14217035? ago

Why would Snowden be a liability? He's done his damage. What would They gain by killing him now?

14212432? ago

What is the deal with people saying that No Name was killed rather than passed away from a [tumor]? I am a bit puzzled by that. What evidence do we have that it was not a natural passing?

14216169? ago

We were told ahead of time what day he'd succumb to 'brain cancer'.

14217720? ago


14212092? ago

Is it just me or is the C_A a full-blown communists-on-steroids mafia-style political party? The Dems merely being their visible wing? Especially since I've seen lists of alleged C_A political candidates. I've never thought of them exactly that way before.

14215346? ago

It's not just you. It's the reality of what we're facing.

14214995? ago

I agree, CIA is in it deep. I think what we are actually seeing, especially right now with Kavanaugh hearings is a war between CIA and NSA. It's being spun in media as liberal vs conservative, female vs male, etc. We know Ford is CIA from the get go. Look at Kav's background.

14211134? ago

Think NYC bomber 'fireworks' hours prior.

I think this something to research. I think Q is saying that maybe there was a leak or early report about the NYC bomber. Meaning it was planned and leaked to the media. Something that needs to found.

14213371? ago

Kind of reminds me of how flake was cornered in that private Senate elevator by a group of so called survivors. They were shaming him into changing his vote. By pulling on the heartstrings of the public eye via the CNN camera that just happened to be there as well right? But it was a well coordinated attack by a very outspoken women's activist group. I can't remember the name of the group but I just read an article complete with pictures of the same female that's doing the shaming. The question in my mind reading these comments is was Flake a part of the plan? After watching his press appearances in last 24 hours and what he is saying I do believe he is. He was doing some serious Trump bashing in the one to the Forbes conference crowd. Talking about how destructive POTUS, his policies and how he talks to people are too the country. I swear he was using the Democrooks talking points. He really started eating up the crowds admiration and applause when he said that he was not the only republican that was hoping the democrats won the midterms so there could be a return to bipartisanship in the Senate. Sounds like flakey flake is gearing up to run for president. He thinks he's a hero for both sides and will bring the country back together. Please! Never trusted that never Trumper POSS. One last stab in the back for no name before he goes.

14210559? ago

This is a general message. I feel I should share.

We need to volunteer at the polls. Every polling station needs patriots vigilantly watching.

We need volunteers for polling judges.

Please flood the whole process. The system is controlled by leftist. We need to be involved in more than just voting this time.


14216694? ago

You can have all the volunteers you want at the polling locations. If the machines are rigged to manipulate the count it does not help. I was a volunteer for many elections. Every location submits its tallies. But the final tally - well like I said if the machines are rigged.

14216882? ago

True. I have faith that with Trump and other patriots in power they are tackling this issue. This area is out of my wheel house. But i will not let that deter me from being in the fight with whatever I can do. Thank you for your past services.

14209286? ago

There was a suicide bomber involved with the rally.

Q told us that The new york 'fireworks'guy had real devices planned but that white hats replaced them with fireworks.

14208903? ago

I understand members of the deep state, know how to bring a plane down from their living rooms. I don't know if changes have been made to planes to stop this.

14207875? ago

Snowden is a sneaky fucking blackhat

14207480? ago

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14207369? ago

You severely underestimate my imagination.

14206885? ago

I highly doubt I'll be surprised. When you expect the worst, you tend not to be.

14206694? ago

FIREWORKS starts here : Christine Ford's Past Will Blow Your Mind! https://youtu.be/A_GyZMHraMw

14206680? ago

The attempted assasination of kavanaugh during the hearings Thursday. Alyssa Milano, DF, attorneys in on it and outside people!

14207909? ago

Here's what I posted on the "Lindsey MF Graham" thread

Why LIndsey is woke. What did it!!

Check Q post 2304

Key to interpretation this post is this phrase "Think NYC bomber 'fireworks' hours prior."

Q starts the thread by telling us about past deep-state 187s, and then mentions how they knew 30 days prior to "No names" death.

So here it is-- what got Graham so fired up is that somebody in the Senate chamber was going to set off an explosive, BUT just like the NYC bomber did in 2010, they chose the wrong means to ignite the device.

