14205735? ago

DiFi requests option of tampering with witnesses. Super.

14197668? ago

Yea, just like we know the scope and perimeters of the Mueller investigation, right, DYFY?

14197442? ago

Dear Senator Feinstein: NO

14195432? ago

Chicom Feinstein fortune cookie reads "The end is near.... and it's all your fault."

14195618? ago

Ha! That made my morning.

14195242? ago

Mccloskey should have put her on her doorway blocking ass. That is the way to let her figure it out!

14195240? ago

Dems are so deluded, they believe it's 2009 and THEY are in charge of everything.

14195230? ago

Sure thing Senator. You a will all be informed when they serve you subpoenas, you can be sure of that.

14194499? ago

What a dolt. They are so used to their own corruption they've actually forgotten that it doesn't work this way. In their world they ask the dealer to see everyone's hands before placing any bets. More likely, they keep the good cards for themselves and deal the shitty ones to everyone else. There's a new dealer in town, bitches

14194379? ago

Somebody should analyze that cutsie signature lol she's fucked

14194001? ago

bitch is going down LOL

14193895? ago

That's funny !! Poor thing she feels stupid...

14193880? ago

Senator Feinstein, We are disinclined to acquiesce to your request. (It means no).

Love, Wray from the FBI

14193792? ago

The trap has been set... These people really are stupid!

14193334? ago

"Dear Senator Feinstein,
We are investigating the ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee. We believe you have a copy of the evidence already at hand. Should your printer/copier need service please call your assistant Jennifer to fix it. Other persons of interest include a gang with member aliases such as Morono Okele, Spartacus, Camel Hairs & Kombucha. Should you encounter these individuals please call the White House immediately."

14192741? ago

They've realised that a trap has been set. Their only hope is to make it look like an attempt of victim blaming and getting at intimidation/murder any witnesses that can confirm Judge Cavanaughs account or destroy Fords

14192613? ago

It's gonna be an exciting week!!!⚡☕😍🍿🍿

14192561? ago

These people are stupid!

14191578? ago

Hahahahaha amazing. Love watching the rats on the run.

14191508? ago

dual Israeli citizen

14191425? ago

I haven't laughed out loud in a while. Some of the responses to some of these comments are hilarious, i.e. acrobats and straws! I mean, this is great stuff! Thank you! It's a great time to finally be able to laugh!

14191400? ago

Dear Senator Feinstein,


Sincerely Donald F McGahn

14191263? ago

LOLOLOL.... "Please inform me of who all your questioning so I can prepare my plausible deniability statements." - Feinstein

14196921? ago

Damn, wanted to updoot this but ran out of my daily allowance.

14191170? ago

Someone sounds FFFFFFFFFFFFFucked!

14191127? ago

I saw a video yesterday that showed that the residential addresses of representatives or senators that were leak out, it was done from Feinstein's office. They have been able to match the IP address.

14192644? ago

Yea, it was Maxine.

14191396? ago

nope. Mad Max's office

14191003? ago

This response makes me wonder if that post from 8chan earlier wasn't spot on.

This one here https://media.8ch.net/file_store/f3aaefc1b817fbdcd3316e8d49cb6925ed405127035a0fc22053a82d158a7734.jpeg

14194753? ago

please be cnn, please be cnn...

14190720? ago

We need all the names of everyone being investigated!?! Lol....could she be any more obvious? If she had nothing to hide, or no underlying motives she would be happy to let the FBI do their job.

14190671? ago

Would love to see 45 lean in and quietly tell her to 'fuck off'!

14190545? ago

14190501? ago

Q has stated "we have it all"on many occasions all of this stage production we are watching is to red pill as many people as possible before the shit hits the fan! This is going to be monumental in scope and will have an effect on the entire world! When the major big time busts start allot of the "useful idiots" are going to go off the rails and it will probably take the National Guard to quell the morons!

14191461? ago

I've been telling people for some time now that the pitchforks aren't going to be in the hands of regular, patriotic Americans nor will they be in our hands. Nope, when it hits the fan, the far left base that will be the ones calling for their heads.

