14454148? ago

Excellent post - thank you

14435339? ago

Q post 142 links the Titanic sinking to the formation of the Fed. This a link to that comparison. http://www.metatech.org/wp/conspiracy/sinking-the-titanic-create-federal-reserve-bank/. VERY INTERESTING

The video within the above link does not open. This is a link to that video: https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=the+best+titanic+conspiracy+documentary+2012&view=detail&mid=63B3E54ECA5A4E9451ED63B3E54ECA5A4E9451ED&FORM=VIRE

14428213? ago

I devide them as Jews and zionists. Just ike when Christ was killed, corrupt and evil.

14427929? ago

Better question is 'Who Owns the FED?' It is not easy to find, but world central banks own the private for profit FED and the central Banks are own by Cabal families like Harnman, Stillman, Schiff, Warburg, Rothschild Morton, St. George, Davidson, Morgan, Baker, Goldman, Sachs, Moses, Kuhn just to name a few. See how many are Yale 322 Skull & Bones members!

14427282? ago

x22 report has a good take on it.

14426986? ago

I think the EO from 12/21/17 (Blocking Property) will block the Property of Rothschild. If this money goes to the debtor, this could be a solution to solve the debt problem and then it's easier to reorganize the FED. I think when the indictments start, properties get blocked, debt-problem get solved and the FED gets reorganized. I think the indicmtents will be after midterm-election. POTUS needs the Supreme Court (he has now), needs the senate (he will get in midterm-election) and then the way is free to reorganize the debt/FED. Without senate it would be difficult.

14426294? ago

Largely an unproductive thread. I came for information and I don't need to hear negative comments about Jews or any other ethnic group. Thanks to the patriots who provided useful information. Shills be gone!!!

14425781? ago

The same people who own the IMF and virtually every other federal or reserve bank in the world

14425486? ago

I'll give you all a hint, it rhymes with JEWS.

14425184? ago

So I saw this and started laughing but then remembered when I didn't know the truth. ANON you are on the right path, trust your instincts. Haven't read the comments before me but have been where you are. Get ready to be WIDE awake. Go at your pace, with your own research to back up everything you hear, see, etc..

14428398? ago

Oh I know the truth. I wanted to see if I got banned. I did.

14424923? ago

I watched a YT video last weekend (I’ll have to go back and see if I can find it), and didn’t think it was relative at the time. But in light of this recent “market correction”, it may very well be the roadmap for the Rothschild financial takedown. The document was “The Rothschild...” and it had a picture of an eagle on the front cover with a necklace/coin with 2018 embossed on it. The moderator talked about the Rothschild’s 30-year prediction on the takedown of the monetary system. The moderator went on to identify 3 possible dates when this event would occur: August 15 (don’t recall what if anything occurred on this date); October 10 (what we’re talking about here); and November 11, 2018. November 11 is a key date set by Q. The fact that this was a 30-year forecast is too coincidental!!!

Maybe someone is aware of this document or the video I’m referencing.

14427887? ago

14434801? ago

That’s it!!!!

14425822? ago

Was it X22 report? They do a lot of economic reports.

14426443? ago

Yes, It could be...I’ll go check it out later today. Gotta get some sleep!!!

14424179? ago

The American people controls the Fed. The Federal Reserve was established by an Act of Congress. Politicians who represented the American people enacted it. The House passed it (287 - 85, 5). The Senate passed it (54 -34). And President Woodrow Wilson signed it into law.

14426766? ago

If your statement is true, then why has the Federal Reserve never been audited? Simple. They are not now, nor have they ever been "controlled by the people".

14428884? ago

Yes. It's true.

14424137? ago

Who runs the FED?? Private Banksters. Thus beholding to the IMF and all the players at BASEL. At the head of the Hydra: Roths.

14424077? ago

Judah (The original Jew), had offspring from a Canaanite woman (Shua's daughter Gen: 38) which lead to the tainted branch of Jewry AKA the Synagogue of Satan. Not all Jews are from this line. By their fruits you shall know them. Undoubtedly, Rothschild have produced some bitter fruit over the last 250 years, of which the FED is just one example. Please expand on this if able. God bless, Patriots.

