14495224? ago

You are all waking up. Look into the history of jared, Ivanka, POTUS. Just be honest with yourselves. Look how the Cabal has always played on BOTH sides.

14493650? ago

I think if you add it all off.. You got to wonder. Of all the cancerous case and all of the diseases accumulated in this planet... They are actually killing us slowly....

14493692? ago

So kill them quicker.

14493644? ago

Relax, if man can make it through 20,000 miles of Van Allen belt radiation (12 times) ,a little 5g radiation is not gonna hurt.

14493020? ago

yep this has been on the back burner of my mind all year. kushner is a jew, too. not sure about him yet

14492812? ago

5G is harmless, just like fluoride and all those estrogens that got in the water which will eventually take our sperm counts to zero.

Guarantee there were egg headed faggots going 5 decades ago "hey guys, don't worry about it, aw you're so stupid to worry about this. Fluoride is good for your teeth and it makes you even smarter, trust me, my dog is a dentist. Estrogen is great for men, I'm a homo. lol".

Do us all a favor and go fuck yourselves, stupid mealy mouthed cocksuckers.

14491619? ago

Tavares chick mentioned this Artemis tech doing 5G. She said Artemis is the goddess of fertility and that 5G will lower fertility rates further. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/to-your-health/wp/2017/06/30/the-u-s-fertility-rate-just-hit-a-historic-low-why-some-demographers-are-freaking-out/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.98d72673aeab

14491146? ago

Y2K, 2012, 5G, the list is endless. Yet here we are ...

Lets just call this for what it really is ... The 5G distraction. That's all these stupid theories ever amount too. One huge distraction, oh and make a few bucks along the way from clicks, books and second rate TV episodes if it gains some traction and looks like the gullible have fallen for it.

14492965? ago

Meanwhile, our bodies are full of estrogen, sperm counts reduced by 50% or so, average american is obese.

They put fluoride in the bottled water now and the average citizen of the west has the critical thinking ability of a ferret and the personality of a mad hatter.

Sure, one of it amounted to anything.

14491130? ago

look at the investor's in his Cadre company.

14490787? ago

The headquarters of the 5G rollout is 666 5th Ave in New York City, whose 6th floor previously housed the Lucifer Publishing Company and Alcatel Lucent’s labs where they developed the Inferno OS. This building was bought out by Kushner with funding from Rothschild owned Vornado Realty. There’s also some kind of connection to Trump Tower that’s unclear. I think JK and Trump have been cooperating to keep those two properties out of the direct control of the cabal, but who knows at this point. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nytimes.com/2018/08/03/nyregion/kushners-building-fifth-avenue-brookfield-lease.amp.html

14490609? ago

Why the hell is everyone freaking out about 5G? Logical fact-based responses only please.

14491962? ago

What do you mean by logical, fact-based? Like it needs to be in a textbook or a study?

People need to connect their own dots, using observation and logic. Why is 5G a problem for humans? MM waves will run Interference on the functioning of human surfaces that act as topologic insulators. The electromagnetic spectrum of the SUN has so many benefits, many known and many hidden, meant to interact on our eye and skin to maintain wellness, yet 5G especially in combination with blue light toxicity will ruin our ability to make Vitamin D on the skin, it will ruin the mitochondria's ability to make cellular water it needs, and other effects.

Start digging into what melanopsin is and where its now been discovered. Look into the work of Dr Jack Kruse on the biophysics of wellness, and why he's been pounding the table about the coming risks in a 5G world.

I can't link Facebook posts so here are quotes:

"If you come here to my page often, you know that the coming upgrade to 5G is likely going to lead to disastrous biologic effects because of the amount of dehydration inside mitochondria in cells that it will cause. Why is the recycling of water in metabolism one of the most critical steps in an environment that fosters non native light radiations? The product of oxidative phosphorylation is WATER and CO2 by a mitochondria and this process will be demolished by 5G. Now we have industry installers talking aloud to people about the coming tsunami. 4G and 5G are now going into schools everywhere to provide 24/7 Wifi and emergency call signals. This runs on something called a TETRA network. Schools are adding revenue by putting 5G towers on schools and not notifying the students or the parents of these actions. TV news stations are installing new weather radar tracking devices in all big cities whose power density is even worse. Airports are now doing the same thing. If you live close to one of the new installations and have the appropriate monitoring devices you will see major spikes in power density and no one is required to tell you about these changes. This is why the EPA is useless in the USA and needs to be retool or shut down in my opinion.

nnEMF is now polluting our ionosphere, a plasma, and nobody realizes how serious this issue is. The light energy in communications transfers its energy to water and then to use via our blood to our mitochondria in wireless fashion to directly effect how electrons and protons are handled in mitochondria. It is more dangerous than a terror group because this one kills you without you knowing you're being murdered by light. There has been clusters of ocular melanoma recently in schools around the USA who are bringing technology closer to student and epidemiology is linking the cases to nnEMF. The key is they don;t know why it is tied to protons.