14193397? ago

I certainly hope you're right, and those pitchforks aren't being paid to be pointed at us.

14195250? ago

300 million weapons with several billion rounds of ammo are in OUR (patriots) hands. They wouldn't make it past lunch against us.

14205027? ago

I understand, but nobody wants that.

14190417? ago

I want to dedicate this song to Senator Feinstein, and let her know that she does have options. Have a good night all, and welcome to Red October.


14190339? ago

Good find. I think she knew something was up during the Congressional Vote. "Can he describe..." Grassley ignores, "Call the vote!". Flake votes Yay/I. Then Feinstein wants to go back to Flake, "..I thought I misunderstood..." no she didn't. They want a conditional vote for the FBI investigation. Grassley drops the mallet and calls 2-hour limit. Feinstein, "Wait What?" That had me rolling.

14193406? ago

Q: TRUST GRASSLEY. I did, and enjoyed this maneuver as much as you my fellow Patriot! What an awesome show! "Wait what?" Better than watching a video of that Hollywood Loon Loudmouth Lindsey Lohan getting punched in the face! Good times! Good times!

14196676? ago

I saw that video of Loudmouth. That was hilarious. "I see what your doing, trafficking kids"...WHOP! The camera goes to the ground. GAME OVER! Watching Feinstein squirm was much more entertaining.

14190314? ago

I'm going to enjoy watching this douche bag go down! This bitch has been a thorn in my side for as long as I can remember!

14190304? ago

Feinstein suicides runs or justice gets served?

14190276? ago

The evil old crone wants to know whom she should coach, threaten or suicide. I bet her Depends are damp and smelly right about now...

14190174? ago

I think she shit the bed

14190160? ago

Yes FBI please inform me ahead of time if you find any incriminating evidence against me. What a sleaze. She's scared.

14190090? ago

There is more to the Q post than meets the eye. Plug the phone number from the red october post 2299 into google and the results tell a story. You will see the 'national suicide prevention hotline', then a song called Logic which references the number, then a reference to the Lifeline at twitter. Is this Q saying that the number is a lifeline that is a logical way to prevent personal or professional suicide? Now lets go deeper. Put the same number into google search again and click the book search tab and up pops a message in 5 books. The books are titled 'escaping the rabbit hole', 'teardrops that tango', 'There is light in the darkest things', 'shattered family', and 'If you can take it you can make it". Is this a further coded message by Q to those in the darkness that they can escape the rabbit hole by ringing the number, cooperating and telling all, because Q knows that in some members there is light. To do this is logical as the darkness is shattered and it is better to get off the sinking ship rather than facing the unthinkable - if you take the advice you can escape.

14190088? ago

"...if the FBI request ant expansion beyond the initial directive, please provide the names of any additional witnesses or evidence."


"...if you guys start investigating us, tell us who the witnesses are so we can disappear their asses."

14193631? ago

I can't post yet, but ran across this quite by accident. No idea if it ties into anything, but still find it coincidental.


14190080? ago

I'd love to see a reply from the FBI, that basically says, "Fuck off hag!"

14193681? ago

Or "Ms. Feinstein, as you know, we are not in the habit of commenting on ongoing investigations with anyone. That said, you will be hearing from one of our agents soon. "

14204137? ago

That might make her soil her Depends!

14190078? ago

How is this not interference in an ongoing investigation?

14190050? ago

"Dear DiFi

Request noted - But FFFFFFFuck you, though.

Have a wonderful day! ;) "

14190047? ago

Is she trying to control the FBI's investigation?

14190020? ago

I hope the official response was something along the lines of "bite my ass!"

14189979? ago

Gah I’ve been busy all day! I jump on QMAP and qrv and it’s popping. We ready!

14189976? ago

The win here is strong.

14189975? ago

I have the popcorn ready, lol. This should be a great week.