14424031? ago

Jews! http://whale.to/c/toaff.html IF you can get a copy of this, well documented etchings of sacrifices dating back 100's of years!



14423216? ago

Whoa. Making me feel like going to buy Scottsdale silver stacker bars after reading this. Haven't bought silver in a while.

14423092? ago

The true meaning of "Red October?

14422837? ago

The cabal!

14422813? ago


14428429? ago

Audit the FED. Ruin the FED. Then end the FED.

14422684? ago


(((JEWS))) run the Federal Reserve. Always have. And they will until we take control and subjugate them.

14422086? ago

I posted this comment earlier in another thread. It gets deeper but I'll let whom ever of you wants to dig deeper go down the rabbit hole. I went down that hole and spent a lot of time digging years ago and it's ugly down there. But I digress, here's the short version:

Most people have no idea what the Federal Reserve is, who owns it or what it does. Nor do they know how we managed to get stuck with it. The US Constitution plainly states in Article I, Section 8 (the enumerated powers) that only Congress has the power to coin (mint or print) money. Yet we have a central bank named the Federal Reserve that isn't a part of Congress or any other part of the central (federal) government that "coins" our money. Confusing eh?

Let's start with the The Titanic, she was built in the Harland and Wolff shipyard in Belfast, Ireland. The construction was financed by J.P.Morgan an avid proponent and promoter of the Federal Reserve Act. On April 15, 1912 she sank on her maiden voyage taking around 1500 lives with her.

Her passengers were from all walks of life, but 3 of her passengers are what we are interested in here.

• John Jacob Astor IV - the richest - a German-American millionaire who had made his fortune in real estate and was the great grandson of John Jacob Astor, founder of the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York.

• Benjamin Guggenheim - another very rich man and heir to the family’s mining business.

• Isidor Straus - the German-born co-owner of Macy’s department store in New York.

What did these 3 men have in common?

They were all very respected, they had the ear of politicians and they were vehemently opposed to the Federal Reserve Act.

What else did they have in common?

They were all given free tickets for a luxury cruise on the maiden voyage of the Titanic.

Do you believe in coincidences?

April 15, 1912 - Titanic goes down with the 3 staunchest opponents of the Federal Reserve Act on board.

The rest is a fast track:

Feb. 1913 - the evil bastards passed the 16th Amendment. Which by the way was never ratified by ¾ of the states as required. They passed it anyway. (our income tax pays the interest on the money government borrows from the Federal Reserve)

Dec. 1913 - they passed The Creature aka Federal Reserve Act.

But wait, there's more to come...

July 28, 1914 - war breaks out in Europe.

American's wanted no part of that war. The American citizens still clung to the philosophy of Washington and Jefferson.

Per their speeches:

"It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliance with any portion of the foreign world." -- George Washington (Farewell Address)

"Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations-entangling alliances with none." -- Thomas Jefferson (Inauguration Speech)

April 6, 1917 - America gets in the war. By using propaganda (U-boats killing Americans) and ties to ties to Britain, the politicians got us in the war. Sound familiar? These same tactics work every time. It matters not the era they are used. How many times have these same tactics been used to fool the citizens into wanting war? JFK found out about and put the brakes on one, Operation Northwoods. Then he swore to splinter the CIA. Another was the Gulf of Tonkin Event that got us boots on the ground in Vietnam, yet it never happened. And one more...dare I suggest 9/11? We've been at war for 17 years over that one.

Americans aren't cowards, as they have proven time and time again. So when you can't get enough American men up to fight in a war without having to force them that says all you need to know about how the people feel about that war. In general Americans thought it was none of our business. So when the government can't get enough men up to fight a war from a country of millions of brave men, that tells me those men don't think that's a war they should be fighting.


May 18, 1917 - Congress passed the Selective Service Act. The Draft begins.

And so began the very first world war in the history of the planet, appropriately name WWI or The Big War. Guess who finances both sides of that war and every war since? If you said the Federal Reserve you get a cookie.

