14188847? ago

People did freak out about 2,3 and 4g networks but were totally steamrolled as is happening with 5g, this is a Weapons Grade platform that also serves psychotronic dream manipulation and subconscious Wernieke commands..Anyone in range will never know they have been compromised and reprogrammed or that their network now services a super AI that regulates them....Danger Danger...EMPHASISED.

14181558? ago


Reported Biological Effects from RF radiation at Low-Intensity Exposure in Each of the 67 Studies Referenced in the "Bioinitiative2012" Report (Cell Tower, Wi-Fi, Wireless Laptop, and Smart Meter Power Densities).

14181291? ago

Some claim people are poisoned with nano metals (chemtrails, nano silver sprayed on fruit as anti fungus, etc). Those nano metals go inside cells and specifically in the brain, so they cluster and can become a receiver for 5g signals

14180793? ago

Why didn't people freak out about the dangers of 2G, or 3G, or 4G, or 4G LTE? The chatter against 5G is just like the global warming scare. Marxist sponsored economic warfare against American high tech. Just like global warming, 5G will not cause the sky to fall. I promise.

5G is an amazingly fast wifi connection speed. Super fast- as fast, a d faster than most wired connection speeds. The net can be decentralized far more easily once people have access to those speeds. Big brother doesn't want you to have that power. Too bad, it's coming. Enjoy.

14181187? ago

The radiation density for 5G will have to be higher (i.e. more emitters per given area) because signals in the frequency band used by 5G cannot travel as far.

14180511? ago

parents take their kids out of school because of dangerous 5g

Trump neighborhood exempt from 5G

5G is garbage we need FIBER OPTIC, its 1000x better and far more secure

14181709? ago

Fiber optic is a wire. 5G is wireless. You can't hook up a fibre optic cable to every single cell phone. Lmao omg.

14182264? ago

5G is internet, phones use UHF radio frequency, which used to be our TV with rabbit ears

14184505? ago

5G refers to 5G wifi speed. It's wireless mobile internet in the same way 3G and 4G are. It refers to your mobile internet speed not your wired speed. Fiber optic cable is way faster than wireless. Do a small search of this information because you can't connect fibre cable to a phone and its the wireless signal power that causes the problems with the brain. Wires have shielding around them so there is a much lower signal exposure than 5G.

14185373? ago

or we could wear faraday cage hats

14186115? ago

I always wear mine, pure tin foil

14181148? ago

You want to have a separate fiber going to every phone?

14181067? ago

Yes, with fibre optic, you don't even need 5g speeds, really, you don't NEED a movie to go faster than streaming speeds + buffer.

Decentralized protocols are being discussed as alternatives; so, when you go to website.com instead of downloading from a massive server, the protocol tracks all the website assets various existing seeds, this would minimize the costs of websites because popular websites would remain well seeded and less popular sites would not need more than the basic server and as usage increases the seeds will reduce the load.

14181730? ago

Fibre optic is a physical cable. You can't attach a cable to each cellphone. Go educate yourself.

14181977? ago

Yes, fibre optic to your house, then with a 3G wifi router, then you will use your wireless stuff and you will not reach the cap in most instances.

4g is sufficient for most traveling usage...

5G is simply unnecessary, outside some very specific and probably business related need.

The issues dealing with the electromagnetic interference at the frequencies required for 5g communication have been shown to increase cellular temperature, that is one guideline that is considered to determine if a frequency is potentially carcinogenic.

14182072? ago

"Rifles and artillery are simply not necessary good sir! We already have longbows, and they kill a man just as easily as a bullet or shell!"

14182497? ago

Ok, what would be the purpose of being able to watch 5 hours of porn every 5 minutes? There comes a point where you can really only process so much information via download.

so, if you have some Twitter meme bots running that are spitting out memes to cap out a 5g connection, it might perform as good or better on a wired PC. Most people aren't doing that...

What 5G DOES do is to create a 3D map of your home, it can go through 3 walls in your home.

14183567? ago

As if they can't do it already.

Also... Why porn? It's degenerate.

14183681? ago

No reason in particular, I was more saying that media is most data intensive, and when you can stream while downloading something else, there's not a typical need beyond that more and more devices are wireless.

The only other time where 5g can make a measurable difference is when there are groups of people live streaming an event in close proximity.

14183957? ago

True. True...

I must wonder though, if Trump is insistent on pushing 5G... Perhaps we can get more hints as to why from our Q friends. Or perhaps not. I'm unsure where to stand.

For one, the faster the web, the better. It's like science for me, if it helps the human condition, use it. I care little for "muh oil companies destabilizing" because we can use water to power cars instead.

All of these suppressed technologies we have MUST be released. Else we'll have our own little dark age.

14185735? ago

I see that as a separate issue... 5G, remember that batman movie where he used the cell signals as a radar livetime view of the city. That's why the push for 5g. Same idea.

The suppressed technologies is a separate issue, IMO, powering cars with water, you can make the addition to your own car, using the inverter to power... Your car will burn the HHO gas as gasoline, it is apparently not good for the motor long term (water getting where it typically does not) and the chemical reaction needs more energy in than captured through the burn (so I'm told, I'm not good at chemistry)

In terms of suppressed technologies, you should think more along the lines of Star Wars / Star Trek than just more effective gasoline...

14185912? ago

All good points.

Now that you mention it though, I do recall reading that Tesla had shit worked out like forcefields (Que Chad Forcefield vs. Virgin Wall memes...), free energy, and something like wireless electricity (charge your phone by setting it down on the table) and whatnot.

The man was ahead of his time, I know that much.

14180522? ago

nothing better then fiber optic and block chain

14180490? ago

I wonder why POTUS is speeding up the roll out of 5G.....cannot be good for us/health and otherwise.

14180913? ago

The primary reason for this is National Security. The current networks are an insecure hodge podge that are not strictly manufactured by trusted America-First sources.

The solution is total consolidation of all cellular infrastructure under government control. Companies can then lease the equipment that the government controls. It's a far more secure and reliable solution.

14179881? ago

These signals can be used to create a 3D image of anything in signal range. Look it up.

14180306? ago

Like an x-ray or ct machine. You know, the ones where the technicians leave the room during exposure.

14180778? ago

And always wear those stylish lead lined aprons ? Y’all know the ones... would you purposely stick your head in your microwave and turn it on ? ‘THEY’ are about to do this to US ALL...

14180547? ago

i like to ask them before they inject me with stuff

"what happens if you drop that?"

"we have to close down the whole wing of the hospital"

"oh cool its that dangerous, can i hear that hippocratic oath again?"

14179870? ago

I have often theorized about a massive swarm of home-made drones that are solar powered and cheap. Their function is to fly around and destroy cameras and 5G networks. If they take out a few of them, it doesn't matter because thousands more keep appearing. They fix the 5G tower and 2 days later a bunch of new drones destroy the equipment again. Maybe it sprays something on the terminals? Maybe it uses a rotating blade to cut wires? Maybe it uses an explosive? But, the drones job would always be to take out more security cameras and 5G transmitters. Would be interesting to see if something like that evolves in the future.

14182074? ago

I think the movie is Screamers?