14365875? ago

Milk is nasty.

14365745? ago

I thought drinking milk was just for children. I stopped as soon as I got out of school. I eat dairy products, and sometimes eat some cereal with milk, but I don't just drink it.

14364801? ago

My dad was an avid milk drinker. He never drank alcohol, but he had a beer belly. Turns out, our bodies don't process that mucous in the milk and it builds up in your intestine and collects feces. Well, he got colon cancer. My mother's father did also. I haven't drank milk in years. Almond milk is just as good to me. I took a nutrition class while studying personal training and learned how bad milk is for our bodies. The way my teacher explained it, if there is a commercial for a general food, not a brand, there is a conspiracy to make people eat it or drink it. Like: Milk does a body good... etc. The government was up to no good. Haven't had TV in over a decade, but I remember the commercials like that.

14364648? ago

may not ... – and may even lead to ... A new study suggests

That's hardly conclusive evidence. This story just looks like filler material.

14364420? ago

Why are all these shill posts exactly 7 minutes apart?

14364472? ago



2 users trying to make you think "Tha jooz am bad!"

14364510? ago

More than 2. https://voat.co/v/ProtectVoat/2656108 both part of this ring

14364515? ago

Yup yup.

14364504? ago