14105081? ago

So glad I found this thread as it addresses a concern of mine. I'm an old fart from across the pond that's massively enjoying the show, but would like to know just how far the Q plan goes. The way I see it, the main thing that forces us to be sheep is the CQV/Birth certificate scam that was conceived in 1666 (naturally) and has kept us chained to the ever increasing corporate laws/rules. Does anyone have any clues that suggest that the plan will free us from this tyranny? And what will become of the suspected billions/trillions that are held in these CQV trusts?

14104954? ago

And the whole, kneeling on the natural flag (no gold) and buring the natural flag should be a jailable offense + more

14104043? ago

mmmm learned something

14103318? ago

Search: aerial view of U.S. District Court, Miami Florida. All courts in US are Admiralty courts.

The more you know! *

14102745? ago

I saw a stat of how many years since 1776 that the US has been at war.I won't guess but the ratio to peace is pretty bad.

14102250? ago

I knew about the gold fringe on the US flag, but because of your post I now have an in-depth understanding. Thank you!


14101410? ago

I am in Australia and I have often tried to understand the significance of the gold fringe. It seems that what you are saying is that Trump has restored the Constitution as the foundation of Justice and Law, rather than some kind of military law? Am I correct? If it means that Trump regards the Constitution as the ultimate " go to place for " Justice, then this indicates that he is restoring the Constitution to its rightful place as the foundation of all judicial proceedings. Can someone explain to a naive Australian if I am on the right track? If not, be kind and help me understand. Cheers.

14103426? ago

Sure sounds like a anon "call to arms" or a"all hands on deck" the storm is here. Just wait until (the Storm?) Sessions steps out. BOOM!

14142605? ago

It is both terrifying and exciting.

14101014? ago

Looks like we will be seeing A LOT of these GOLD FRINGE FLAGS when the MILITARY TRIBUNALS begin in January!! YIPPEE !! GOLD FRINGE FOR ALL OF THEM THAR TRAITORS !!

14101010? ago

I am learning about the difference today on this thread. Prior to that, I was very confused by Anna Raetz (I am uncertain about the spelling...) postings... Furthermore, I am not a US citizen. So thank you to all.

14100606? ago

Speaking of Constitutional Law. Wait'll you get a load of THIS! https://voat.co/v/QRV/2747582

14099959? ago

Q needs to drop a link to a Proper Law Website that applies Worldwide and not just to the US

14099478? ago

thanks for that info!

14099318? ago

He has been for a while. It’s these little things that convince me he’s out to restore the Republic.

14098725? ago

Beautiful flag

14098687? ago

I'm really glad to see this from 45. However, a quick search of "obama speech" images to compare against shows many with the flags without a gold fringe. Doesn't make me despise him any less. For comparison there are many "trump speech" images with the gold fringe. Both searches have both some of each and some of each have no fringe but gold tassels. This isn't particularly different than the past. Probably won't be popular here but at least I know I wont get shadowbanned for it, so that's nice.

According to Army Regulation 840-10 dated from 1998

( a ) T w e l v e - i n c h h o i s t b y 1 8 - i n c h f l y , o f a p p r o v e d m a t e r i a l , trimmed on three sides with fringe 1 1/2 inches wide. This flag is to be displayed with the individual automobile flag of the President and Vice President of the United States.


( b ) E i g h t e e n - i n c h h o i s t b y 2 6 - i n c h f l y , o f a p p r o v e d m a t e r i a l trimmed on three sides with fringes 1 1/2 inches wide. This flag is to be displayed on automobiles of individuals listed in table 1-1. b. National flags listed below are for indoor display and for use in ceremonies and parades. For these purposes, the flag of the United States will be of rayon banner cloth or heavyweight nylon, trimmed on three sides with golden yellow fringe, 2 1/2 inches wide. It will be the same size or larger than other flags displayed or carried at the same time.

So this has been a standard for at least 20 years now and while it could mean something. There is also evidence that it may not.

The important thing to keep in mind is although Trump shows promise, dare I say more so than any president I have yet to be alive for, the power always has and always will lie with the american people.

The greatest threat to tyranny is millions of vigilant patriots who hold liberty and justice as ideals that we are willing to pledge our lives, fortunes and sacred honor to protect. The price of freedom is vigilance and action. The price of failure is indefinite slavery for ourselves, our families, and our posterity. Defeat is never an option and victory favors preparation. Be prepared to always be the security of the free state. Make sure that the price of victory for the enemy is to be without anyone left to enslave. If death shall come let it not be in vain. Our forefathers understood this and many died to make it a possibility.

