14233770? ago

So this may sound stupid but where is the pentagram? It’s the only symbol that I don’t see in the graphic.

14233825? ago

Star inside pentagonal gold medal.

14233732? ago

Of course SATURN

14233741? ago

Known cult.

14229938? ago

Hiding in plain sight. Why does every head there have what looks like an antenna on it???--------------------------------- Why do some of the heads have masks on???

14230078? ago

The antenna has always been a component of the head of the Reddit alien. The alien is used as the logo and mascot for Reddit. I'm unclear of what the antenna symbolises. It's said to be the product of a doodle:


The masks are referential to the clandestine activities of the social elite. Think of how the Illuminati is depicted in the Eyes Wide Shut film by Stanley Kubrick. Masks are used to protect their identities during their occult rituals and orgies.


The idea is that if Reddit members subscribe to Reddit Premium, they'll be part of an elite society.

14229243? ago

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14228003? ago

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14222774? ago

What does the cake represent?

14222116? ago

The figures are all wearing masks to mimic the elites parties too..

14221825? ago

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14217404? ago

If real, just Satanic. Periord

14215419? ago

okay so there is a narwhal. There is a saying redditors use called "the narwhal beacons at midnight" to identify other redditors in real life while not letting others know that they browse reddit. The Pyramid is obviously the all seeing eye. The upvote arrow is a representation of gaining good karma. Saturn is a representation of cultivation, and time. Reddit gold symbol is probably a representation of wealth. Cake is a representation of celebration. a red colored flower is a representation of the heart. The flower itself is a symbol of a bond or commitment that lasts forever. They're common in wedding flower arrangements.

Gold cat. Cats are a very spiritualistic symbol. In ancient egypt cats were highly revered. They were believed to be guardians of the underworld. Seen almost as if they're gods. They're also thought to be the messengers of the gods of the underworld. My guess is that the cat represents communication. The gold probably has the same meaning as the reddit gold symbol, wealth.

In the middle at the center of everything is snoo the reddit mascot whose an alien.

The text at the bottom says "remember the human" when you translate latin in google translate.

The aliens/snoos that surround the crest look like its a masquerade party of a secret society. I think the snoos are all representations of real people but you would only recognise that if you knew the person personally.

The only person not wearing a mask is the snoo wearing a top hat and monocle. Likely the ring leader of the masquerade party.

This is just screaming that reddit is part of a secret society and they're not hiding it at all

14216112? ago

Monocle being a "single eyeglass", as in one eye, as in the All-Seeing Eye.

14213837? ago

fuck redit

14212821? ago

Just in time, all of the characters are blinded by glasses

14210618? ago

Yeah. That's not fucking obvious at all, now is it? lol.

14208079? ago

raise the banner high the world is watching

14207910? ago

Good riddance. It was hectic for a bit and I'm sorry for all the info that was lost, but they can fuck off. They will never win.

14207330? ago

Deleting all social media and stopping my use of Reddit has been amazing. I wish I could go back to my younger self and say don't do social media knowing how bad it is now.

14207273? ago

All Red pilled.

14205693? ago

Looks like a Pizza... hmmm...

14204081? ago

Yeah the Voat goat is much better. :-)

14203964? ago

Holy shit all that symbolism....

14204124? ago

"symbolism will be their downfall". dang they're really asking for it. begging for it. i guess they are really that stupid lol. time to voat them off the island...

14203476? ago

Goodbye and a fuck you too Reddit.

14203400? ago

The fact that they threw ALL of that shit into one image is almost bizarre. If you had to ask them to explain it, what in the living fuck would they say? I mean the Eye AND Saturn? Jesus....

14204100? ago

The only alternative explanation could be that they are making fun of conspiracy theories. Anyway, maybe we can ask them?

14203103? ago

Glad I deactivated my account there.

14202737? ago

Rosicrucian rose, pyramid, all seeing eye, cake (Marie Antoinette "Let them eat cake" > Payseur), pentagram and "Remembering humanity" in latin. RIP.

14202695? ago

Kinda like a pirate flag has just been hoisted...

