14239501? ago

Is Chan down and the Avanati hoax related??

14239072? ago

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14239060? ago

Is that the reason not seeing all of the drops on 8chan also? I mean there is an ad for a masterbation device at the bottom.

14238070? ago

After reading some excerpts that the Chans posted, I can't believe how sick and twisted pedo's can be. What was surprising, were those who openly admitted to being sexually abused by their dad's and are now the ones perpetrating the same sick garbage.

14235485? ago

Anyone member when 0hour1 and Eclipse_OW found actual CP on twitter and thousands of accounts linked to it? Then Twitter banned both of them for exposing it and did nothing to the pedophiles.

It was a few weeks after the election and the Pizzagate sub on reddit was banned the next day.

14235410? ago

I am sure young folk are sick of hearing how things were so different back in the day. In my sixties, obviously I was brought up not to talk to strangers or go of with one.I first heard the word paedophile (Brit) when I was 18, had that Broken Arrow moment. WTF this is so common there's a name for it. Frankly I have never viewed the world the same since then.

14234224? ago

Surprise surprise, the same SJWs engaging in political gamesmanship, blurring the lines of what is ‘gender,’ those who support hormone therapy conversion for prepubescent kids—are closet pedophiles.

Well, color me shocked.

14233623? ago

Why is this thread even here?

14232615? ago

Is there a possibility that this is all an op to divert us?

14231974? ago

Did they discover a ring or a honey pot?

14231046? ago

Could this be why Q uses 8chan rather than the much more popular 4chan?

14230950? ago

The same shit is on 8Chan too, always has been. 4Chan is a gateway to the "dark web" (a real place) and so is 8Chan

14231347? ago

Yes. Researched that. Bad bad place.

14232034? ago

GET THIS SHIT CLEAR IN YOUR HEAD! EVERYTHING OF THIS WORLD IS OF SATAN THE god OF. There are only two teams,you serve one or the other.There is no middle ground(lukewarm) Satan is a bad spiritual place to be

14230921? ago

*disagree with the speech, flood them with child porn. That'll shut them up. * shitbags.

14230839? ago

Real or Clown plants?

14230521? ago

Still waiting for all the secret fb gifs to get leaked. Ive come across porn, bestiality, and all kinds of weird shit under odd names.

14230308? ago

I'm a 4chan fag from way back, I stopped going because of money problems (no internet), but I stayed in touch with people through other means and I heard there was a flood of pedo stuff posted on /b/ i think after /b/ found out it existed on 4chan. /b/ told them to fuck off but all it did was piss the pedos off and they flooded /b/ with that shit. Thats one thing, but the other was that they hacked some user computers and flooded them too. I didnt even think that was possible, but they definitely scared the shit out people I respected, (lovingly hated might be a more accurate term). Anyway Ive heard plenty of conspiracy theorys on this subject alone.

14229609? ago

What The Fuck !?!?

14229297? ago

We cannot let them shut down platforms altogether. Thats what they want. Just shut down the platform dedicated to something bad. We cannot advocate for censorship. They certainly have no problem censoring Republicans when they want to silence our speech Don't believe an entire forum has to be shut down. Its frightening actually.

14229046? ago

Kids are sexyl

14228759? ago

Once I made an IRC from scratch it isn’t impossible. Still shills will come.

14228729? ago

Gamteria in a post says 4chan is under clown control.. 8chan safe

14228595? ago

These are the same people modding here. They will shut down wrongthink if it gets too far.

14228741? ago

There should be 8chan moderators from /qresearch/ watching the main Q threads here on Voat, I think... But anything is possible.

14228800? ago

All is possible. Watch for it.

14228446? ago

A crazy thought. Maybe Michael Avenetti frequents the porn channels and knew exactly how to take down 4chan by turning on all of his pedo friends? He did say.. "4chan is playing a very dangerous game right now. I could shut it all down in an instant."

14228386? ago

"attacks will intensify"

14228209? ago

Not long ago I posted in a 4chan thread on /pol about pornography and I explained that there is child porn all over Tumblr and I explained how easy it was to find there. The thread was gone within minutes.

14228245? ago

Tumblr is not doing enough to curb it.

14231444? ago

Tumblr is too busy oppressing everyone not towing the liberal PC agenda to care about stopping real evil.

14228040? ago

I wonder if they were able to archive it offline?