I'm American, born and bred. My mother is NDN (Cheyenne/Cherokee), I went to 'Nam, I love this country...but I'll tell anyone face to face that America isn't a sovereign nation. It hasn't been a sovereign nation for a long time and it never will be a sovereign nation as long as it allows a foreign owned and operated central bank control it's treasure. Until the FR is eradicated we will be slaves as we have been. Your children, just as you and I were, are being born into slavery.

14427587? ago

The fed was instituted in 1913, the same year the 16th amendment was “ratified” (more like shoved down our throats). Coincidence?

14422364? ago

wow thanks for laying that all out for us, it's really helpful for people to see the patterns that we keep repeating😟

14422033? ago

The treasury should be writing our notes, not some remote private entity.

14422009? ago

Who runs federal reserve is same people that own all radio tv and newspapers media and much more.

14421980? ago

this video spells it out very well. the Illuminati, currently often called the cabal. Great history video. tells where and who it started https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6X_xB1JJ_Es

14421807? ago

The Rothchilds and Committee on Foreign Relations

14421702? ago

Why wouldn't the Jews expel the small amount of satanists, publicly from their religion?

14422416? ago

No - they're one and the same. Jews worship Saturn, a demon god.

14422472? ago

My question was intended to make people think!

14421664? ago

I still think white hats have control over the fed. Tje website used to be .com, now, in Trump's era, it's .gov

14421635? ago

No, they're not.

14421520? ago


14421241? ago

the FED will ramp rates hard and fast after midterms if they go well for Trump, which i think we will see Republican gains in both houses. esp the senate. They WILL try to crash the economy to try and keep Trump to 1 term.

Do you think the credit crunch in 2008 was a coincidence and just regular market behavior? Not a chance. it was to rig things for Barry Fraudbama to have a good shot. Remember when idiot McLame SUSPENDED his campaign like a good little cuckhold during the 'crisis" and went back to DC? Never let a good "crisis" go to waste deep state.

14421190? ago

Hasn't POTUS installed New Fed people??

14428703? ago

He can appoint a chairman. But that means little. It’s a private organization.

14430824? ago

I seriously DOBUT that it means little with Potus DJ in charge. GOT to mean more than a little.

14421169? ago

The fed is not playing with Jimmy Carter. This man will eat them and pick his teeth with their bones. Feds days are numbered.

14421378? ago

DMN,that is a good analogy!! Kudos & thumbs up!

14421151? ago

Ok, so I'm late to the party on the "End the Fed" thing. I get what the Fed banks are doing, that we need to return to gold backed notes or whatever, but how is this reset supposed to work? Would cash be worthless? What about debts? Is there a good place to put your investments to mitigate against this happening? I don't live in the U.S. (Canada eh!) but I know whatever happens with you guys happens to us in short order. What's the plan?

14422171? ago

So far Q has said the Fed won’t go away - but will change in “structure”. So I’m essence we don’t know at all as it is an ambiguous statement.

Basically what would be best for us all is backing the currency w gold and having our own reserves. That would mean short of 100% authoritarian global technocracy - where fiat kensianism goes total tard ( nobody, anywhere backs their currency w reality ) - we could actually see US monetary policy “revert”.

Sooooo the first inevitability is a %20 - %40 market correction where that much “wealth” in stocks / bonds just evaporates. That’s the shitty part about publically traded anything is something is always over-valued and it’s musical chairs for the dummies to sort who dies first in the electric chair. It’s like a Russian roulette for alpha bravos using other folks’ money and not risking shit of theirs.

So. Poof,

Now when that happens ( did today a bit ) we enter “at play” status where more curious shit comes afoot.

How bad is the correction? If it’s bad enough POTUS and Congress could float some major fucking changes - the sky is the limit.

What I would like is: 1) We see an instant call to destroy derivatives and the holders of them. 2) We vaporize insolvent anything’s propped up by institutional bullshitery. If it’s not real debt bye bye. 3) Russia has hinted at wanting both previous points as has China via Xi specifically.

If we can get all currencies backed by silver etc we will be cooking w some major fire. We then kill income tax and go full tariff - world - wide.