14202146? ago

i did some digs on NIKE when that stuff started.. CEO big hillary donor.. him and lebron made a shoe to help 'raise money' for Haiti.

anyways what i also found was the NIKE symbol is part of the ring of Saturn.

just a tidbit of useless information you might entertain for the day haha.

14212652? ago

Nike CEO Mark Parker....no creepy pedo vibes at all....no siree

14212745? ago

he's already got some sealed indictments i believe sexual harassment in the workplace.. but even if they are more serious... that is what they call it anyways.

knowing all of this stuff.. kaepernick ad takes on a new life. divide. make people choose a side. pit Trump flag lovers against leftists.

without even researching you can pretty much just know these people are tied to Hillary.

14202082? ago

How stupid are these people?

14202065? ago

I would consider paying for Voat Premium, but it has to come with a benefit of being called a niggerfaggot, daily.

14201950? ago

Look at the dolphin too, Pedo symbol...

14201820? ago

I dont see the pentagram unless. You're talking about the pentagonal shape.

14201803? ago

Well that sure as hell explains a lot.

14201801? ago

Is that a masonic cornflower in the bottom right?

14201716? ago

Reddit ... Yep, they're evil ... But we knew that already ... Here's something I didn't know could be done ... So, like most of you I was on Reddit also ... GA ... specifically ... PA ... all Q related ... after they banned us I left my account open for a while ... I killed it a few weeks later ... Just recently tried to go back there from my computer here at work ... tried this starting last week ... EVERYTIME i go to their site I get an error message ... it's like THEY BLOCKED ME from having access ... I didn't know this could be done ... anyone else experience this?

14201665? ago

their symbolism will be their downfall- Q

14201600? ago

Don’t forget that delicious cake!

14201530? ago

Being WOKE isn't for the timid!

14201460? ago

no wonder why all the Q boards got shut down on reddit. now lets see how long we last here.

14201338? ago

In plain sight...

14201153? ago

I know those are satanic symbols, but still would like to ask: how do you distinguish, that the author just isn't mocking conspiracy theorists?

14201639? ago

That’s what they use as their alibi. It’s “sarcasm” or “satire” but it’s certainly not - they mock us by existing in plain sight

14201119? ago

Just Say No.

14200957? ago

Please no imgur links on voat they contain reddit tracking data. Please use an alternative like catbox.moe or imgtc, i would have upvoated otherwise. Nice catch though good post.

14200922? ago

They really like their symbolism don't they? I appreciate it, at least I know what side they are on.

14200888? ago

Fucking disgusting. Can't wait for all these people to be behind bars...

It must be so tough currently for those who took the plunge and dared to have children... I could never do that in this world.

14200882? ago

although I have to say I have some concern about VOAT too. triangle, inverted triangle, GOAT as a mascot. hey you just see things in a different light these days and ask a lot more questions.

14223032? ago

I agree. I think this is a stepping stone for now, a place to gather and discuss before we travel on. I have the same concerns.

14205808? ago

you're correct honestly.

voat is an obvious honeypot.

can be easily dealt with once they show their hand however and they will at some point.

14207201? ago

How ?

14202375? ago

Look up: As Above So Below. It's ancient Sumerian, possibly before.

The Kingship landed (looked like a Ziggurat of silver) and after the deluvian flood people started building replicas of it.

Satanists/Baal worshippers believe So Below As Above. You can control the "gods" by replicating their behaviours.

It doesn't work that way though.

14203635? ago

Well, it does work that way. It's a legitimate route to power. It's just that it paves a road to hell rather than to heaven.

14204394? ago

Stairway to Heaven.

The only way into heaven (or the higher dimensions) is ultimately by having a pure intent at death. And the devil will try to sell you a ticket into heaven, but the price will prohibit your entry.

What's amusing me is that this absolutely brilliant plan by the cabal (Khazarian Mafia) is doomed to fail, because it's failed repeatedly. Every major historic event seems to be tied with some elitist power grab with ties to the cabal. And it goes all through history to biblical times and even before to Sumer, Vedic texts, etc.