14227658? ago

Ever since Backpages got taken down and Craigs List got firm on their position, they are struggling to find platforms like rats. Its rampant though. I think the greedy bastards are the ones who screw up and get sloppy. We have a long way to go, I really hope the prosecutions start rolling out and indictments are unsealed. My happy dance has been on stand by for way too long!

14227635? ago

Thanks to the autists for finding them! We need the NAMES and Adresses from this BASTARDS. WorldWide! Bring back the GALLOWS (Trees will work too). The Time has come, and the Rats are in Panic. Also here in Germany, my fellow Patriots. Free our World, God is with us! WWG1WGA!

14227113? ago

Tumblr is pretty open about that shit.

14227052? ago

This might be another good indicator as to why Q jumped off 4chan.

14226975? ago

Fuck you, using Gaygur. Try a non-censoring site like imgoat, faggot.

14226833? ago

It's not a fucking coverup you abject retards. They're deleting threads that are linking to CP.

14232897? ago

Good point

14226806? ago

I HIGHLY recommend the documentary Cropsey (2009) many jailed serial killers, cult leaders, rapists or abductors have documentary, there is the main narrative, but many refer to a unsubstantiated story of devil cults and underground networks of tunnels for trafficking. Crospey has a good section about this other version of events, and has an interview with someone who knows, but can't say. Thats all i see now, like david icke, he never meant reptilain people, he meant people so inhumane they lacked humanitty and were as cold as lizards. learn their comms so to speak

14226556? ago

when i think of the people in therapy who have had multiple atrocities, to the people we don't know, to the people in jobs to get to kids, to the people who adopted, those online... to the elite/islands/rings... its incomprehensible how many there are.

They will not be safe to walk the street

....the only thing that helps me sleep

14226276? ago

Did a bit of digging into this just now. This is FUCKED UP.

Looks like a job for Sessions.

14227964? ago

Can you point me in the right direction? It's got me going in circles and I'm not finding out many of the details.

14233250? ago

Some things are best not known. Just know that it's real, the scope of it is huge, and what it entails is absolutely sick.

I, and I imagine several others by now, have reported it to the authorities. So we'll see what comes of it. Because this is fucked up.

14226220? ago

WTF is wrong with these people? burn them all, GITMO is not enough.

14228819? ago

Don't be surprised if there are all different types in the mix, including the FBI trying to entrap.

14228391? ago

Day of the rope, when?

14225783? ago

Shocker. Pervs on 4chan posting CP. Imagine my surprise.

14225532? ago

I tried to fool the leftist and deepstate by placing memes on 4chan that suggest that Putin lovers use the owl as symbolism, asking the glorious frogs to place the memes behind liberal lines. ...all the memes where deleted within minutes. KEK

14225405? ago

These are some Sick Bastards, that need to be Exposed with Name, Address,and Photo, so you can Dislike them more when Incarcerated.

14225208? ago

Here in Italy 4ch and 8ch are blocked (since August)

14224875? ago

I would bet that it is the deep state trying to get the site taken down so Q and anons don’t have a place to work. It sounds like evil written all over the scheme.

14228858? ago

Perhaps, we'll see.

14225323? ago

Q doesn't work on 4ch. He only posts on his own 8ch PatriotsFight board.

14224790? ago

This shit is unreal when the fuck is the FBI going to do its god damn job and infiltrate these sites and take down these fucking sickos!! It's beyond me that shit like this can still go unnoticed...HEY FEDS I KNOW you're HERE SO FUCKING DO YOUR G-DAMN JOBS AND GET THESE FUCKERS!!!! So sick of seeing this pedo shit, these people deserve nothing but death. God Bless our President for going after these people, highest uptick in arrest ever! MAGA! WWG1WGA!!!!

14232960? ago

Fuckin' Bullshit Investigation does nothing even though a whole lot of this crap happens in plain sight. They sit on their hands and diddle each other instead of doing their jobs. They know and they're complicit up to their eyeballs.

14229698? ago

One thing at a time, I suppose, for the present TR adm. First the heads then the rest. For for this platform, it should be IMMEDIATE. RescQ!

14227231? ago

Comey operated 24 CIA backed CP sites as honey pots when he was in charge. Wonder where all that material gets sent afterwards..

14228178? ago

The FBI has been protecting pedos for decades. Most ABC bureaucracies are run by these demons.

14224509? ago

Let fall that heinous house of cards!

