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14475637? ago

Newfagging niggerfaggot, here. What is SBBH?

14475812? ago

/v/SoapboxBanHammer is a karma farming community who down-vote brigades other Voat subs.

They post random shit to their sub so they can upvote all of their alt accounts in preparation for down-vote brigading other subs.

/v/ProtectVoat and possibly /v/ProtectQRV are also run by the same shills.

SBBH often attack a Voat sub by post nothing but disgusting pictures and irrelevant content and when the mod tries to remove the spam, ProtectVoat attempts to use the manufactured "censorship crisis" against them by attempting to get all Voat users to down-vote brigade that community.

The community is basically rendered useless and the mod quits after a few months... then SBBH mods apply to run the sub or ProtectVoat (who are SBBH alt accounts) create a "replacement" and encourage everyone to migrate.

The karma farming is necessary to hide the massive tally of down-votes these cunts accumulate, which is visible on their profiles.

All of the mods of /v/GreatAwakening are or were SBBH mods, which explains why /v/TheAwakening and /v/QRV get constantly attacked while GreatAwakening doesn't.

14475984? ago

votes arent supposed to count on /QRV at least that is what we was told because its anon

14476133? ago

Yes and no. Your down-votes don't change your real Voat user CCP or SCP but they do alter the position of the comments and which posts appear on QRV's front page.

The SBBH attacks aren't about karma, it's about trying to spam the shit out of this sub and ruin it in an attempt to get more subscribers over at GreatAwakening. That's why only TheAwakening and QRV are getting attacked so much.

14476237? ago

yeah my threads went fucking no where when i exposed what the deep state is and how we can destroy it individually one by one here