14189967? ago

There is more to the Q post than meets the eye. Plug the phone number from the red october post 2299 into google and the results tell a story. You will see the 'national suicide prevention hotline', then a song called Logic which references the number, then a reference to the Lifeline at twitter. Is this Q saying that the number is a lifeline that is a logical way to prevent personal or professional exposure? Now lets go deeper. Put the same number into google search again and click the book search tab and up pops a message in 5 books. The books are titled 'escaping the rabbit hole', 'teardrops that tango', 'There is light in the darkest things', 'shattered family', and 'If you can take it you can make it". Is this a further coded message by Q to those in the darkness that they can escape the rabbit hole by ringing the number, cooperating and telling all, because Q knows that in some members there is light. To do this is logical as the darkness is shattered and it is better to get off the sinking ship rather than facing the unthinkable.

14189837? ago

Feinstein are you LEAKING NOW? Get some extra absorbent Depends. You'll need them. It's none of her Damned Business what the FBI finds. What witnesses or evidence they discover. She's worried they are going to look into her dealings with the case.👿 Old bat. You're going down with the rest of the Deep State

14189545? ago

What she doing working on a Sunday? She that scared about what might be in there? She held that letter for 2 months, why should the White House give her ANYTHING. Sen. Grassley is in charge, not her. If she is THAT concerned about what is in there, she should have followed the rules and the law ,had this done 2 months ago, privately. Not parade a woman who didn't want it made public. Sorry Diane Frankenstien, you shall reap what you have sown.

14189471? ago

" Dear Sen. Feinstein,


Sincerely, Director Wray FBI

14195298? ago


14189435? ago

"Sorry, we don't discuss ongoing investigations"

14189351? ago

"Please provide the names of any additional witnesses"

Why? So you know what loose ends to "tie up" you dirty kike?

14189946? ago

I need the names of any additional witnesses to set up Go Fund Me accounts and to let Soros know how much money he need to send.

There is a saying in security and security clearances.. A NEED TO KNOW... sorry You have no need to know. You will find out after the information is gathered. This was the same gambit they tried at the hearing having Ford go second so they could mold the fake story.

14189317? ago

She acts like she thinks she's running the show. Buahahahaha!! LOL

14191591? ago

Well, she is the rank member...

14189314? ago

She is a bit slow

14196886? ago

Wait, what?!

14197390? ago

Slow at getting back from their break for the vote. She didn't have time to comprehend exactly what she was voting for.

14197577? ago

I know, patriot. I was poking fun because "wait, what" was exactly what she said after Grassley got the drop on her.

14197871? ago

no worries I'm new to Voat

14189275? ago

I still don't understand why flake called Rosenstein why wouldn't he call sessions instead. Justice Cavanagh has nothing to do with Mueller investigation. Strange don't you think.

14195355? ago

Now, we can clearly see what type of scum is floating on the surface.

14196749? ago

Flaky scum

14192712? ago


14189208? ago

Is the White House under any obligation to provide what she’s asking for? After the games she’s played I believe they would only provide it if they were legally required to.

14188991? ago

I do not think the the FBI has to provide her with anything, unless they are in on her arrest and read her her rights to remain silent.

14188969? ago

What a dumb fucking jew. Her senility finally got the best of her. Hahaha

14188921? ago

I love how this stuff comes out. Everytime something happens that can cause the concernfags to come out in DROVES for a day or two...All of the pieces of the puzzle to the plan start falling into place and we see once again why people need to TRUST THE PLAN or GTFO.

This is beautiful.


14188894? ago

Feinstein is a one of these jews we talk about.

14189383? ago

Jews are the most exiled people in human history... always for lying, stealing and committing treason against their host nations.

After 3000 years of treason, Jews have earned a lower approval rating than Syphilis.

It's long past time to worry about "not all Jews" arguments.

14197763? ago

Sig Heil MOFO!

14192605? ago


14193495? ago

Found the kike.

14192647? ago

Why is it my fault that Jews committing 3000 years of uninterrupted treason?

14194051? ago

You mean it's not the British? I always thought it was the British that started every. Shitty. Thing.

14194074? ago

I'm not sure if you are a different goat or if you're dodging the question.

I would like to hear your theory on why Jews are the most exiled people in human history?