In addition to being categorized as extremely rare, ocular melanoma (OM) — a cancer, that despite its rarity, has been diagnosed in a dozen individuals with links to southwest Huntersville in the last five years — it can also be difficult to detect early on because of its location. the best way to be aware is look for the proximity of new 5G antenna in your environment and move far from them.

Initial clues may be just a spot, or freckle, on the eye, or a tiny blemish noticed during an eye exam. In most cases, these are not immediate reasons for concern, but changes or growth in the freckles can be an indication that closer analysis is required. That is among the reasons members of the Huntersville OM Group encourage others to get dilated eye exams on a regular basis now. It might be wise for you to begin to inspect your skin and eyes as the coming tsunami of 5G falls on major US cities,"

"5G is coming and your mitochondria will be fully assaulted when it arrives. The key part is to understand that because of the types of light used and the frequency modulation required to increase the bandwidth, 5G is more likely to jump conduct and induce currents on many things like power lines, gas lines, and water pipes and underground utilities to come right into your house and induce deadly magnetic fields. Nobody realizes it especially this moron in the video. Mitochondriacs at my site have been warned about this for the last year. Many US cities are already facing this risk and the proof that is is happening can be found in CMS and hospital data where we are seeing epidemiological evidence that certain zip codes are getting more mitochondrial diseases and dysfunction, AI's, sepsis, and unusual disease with no real history that seem to come out of the blue. They come out of the blue because the nnEMF massively raises the heteroplasmy rates in a short period to cause the disease because it ruins calcium control of the voltage gated channels in cell membranes, because of the 5G frequency changes. This changes the charge in the surfaces of cells and then changes the charge inside the cell (more positive = proton disorder = inflammation = dehydration = heteroplasmy = human disease. This mechanism 'will touch ALL corners of the globe and not only our country. THe FCC requires NO testing of the health effects because of the 1996 FCC law. AI + 5G-over-satellite to power the IoT (internet of things). Because, what good is BigData/AI if it can't be shared by/with "things" in real time? "Things" = for example, headless, connected cars. This will be the most deadly collateral damage from your wonderful tech gear. Mark my words. This disruption of proton recycling will require a major hack"

14493571? ago

Don't worry. Alex Jones will have a vitamin to fix that ...

14491313? ago

Mental illness and lack of ability to understand simple science.

14490705? ago

Look it up. I did.

14490483? ago

What if I told you that Israel has been in the US talking to Verizon to entice them to come to Israel and participate in 5G trials at Bar Ilan University. Not exactly what any reasonable person would call "banned" from Israel. https://en.globes.co.il/en/article-israel-courts-5g-investment-from-us-telcos-1001254633

14493570? ago

Israel is khazarian mafia

14493670? ago

So, Jews.

Much easier to type.

14492943? ago

Not exactly what any reasonable person would call widespread adoption either. lol

14490330? ago

This shall add some Crystal Clear: Kushner Perspective!


14490123? ago

So please explain to us how this is deadly?

14491307? ago

It's not. I'm actually a mathematician that did science but I'm familiar with the subject beyond the point of what you'd probably call a layman.

Unfortunately, I hate the planet right now.

So, for now...

It's mmWave, which is a type of "microwave." However, that's a giant fucking chunk of spectrum and there's all sorts of types of radiation. This isn't ionizing radiation. Mother Nature is smashing you with that same exact type of radiation all the time - in much larger doses.

You're getting more radiation exposure from reading this message on your LCD screen.

You're fucking fine and OP is fucking retarded.

Also, you're fired.

14495684? ago

Lol, thanks for the info, I believe you.

14489845? ago

It can be used to create a 3D image of anything in signal range.

14492270? ago

AI Loves It!

You can find bottle caps with your PipBoy too.

14489804? ago

End of vid shows Jared Kusner involved in killing us all. Our only hope is that this is a sting operation to take down 5G pushers. Tesla information was given to Trump uncle, then turned over to Israel, WTF? Israel weaponizes it, then bans it from Israel, then turns it lose of the rest of the world. What is POTUS doing?

14493695? ago

Who gave the fuckers the tech - was somebody in the need for money or what?

14493683? ago

Setting us up for a new Reich.

Whether he's a part of it or not is another question...