No income tax kills a lot of corruption in the west. That leach would return the blood it would have been sucking off man and we see a fucking explosion of wealth and knowledge.

Each year the NSA actually seizes 3500 patents of “disruptive technology”

We can see what the fuck that’s all about.

14422517? ago

What I see as the underlying problem is that there is currently nothing of real value supporting any valuation of the currency. In the old days, a dollar was worth 1/42 of the price of a ounce of gold (for example). Theoretically, if there was 42 billion dollars in the economy, the banking system would have 1 billion ounces of gold backing it up. How do you value a currency after you unwind all the treasuries, derivatives, bade debt, etc.? To me, what it comes down to is "don't hold currency at all" in any form. Stocks are OK if they're actually directly tied to the company. As long as the company has non-financial assets that have value (buildings, product, etc. your stocks would be worth something. Likewise with real estate and land. These don't lose value completely. For sure, they'd be worth less, but they wouldn't be worthless. Financial instruments would be hard to value. What about national debt? Some of that is owed to China and other nations, some I assume to the Fed. How does that get paid back? Do you pay it back with a severely devalued currency, and give these debt holders a 50% haircut? I guess I'm more interested in the personal finances, but obviously it would be closely tied to the national situation.

14430884? ago

Right. It's going to be a huge thing as some people will get fleeced.

I'm curious though as I peruse around today in my typical society checks it seems a common meme of a "currency reset" has someone entered many of the circles I follow and they are saying this in terms of this weekend.

Anyone hear anything?

14442268? ago

Nothing here.

14422109? ago

It is a monstrous problem and there will be no painless way to do it. The main point is that the Congress has to issue its own debt-free money. There is no reason to "borrow" money from an institution that actually doesn't have any money and just magically makes money appear with a few keystrokes. It is the biggest scam in history.

Will it be painful? Yes, terribly. But there is no other way to end the corruption and crime. Because the people who control the money of a nation, control the nation.

14426374? ago

I have always life debt-free. I live within my means and paid for my own health insurance for 30 years, even in the years after age 60 when it became prohibitive. How infuriating to know in my older years that whatever assets I possess may be greatly diminished in value because of these manipulative power mongers. I am so grateful to be able to participate in a movement that actively opposes these manipulators and hope to God it's a fruitful endeavor. But whatever the outcome, I'm so glad to have the chance to DO SOMETHING. So many of us have wanted this for so long. Prayer will get us through whatever hardships lie ahead.

14422533? ago

Please see my reply above. Interested in your response.

14421142? ago

The fed does not want to raise rates. They are being pressured by the gigantic pension fund problem. By law pensions have to hold x amount of bonds. Bonds pay nothing currently and for the past 10 years. They think they raise rates and it will keep the pensions solvent.

14421099? ago

Want to really know about the Federal Reserve?


Watch all of it. Study it. Fuck these ratfink bastards.

James Corbett breaks down TheFed better than G Edward Griffin did in The Creature From Jeckyl Island.

We don’t have a nation if we don’t control our own currency. It really is just that simple

14420822? ago


14421415? ago


14422514? ago

Iceland's basically a tiny-assed city.

14522168? ago

Haven't you heard? Size doesn't matter.

14424474? ago

yeaaaaaah but, still,...a nice example- I'm sure POTUS had 5-D'd it to the larger screen.

14420763? ago

juden, naturlich

14420818? ago

Recommend everyone read “The Creature from Jekyl Island”. Outstanding book about he Fed and much much more. My favorite book of all time.

14421984? ago

G Edward Griffin also did a fabulous video call "The Subversion Factor". Well worth watching.


14438191? ago

Awesome thanks I did not know that. Will check it out!

14420751? ago

The big problem is, the Fed is very secretive about its statistics, and making them publically available would reassure people that they weren't acting in a poltiically motivated fashion.

The way the Fed controls short-term interest rates - and short-term is all they really can control - is setting a standard interest rate for overnight deposits and letting banks either lend to them, or borrow from them, at that rate, in a pretty much unlimited fashion. If the rate is higher than inflation, banks will tend to send the money in to them; if the rate is lower, banks will borrow instead. Since the Fed can loan out unlimited amounts of money by just printing it, and the same with paying interest on what it borrows, it basically overwhelms the short-term loan market, setting that rate.