You witnessed it, but you didn't know that you had.

Graham found out what had happened, and boy was he woke--that for a change of circumstance, he might have been killed because of the democratic crazies, that's just how far they were willing to go. There was no coincident that he was activated!

Remember, Thomas Victor's twitter account got frozen right after he accused Alyssa Milano of setting things up for a potential disruption of the Kavenaugh hearings. Victor's post is gone, you can't find it anymore.

The NY Post describing the Times Square bomber was entitled "Pa. fireworks store has video of suspected Times Square bomber". Notice that Q uses the term fireworks, just like the Post heading.

14224342? ago

Not only is his post gone he has been permanently banned!

14206998? ago

What attempted assasination?

14207149? ago

Some chic was trying to cause a distraction, so people figured since the room was also being recorded for the purpose of finding it exact dimensions, a hit must be being planned. Its a nothing burger.

14207148? ago

There was an in-depth thread on Twitter that got Thomas Wictor suspended. Milano was invited by Feinstein. Even though it's not allowed she was filming with her phone to provide the layout and dimensions of the room (wore a "tit dress" but doesn't realize it's not enough of a distraction to play innocent with the Capitol Police, etc.), and at some point her role was to stand up and create a distraction at the same time the room was stormed.

She didn't enter with signs, but two were given to her. First one was confiscated by security but she had the backup sign on her clipboard. She also received an envelope from Sheila Jackson Lee, just like Ford's lawyers.

Nowhere near the level of detail provided by Thomas Wictor, but some of the footage can be found here: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1045427039602462720.html

14205442? ago

i wonder who all were in the car that blew up in PA this weekend.

14206813? ago

I wonder if those grenades that were stolen In NE Pa from coal mine..? months ago where eye the spy was supposedly tracking the truck heading south were ever found. And/or related to this car accident..?

14207797? ago

i just saw another story linked on a post that talked about guns?, i think being stolen from an ups in TN today. i didnt read the article. caught it in passing.

14205875? ago

Names released. Search for David Hallman on Twitter and the other names will come up

14207755? ago

what i dont understand is how the vehicle was blown to pcs. yet, the other cars on the street seem almost untouched. nothing compared to the blown up car.

14204916? ago

My understanding is that the “freedom of the press” is an organization with ties to Snowden and Cusack (yes the actor) but it was somehow being controlled by Barlow up until his assassination. The “Securedrop” tech is how the Mockingbird Media get their 4 AM drops which sets talking points for the day for 100’s of “premier” MSM outlets. This ability, by the C_A to set the news cycle >>>IS EXACTLY <<< what Q, POTUS, US Military and Anons are up against. It is THE number one enemy of the American people and the world. If we can stop the 4 AM drops, we have cut the head off the thousand headed hydra. We win.

14207303? ago

Great analysis!! Thank you!

14207126? ago

Securedrop looks like a safe way for whistleblowers to safely leak documents to the press.

How does securedrop help operation mockingbird???

14213512? ago

So the NSA doesn’t like journalists using tor? Why? Because it surpasses bulk collection?

Hes literally endorsing competition to securedrop in that tweet.

Is Q really the NSA Q team that was hunting Snowden?

It’s hard to side with big government over whistleblowers

14205514? ago

Thank you … you helped tie together a few connections for me.

14205135? ago

Stopping the Fake News IS important, BUT more important is taking control of THE FED! When that happens, it's game over!

14212603? ago

If we don't stop the MSM propaganda arm of the scorched Earth democrooks that is literally poisoning the people we can forget ever taking control of the Fed. Like Q said way back this is bigger than anything even the autist and anons could imagine. How do you control the masses? MSM can make them believe anything and it already has.

14206628? ago

End illegal taxation, usury, and fiat money and the world will change

14206443? ago

Trump controls the Fed 1 https://youtu.be/UDx9Ut4Gu6Q

Trump controls the Fed 2 https://youtu.be/blE7FZ2ZmWY

Hidden white hat message in our $100 bill https://youtu.be/D5nGokxFOhg

Are White Hats protecing us from economic collapse? https://youtu.be/CYebRxjjQzg

14208769? ago

Summary please. Few of us have time for 2 hours of videos.

