14279280? ago

America is a tri-partite republic. 3 Branches.

14276729? ago

The reason we use the terms "right wing" and "left wing" is because the American eagle needs both wing to fly. Our forefathers understood this. Going too far in either direction will be detrimental. The evil people who want to ruin what we have don't subscribe to either side but they will publicly define themselves as one or the other to gain power. When one side gets too strong the other side should push them back to the middle. Right now things are so far left that a push to the middle isn't going to work. We need an atomic bomb to push the left back to the center. Trump is that atomic bomb. In the beginning he didn't say "I am a Republican". He said "I am running as the Republican nominee..."

America is a Democratic Republic. We allow people to vote (Democracy) but, in the end, the elected politician gets make decisions that the majority might not approve of (Republic).

14276868? ago

America is a "Representative Republic"

14276214? ago

It sure isn't a "democracy" despite EVERY DemWit saying it is every chance they get

14276331? ago

To the Republic for which it stands

14276135? ago


14278297? ago

It looks like the military says as much, but Q is also civilian.

14278313? ago

Q is supposed to be Flynn, or how they're trying to play it off like.

14278379? ago

I would not be surprised if Flynn had posted as Q. I would be curious which, however.

14276190? ago


14276335? ago

Understood, Godspeed.

14276450? ago

The Constitutional Republic is the only government that protects individual rights. Obviously a dictatorship doesn't. And any type of collectivist philosophy (socialism or democracy) turns into tyranny of the majority. Aristotle said "Democracy is the worst form of government". Idealistically, the best form of government would be no government like in an Ayn Rand Objectivist type of world where every just respects everyone else's rights. But pragmatically, I don't know how that would work, so I'll settle for a Republic, for now.

14276173? ago

You said it for 11 years 5 days a week.


14279131? ago

What? When?

14279618? ago

I pledge allegiance ...

14279646? ago

To the fag of the united States of America,

And to the Republic for which it stands.

One nation, under God, indivisible,

With liberty and Justice for all.

Who said what for "11 years 5 days a week." I'm confused.

14286004? ago

Ah shit! I was minusong our Kindy but made it to 11 instead of 12. But then again, I didn’t say it my senior year. Hmm