14133845? ago

comment MOD deleted from this thread https://voat.co/v/QRV/2746268/14089375

14095580? ago

I wonder why aren't more folks promoting the mega Memes file:


Is an incredible resource! All Q related and categorized for ease of use. McAllister TV on YouTube has been doing a great job breaking them down. Looks like you have to copy and paste... For some reason the whole link doesn't link.

14090460? ago

I hope to see more content like this in this sub.

14089913? ago

Can't load this joint

14089534? ago

Love memes. Post more of them!

14088839? ago

stupid ducking frog poster!!

14088320? ago

So cute with blue hoodie!

14088220? ago

Do you guys really have to post your symbols of hatred and racism here?

14120170? ago


14120393? ago

This movement is dead, killed by racists.

14120417? ago

Racists are the strength and heart of the movement, snowflake. WAKE THE FUCK UP.

14092737? ago


Praise Pepe

14091823? ago

What's it a symbol of hate against again? Retarded frogs?

14091598? ago

lol he's clearly joking.


14091607? ago

Shhhh, don't out me.

14089375? ago

Please learn the history of Kek and the rest of you, please upvote me so I can downvote stuff like this..

14089852? ago


14088347? ago

Pepe is not a symbolism of hate and racism. That was a 2016 joke to get Pepe back from the normies. Proof here (read the 4chan messages and timestamps). MSM and leftist believed it because it fitted their pre-brainwashed bias.


14088443? ago

I know that pepe originally started in a comic about how good it feels to pee, but you're right, the alt-right turned him into one of their stupid symbols.

Just like Hitler took the swastika from the buddhists. Are you also ok with swasticas representing our movement, just because they originally had a different meaning?

14089647? ago

You're gay.

14089039? ago

Fuck you

14089091? ago

How mature of you. Didn't expect any better from voat.

14089425? ago


14089542? ago

How do I get upgraded from "Nigger" to "niggerfaggot"? Do I have to say that jews aren't any worse than catholics? That women deserve rights?

14089620? ago

Youre just a nigger. get over it

14088484? ago

It's a freaking frog. Take your PC, commie BS somewhere else

14088266? ago

Better here than all over Award show performances, am I right?

14088248? ago

Yup itโ€™s all good . ๐Ÿ‘