14210602? ago

Trump has control of the Fed Reserve, He is working on switching us to new monetary system (bitcoin..?) so that he can annihilate the central banking system [DS] once and for all, this is shown w/clues in our $100 bill by the white hats (including Greenspan) who was the real creator of bitcoin which Trump now has TRILLIONS of to help us survive this transistion while, real-time, (as seen w/current theatrics/maneuvering going on re: judge K's / Christine Ford circus), Trump (with help of Grassley & soon Paul Ryan) is going to create a "window" using constitutional law to force the Senate into recess which will open that window where Trump can legally appoint "ressess apointments" of his nominees that D's have been holding up, in order to begin military tribunals come Jan.

Whew, I think that's about it...lol

14205766? ago

the FED has already been absorbed into the Treasury and the Cabal is out. it's done. long over. Yellen was the last one to go.

14206191? ago

Uh, until there is at least an audit of the fed, nothing has changed

14206650? ago

you are misinformed. federalreserve.gov

it used to be .org

it's handled.

14210154? ago

The Board has a .gov but the regional banks are .org

14210258? ago

If you will, read through the site as it will answer all of your questions: Regarding the Regional Banks, please see paragraph below:

"Pursuant to the Federal Reserve Act, each of the 12 Reserve Banks is separately incorporated and has a nine-member board of directors.

Commercial banks that are members of the Federal Reserve System hold stock in their District's Reserve Bank and elect six of the Reserve Bank's directors; three remaining directors are appointed by the Board of Governors. Most Reserve Banks have at least one Branch, and each Branch has its own board of directors. Branch directors are appointed by either the Reserve Bank or the Board of Governors.

Directors serve as a link between the Federal Reserve and the private sector. As a group, directors bring to their duties a wide variety of experiences in the private sector, which gives them invaluable insight into the economic conditions of their respective Federal Reserve Districts. Reserve Bank head-office and Branch directors contribute to the System's overall understanding of the economy.

The Federal Reserve is not funded by congressional appropriations. Its operations are financed primarily from the interest earned on the securities it owns--securities acquired in the course of the Federal Reserve's open market operations. The fees received for priced services provided to depository institutions, such as check clearing, funds transfers, and automated clearinghouse operations, are another source of income; this income is used to cover the cost of those services. After payment of expenses and transfers to surplus (limited to an aggregate of $10 billion), all the net earnings of the Federal Reserve Banks are transferred to the U.S. Treasury.

Pursuant to the Federal Reserve Act, each of the 12 Reserve Banks is separately incorporated and has a nine-member board of directors.

Commercial banks that are members of the Federal Reserve System hold stock in their District's Reserve Bank and elect six of the Reserve Bank's directors; three remaining directors are appointed by the Board of Governors. Most Reserve Banks have at least one Branch, and each Branch has its own board of directors. Branch directors are appointed by either the Reserve Bank or the Board of Governors.

Directors serve as a link between the Federal Reserve and the private sector. As a group, directors bring to their duties a wide variety of experiences in the private sector, which gives them invaluable insight into the economic conditions of their respective Federal Reserve Districts. Reserve Bank head-office and Branch directors contribute to the System's overall understanding of the economy.

The Federal Reserve is not funded by congressional appropriations. Its operations are financed primarily from the interest earned on the securities it owns--securities acquired in the course of the Federal Reserve's open market operations. The fees received for priced services provided to depository institutions, such as check clearing, funds transfers, and automated clearinghouse operations, are another source of income; this income is used to cover the cost of those services. After payment of expenses and transfers to surplus (limited to an aggregate of $10 billion), all the net earnings of the Federal Reserve Banks are transferred to the U.S. Treasury.

Pursuant to the Federal Reserve Act, each of the 12 Reserve Banks is separately incorporated and has a nine-member board of directors.

Commercial banks that are members of the Federal Reserve System hold stock in their District's Reserve Bank and elect six of the Reserve Bank's directors; three remaining directors are appointed by the Board of Governors. Most Reserve Banks have at least one Branch, and each Branch has its own board of directors. Branch directors are appointed by either the Reserve Bank or the Board of Governors.