14098388? ago

I asked my town hall what the fringe ment, played dumb but hopefully made them look ! Go asked them all !

14097957? ago

This is from the presser where Acosta asks Trump if women reporters could ask questions too, right? Jim Acosta, the muthafucking cocksucking CNN bitch with false lashes and eye make up. Jim Acosta, the dipshit faggot meaningless and insignificant shithole.

I know this was an absolutely ZERO quality contribution and I do apologize for that but using bad words feels just soo good sometimes. Thank you!

14097697? ago

There are no coincidences!

14097336? ago

Yes nice change!!!!

14097046? ago

Exactly! I noticed that also. Gold is for the Rothschilds and Payseurs and Soros and all the crazy Luciferian New World Order evil people. POTUS is eliminating their influence slowly but surely.

14097012? ago

Great Catch. Thanks for the reminder. There are no coincidences. WWG1WGA

14096750? ago

I always wondered what those gold tassels were for. I always liked the plain flag and thought the one with tassels was too "napoleon" like. Thanks for sharing.

14096620? ago

But are the ones in the Oval office or other official location of the president?

14101102? ago

The pictures from the oval office posted 2weeks ago showed gold fringe on the American flag ..

14103259? ago

Yup. Thats wat matters.

14096456? ago

i dont think any differences in the flag can betaken lightly. i remember once trump talking about the differences in the symbols of the flag. it may have been a rally during the campaign, not sure. at that time he said to look into it for ourselves. he was talking about how nice the stage and flags looked and how the people arranging them had to have them so precise. so no coincidences where the flag and trump are concerned.

14096422? ago

Wonder if this is tied to cutting off the Fed.

14095985? ago

The Yellow Gold Fringe USA Flag MEANING "A military flag is a flag that resembles the regular flag of the United States, except that it has a yellow fringe border on three sides."

President, Dwight David Eisenhower

14100917? ago

So the only difference is that one is military and one is not?

14096531? ago

Thank you!

14095785? ago

thanks for the HUGE find and even bigger sign!!!

14095619? ago

Count the stars on right flag in the WH feed. 17

14099196? ago

Got any sauce to go with that nugget anon?

14096713? ago

And this means..... what?

14101097? ago

Whatever you want. I keep seeing 17 everywhere. Relevant, intentional or not... I got bored with the gold fringe discussion.

14096812? ago

Qtards get hard for the number 17 because q is the 17th letter in the alphabet

14100965? ago

Your use of the world Qtard gives you away, lefty faggot, kys.

14101136? ago

Oh no, you caught me! You guys really are sleuths! I thought sure I would blend in with you. Obviously only leftists think your larp is retarded!

14103739? ago

How shitty is your life? You are going to a place where no one cares about you to complain. Go back to Reddit you cum guzzling fag.

14112370? ago

Ive been here for years unlike you dumb ass sheep who only came here because you were told to. Youre invading my home and telling me to go back to yours like a stupid fucking nigger.

14098139? ago

You get hard for the number 17 because that’s how big the bull is that fucks your wife faggot

14099170? ago


14095443? ago

https://archive.fo/V0fqe :

TalkingWinds on Twitter: "Finally, a president standing in front of American flags with no gold fringe. @POTUS @realDonaldTrump #qanon… "

https://archive.fo/V0fqe :

TalkingWinds on Twitter: "Finally, a president standing in front of American flags with no gold fringe. @POTUS @realDonaldTrump #qanon… "

This has been an automated message.

14095156? ago

Really great to see .Some say its ornamental. Non constitutional. There are several different meanings of the gold fringe but I always thought it was a non american court or building when displayed. One thing is for sure, it shouldn't be on the american flag anywhere. Was never the design.

14095144? ago

Gold frindge = Admiralty Law, Maritime type law

No Fringe = Constitutional Law, Better Law based on the Constitution itself. Actually the way it should be all along, but hasn't for many, many years. It's been Admiralty for a long long time.

14100553? ago

Don't forget that admiralty law also requires pledging allegiance to the crown.

14099655? ago

This is what they want you to believe,"THEY" have handlers . . GOLD FRINGED FLAG

The flags displayed in State courts and courts of the United States have gold or yellow fringes. That is your WARNING that you are entering into a foreign enclave, the same as if you are stepping into a foreign embassy and you will be under the jurisdiction of that flag. The flag with the gold or yellow fringe has no constitution, no laws, and no rules of court, and is not recognized by any nation on the earth, and is foreign to you and the United States of America. more information


Martial Law Flag "Pursuant to 4 U.S.C. chapter 1, §§1, 2, & 3; Executive Order 10834, August 21, 1959; 24 F.R.6865; a military flag is a flag that resembles the regular flag of the United States, except that it has a YELLOW FRINGE border on three sides. The President of the United States designates this deviation from the regular flag, by executive order, and in his capacity as Commander-in-Chief of the military. The placing of a fringe on the national flag, the dimensions of the flag and the arrangement of the stars in the union are matters of detail not controlled by statute, but are within the discretion of the President as Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy." 34 Ops. Atty. Gen. 83.