14194114? ago

Those who are exiled become insular. Those who can't own land or grow food become insular. They invent other ways to survive. They become more insular. They amass wealth by supporting only each other. They get kicked out. Their wealth is stolen. The cycle repeats.

Not sure how that's at all hard to understand.

Now don't shift your focus. What's Britain done to the world? Really really. Think Africa. India. Europe. The US.

You don't even need to crack a history book in most cases to see their hands on everything.

14194289? ago

Think Africa.

What the British did with Africa was magnificent.

Before those westerners shared literacy, plumbing, irrigation, electricity and combustion engines... the Negros were pure savages.

They were living in scattered tribes, lacking the wherewithal to domesticate animals or create reusable tools to invent bricks and they were eating their children to gain voodoo powers. Their greatest independant achievement was made from mud and shit and it washed away in the rain.

This happy little animation basically sums up the whole story.


The British built up all their infrastructure and then left when the locals wanted them to.

I do agree with your observation / theory that Jews have become insular and nepotistic and greedy and I agree that's why they've earned a lower public approval rating of Syphilis - because of 3000 years of endlessly committing treason against their host countries.

14204440? ago

Re: India and Africa: we see a fantastic result of meddling with people who aren't ready for progress the way we see it in what's happening in South Africa. Yes it was mostly Dutch, but the English did the same everywhere else. It's not our place to push what we think is necessary progress on a people/land not ready for it.

I think it's safe to say that the English wanted the land resources of both India and Africa. Which is why the divided India as they did and why they divided Africa as they did. In the case of Africa, it was literally all based on train lines that the English built, to run diamonds and other precious metals out to the coast. It's ugly. And I disagree with you.

Re: Jews and the Talmud: yes. It's an odd perspective. But most Jews I know are atheists and basically think the entire thing is nonsense.

Khazarians aren't actual Jews and I suspect that Moses (a questionable historic figure as to WHO he actually was, as Exodus is completely fabricated and was probably a cover up for the Caananite "Baalniks" being cast out) was always dealing with this demonic subset.

In truth, I don't think we'll ever really find out who's who or what really happened. The 13 families lie absolutely. To their own. To everyone. And the Jews will never accept that they've been subterfuged so severely by a hate subgroup.

14204730? ago

we see a fantastic result of meddling with people who aren't ready for progress

Negros won't ever be ready to join the civilized world.

But most Jews I know are atheists and basically think the entire thing is nonsense.

And most Muslims aren't rapists, yet they turned Sweden into the rape capital of Europe.

Khazarians aren't actual Jews

Not real Scotsmen, hey? (logical fallacy)

I don't think we'll ever really find out who's who or what really happened

Western civilization is at the front-line and the end of the line in the war for survival now and we can no longer continue to take the risk of trusting the most exiled, nepotistic, greedy, treasonous people in human history (generally speaking).

14208845? ago

Oh you generalists.

Ever so ready to burn the world with your meager history knowledge.

14188891? ago

She wants to know of she's being investigated. Their response will tell her yes or no.

14188852? ago

Gotta prep a story for when they come knocking on her door

14188827? ago

List of People to be Investigated: 1. Senator Dianne Feinstein. Material Witness

14188639? ago

Something some folks are missing here and are getting confused over. POTUS asked the FBI to update Kavanaugh's background - which means a background investigation will once again be performed. He directed them to update the background and look into any additional information they may find. A background simply provides findings without a recommendation. They will have any derogatory information on one side and any exculpatory information on the other That is what the Senate will see. Unless they hit on something currently unknown, it will be unsubstantiated and uncorroborated allegations with denials that the event occurred at all. What Feinstein is truly worried about and WILL NOT SEE OR BE INFORMED OF, is any CRIMINAL investigation that the FBI launches on the Democrats and their horse-holders (or Republicans) who may have lied, who may have leaked, who may have intentionally obstructed proceedings, or committed any other criminal violations of the sort that Graham had asked the FBI to investigate. Unless Comey comes back and takes over, there is never a confirmation or denial a CRIMINAL investigation is ongoing (unless the Deep State players leak it). I truly think Feinstein knows she's fucked and her aides will flip like Chinese acrobats after being read their rights and questioned about the Ford letter being leaked, the payments made for Ford's lawyer, and all the intrigue that put DiFi and her minions in jeopardy of being exposed and charged with federal criminal offenses. That's kind of why she wants to see what the WH sent as direction - she needs to see how deep the shit hole s that she's standing in. The neat part is that she'll not know for sure until her staffers come back and tell her that they were interviewed under oath and read their Miranda rights.