14490111? ago

Baiting them.

14489859? ago

You're waking up finally

14489778? ago

Fucking lunatic.

14489822? ago

your denial will get you killed.

14490054? ago

By what exact mechanism is 5G harmful. Use your words and not a video link.

Use big words, if you want. I understand them.

14491007? ago

It is microwave radiation.. Its like standing in a microwave oven and putting it on Turkey mode if they wanted it to be. It will burn you if directed at you powerfully enough. Pair this shit with something like China's social credit system where you will be judged based on your social credit score and you see how a barrier could be put up that would let a good slave go into the grocery store yet a bad goy could be excluded and forced to beg outside for food... DOn't even get me started on dating... And make no bones about it my friend. THIS WILL BE MONETIZED ON THE BLOCKCHAIN. So if you are wealthy you can simply buy all the credit you want from some cute girl who flashes her boobs to anons to raise her social credit... etc etc... It is a way to enslave all of us. If 5G is real and rolled out and used in this way then EVERYTHING Trump is doing is simply to take control of the Deepstates's systems for themselves as opposed to returning the power to the people... My guess is it would be simple to make this system HARMLESS though, but how will we KNOW its harmless? Harmless like Fluoride right?

14491220? ago

"if they wanted it to be.."

That's what pisses me off to no end. They can select when to fuck you up and when not to. "Fried brain damage head from 5G? PREPOSTEROUS.."

All FOIA will be blocked because "muh national security" or some other fuck All. Goddamnit this shit pisses me off to no end.

14491013? ago


You should read a book.

14492566? ago

Umm... book or no. That is literally the plan. Maybe its being stopped, Maybe not.

14492575? ago

You need a goddamned therapist.

14492629? ago

I AM a therapist! Kidding, but there is quite a bit of info out there all about the above shit. I didn't make it up. I mean look where you are at man. Q is talking about ALIENS for fucks sake and you don't think your government may track you or use a manipulation tool to hurt you? Are you kidding me? The above idea is not at all far fetched. The leaders of all nations in the world literally eat children to gain magic powers... You don't think they will do this shit? Back to the Wool factory with you... You need another shearing.

14492659? ago

I actually understand the science. It's really not all that tough to understand. I'd explain it, but even though it's not tough, it appears to be above your level.

It's nice that you have an opinion. Yay!

14492698? ago

Geez, so do you sell 5G stuff or something like that? Do you live somewhere with shitty internet? Why are you so FOR this centralized 5g system. Tell me something good about it... Its really fast right.. Ok cool, There is no competition. There will be the same monopoly as before. They will likely simply METER the connection you know that right. You will get higher speeds and could have to monitor your usage. What, you think you will get it for the same price you are paying now? Think again.

What else will this thing so that is soooo special?

14492707? ago


14490714? ago

The research is there. Do a search. You should be concerned.

14490751? ago

Yea, haven't found research yet. Been searching. So far only people claiming that it's the same frequency as your brain, which is provably false. Brain waves are ultra low frequencies. There's long been 5g signals in our skies since radar.

14491892? ago

Here's a good article on [5G] (https://steemit.com/health/@sensistar/5g-the-same-frequencies-used-for-pain-inflicting-crowd-control-weapons-form-the-foundation-of-the-network-that-will-tie-together).


The biggest concern is how these new wavelengths will affect the skin. The human body has between two million to four million sweat ducts. Dr. Ben-Ishai of Hebrew University, Israel explains that our sweat ducts act like “an array of helical antennas when exposed to these wavelengths,” meaning that we become more conductive. A recent New York study which experimented with 60GHz waves stated that “the analyses of penetration depth show that more than 90% of the transmitted power is absorbed in the epidermis and dermis layer.”

The effects of MMWs as studied by Dr. Yael Stein of Hebrew University is said to also cause humans physical pain as our nociceptors flare up in recognition of the wave as a damaging stimuli. So we’re looking at possibilities of many skin diseases and cancer as well as physical pain to our skin.


A 1994 study found that low level millimeter microwave radiation produced lens opacity in rats, which is linked to the production of cataracts.

An experiment conducted by the Medical Research Institute of Kanazawa Medical University found that 60GHz “millimeter-wave antennas can cause thermal injuries of varying types of levels. The thermal effects induced by millimeterwaves can apparently penetrate below the surface of the eye.”

A 2003 Chinese study has also found damage to the lens epithelial cells of rabbits after 8 hours of exposure to microwave radiation and a 2009 study conducted by the College of Physicians and Surgeons in Pakistan conclude that EMFs emitted by a mobile phone cause derangement of chicken embryo retinal differentiation.