They never take full control, and if the stories in the Vedic texts are real this isn't the first time around for human civilization.

I think they're just trying to sacrifice us all to try and get themselves into heaven. Stupid cultists.

14202175? ago

The Triangles are literally, literally the most basic form of expressing Masculine and Feminine. Upward facing triangle=The Blade, signifying the Phallus(Duh) the Inverted is the Chalice, signifying the Uterus.

The "Jew"/"Rothschild" icon of the 6 pointed star is just a bastardization of the Feminine and Masculine symbols combined and used as a weapon.

The Goat is exactly that, a scapegoat. It's why they linked Baphomet and Lucifer to Goats instead of Pan, the God of Creativity. They are INVERTING everything. Just because it's a symbol doesn't make it evil.

14203678? ago

Nice try for trying to lead us out of the frying pan and into the fire, Hermetic.

Pan is Baphomet is Lucifer.

14202592? ago

yeah, i get that. that wasn't the actual point I was making. it was more that-- now that I know more about symbolism, I now see symbols everywhere. whether they are nefarious or not, I see them and take note.

14203662? ago

That's perfect. We use symbols unconsciously too. It's important to note always what's being used - whether or not the users realize they're reproducing the symbols.

14201237? ago

Yes this is exactly the question - how do you distinguish it is not accidental? Long time ago, I created one Facebook Page and put an owl into a logo. I just thought that it represents wisdom, and didn't think about it further. I just didn't know it is related to Kabal back then.

14223558? ago

The owl DOES represent wisdom, and that is exactly why this creatures worship the owl, it is a perversion of the simbolism, they desire to be as wise as the owl and fly as high as the owl, the snakes can't do this they are doom to crawl through the floor as the vile creatures that they are, cold blooded, so they envy the owl and fill their symbolism with negative energy. Nothing escapes the watchful eyes of an owl, owls are beautiful creatures.

14212166? ago

Remember, even though there are memes that are nefarious, we are creating new memes, like KEK and others you see on this site. By making new memes and putting all our energy into them we create a new reality together, and this is why we all must send out memes as much as we can.

14203700? ago

Because you haven't thought about why you were convinced that an Owl represented wisdom, and where that teaching came from.

14203694? ago

Whether or not its accidental isn't really important. Think of them as memes with lives of their own. If people reproduce them, they feel compelled by them - whether or not they know why. The symbol has its meaning. Its proliferation means that idea is spreading, for good or for ill.

14202149? ago

Your design of the owl was what I believe God would want to think of it, however, satan enjoys taking symbols and twisting them up, making them filfty in in anyway possible, defiling them all in a concerted effort to mock God.

14201344? ago

i see crap everywhere now. happened to park next to a goodwill yesterday. the logo is a face with ONE eye! lololol i was like...are you freaking kidding me!! lolol

14200811? ago

Cake is the new pizza

14202289? ago

Uh oh...really?

14200810? ago


14200769? ago

Ducking “memento humani” (live remembering humanity) gives only 1 non-Reddit result. It just so happens to be a satanic fucking site!


14205908? ago

The following is a copypasta I post everytime I see someone mention using DDG, feel free to use also

I've seen a lot of pro Duck Duck Go comments. People have been encouraging its use as a safe Google alternative.

This is false. Why? Well allow me to direct you to 8chan's tech FAQ which states:

Gabriel Weinberg, the founder of DuckDuckGo, used to run the Names Database.[1] This was a website that aimed to connect people who had lost contact by gathering lots and lots of e-mail addresses. Getting access could be done by either paying money, or submitting lots of e-mail addresses of other people. Since the service revolved around gathering personal information, it is very suspicious for Gabriel Weinberg to start a business that is privacy-oriented. [2]

DuckDuckGo used to set a tracking cookie, even though they claimed they didn't. This was done by a third party they cooperate with, which means that it wasn't necessarily intentional, but if it's unintentional, it shows a worrying lack of care.[3]

DuckDuckGo is based in the US. This makes it really easy for the NSA to compromise it. If it were based in the EU, for example, the NSA wouldn't have the legal power to force them to log everything without telling anyone. This wouldn't guarantee privacy, but it would make it a lot more plausible. Instead, they're based in the US, which means that the NSA can do whatever they want with them. There are secure search engines that are not based in the US.[3]

sources: https://archive.is/9wR4O



8chan's Tech also gives a few alternatives. If you are a person who worries about google tracking you, please realize that Duck Duck Go does the same thing.