President, Dwight David Eisenhower, by Executive Order No.10834, signed on August 21, 1959 and printed in the Federal Register at 24 F.R. 6865, pursuant to law, stated that: "A military flag is a flag that resembles the regular flag of the United States, except that it has a yellow fringe border on three sides."


The Law of the Flag, an International Law, which is recognized by every nation of the planet, is defined as:

"... a rule to the effect that a vessel is a part of the territory of the nation whose flag she flies. The term is used to designate the RIGHTS under which a ship owner, who sends his vessel into a foreign port, gives notice by his flag to all who enter into contracts with the ship master that he intends the Law of that Flag to regulate those contracts, and that they must either submit to its operation or not contract with him or his agent at all." Ref.: Ruhstrat v. People, 57 N.E. 41

By the doctrine of "four cornering" the flag establishes the law of the country that it represents. For example, the embassies of foreign countries, in Washington D.C., are "four cornered" by walls or fencing, creating an "enclave." Within the boundaries of the "enclave" of the foreign embassy, the flag of that foreign country establishes the jurisdiction and law of that foreign country, which will be enforced by the Law of the Flag and international treaty. If you enter an embassy, you will be subject to the laws of that country, just as if you board a ship flying a foreign flag, you will be subject to the laws of that flag, enforceable by the "master of the ship," (Captain), by the law of the flag.

When you enter a courtroom displaying a gold or yellow fringed flag, you have just entered into a foreign country, and you better have your passport with you, because you may not be coming back to the land of the free for a long time. The judge sitting under a gold or yellow fringe flag becomes the "captain" or "master" of that ship or enclave and he has absolute power to make the rules as he goes. The gold or yellow fringe flag is your warning that you are leaving your Constitutionally secured RIGHTS on the floor outside the door to that courtroom.

This is exactly why so many judges are appointed, and not elected by the people. The Federal judges are appointed by the President, the national military commander in chief. The State judges are appointed by the Governors, the state military commanders. The judges are appointed because the courts are military courts and civilians do not "elect" military officers.

Under martial law, you are presumed guilty until proven innocent.

The gold-fringed flag only stands inside military courts that sit in summary court martial proceedings against civilians and such courts are governed in part by local rules, but more especially by "The Manual of Courts Martial", U.S., 1994 Ed., at Art. 99, (c)(1)(b), pg. IV-34, PIN 030567-0000, U.S. Government Printing Office, Wash. D.C. The details of the crimes that civilians can commit, that are classed as 'Acts of War,' cover 125 pages in the Manual of Courts Martial.

Under Article IV, section 3, of the Constitution for the united States of America, no new State shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction of any other State. So -- Why have the judges of the State and Federal courts been allowed to erect foreign enclaves within our public courthouses under a foreign flag with the yellow fringe upon the soil of your state?

We just thought you would like to know, so that the next time you see this yellow fringed flag you will know what you are looking at and what it really means. If you are in Spain and you see the National Flag of Spain, you would know that you are under the jurisdiction of Spain; and their laws govern you at this time. You are officially NOTICED when you see their flag. This is an admiralty law that says that all who see this flag understand they are governed by the laws of the country that this flag represents. You SHOULD understand that the gold or yellow fringed flag signifies the same thing. It is a notice to you that you are under the rules and regulations of the military force that is flying that flag.

Are you familiar with martial law?

Does your attorney understand what this flag means?

"It is an elementary rule of pleading, that a plea to the jurisdiction is a tacit (silent) admission that the court has a right to judge the case and is a waiver to all exception to the jurisdiction."(Girty v. Logan, 6 Bush KY, 8)

14099639? ago

So what does it mean if we are under CL?, what caused the Change?

14099589? ago

WRONG,its Masonic dipstick, symbolism ever hear of it? Look the shit up and stop being public school educated

14099486? ago

great info enjoy the show!

14096568? ago

Wow.....I need to study this.

14095197? ago

I was about to tell you you are full of shit, but decided to look up a couple sources.

The first couple sources I noticed were Snopes and a wikipedia page about "tax protestor conspiracy theory".

I now fully believe you.