Directors serve as a link between the Federal Reserve and the private sector. As a group, directors bring to their duties a wide variety of experiences in the private sector, which gives them invaluable insight into the economic conditions of their respective Federal Reserve Districts. Reserve Bank head-office and Branch directors contribute to the System's overall understanding of the economy.

The Federal Reserve is not funded by congressional appropriations. Its operations are financed primarily from the interest earned on the securities it owns--securities acquired in the course of the Federal Reserve's open market operations. The fees received for priced services provided to depository institutions, such as check clearing, funds transfers, and automated clearinghouse operations, are another source of income; this income is used to cover the cost of those services. After payment of expenses and transfers to surplus (limited to an aggregate of $10 billion), all the net earnings of the Federal Reserve Banks are transferred to the U.S. Treasury."


14210331? ago

Neat. Thanks! That did answer my questions lol

14217188? ago

great. happy to help.

14205981? ago


14206662? ago


it used to be .org

It's located in Reno.

14206864? ago

Hmmm, dead links for me. Will try back later...

14207917? ago

14209025? ago

Hmm. Must not like my VPN IP. This is what I get:

Unable to connect

Firefox can’t establish a connection to the server at www.federalreserve.gov.

The site could be temporarily unavailable or too busy. Try again in a few moments.
If you are unable to load any pages, check your computer’s network connection.
If your computer or network is protected by a firewall or proxy, make sure that Firefox is permitted to access the Web.

14209680? ago

try a different browser. there shouldn't be any reason why you can't access it. that's very strange. did you try the audit link?


14211046? ago

Hah - VPN + Tor was the magic. Very strange that FF didn't like it...thanks for your persistance.

14217204? ago

yes - i've had that happen with other sites. so glad you can see that the FED is no longer an issue.

14205106? ago

I've always found Cusack to be creepy and icy. Gross Pointe Blank and War Inc were very good vehicles for him.

14207520? ago

The Frozen Ground showed a truly diabolical side. Great acting?

14207076? ago

The Sure Thing, Say Anything, & High Fidelity were all before angry lib mode and good too.

14207500? ago

Better of Dead was great too. I want my $2!

14204702? ago

Do read the Q drops, you will find one in April that people interpreted as USSS made commercial planes safe. Trust Q.

14204524? ago

I get so sad when the brilliant tech pioneers with strong convictions in favor of personal liberty appear to have been assassinated. Is Q saying these pioneers were not who they seemed to be? Aaron Shwartz stopped SOPA. Surely he was free. Does the c_a compromise the brilliant or fabricate them? Or just kill them when they can't control? Snowden a liability?

What have we witnessed?

14207295? ago

I'm pretty confused too, If Q really is the NSA's Q team, and they're saying Snowden and others are bad guys... well I don't know.

It's going to be hard to believe Snowden's a bad guy until I see Q arrest somebody important. Guess I just have to keep waiting to see.

14210165? ago

Snowden was cia to discredit nsa

14213852? ago

IIRC, I read somewhere a theory that ES was used by blackhats to release the code so they could claim that they would reform the IC and order them to stop doing mass surveillance, after they did some bad shit, so that people coming after them wouldn't be able to use it to find out what they had been up to, i.e., Iran Payments, Spying, etc. at least, that was my recollection, but I'm old, so I could have just imagined or dreamed all that and thought it was real.

14203787? ago

What do all the plane crashes signify? I'm flying out United in a few days... Fucking crazy ass world, calm the fuck down!

14207656? ago

You should worry more that you are flying on UNITED more so than flying in an aircraft itself.

14204445? ago

If your new, go read all the Q drops, you'll know and can follow along.

14204298? ago

I am flying out on the 3rd kinda worried.

14205187? ago

Hundreds of planes fly everyday! The odds are you will be fine.

14205857? ago

20,000 planes a day. It is way more than people realize.

14204724? ago

Memorize the politician's faces... If you recognize them, ask to change flights to a later one. And just in case the worst happens, have a letter written to your loved ones. Morbid, ikr, sad the day we live in...

14203668? ago

Q is saying the Washington Post article is more of a disclosure rather than any sort of motivated piece like a hit piece? And would that mean Q team is in control of Washington Post?

