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14065619? ago

update notes

▶Anonymous (You) 09/25/18 (Tue) 12:13:28 d005af (2) No.3179225>>3179356


Please make (or ask older goat) to make v/QRV_introductions with sticky explaining basic CCP and best practices. (Non-anonymous, earn CPP without breaking rules or having to go to non-endorsed sub) or post sticky instructions to use v/Introductions (however posts and comments more likely to go unnoticed). v/QRV has no vpat captain and that is good. But atm it's listing without direction and I'm begging you (and praying too) to help put these unguided soldiers into uniforms and equip them to fight their way to This Board walking upright in strength instead of being carried in unconscious on a stretcher.

▶Anonymous 09/25/18 (Tue) 12:24:31 8c858b (2) No.3179356>>3179757

3179225 (You)

I hear you. No comment right now, we have to visit this as a group.

▶Anonymous (You) 09/25/18 (Tue) 12:57:18 d005af (2) No.3179757


I has full request here now