14203712? ago

The lack of search results is probably the weirdest part of this whole thing to me. eddit is big and full of observant nerds.

14202875? ago

+100 for "ducking" any way to get away from Google is a good thing.

I found the same site

14200706? ago

That all seeing eye is so blatant in the year 2018, that it will be an eye opener for some fence sitters. No pun intended.

"Their symbolism will be their downfall."

14200678? ago

Wow, looks like an Illuminati party

14200434? ago

well, we know about symbolism. It will be their downfall...smfh

14200428? ago

It took me forever to spot the all seeing eye, but those masks don't really look like "eyes wide shut" masks to me. also - is that captain falcon in the top right corner?

14200566? ago

Dont worry, it saw you the whole time!

14200403? ago

"Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws" -Plato or Aristotle

That quote sent me down a rabbit hole just by itself. Until I googled it today to confirm which Greek philosopher said I have never in fifteen year seen it attributed to Confucius.

Makes me think (((someone))) might not like people reading up on said philosopher.

14200314? ago

Now we have to add ‘ obvious’ to sick & stupid. They’re like zombie slaves to their symbolism.

14200166? ago

Good intro video on symbolism of the deep state -- ie, Saturn, the cube, etc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dV1taq9dsYA

14205303? ago

I hate those two Edge of Wonder faggots, but wouldn't be surprised if they were government funded and/or tipped off...

14200123? ago

Celebrating the shutdowns of free speech - 'Hurray we are part of the NWO!'

14200003? ago

it's on every Dollar Bill


14200593? ago

I do obey, I made the O in one into a Q with a Sharpie.

14203835? ago

Oh goody! Now I have a new habit! Every single dollar bill gets Q'd !!! LOL!!!! ThanQ friend!

14202910? ago

Awesome idea!

14202371? ago

Ha! I'm gonna Q up all my ones and send them out into the world :D

14241305? ago

Don't stop with ones! 10, 20, 50, and 100 dollar notes also present great opporQnities. 👍

14199974? ago

So childlike and friendly -- like Christine Blasey Ford.

14199885? ago

The reddit character is wearing Eyes Wide Shut masks now.

14203717? ago

That's actually from the game Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask.

It's not EWS.

14199879? ago

The best place to hide is in plain sight.

14199682? ago

And all the aliens who aren't rich or famous wearing masks?

14199588? ago

the dolphin also has satanic symbology.

14199875? ago

I think that's a narwhal

14201400? ago

its just a dolphin with a horn.

14200937? ago


14199422? ago

We shook the dust of Reddit off our feet. Good riddance.

14201202? ago


14200934? ago

dust? i thought it was more like stepping in dog shit.

14210883? ago

Washing off the monkey poop. "their symbols will be their downfall"

14207891? ago

The Great Awakening ban came right after 09/11.

14221781? ago

Good observation

14201215? ago

Q warned us about increasing censorship

14202804? ago

Indeed he did......

14199525? ago

No you haven't. You're still retarded communist crypto niggers.

14201000? ago

Edgy as fuck bro. I remember when I thought “nigger” was funny too. Lol

14205420? ago

Do not engage the shills. Simply downvote and move on :)

14200162? ago

Remember those shills I was talking about?

Watch as he gets on his Alts and downvotes the entire community.

Their guile is weak.

We are Patriots.

We already won.

14205439? ago

Don't feed the shills.

14203417? ago

We've only been on this site for 17 days.
These posts are now regularly getting downvoated 13 times.
The max I've ever been downvoated (I tried REAL hard) was 46.
We're less than two weeks away from completely controlling/dominating this site.