14204928? ago

That article was written in 2015 too early for Q to have control. But I'm sure Q know lots of connected people.

14205671? ago

Q may not have been up then, but MI (Mil Int) most certainly was. You need to expand your thinking.

14205859? ago

haha! Yes.

14205045? ago

How do you figure? Why couldn't Q have plenty of control to be maneuvering things?

14204198? ago

The washington post piece is from teh 90s, Post changed hands to Besos a couple years ago.

14203475? ago


John Perry Barlow was a clown from day one. https://www.forbes.com/asap/2002/1007/042_3.html

"A few weeks later, in early 1993, I passed through the gates of the CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia, and entered a chilled silence, a zone of paralytic paranoia and obsessive secrecy, and a technological time capsule straight out of the early '60s."

"In May 2000, I began to understand what they were up against. I was invited to speak to the Intelligence Community Collaboration... The other primary speaker was Air Force Lt. General Mike Hayden..."

He was also a part of the Grateful Dead psy-op. But that's another rabbit hole.

He was running the Securedrop op and was either killed or disappeared in order to clean up the operation when Q blew it's cover to millions of people.

14205137? ago

I want to know more about the Grateful Dead psyop...

14210776? ago

See my reply to #14205454? the post right below this one of yours.

14210758? ago

I went to duckduckgo to search 'grateful dead psyop' and found two articles--each one saying the opposite:

1= https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/187535898/ says they were a Democratic CIA psyop to push drugs LSD etc

2= http://uncyclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/Grateful_Dead says they were a REPUBLICAN psyop to get drugs into country. This one also claims he was an officer in the military as was Bob Weir and they were working together using drugs to keep the hippies from causing politicial disruptions to Nixon! It also said that Timothy Leary encouraged them to use LSD to write their music and get their creative juices working.

I think both of these theories are bogus. But then again, with the things we've learned over this past year, who can tell what's true any more. So I stick to #TrustMyBible, #TrustJesus, #TrustThePlan, #TrustPOTUS, #TrustQ and #PRAY for those fighting this dangerous fight against evil. Hope this helps.

14210742? ago

The acid tests?

14206507? ago

14214325? ago

Fascinating read. Thank you. Lots of familiar names ( Frank Zappa, Jim Morrison, Stephen Stills, David Crosby, for a few) but not so familiar connections to the Military Intelligence Community of the Times...and how interesting that the MK-Ultra operations keep coming up with all these tangled webs of undermining our moral standards...the counter culture of the 60’s, drugs and free sex (Summer of Love 1967). A bell went of in my head reading this article, having to do with the UN sponsored and Rockefeller funded movement after WW2 to change the universal standard tuning in music from 432Hz to 440Hz...the 440Hz was introduced by Joseph Goebells, the Nazi Minister of Propaganda.

14207249? ago


14210131? ago

key word is mostly...ive followed this from the blog and watched others quote from the blog until this took a life of ots own....his main claim is that musicians had parents in the military...everyone had parents in WW2.....ZAPPAS FATHER DID NOT do chemical weapons science..he worked in weather forecasts...

14205913? ago

There is a YT video of an FBI admitting to FBI operation on music industry control of the artists. Had a recording of Michael Jackson the night be fire he died. Very creepy.

14205464? ago

Me too!

14204699? ago


Gratitude for baking the bread with additional bread crumbs.

14204341? ago

Q blew what cover exactly? On Securedrop? Was the CIA running Securedrop and that's how they knew who the whistle-blowers were?

Sorry I'm having trouble with this one.

14207215? ago

So Q was active in 2015. Looking more and more like Q is the NSA's 'Q team' that was hunting Snowden in 2013.

Not sure what to think about this one honestly.

14205046? ago

Yes, that seems like common knowledge at this point.

14204069? ago

I knew I'd find my answer here. After Q posts, I always head here to figure out what's going on! Thanks

14205640? ago

I always wait for Neon Revolt! In depth!! :)

14206486? ago

Lol good luck with that....lmao

14206454? ago

Yup, best to let that narcissist do the thinking for you. Don't forget to buy a t-shirt!