14508565? ago

Facebook clones exist too. Just need a content import wizard and poof there goes bookface.

14504310? ago

The first step is to get off Windows/MacOS, and get on a Linux distribution for your computer; I'm loving Ubuntu, but there loads of others, and they're just about all free. It's faster, more reliable, secure, and once you get used to it all after a bit- it's just all around better (and easily customizeable).

I'd imagine this phone wouldn't stop cell companies from triangulating your device's position anyway, complete privacy is near impossible on a mobile, but with Linux on a computer it's at least within reach.

14504672? ago

How do you like Office Live?

14501639? ago

This submission was linked from this v/Netsec submission by @cjtendon.

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14500313? ago

The 'phone' part of a cellphone is run from a completely separate chip with its own OS. It's called a Base Band processor. That's where all the access capabilities are. The BB processor doesn't power down, ever! Even if you turn your phone off. It has its own antenna and the consumer has no control over it. Linux wouldn't change this.

14504682? ago

Did you look at the Librem site?

14506253? ago

Librem may be OK for computers but with a cellphone you'll have the same problem. If you want cellphone service it will only happen if they have a chip that they approve of. It will still control everything that is communicated through a cell tower.

14500101? ago

Do you know if it would be possible for China to take control over Google when they go into China and 'fix it' so the Chinese 'control' all of what the Chinese people read, see, hear? Maybe this has already happened???

14502775? ago

Who has their hands on the controls isn't really the point. Google is doing whatever China wants. Deal w the devil

14498424? ago

How to harden Firefox’s defenses: https://www.privateinternetaccess.com/blog/2018/09/firefox-hardening-guide/

Good post man - thanks for that...hit up my about config and changed settings. excellent.

14502786? ago

Glad to be of service

14498350? ago

I love the idea, but breaking through the Apple/Google ecosystem duopoly wall will be a daunting task. Both Mozilla and Microsoft have tried and failed.

14502810? ago

I don't care if it's super huge, just so long as I can use it. But I bet Google is about to face some justice. China too.

14503361? ago

Well the problem is that a niche product isn't economically viable. Case in point: I'm typing this out right now on my Windows Phone. I love this thing. But too few adopters means Microsoft lost its shirt in the segment and had to abandon it. In a few months I'm going to have to replace this thing and I definitely don't want to choose a platform that I'm gonna have to migrate from (again) in a couple years.

I don't think the duopoly is breakable until we go to something completely different (AR glasses maybe?)

14504726? ago

I think this phone is supposed to be something you can upgrade yourself if you want. Linux isn't going anywhere.

I mean the problem w your Win phone is that OS is dead. Linux will never die. This is a 10 year phone easy.

14506085? ago

I get what you're saying, though I'd state that Windows Phone is actually a variant of Windows 10. But overall, as the world stands now it's the app ecosystem that makes or breaks the platform. Unless Google opens up their store and their IP so that this new Linux variant can access and run Android apps then this device will need to have its own ecosystem. That's the immovable object that has prevented threats to the duopoly.

Nobody wants to see a third viable option to iOS and Android more than me. I've proven it by sticking with WinPho much longer than was wise. But I just don't see it happening until we see a major disruption of some type.

14501422? ago

Fully free, libre, open source software is a good start. most computer users think microsoft, with antivirus, etc or apple, is all a normal mortal can use. floss stuff is often quirky however, some really user, novice, friendly systems are easily available. also comes with a Community.

14495997? ago

This is some crazy stuff how China has been infiltrating the US through the electronic technology. We citizens need to take a stand and buy US technology especially in light of the spying that has been going on by China.

14511445? ago

True. And the first step to doing that is to bring US manufacturing facilities, and jobs back into the USA where they belong. Not China, where Daddy Bush, and Bill (rapist) Clinton made the NWO trade deals that exported those technologies to the commies.

14526371? ago

Yes, that is why it is important that trade deals become fair and that jobs be brought back into the US. He knows what he is doing. The man is trying to Make America Great Again!!

14502970? ago

Hell yeah!

14495878? ago

Really helpful links. The link about Protonmail not being as private as they advertise is the 2nd time I’ve read this. They are actually out of Lithuania not Switzerland. That alone seems deceptive.

14502922? ago

Yeah - but the answers from PM also rang true, at least plausible

14498452? ago

Lots of the Swiss head to Lithuania to setup shop. Good looking women, cheap beer, good programmers, etc.

14495797? ago

Just like to add: https://protonmail.com/ Get yourself off Googles gmail. Protonmail is free and secure.

14502955? ago

I'd love to get Google out of my life completely!

But I'd have to sever all contact w the rest of the world. Any email to/from gmail will live forever on their servers

14495778? ago

I guess having the Chinese spy on you is better than liberals spying on you.

14502900? ago

Pssst...same people if you go high enough

14496225? ago

Is there a difference?

14495120? ago

I know of a cheaper alternative to Purism: Buy Acer r13 CHromebook and install linux on it. Acer r13 doesn't have Intel or AMD Chips that can be accessed without you knowing about it. Instead it has a Mediatek ARM Cortex that doesn't have this problem.

14495176? ago

I'm no hardware expert, but this Librem phone supposedly is all open source, hardware, firmware, software. Hopefully the hardware is not made in China.