A 1992 Russian study found that frequencies in the range 53-78GHz (that which 5G proposes to use) impacted the heart rate variability (an indicator of stress) in rats. Another Russian study on frogs who’s skin was exposed to MMWs found heart rate changes (arrhythmias).


A 2002 Russian study examined the effects of 42HGz microwave radiation exposure on the blood of healthy mice. It was concluded that “the whole-body exposure of healthy mice to low-intensity EHF EMR has a profound effect on the indices of nonspecific immunity”


A 2016 Armenian study observed MMWs at low intensity, mirroring the future environment brought about by 5G. Their study conducted on E-coli and other bacteria stated that the waves had depressed their growth as well as “changing properties and activity” of the cells. The concern is that it would do the same to human cells.


The very same Armenian study also suggested that MMWs effects are mainly on water, cell plasma membrane and genome too. They had found that MMW’s interaction with bacteria altered their sensitivity to “different biologically active chemicals, including antibiotics.” More specifically, the combination of MMW and antibiotics showed that it may be leading to antibiotic resistance in bacteria.

This groundbreaking finding could have a magnum effect on the health of human beings as the bandwidth is rolled out nationwide. The concern is that we develop a lower resistance to bacteria as our cells become more vulnerable – and we become more vulnerable.

14490831? ago

Radar fucks up people who are near it. They can pop popcorn with it. 5G is putting the shit near us.

14490748? ago

Yeah, I actually know how it works.

You get more EMF exposure from the screen you're looking at to read this. It's even stronger than the electromagnetism broadcast by 5G.

See, I actually do understand the topic.

14490808? ago

Microwaves are the problem

14490879? ago

Yeah, no. No, they are not. You might want to look at the power levels. Your TV emits more microwave spectrum emf.

You're being bombarded by EMR all the time. Right now, billions of particles are passing through you. They're all across the spectrum, including the microwave portion of the spectrum.

Do you have access to an infrared camera?

14491061? ago

No, but how much MWrad is emitted by the new 5G towers ?

14491223? ago

Do you mean mrad, nitwit?

14491296? ago

You can't answer, so don't give me your authoritative BS, ((( glownig )))

14491325? ago

You fucking moron. MWrad is some shit you made up. It's not even real.

14491356? ago

It's an abreviation, boomer. Admit you can't answer. You're full of shit.

14491399? ago

It's an abbreviation for nonsense. It literally means nothing, MW can drop the M. That's a unit of size. W is for Watt. That measures a little something called electricity. Then, rad is a measurement for radiation. mrad is millirad. It's actually smaller!

One of us has taken a number of graduate level courses about particle physics. That one of us is not you.

14492269? ago


14491460? ago

You're an example of why old people shouldn't be on the internet. Now admit you can't support your claim of TV emitting more MicroWaveRadiation than the new europa 5G towers, grandpa.

14491501? ago

You fucking nitwit. I've got a pipe organ to quest for.

Read this:


14491554? ago

Your generation fucked everything up for us. Now we're going to put you in nursing homes with abusive niggers and mexicans. And you could never answer my question, arrogant fool.

14491571? ago

Yeah, you're trying too hard.

14491590? ago

I've got time and money galore

14491436? ago

Since you've taken so many classes, shouldn't you know that a watt is a measurement of power? Or that MW is megawatt?

14491463? ago

Yeah, that's not actually got a damned thing to do with rad. You're an idiot and I don't have time for this shit.

Go fucking torch a 5g tower or something, I don't fucking care. I'm on a mission.

14491526? ago

Somebody else was talking about MWrad. I'm just pointing out that anyone with experience would not say watts are measurement of electricity or that MW isn't a thing.

14491538? ago

No. I didn't say that, you illiterate cunt. I said MWrad is not a thing.

Your mother is a whore.

14491584? ago

MW can drop the M. That's a unit of size. W is for Watt. That measures a little something called electricity.

14491608? ago

Yes. I know what I typed. Your literacy skills are abhorrent.

14491654? ago

Why the fuck did you say watt is a measurement of electricity? Because you don't know what you're talking about?

14491729? ago

... 'Cause explaining power was going to take too much time and ain't none of you smart enough to understand the fundamentals of energy.

14491836? ago

It's how I make my living, buddy.

14491858? ago

Then you should know that "MWrad" is complete gibberish. Also, there's no fucking way I'm going to try to explain the fundamentals of energy to these nitwits. None! They won't listen. They won't learn. They think 5G is gonna kill 'em!

14491877? ago

I think they are using "MWrad" in place of "microwave radiation".

14491984? ago

That's actually more dumb than I'd expected.