14195871? ago

The reopened Kavanaugh background invest is not part of any other investigation that may or may not target the actions of the Dems during the confirmation process. If so, Feinstein will not be informed of the existence, much less the progress of any investigation that targets the scurrilous, underhanded tactics of the Dems and Ford's lawyers.

14193695? ago

I've been thinking POTUS ordered the additional investigative action to set a precedent for future investigations of those who actually need them.


14189371? ago

..her aides will flip like Chinese acrobats...

Nice one. Hell, some of her aides might be Chinese acrobats.

14196703? ago

You misspelled "Chinese spies"

14188590? ago

Womp womp

14188552? ago

I'm sure the FBI will, uh. get right on that. She a tally believes she is running the show.

14189417? ago

She's a Jew - she believes she is the divine Master Race and the rest of us lower life forms are disposable and only put here to service her.

14188458? ago

ChiDiFi is feeling the walls close in.

14188975? ago

I thought she was DiFi the ChiSpy?

14189441? ago

Dianne Feinstein (D-China)

14188383? ago

Politico article lends credence to this hypothesis.


She's fucked.

14188345? ago

The way Feinstein orchestrated this whole mess it will not only blow up in her face but take all of her cohorts with her! Her letter only proves the panic she's feeling right now. She's trying to get information from the FBI so she can try to cover up her part in it and/or frame whoever she can so she can clear her name. Her cohorts are going to find out quickly that she will throw them all under the bus to save herself.

14188334? ago


14188122? ago

Feinstein is about to get sexually assaulted by the judicial system.

14189044? ago

Its gonna be like opening up a 100 year old toasted cheese sandwich !

14192844? ago

Would you like mustard or mayo with that?

14192563? ago

Omfg. Hahaha. Thank you.

14192376? ago

I can't scrub that image from my mind now, thanks...

14188105? ago

The FBI doesn't comment on open investigations. BOOM!

14187972? ago

A FBI investigation was supposed to be for the media to stall and blame the right, They never thought it would happen, therefore they never thought through how deep an investigation might be. These people are stupid..............

14195203? ago


14188069? ago

Okay but wait. Do you think Flake is one of the flipped/freed actors or is he a black hat??? I just watched him on 60 minutes and the creep bald senator and him were SUUUUPER tight.

14190379? ago

Did you watch when Flake announced he was voting to send Kavanaugh back to the floor BUT only under the condition a 1 week FBI investigation was tagged on?

THE MAN LOOKS BROKEN. And I mean that literally. It seems as though someone approached him with the equivalent of a 4k-HD - VR video of him torturing, raping, and eating a schoolbus-full group of children and gave him this option - "hey Flake, you fuck, here's how its gonna go down. You are going to vote Kavanaugh through...but not only that...as a small apology for being a complete asshat Never-Trumper since day one, you are going to be the one to say it has to happen AFTER a full FBI investigation. Yep. That's right. We have it all you fucking clown. And just so you know, NO, you're not getting a deal, we are just letting you know what's up. Because if you dont, on October 3rd, the President, YOUR President will be sending out a text message to every single American that will contain a link to your little movie. So, the choice is yours, you can lead your little platoon of dirty, treasonous fuckhead politicians into a trap of their own making and go down with the rest of the ones we dont decide to punish more harshly...or...you can be defiant and not go along with your only choice, and it is the only real choice you have, or Donny boy is gonna memorialize & expose you in front of the entire country who will then know you are a pedovore"...

14193276? ago

Flake looked absolutely awful just before he said his piece about another FBI investigation.....I could believe he could have seen such a thing.