14104336? ago

For those interested in more on this topic have a look at the case Clark vs. Porter which I found quite enlightning. "Fuck this court and all it stands for" / https://de.scribd.com/doc/262792039/Fuck-This-Court

14105785? ago

The very finest legalese i have ever see.... Thanks , made me feel all warm and fuzzy..

14102443? ago

Snoped is fake opposition .

14103986? ago

oh fuuuuuck

14102289? ago

Love your honesty and humbleness!

Now if we can get people to realize they've been brainwashed into thinking we live in a Democracy rather than a Republic...that would be music to my ears!

14103985? ago


14097517? ago

What ever you do don't look into allodial title my friend... That will REALLY piss you off... And then there is the next level.. Self Determination with Prime Minister David Williams.

14099360? ago

But wait, why should this piss anyone off -- this is good info that I'd never heard of. Once the process has been followed & this is done --then what?

14100902? ago

The hills are alive... With the sounds of jewing...

14097538? ago

ok i wont

i also just heard about land patent which seems very nice

14098405? ago

I was going to do exactly that but I don't want to spend the rest of my life defending it in court for everyfuckingthing I do. Instead I pump these ideas out everywhere I can and hope that someday political support will build for it, then EVERYWHERE can get access to it. At least it should be an OPTION in rural areas.

14097354? ago


14097284? ago

Back in the summer of 1994, Michigan, a "tax protester" by the name of Barrie Konikov went through my small Michigan town campaigning for senate. He was holding "detax seminars" and I happened to attend one of them.

He said things like US tax being "voluntary", but also mentioned the gold tassels and Admiralty law it presumes we're under when a flag has gold tassels.

I took the majority of the things he said with a grain of salt, but the gold tassels always struck me as odd -- and that Trump surrounds himself now with regular flags just makes me love Trump more.

14105145? ago

Henry Ford inventor of Ford cars quote

"To obtain control over public opinion, it is first necessary to confuse it by the expression from various sides of so many conflicting opinions that the Gentiles will lose themselves in the labyrinth..."


Trump: I Have A Personal Connection To Judaism


We are enslaved by the owners of the federal reserve, zionist jews are the real US government.


All of Trump's grandchildren are Jewish. Within one generation the Trump family will be completely Jewish.

Trump's top advisor is Ivanka's husband Jew Jared Kushner who's brothers are Goldman Sachs and his dad is a shady Democrat Jew named Charles Kushner.

Charles Kushner was charged back in 2004 for making illegal campaign contributions to the Democrats. He also paid prostitutes to sleep with politicians and seceretly filmed the encounter.

Charles Kushner leads the Kushner clan and Jared is Trump's top advisor.

The Kushners were Trump's rivals in the NYC real estate market and now they'll imherihit most of Trump's fortune through Ivanka.

Trump has also appointed numerous ex Goldman Sachs Jews including the ex President of Goldman Sachs himself.

Who controls Trump


14105382? ago

If what you pasted is true, the you're literally fucked. Without lube. You have zero hope. All your efforts to post are a drop of water in a sea of meaninglessness. If that's where my head was, I'd be looking for anyone who thought Trump was the good guy to piss in their cheerios too.

Except it makes no sense. If Trump was in on it, why the hysterical grinding of their MSM machine into the ground to get rid of him? You have no answer for that.

14106117? ago

I hope it's not all just a show to keep the masses in check!

14095942? ago

No go look up the real reason/purpose for Birth Certificates. You got it....Admiralty too. Look it up for sure.

14099005? ago

Q did say 'watch the water'... I've long wondered if it was related to this - we are all considered 'vessel's (boats) that are birthed via water through vaginal canal... it so dang wild, it's probably true

14099173? ago

That is a good thought. At this point anything is possible and we all know that. Could be?

14098195? ago

Your birth certificate is collateral for the government.

14098591? ago

Great work, Exactly, a stock certificate, we are literally a share in the corporation, the USA corporation. Admarilty Law again.

14099508? ago

Spot on. Wish I could upvote you more than once.

For years I've felt like the lone man in the wilderness when I've tried to explain this to people. The controllers know exactly how to pacify people. Give them enough entertainment via movies, sports, etc. Allow them to possess enough fiat money to have a barbecue on the weekend and keep their vehicle in gas and they won't complain for fear of upending their small apple cart.

14096642? ago

And the next time you set foot in a courtroom, take notes.

Four walls and a fringed flag...

Check your constitutional rights at the door...

14096586? ago


14095023? ago

why? gold fringe = military flag, right?

14095601? ago

Good fringe is maritime law or law of the merchant marine. It has to do with corporations and each of us being part of one. At least that is what I recall from my Free Men/Natural Man research.