While it may be a good option to install Linux on a Chromebook, I'd very much hesitate to buy a Chromebook made specifically to run Google on it. Who knows what could be buried deep inside.

14496276? ago

I don't know about the phone, But the puri.sm laptops all have Intel processors in them and they have to disable the sub-processor (which is the part that can be hacked into) by software.

On the other hand Mediatex ARM Cortex doesn't have the mention sub-processor. Because Google thinks it's going to track you through the Chrome OS so it doesn't need the processor "backdoor". But if you wipe-out the Chrome OS and Install linux instead - there's no way for them to get into your computer. My 2 cents.

14504997? ago

The phone has some other kind of chip. I can't find it now.

14503083? ago

No shit? Interesting

Can you really wipe Google away completely?

14496256? ago

I'd very much hesitate to buy a Chromebook made specifically to run Google on it.

Came here to say this. Think it's a coincidence big city public schools have been loaning out chrome books for students to use?

14503055? ago

"Don't be evil". But it's cool to brainwash children...?

14502859? ago

They watchin the kids...wtf

14501267? ago

linux based OS onto a chromebook - iirc what needs to be used is an image, and a conventional install is not easy or not possible(?). If so, carefully vet the image creation.

14496445? ago

Yes because they are using Chrome OS. I can't imagine most students reinstalling linux on Chromebooks. 99% of them are going to use Chrome OS. I don't think that there's anything shady with ARM Cortex Processors as the OP of this comment suggests. If you look at most Chromebooks - they all have Intel Processors. The Chromebook that OP suggested is one of few that has Arm Cortex.

I am no expert on hardware or software either but that Arm Cortex with Linux installed don it makes a lot of sense to me. Besides Acer r13 is like 400 bucks since it's been on the market for few years.

14495649? ago

If you trust Google to not install anything then go for it.

But you know there is always a catch with them

14495681? ago

ALWAYS a catch. They have to please their Chinese overlords after all.

14495106? ago

How about Torguard?

14494982? ago

The big question is the broadcom/business end chip. The issue with Android isn't that it isn't open source (it is). It's that the actual communication chip is closed source and proven to have backdoor access capable of remote recording.

14495226? ago

Well, it's also the software. Your Google account is attached to everything you do. Google is gathering literally everything you do on an Android. It's total surveillance.

I've heard iOS is more compartmentalized, like one app won't talk to another, but I'm sure they still collect everything too. And anyway, if you use Gmail, Google Maps or anything else, your phone is infected with Google.

I REALLY want to escape from Google.

14496130? ago

Also the wife of Google's CEO is also the owner of 23AndMe, a DNA firm simular to Ancestry.com. I wonder if they are linking DNA profiles to all the info Google/Facebook gathers. This coupled with some govt info on citizens creates a database that knows everything about you, right down to your DNA.

14503036? ago


14495900? ago

I have my own websites and domains. Along with that comes my own email that I totally control. Unlimited email addresses as well. That way I have my own throwaway addresses for one-time use. You can do that for $10 or less a month. Plus, with your own website, you can publish whatever you wish. I do.

14502999? ago

You buy a server? How's about a step by step?

14504912? ago

I didn't buy a server, as I can't get enough bandwidth to my house.

I use 1and1.com as a website host. They have instructions and help. They are international. I don't think they care what you publish as long as you pay them each month. They have various tiers of service. I think the $9.99 tier has some limits on storage and bandwidth. I'm not sure about the number of email addresses and email storage. I have a little more expensive plan that gives me unlimited bandwidth, unlimited storage, unlimited emails, and three included domains. They have a search on their site so you can make up a name and see if it's already taken.

Go to their site, and you can see the various plans and what they offer.

They have some website creation tools, or you can code pages by hand or using your favorite software, or you can set up a Wordpress blog. You can actually be up and running in an hour or two. I have set up Wordpress blogs for a number of people. It's an easy platform for average people to understand. You don't have to learn everything, just the parts necessary for what you need to do.

Here's what I would do for a new site, step by step:

  1. Think up a catchy and memorable domain name.

  2. Check on 1and1.com's site to see if that domain is available. If not, try again.

  3. Sign up for 1and1.com and choose a plan.

  4. Set up login, password, etc.

  5. Download Wordpress software in zipped file.

  6. Go to your site's control panel on 1and1 to set up a database for Wordpress to use.

  7. Unzip the Wordpress files in a folder.

  8. Edit the configuration file per Wordpress directions to let the software know about the database you set up.

  9. Upload the files to your website using an FTP software, such as FileZilla.

  10. Go to your new Wordpress site and start customizing it and adding content.

  11. Write down all the information, such as your website's password, the Wordpress password, the database name, etc. in a notebook. This will come in handy later if you want to change something.

  12. There are thousands of "widgets" for various purposes available on the Wordpress site. There are ones for calendars, slide shows, etc.

Have fun.

14504973? ago

Wow. Amazing! Maybe I will...

14505045? ago

It just takes a little intelligence, patience, reading the directions carefully, and doing it all in order.

Every time you set up a new site, it gets easier.

14495097? ago

Wow. Thanks for the links.

14494923? ago

https://archive.fo/zyHpg :

The company that ‘’officially’' operates ProtonVPN is ProtonVPN AG, a Switzerlan... | Hacker News

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