Protip: 4 spaces after your sentence = you can press enter and single-space your comments.

14204175? ago

That is an awesome tip on using this Interface. Gratitude!

There are specific accounts literally making posts with links to other snitches.

14199301? ago

Those who know can't sleep... once you know what you are looking at, you can't stop seeing it.

Reddit is just showing what they are. It's important to them to flaunt these symbols.

14203537? ago

I think Q was exaggerating.
Some of us are completely aware of the evil these people are capable of, and have done the math to extrapolate how that power can extend, often to minute detail.
Some of us have already been exposed to the evil Q is only hinting at.
It was hard to sleep at night at first. Eventually, your need to run dry-run operations in your head while you sleep is able to be stopped. If you have fears, those are where the nightmares will take refuge.
Stop being afraid. Fear is the mind killer.
The way to end fear is to explore it. Fear exists only in unknowns. Make unknowns into knowns (or even known-unknowns) and the fear disappears.
With the death of fear comes the death of your nightmares, and your insomnia.

14210705? ago

What evils are you talking about exactly? And why does it make it hard to sleep? Nightmares taking refuge in your fears?

I am very curious. I'd love to know what you are talking about.

14215931? ago

The short answer is you will know very soon.

The long answer is a suggestion to take a trip down some seedy back-alleys in the Tor-universe, and see how long it takes you to find corroboration for Pizzagate and Fritz Springmeyer.

14205629? ago

Then out spake brave Horatius,
The Captain of the gate:
“To every man upon this earth,
Death cometh soon or late.
And how can man die better,
Than facing fearful odds,
For the ashes of his fathers,
And the temples of his gods,
“And for the tender mother,
Who dandled him to rest,
And for the wife who nurses,
His baby at her breast,
And for the holy maidens,
Who feed the eternal flame,
To save them from false Sextus,
That wrought the deed of shame?

14209842? ago

"I am your god" - "Fuck you Sally"

14202266? ago

I've been awake too long lol

14200929? ago

Yes exactly. My thoughts exactly. Being awake is like being in an exclusive club. Most people are so mindcontrolled that disturbing them out of their ignorance often brings out ANGER and IRRATIONAL behavior. Logic is out the window when it comes to things that might burst one of these peoples bubble (break the programming).

14201478? ago

It's not easy to accept think that are outside your world view. Major cognitive dissonance is real and is a part of the Awakening journey. You have to be open minded and thinking on your own in some aspects for this to happen. People are used to being fed info rather than thinking. When they hear info that doesn't match what they "know", their brains just reject rather than process the new information critically

14200190? ago

They went around flaunting all of it, now symbolism will be their downfall.

14203560? ago

I think that's part of it. Inundate the world with these symbols in shows of parody, innocuousness etc. That way it seems so silly to question the presence of these symbols. It can be done innocently or deliberately.

But nonetheless, the symbols are obviously powerful or people wouldn't reproduce them in the first place.

14199729? ago

They're everywhere. Two Netflix shows, maniac and the good cop (not sure of the name). Symbols everywhere.

14205484? ago

Dont forget AHS Apocalypse. That shit is disturbing AF.

14200864? ago

CNBC runs the eye and pyramid graphic on its 'Stocks to Watch' segment

14200229? ago

Cant watch netflix anymore, its all preparation for our submission

14202224? ago

I cancelled NF a couple months ago. Fuck them

14199290? ago

Wow. They're not even trying to hide it anymore.

14203780? ago

They never really did. But jeeze, don't they see the writing that Q has placed on the wall? They're just doubling down on that shit now.

14227195? ago

Totally. They could have at least followed Q’s posts and taken note. Like, durh let’s not put anything All Seeing Eye like out until Trump’s out of office at least.

14230077? ago

"These people are stupid."

14210751? ago

Right. We simply know what to look for now.

My guess is that they think they are invincible and will never be stopped regardless. Once you've held that much more for that long, The very concept of being stopped is alien, perhaps even laughable to them.

They are in for a very rude awakening.

14200127? ago

Totally read my mind.