14224475? ago

If the proof thread included anything that could be interpreted as cp, that would be why it was nuked. I wouldn't bet either way without seeing proof.

14224465? ago

I'm going to make a bot that reconstructs 8chan threads on voat

14228892? ago

Notable posts only please, or better yet specific choice posts of particular notice.

14224353? ago

This is definitely real.

BTW, in case anyone doesn't know - most of the porn being circulated on 4chan/b/pol is distributed by the government, or their "contractors" - caught and relead pedos who use government controlled stashes to find other pedophiles. Honeypot.

I'm all for these honeypots as long as it finds real pedos. Need to be exposed.

14224102? ago

Shut it down

14223975? ago

Is someone messing with qanon.pub? The latest Q posts are either renumbered, removed or hacked? What happened to 2316 and 2317? Anyone know?

14240440? ago

most people use qmap.pub.

I use qntmpkts.keybase.pub

14245572? ago


14225467? ago

On mine 2014 and 2015 are removed from QAnon pub so that what you see as 2016 and 2017 are now 2014 and 2015. Nothing was removed on qmap.pub so it still shows 2014 -2017.

14224541? ago

I stopped using qanon.pub early last month as it wasn't acting right. Even now it only shows up to 2195 for me.

I use qmap.pub now and haven't seen any issues. 2316 and 2317 both show.

14225117? ago

thank you for the suggestion, I'll do the same!

14231166? ago

Funny enough, qmap.pub isn’t matching up with patriotsfight on 8ch either. There are posts on qmap that aren’t on q’s 8ch Page even though they link to them. Has q ever deleted posts?

14233000? ago

He posted on 8 Ch QResearch

14224327? ago

I see both 2316 and 2317.

14223871? ago

Isnt this where the podesta strobe video was posted? Ive never watched...but I know its key in Pizzagate. Lets get all the facts....if thats possible.

14224470? ago

If you're talking about "Fatherhood," I'm personally a little meh on it. I was balls-deep in pizzagate from the start and I remember when that "came out." I felt like it was meant to make anons think that it was Podesta. The voice comparison is pretty convincing, but I think there's also some kind of rap track that sounds very much like the same voice. Podesta doing creepy editing on what is already snuff video and cutting rap tracks in his free time? Eh, seems doubtful.

14228534? ago

The "Fatherhood" video originally came from a site called Worldcorp.

14240427? ago

I remember. Some anons "found" it.

14224704? ago

I couldnt watch it i dont think...do you believe the hype? Walnut sauce and adrenochrome and all that?

14240417? ago

I'm a little iffy on some of those code words (I'm sure they use them, but some anons are very adamant that certain phrases must mean certain things), but I don't doubt the adrenochrome stuff at all. To me, it's a question of how widespread it is and who in particular does it and who doesn't. When it comes to HRC, she's a "probably" across the board where all that shit is concerned. I think there's a reason that one of the most prominent words used to describe her, even by normies, is "evil."

As for that Fatherhood video, you really don't see anything happening to the child, you just hear screams and can see the silhouette of the child through whatever glass enclosure he's in. The screams sound real, though. If it is real, I would guess that the kid was given drugs and the man is basically just scaring the shit out of him. LSD + high-adrenaline experience, maybe.

14227693? ago

if it's hard for you to get something that upsets you greatly out of your head, I wouldn't suggest it.

While there is no actual visual horror, that child's TERRIFIED, PLEADING VOICE IS HEIGHTENED TO SUCH A DESPERATE STATE, it still haunts me (´ / ‸\`❀)

Fuck Podesta & ALL of those who've participated or been complicit in ANY of this.

And I hope that after someone sticks a red-hot poker up his pee hole that every time he begins to fall asleep in his cell in GITMO, somebody comes up and SCREAMS "I'M YOUR FATHA NOW!" through a bullhorn that's behind a second bullhorn.
(ᓀ ︵ ᓂ❀) ^^and ^^i ^^fucking ^^hate ^^that ^^these ^^monsters ^^have ^^even ^^made ^^me ^^think ^^of ^^vengeful ^^things ^^like ^^that

14227938? ago

Message heard! I have to take sips at a time....went down the MK Ultra rabbit hole somewhat recently...very new...but of course it shakes you...at least it did me....I can only imagine the weight that POTUS bears in his knowledge....pure evil...biblical evil

14223651? ago

Now when he says "expose the stuff"...? How graphic? Maybe that's the reason they took it down.

