turns to wine color!"
I could go on for days....
14666466? ago
And I'm sure you will. On and on what bothers you and how we could all be better. Your signature bullying and belittling techniques make you obvious, along with your intentions to divide, thought police and nurture doubt. But please, carry on.
14666337? ago
Anyone else getting tired of bored cynics with nothing better to do than criticize posts?
14661465? ago
It does mean more jobs.
14657602? ago
Gets better and better. 5x5.