It does have to keep track of the amount it loans/borrows though. If it sucks too much cash out of the economy it will cause deflation; releasing too much will cause inflation. This is why the Fed can't simply stimulate forever by keeping rates low; it winds up expanding the currency base to the point where inflation becomes horrendous.

The question is, whether raising rates will suck too much cash out of the economy, triggering a deflation and contraction, or whether it's justified. The best way to judge that would be to look at how much the Fed is lending and borrowing in the overnight market, and this is one of the metrics the Fed uses to figure out what to do... But they don't disclose to the public what those numbers are, so if they're acting against the economy we won't know until it comes down around our ears.

14420709? ago

Dumb son of a bitch, if they were trying it would of crashed already.

14420789? ago

they can't be OBVIOUS about it - they need to shove it off the cliff in stages or it will LOOK like they wanted it to crash

14420707? ago

I don't agree with this assessment. There is way too much cheap money flying around the world. We need to reign it back in. Clear out the bad debt and remove the bad players. If it causes a short term heartache so be it. It will be more than offset by POTUS' America first agenda.

14420683? ago

Historically speaking, when the president and majority party put pressure on the fed it bows to that pressure. To say they are independent is a stretch. Given the situation with split deep state factions we shall see what happens. The fed knows it needs to be able to drop interest rates when the student loan bubble pops. The wild card is that the repub tax cuts actually got manufacturing jobs to come back en mass so the bubble isn't without legs.

I think this is a short term correction people are hedging their money in fear of a dem majority.

14421315? ago

the fed may serve a master, but dollars to doughnuts it ain't DJT!

14435973? ago

That is yet to be seen, DJT's presidency isn't over. If he can sweep 2020 and still have a majority, the fed will bend the knee.

14420598? ago

Is there a link or article? Have they discussed raising interest rates? When they do, Trump will bitch (part of the show), the economy will crash as planned, then the reset. Ready!?

14420567? ago

Bloodsucker Rothschilds

14420448? ago


Currently 4 members of the Board of Governors (3 appointed by Trump) and 3 vacancies

14420308? ago


14420196? ago

The KM's bitches. That's who!

14421455? ago

Konica Minolta?

14419999? ago


14419929? ago

Ultimately the cabal. If we are to return to printing our own money- it has to transform. I remind all that Q said 'structure' when asked if the FED was ending q1194 While it is best for each nation to issue it's own currency, we do need an international transparent and accountable medium for international transactions of trade and tourism.

14421440? ago

People are just going to use monero etc. Can't stop it now.

14423382? ago

I've used Monero. It's stupid.

14421254? ago

YESH! I am pretty sure Potus DJ won't let us down there- just curious as to HOW He'll bring it about- I heard some guy on west hall(?) talk about how it could be done w/least amp. or bad repercussions- sounded reasonable

14421230? ago

Its called the USD. Some call it the petro dollar. But the good old green back has been the currency of trade for decades. That is why the fed wants to control it.

14423406? ago

The FED does control it.

14419787? ago

The Jewish Cabal

14422635? ago

Zionist is the label you seek

14426900? ago

Khazarian Mafia is also another name for these folks.

14431777? ago

Some jew dick down voted and I countered

14419763? ago

14421352? ago

WHO? The R's?!? Oh nay, friend- their worth is not written- and not allowed to be by their Family-By-Laws.

14419654? ago


14422609? ago

yep... and the goyim are slowly but surely waking up... It's a shocker to most... But, we have to name the jew.

14423013? ago

MoronAnon strikes again.

14422599? ago

The unironic white devils.

14420882? ago

The Rothschilds are not Jews, they are Satanists who pretend to be Jews in order to hide their crimes behind a defense of "anti-semitism/conspiracy theory" against ANYONE WITH INFLUENCE who publicly criticizes them.