14223615? ago

is it possible that these are used by bad actors to take down the chans?

14223485? ago

This is from August? Hello? I wouldnt be surprised if the mods were compromised one bit but I don't know if this is relevant in this instance

14223445? ago

This is the relevant 8chan thread with lots of discussion

14223439? ago

Can't STAND mods. From reddit mods to 4ch to mods everywhere except BO from 8ch qresearch- I don't fucking trust them. THINK OF THE DAMAGE caused by these people. Squelching honest research and uproar before it ever has a chance. I consider these crimes against humanity and I pray to God that corrupt mods and paid shills are also brought to justice as NONE of this crime is possible without their assistance. Your time is coming motherfuckers.

14227727? ago


14223661? ago

Don't trust the 8chan Cucks either. ESPECIALLY after the shit they tried to pull here

14233480? ago

Whad they try to pull?

14227869? ago

What did they try to pull?

14224800? ago

You do know that QRV was set up by 8Ch BO right?

14225547? ago

An 8ch BO who was specifically requested by Q to set up the board here and which Q endorsed after he set it up.

14225059? ago

And I do know that most of the Reddit mods (and NeonRevolt) are a bunch of censoring, Paytriot, faggot shills.

14232621? ago

NeonRevolt is a jealous green monster.

14223336? ago

Had tried to get on earlier even made a post about it. It was back up a while later.

14223325? ago

Now we know why Q jumped to 8ch

14223280? ago

"Like"? How do you like something on 4chan?

14223405? ago

Liked on tumblr

14223258? ago

These faggots are going to get there's - when it all falls down it will all fall down God Willing!

14223333? ago

Apparently its too much for dumb niggers like yourself, i suggest reading again only slower.

14223830? ago

go back to your cave and crack a book son

14223220? ago

CP with over 800.000 likes

What? 800.000 people liked CP and didn't report it? That's hard to believe.

14223089? ago

Im not able to post yet . New bread dropped

14223079? ago

You should probably crosspost this to /v/pizzagate if you haven't already.

14223075? ago

It would be nice to see everyone involved publicly shamed.

14223055? ago

The other crime here is using imgur.

14224680? ago

Exactly, stop using it...

14223030? ago

There also was a post alleging right before it went down Someone posted "CIA LEAK" and then a link and decryption key.... that thread got deleted and then the thread I saw with the screencap of that post was deleted too...

14222996? ago

I know it sounds silly but can we all just make a new 8ch without the honey pots? Call it 1ch

14225031? ago

I have a an easy replacement already up and running. It's freedomboner.com

14222985? ago

At least on eddit you can see who the mods are on the sidebar, no one knows anything about the mods on 4chan, you can't even contact them. I bet you 100 grand the /pol/ mods are literal blue haired SJWs, orthodox jews, and Military staff from Israel/US/etc.

14224820? ago

I'm new to chanland. Is 8chan more obvious in terms of the who's who of the mods?

14225681? ago

I have been banned on 8chan/pol for suggesting that Hitler was a deepstate puppet, while providing sauce, Temporarily ban, but still

8ch/qresearch is ok tho

14237243? ago

Its not even conspiracy that the Bush family financed Hitler..what did you say that makes them so afraid that they had to ban you?

14237290? ago

I linked the "50 year old recording that exposes all"

14238104? ago

If you still have it a would be glad to watch it.

14231214? ago

Isn't that what they talk about all day on /pol?? Tons of Jew shit on that chan. Why ban you over that??

14229396? ago

still got that sauce?

14229556? ago

Probably, on holliday now tho so working on a different set of computer/tablet

14227914? ago

I thought 8chan was completely free speech?

Wow only Voat is left it would seem.

14225066? ago

There is always more than meets the eye. I would suggest using a VPN or a browser like Tor Browser for interacting with the Chans...

14231191? ago

Always use VPN. But how safe is that? Do the clowns have backdoor access to our mobile phones and computer? If so, VPNs are useless yeah?

14250354? ago

Hard to say, but it certainly isn't futile or not worthwhile to try IMO.

14253264? ago

Agree on that.

14226068? ago

TOR isn't really that safe either, something about the feds watching all the exit nodes or something...

14229425? ago

not all, many, but if you have contacts you can have nodes set up for you

14228742? ago

Maybe Tor within a VPN helps or Whonix. But basically none of us is safe. Using a library computer helps.