14190521? ago

Wow.... i applaud you. I never thought of it this way. After everyones’ discussion about the deep state threatening him, my mind was set on them being the culprits. Wow

14189425? ago

Black hats maybe very useful. If “we have it all” then we can offer deals for info or action. The black hats know life isn’t looking good for their future, they will scalp four others to save themselves they have no honor.

14188536? ago

Just watched it too (while waiting for the Ravens game). SUUUUPER tight is an understatement. I'm surprised they were't holding hands.

14189750? ago

They reportly traveled together.

14188747? ago

Hahahah my dad said “why don’t they just jerk each other off and get it over with?”

14188382? ago

He was never-Trump for a reason, and is "retiring" for a reason. Flake is now leveraged into playing a useful role, and his closeness with certain dems can be an advantage.

14189607? ago

Bet he switches parties and wants to run for Dem. President 2020.

14191662? ago

I bet he just hopes to disappear from view.

14188322? ago

Flake is pwned little bitch who is probably one of the Arizona unsealed indictments. Trump has the letter opener and a simple ask.

14188182? ago

Flake is a faggot of unspeakable proportions. His dick can’t get hard enough for his piss to clear his panties unless he’s sitting on a fire hydrant.

14194861? ago

So good.

14188167? ago

Flake is a black hat. If he doesn't anything that seems patriotic, etc. it's only because of leverage.

14187962? ago

Okay is Director Christopher Wray to be trusted? Seriously curious

14188585? ago

Director Wray is trusted.

And since I'm sure every field agent in the FBI knows the storm is on the horizon, I seriously doubt there will be any leaks or other issues.

14191313? ago

exactly ! shes fishing for any info ! shes in deep do do !

14189535? ago

Good point

14188300? ago

Of course. Q has said multiple times "Trust Wray"

14188792? ago

Shit I haven’t seen those. Just climbed aboard a couple months ago. I’ll have to search on qmap

14201647? ago

Welcome aboard patriot

Trust Huber, Trust Horowitz, Trust Sessions, Trust Wray, Trust Grassley.

14188260? ago

See Q drops 787, 1122, and 434. Trust Wray.

14188247? ago

Q post #787 - TRUST WRAY.
We're in good hands.

14187946? ago

Don't worry you'll hear all about the additional evidence they find. Then you'll get marched to the gallows for treason, comrade Senator.

14192895? ago

Can't happen soon enough. Been aching to get rid of this authoritarian tyrant since I moved to this woebegotten state that inexplicably keeps voting for her 27 years ago. Isn't she dried and shriveled enough to spontaneously explode into a puff of dust yet?

14187939? ago


14188056? ago


14187933? ago

Dianne Feinstein needs to keep the investigation heading in a certain direction or else her own misbehavior might be spotlighted and recognized. Makes sense she wants updates on how the investigation progresses. They should agree to send the information to her, and then slow walk the results so she can look like a fool later.

14187993? ago

Too late... "Up to but no more than one week" that will make Tuesday an interesting news cycle... "sky is falling".

14187925? ago


14187901? ago

She knows Q has missile lock on her. She knows about Q posting a picture of her car in China with just one word as a caption: Her Name.

And she also knows Q has posted a picture of that same car much earlier (early February) saying "Final guest has arrived." just before some flash bang was used to blow down a door and extract somebody. ( https://8ch.net//qresearch/res/298889.html#299017 )

Feinstein knows she is up the proverbial shit creek with out a paddle. This letter is an attempt to find our early what is being investigated and to try to disrupt any investigation into her.

Feinstein is nervous. Her sphincter is pinching off little rabbit turds right now.

14195338? ago

Red October....DF

14195331? ago

Could have done without that last visual...

14194162? ago

As much as I want to see all these DemonRats rot in a cell at Gitmo, I have to admit, getting to watch them squirm and freak out knowing their goose is cooked has some level of satisfaction in it too - just not NEARLY as much as a nationally broadcast perp walk would.

14192466? ago

Ohhhhhhh shit I didn’t realize this.

