14426967? ago

There was a boy on the bus, covered in Qabalah tattoos and going off about Trump and Anunnaki and blah blah blah. I told him I was Anunnaki and he never got on that bus again.

14427037? ago

are you aware that enki is what christians call lucifer? if you want to know where luciferianism and satanism - satan, baal, moloch, pan, etc. is lucifer/enkis son marduk - originate from, this is where you have to look. note: the annunaki have no foreskin. go figure. then ask yourself why the US, a so-called christian nation, fosters the mutilation of little boys.

14427055? ago

Sow all the doubt and propaganda you want.

14427148? ago

time to get educated... what are your objections?

14427218? ago

I can see through your propaganda and I know who wants you pushing it.

More and more people are seeing through it too.

Keep trying, though.

14427322? ago

I can see through your propaganda and I know who wants you pushing it.

you only see through your own filters, dude.

discuss or dismiss the information given. if you attack the messenger instead, you only show your weakness.

14427378? ago

Keep trying, heard all that crap before.

Old routine.

"You disagreed with me but won't give me something to argue against, therefore, you must not know anything and I must be right"

Too bad. I know you're just pushing propaganda and based on your responses, you know it too.

14427526? ago

so you seem to be someone who wants to cover our ET connection. meaning, you work for (((them))).

14427540? ago


This is how I know you're an Erdogan Shill.

Thanks for playing.

Now watch this.

14427350? ago

It honestly kind of sad seeing so many free thinkers and woke people that completely wall themselves up and sling insults when faced with new information.

14427390? ago

The funny part is that it isn't new information. It's very old propaganda, thrashed ad infinitum by morons and shills.

14426673? ago


14427009? ago

heheheheh... isnt it interesting how everybody who says something thats not in alignment with the mind-set of certain peoople gets called 'shill'? these people are stupid.

14427440? ago

When in reality most actual shills probably take their side, to an obvious extreme, in order to encourage others to dismiss certain information.