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14127306? ago

That shit is actually pretty funny. They have a sense of humor. I like it!

14127527? ago

Is this the kind of sense of humor you like?

14142582? ago

Calm the fuck down tiger. I was talking about the picture of the SBBH sub and the ass hattery that was going on there. They designed a game to try to get onto the front page of QRV. It was a total troll thread that was amusing to read. Reminded me of a bunch of kids stoned out of their minds running from house to house nigger knocking. You gotta take some of the shit they are dishing out in stride. Taking a light hearted approach and ignoring the vile shit disarms trolls. You should know this by now......

14143244? ago

Calm the fuck down tiger. I was talking about the picture of the SBBH sub and the ass hattery that was going on there.

I'm calm, I was just pointing out that they're responsible for all that shit.

You gotta take some of the shit they are dishing out in stride.

I've been here for a year and a half. It never stops, because they have an agenda.

Taking a light hearted approach and ignoring the vile shit disarms trolls. You should know this by now......

That's where you have it all wrong, these aren't trolls, they're shills. Most likely Media Matters. They're looking to frame us and make us look like terrible people so newcomers wont even bother.

14144676? ago

I see... makes sense. Sorry I came off a little shitty

14144782? ago

No worries patriot.

14127647? ago

A big portion of the humor is triggering faggots.