I remember staying up in the middle of the night keeping up with that extraction operation earlier this year but I didn’t realize that car was the same as the recent drop that said FEINSTEIN.

14192076? ago

Do I have permission to use your genius phrase to make a meme? :)

Feinstein is nervous. Her sphincter is pinching off little rabbit turds right now.

14196559? ago

Of course! That is a meme I want to see! (I say that now.... But I may not think that after I see the meme with a picture of her ass.)

14190123? ago

She has to be ALL IN to save herself. Desperate people do stupid things. Used to so much unchecked powerful bullying for so long that she disregards optics. Now comes the pain. Please.

14189810? ago

where did all the photos go on 8chan?

14189767? ago

Oh yes I forgot about them blowing the door off. Good one

14189478? ago

This sounds like a Q proof!!! I hope this does mean her deep state FBI contacts have dried up !!??

14191241? ago

I imagine Wray and Sessions have been doing a little weeding at the FBI.

We might just be about to witness the FBI redemption arch of the movie.

14192705? ago

I had the same thought.

"Get the FBI to investigate him!" they screamed. Little did they realize, the FBI was no longer their FBI. It had been cleaned. Purged. Under new management. Too late, too little did they realize what they had willingly set in motion."

From the upcoming novel, "The Cabal memoirs: These people are Stupid".

14194907? ago

is the novel for real? -throws money at screen

14193853? ago

Has it been cleaned enough to not worry?

14189329? ago

"before a flashbang was used to blow down a door and extract somebody"

Ah.. Well, you see sir..

Flashbangs aren't really explodey. They just flash and bang.

14205710? ago

And what do you suppose makes this "flash" and this "bang"? If not an explosion, I'd love to hear your theory...

14206050? ago

It doesn't blow down doors dumbass.

14189319? ago

link to the china car photo post?

14189449? ago

It’s a Q post, fairly recent.

14188736? ago

Ohhh............good catch

14191042? ago

Why do you keep linking this document?

14187886? ago

My response would be --NO. We do not comment on ongoing investigations.

14195657? ago

Right?! I don't know what kind of FBI you are used to dealing with in the past, but .....

14197002? ago

I have dealt with them up close and personal. Like most other entities that employ humans, they have good folks and bad folks.

14190728? ago

When is someone going to pull her aside and tell her she's not the majority and she's not running a damn thing. And notice this time she courtesy copies Grassley.

14194455? ago

Personally, I'd prefer she was "pulled aside" and arrested on national TV. Put her in the "Q" for execution for Treason.

14187836? ago

The balls on this woman. Yes give me a play-by-play on your active investigation so I can forward the info along to Mossad.

14194556? ago

I highly doubt she is doing this by choice. I doubt the deep state would put anyone in a position that powerful without some sort of control. (probably ritual sacrifice for blackmail purposes.)

14190630? ago

Forward info to China....

14188857? ago

We shouldn't allow people with dual citizenship to serve in office, because they only have 50% loyalty, if that, to the US.

14189110? ago

Keep spreading this idea. You are absolutely correct.

14196003? ago

Need to get it to POTUS

14187900? ago

Not the Jews rather the Anti-Jew Soros

14187762? ago

Like Hillary, I'm sure a copy goes to her chinese handler.

14190253? ago

what do you think BCC is for?

14196816? ago

Boof Chinese Copy

14190284? ago

speaking of which I have a feeling the Hillary server "hackers" just set a rule to forward all emails, not a hack if they paid for access time and "these people are stupid"

14187520? ago

Grassley did no such thing.

Watch the vote for yourself.

It was specifically said multiple times that this was all just Flake feeling better about voting on the floor if there were an investigation. Flake suggested he would contact the White House.

Neither of these is Grassley sending a written directive to anybody.

14188250? ago

She is stating that the directive is coming from the white house.

14188348? ago

"Chairman Grassley announced he would be requesting that the administration instruct the FBI to conduct a supplemental background investigation"

This didn't happen in the meeting. Unless there is video of some announcement made afterward, Feinstein is lying (or still just utterly confused, like in the meeting).

