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14554517? ago

Fuck that cunt. Everyday rants of a drug addict or a juice head. Has no respect for women or pizzagate researchers, what so ever.

14554581? ago

He is a closet pedo.

14557487? ago

The funny part is this faggot @crensch is still young enough to be trafficked himself.

Not shocking that both him and @srayzie are hiding in their subs pretending no one is pinging them. If this is their way of pleading the fifth, they sound guilty as fuck.

14557890? ago

Dood, he tries to take credit for other’s work like when @crensch said he figured out who NeonRevolt is. I saw him arguing this point against another user who really figured out.

Hell he is so “famous” that redditors think he is a joke and pathetic. How forensic of them to not know is age but peg him for being under 25 on the way he acts through just typing.

14581911? ago

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