14227324? ago

Yep, this came out in the Vault 7 dump

14225813? ago

Or just avoid the chans. Too much kiddie porn. (Any is too much, just in case you were going to ask)

14222744? ago

Perfect example of why we must have multiple free speech platforms.

14222725? ago

imgtc link incase this one dies


14226668? ago

Thanks for the mirror, the original wasn't displaying in a readable resolution on mobile.

14222800? ago

Thanks man. Just an FYI we actually have a bot for that.


14222817? ago

Yeah I saw that but thought another copy couldn't hurt, this seems kinda important.

14222692? ago

Arrest them all!

14227240? ago

You spelled 'kill' wrong. . . faggot

14232977? ago

You suck cock

14228642? ago

You got nuttin bedder ta do you cock sukker!

14226714? ago

Execute them all.


14222691? ago

That's wild stuff.

This is above and beyond the level of crazy I can remember in the world.

14229321? ago

You ain't seen nothing yet. Q means it when he says those who know can't sleep. SGT Report does a good job of reporting what's been figured out. Subscribe to their videos if you want to learn. I bet we're still only seeing the tip of the iceberg, though. This shit is absolutely pervasive within circles of power. That's what we're fighting.

14222617? ago

I mean doesn't 4chan have to delete these things bc it is child porn?

14222668? ago

Yeah, if they host it they'll be accused of knowingly hosting child porn. It's kind of a catch 22. To catch child porn you can't link to people who have it.

14223949? ago

Which is the purpose of child porn laws. To prevent citizens from taking down pedos.

14228489? ago

This is why many laws are made. Stop and consider the meaning of this old saying, when looking at it in a different light:

"Rules [Laws] are made [by crooks] to be broken. [by crooks, for profit]."

Prohibition laws; sanctions; embargoes; etc...

14227886? ago

This is an important question and perhaps these laws need further scrutiny.

14222548? ago

Agreed and upvoted! Please report back or make a new post if you find out more info.

14222520? ago

Upvoted. People need to know this.

14233832? ago

I see shit on Tumblr almost every time I go there. Not CP. But you can see non-nude pics of kids. You CAN see nude pics of questionable age, like maybe the girl is 18, maybe 16, or even 14.

I’ve never seen what’s described here—under 10, in sexual acts.


14228584? ago

it's hypocritical because 8ch was started as a pedo chan, even today, right now it is still used for that, same for tumblr. though 8ch banned the posting clothed girls, the clothed boy forum is still going. if anything, that shows that 8ch mods are homosexual pedos...at least 4ch mods deleted what amounts to "link sharing", as they should. if you are smart you wouldn't use these websites like tumblr and 8ch for that reason. 4ch at least has mods deleting threads that amount to "hey guys look at this girl, im so disgusted right now."

14236762? ago

You know what the most disturbing thing is...people are downvoting your post...that means pedos are here...

14236894? ago

Your kike shit aint working faggot. We smell your bullshit from a mile away.

14238136? ago

So you don't have any argument to back you then you just insult others, go fist yourself tranny fag, I hope your sphincter will explode

14240160? ago

Free speech sites are purposefully associated and infected with CP to shut them down. When people are downvoting a post saying that places like this are dens of CP, along with implying that mods are in on it and you call the downvoters pedos, you are the one following the false narrative.

14232706? ago

Jew shill said what?

14230866? ago

Horseshit. https://lolcow.wiki/wiki/Laurelai

Laurelai's most infamous incident happened in January of 2015, Dan Olson allegedly approached her about the prospect of conducting false-flag operations against 8chan. While what was agreed to remains a point of contention, what is not is what actually happened: Laurelai to set up a honeypot IRC channel corresponding with the launch of an alleged child pornography board (/hebe/) on 8chan. Laurelai would then "plant" said content in the hope of luring in actual pedophiles to the channel and board, which would allow Olson to, via archive postings and screencaps, make the argument that 8chan was home to Child Pornography and had to be shut down as a result. Olson did this in support of Crash Override Network, which he had financial ties to members of. Laurelai saw an opportunity to bolster her power and influence, and readily agreed.

