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14133864? ago

Memorializing deleted submissions - you do not have free speech to ask for upvoats - but once you get ten CCP you can upvoat any comment you find meritorious or deserving.

Once you have 100 CCP you can downvoat half of your voats every day to punish or deter speech or behaviour of which you disapprove.

I don't like the rules, didn't voat for them and comprehensively don't understand them or the need for them.

But, as the saying goes, rules are made to be broken, or at least twisted and bent. Definitly they should be tested to destruction, imo.

The two deleted submissions - so far

If you need upvoats in other threads try

And who could forget this Patriot's generosity?

FOR EVERY UPVOTE THIS POST RECEIVES, I WILL DONATE $0.017 TO VOAT FOR HOSTING US!!! (It isn't much, but glad to give) 1136 upvoats!!