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14127028? ago

What are they expecting to do to us? And why disrupt us? Just bc they dont agree with what we think? Leave us the fuck alone if its just a larp.

14127063? ago

They want to put us into their box so they can control the narrative and make us look however they choose.

14127104? ago

So far v/GA hasn't censored us like the reddit mods, so I don't think anyone will care until the board mods start acting like faggots. Not just their "friends"

14127144? ago

I agree with this. Let 'em. Keep your shit together and don't act like a boomer and you'll be fine. What can they do.

14127493? ago

They will inject fake shit into the sub, upvote the shit out of it and make us and Q look uncredible. We have to stay on our toes here.

14127576? ago

Disregard shills. It's easy enough to tell what's shit from whats not, and it's hard to prove who's doing what due to this sub being anon. I've caught a few people over here that probably came from r/TMOR, so....stay on your toes. I like v/GA because over time I can formulate opinions of the people making posts and decide if they're usually full of shit or not. So I read here, and I read there. This sub usually has more info, but I also have to evaluate and sift through more shitposts.

14127651? ago

If you simply ignore this, shit like this will eventually end up on the front page of voat with a few hundred upvotes. The MSM will have a field day showing everyone who Q is at that point.

14128025? ago

Downvote that crap then. The MSM will never be honest until they're fully blown out of the water. They can achieve discrediting of Q by exploiting peoples ignorance of the chans (they already do) and saying the site is full of CP, gore and anti semites. (even though we know that's not permitted on the qresearch board)

14127677? ago

You must be new.