Interestingly, it was Laurelai's involvement with the plan that caused it to backfire spectacularly. Those familiar with Laurelai quickly leaked information to GamerGate supporters, who quickly established that the /hebe/ board featured, as its headlining post, a link to an IRC client hosted at starrevolution.org.[12] an IRC trace of the IP Address of Starrevolution.org showed that the owner and operator of that very site was none other than Laurelai herself (with SJWiki, which Laurelai operates using the same address).[13][14] To further the connection, the IP address was also the home to Laurelai's own "sex worker" website, Laurelai.info, which advertised her services as both a kernal installer and prostitute.[15] Finally, it was also established that Olson and Laurelai had a long pre-existing relationship with Dan being extensively active on SJWiki.[16][17]

Don't slander fullchan when you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

14231496? ago

laurelai? i used to get into arguments with that psychotic tranny on reddit. he also raped his roommate, btw

14233371? ago

Truly one of the worst examples of trannies. "Those who are the loudest..." MAGA trannies should counterweight that bullshit in your mind.

14229917? ago

That is a load of shit. Voat got rid of the nasty shit a couple of years ago. I watched it happen. And how the fuck are you such an expert in what is technically “legal in Delaware”. You’re fucking creepy.

14223183? ago

Can someone summarize? All links broken.

14225708? ago

Links aren't broken dipshit type in 4plebs etc and it's archived. Are you looking for the actual CP faggot???

14226615? ago

Did You take Your pills today?

14226472? ago

Got it, thanks cunt rag.

14226708? ago

wait its still archive accessible?????? i haven't clicked this link in case i see things i may never unsee. but just wanted to check through a good old asked question.... if this is gone, right? or fuck, its still about through archives. it just means attempts to get rid of it online... this just fried my head. i need to compose myself, i prob need a sugar fix from not eating enough popcorn, but this shit makes me want to throw popcorn, like ice. now i'm uusing humour.. this idea its not gone even when removed made me feel... not happy dancey inside

14230049? ago

The link is just a 4chan(ish?) page discussing it. It has a link to a more detailed report, complete with Tumblr links (I think). The detailed report has been scrubbed.

14226979? ago

Your incoherent babble isn’t as amusing as you probably think it is.

14227212? ago

you could answer the one question that made me type incoherent babble from shock of presumption

14227457? ago

This doesn’t make sense either dumbshitbot.

14227826? ago

yes i'm an incoherent bot. i'm so glad someone bothered to programme me. time well spent there.

14236618? ago

All it takes is 3lbs of pressure to deprogram yourself

14223332? ago

There are GIANT informal clubs of child rapists, and those who just like to watch the videos of it, infesting sites like Tumblr and Facebook. Someone managed to identify a large one, posted it on to 4chan, mods shut it down because they're comped/kiked.

14229197? ago

is 4 chan owned by jews? tell me it aint so

14229466? ago

The JIDF has had their tentacles in the moderator positions of 4chan forever and for years in /pol/'s case. 8chan isn't as kiked, obviously, but that's due mostly to the unique structure of boards/board owners/etc.

14236608? ago

If NR is on 8chan, it is kiked

14230027? ago

thank u

14227460? ago

Did someone report to ICE? That’s what I was told to do.

14307083? ago

What about for domestic based crimes? Financial crimes?

14231778? ago

SAWMAN fucking runs interference to assist it! he's a fucking fraud.

14233425? ago

Im out of the loop on this one... Anyone who has more info on this, im interested...

14236690? ago

Look up Tuscon child trafficking camp for more info on this, it was a big thing for about a week or 2, sawman recanted his initial statements, it was very fishy. Seemed forced to me

14235637? ago

This dude is on point.


14230304? ago

No, report to FBI.

14307104? ago

Just curious here, since I've reported this to the FBI at least 20 times in 10 years... if the FBI was unreliable for HRC & Company why in the world would we start trusting them now? Is their swamp clean?

14235153? ago

not till Rosenstein and Mueller are gone...

14228690? ago

Sawman was a STRAWMAN!

14223374? ago

These people will rot in hell.

14227063? ago

It disgusts me to think that this filth is this close.

14223538? ago

I used to be an Episcopalian. Fire and brimstone made me uncomfortable, but for men and women who participate in Pizza? Catholicism is infested completely with he rot but they have one thing right, there is such a thing as a mortal sin, I believe that now.

14222455? ago

The Links are all 404 now. These folks will eventually get Justice. Thank Q.

14224713? ago

Is there a link to the primary source since the secondary source is 404'd?