14426709? ago

Still Jews

14425256? ago

Ashkenazi jews*

14422597? ago

Slack on correct intel are you? http://www.realjewnews.com/?p=190 Baby steps for you from here on, research shit before your keyboard gets your ass handed to you again That was a quick phone search found a reference,I could beat you bloody if I was at home on the PC(files).

14425321? ago

Sweet website made on AOL.

14421724? ago

Doesn’t matter “what” they are....only their actions matter.

14428605? ago

the fact they're jews is just (((COINCIDENCE)))

14422622? ago

That got you downvoted,it does matter who they are dumbass Does it matter who you are?

14430776? ago

Who?.... Or what?

Are you like 12?

14441459? ago

Im 12 because you're ignorant? Your so full of US Public School Education your glowing.Use your search engine for something besides porn,you know your wife dont like it

14421542? ago

They are ethnic Jews. If they took their DNA test it would say ashkanazi Jew.

14422602? ago

you misspelled converted

14424868? ago

Converting makes you a less despicable goy. Jews must be birthed by a jewess.

14423232? ago

You can’t convert to an ethnic identity. Jew is detectable through a DNA test.

14423592? ago

Not the fucks running the globe dumbass, fractured DNA desperation inst a qualifier for bloodline Jew Stop the jew love,they arent jews Hopefully, BB is hanged as the war criminal he is.its all in the Bible if you care to look "Jew" is of the tribe of Juda,the shitholes with their finger on the global flush handle are in no way from said tribe Juda. Look up Apathy/Apathetic and you will see the "jew" you think you see in that dna position Your likely a jew attempting a position,doesn't matter jew is a man-made religion after God scattered the 12 tribes so carry on

14445745? ago

You wrote so much bullshit.

Jew is an ethnic identity.

14422280? ago

Yes! I’ve noticed that on DNA tests Ashkenazi is listed as its own separate group based in a nebulous area in east asia. If Ashkenazi Jews are the biblical Jews, wouldn’t they have more DNA parenate from Israel and N. Africa? But among ashkenazi its only 3%. Very suspicious.

14428611? ago

Prior to a recent medical procedure I was asked if I was a Jew or Ashkanazi. When I raised an eyebrow, the tech responded, "I'm sure you would knowif you were." I thought it odd. It wasn't on the medical intake form, it was verbally asked by the rad tech. Made me go hmmm.

14485010? ago

That is odd. I know that Ashkenazis have inbred with each other to the extent that they have genetic abnormalities. A lot of people with 99% Ashkenazi blood are pale and sickly while being very booksmart. I’ve also noticed that a lot of Ashkenazi boys have autism these days. Is this just my imagination?

14427693? ago

That is because the Ashkenazi Jews are not Israelites.

The Ashkenazi are tyrants. You may say "No shit, we already know this." But no, no, no... they are much worse than even you think they are. Because they are not the biblical Jews, as much as they'd love you to think that they are. The DNA tests themselves prove this, in fact, they're not even related to Israelites.

To find common DNA ties with Israelites, the you have to trace the two groups back much farther. Hell, even the scriptures state that the Ashkenazi Jews are not the children of Shem, but of Jahpeth.

One way think of it, is to imagine if the Huns invaded China and conquered it; then proceeded to rewrite the Chinese's history to say that the Huns were originally the Chinese people, and the Chinese are imigrants from surrounding Asian lands.

This is essentially what he Ashkenazi Jews have done. They are impostors and have rewritten history in a similar way like they did with WWII.

14423604? ago

Very interesting... I'm starting to mouth this red pill...

14421186? ago

Thank you for stating the obvious. The bible even calls it. And I know them who say they are Jews and are not. Seat of Satan!

14430282? ago

Synagogue of Satan.

14437394? ago

Thank you. It also says seat of in another place i think. I'm on first cuppa coffee, I'll be more same afterwards. Lol 😏

14422693? ago


14421170? ago


14430751? ago

Antisemitism is a played out excuse. It doesn’t work any more. The world has awoken.

You commit collusion, racketeering, human trafficking, you go down. You will be held accountable

14431314? ago

So... Jews.

It isn't hard friend.

14420878? ago


14422705? ago

And they sucked each others jaggons last night.

14426852? ago

Gimme the juice