14189827? ago

At the end of the meeting Grassley said that the recommendation had been forwarded and that any Senate FBI investigation request would be made by the leaders of the Senate .. McConnel And Schumer.

14190426? ago

Exactly. He's passing it on to Congress.

Not the President, because that's not what they do in committee.

14188007? ago

It was beautiful. It goes to the FBI with nothing official and right in to Trump's domain as he's the one who defines the investigation. Grassley used the 2 hour rule to shut down any more talk perfectly.

Makes me think Flake was used to set a trap for the Dems, and his fearful eyes were over having to bend to Trump and betray his buds across the aisle.

14188887? ago

he definately looked 'sweaty'

14188307? ago

"... his fearful eyes were over having to bend to Trump and betray his buds across the aisle."

I think you hit the nail on the head.

14188193? ago

It makes me think he was a plant to replace No Name and is specifically acting like he's another maverick to lure the Dems in.

14187497? ago

Nice she’s grasping for straws but Hell they are illegal in CA

14195231? ago

Kids, this is what WINNING sounds like

14191201? ago

I see what you did there!


14190786? ago

Just the plastic ones...

14190647? ago

lolololol would give a hundred upvoats if i could! Good on! thank Q for the laugh!

14190101? ago

Oh my. You just won. Up you go. 100 upvotes in one comment. Legendary.

14189714? ago

Yes my hubby and I thought we might start dealing straw for extra cash. They're easy to stash.

14189563? ago


THIS ONE IS FOR YOU ANON... Not my work but I posted your awesome joke and Anon made this.

14189525? ago

This is brilliant 👍🏻

14188909? ago

Dude... I fucking KEK'D That was an amazing comment...

14187975? ago

It seems like a very unusual request for her to make. Like a "if you know of any witnesses to this crime let me know first, so we can... uh... talk to them first". This is the first time I've paid attention to any kind of investigation like this so I don't know what's normal and what's not, but it seems very suspicious for her to want to know about the scope of other people being investigated, like they want to control who's under the microscope and who isn't.

14191220? ago

Control the narrative: control perception.

Could also be a trigger for sleepers.

14190798? ago

Could this have something to do with Flake meeting with RR in today's Q drop? OR could that be disinformation? I am also wondering if DIFI is concerned if her name was also on the list for the FBI to investigate?

14190285? ago

They are trying to keep hold of power and Trump is about to take it.

14190044? ago

Like she needs to know how far up shit's creek she is!

14189737? ago

It's like the MSM wanting to know the names on Manaforts jury. Yeah right.

14189099? ago

Like they want to know how far up shit's creek they really are!

14188400? ago

They need to know their names, so they will know who to make the check out to . . .

14197467? ago

So they can arrange a meeting with Hillary's people.

14190358? ago

still lol

14188659? ago

Or who to set up a GoFundMe account for......

14188576? ago

Or to Arkancide...

14188188? ago

Dems also wanted to release the names of the Manafort jurors. At this point, they don't care how transparent they are - desparate rats.

14190409? ago

Yeah, whatever happened with that?

14190920? ago

Judge said no way. He was already being threatened and had to get protection.

14188187? ago

Unusual, hell this is farcical. The whole point of asking the FBI to investigate is that they are independent.

The only reason to ask this is to screw the investigation up, i.e. witness tampering.

14188116? ago

Excellent point. I’d upvote you but it doesn’t look like I have that ability.

14194785? ago

Why in the fuck do you cunts always beg for votes? It’s pathetic. My new account hit 100 ccp in less than 24hrs. Stop being niggers, begging for gibs

14189233? ago

Upped you both

14194789? ago

And I downed you both

14189423? ago

I upped both of them and you as well patriot

14191237? ago


Godspeed, Patriots.

14188076? ago

so polite of her

14187916? ago


14187895? ago

China wants to know what's going on.

14187691? ago

That's funny :-)

14187458? ago

Yes please provide the name so we can have our DNC hitman visit them

14187906? ago

His name was Seth Rich.

14188194? ago

Never forget.

14205777? ago

We will never forget. And we NEVER forgive.

14187456? ago

Suicide weekend indeed!