14053361? ago

"Q" has also posted that disinformation is necessary. There is a set plan and everything has a schedule.


Peace Y

14052511? ago

Although the Deep State is generations in the making, and although it has infiltrated every aspect of our society, completely dismantling it in less than two years is a realistic expectation. /s (for the retards in the room)

14052018? ago

Yeah, all those congress critters walking away, and CEO's stepping down, and FBI and DOJ heads leaving the gov, and the SA princes being rounded up, and the dems losing their minds, that's all just no big deal. It's been less than 2 years, and we've seen more progress than I can remember for my whole life! Can we come up with a new term, like concernfag, but for impatient fags? Maybe like "Speedfags" or something?

14052672? ago


14053125? ago

Nice. I like it. Thanks for the suggestion. Maybe Impatientfags, too.

14050754? ago

Wait for midterms, shit doesnt get done instantly ffs

14050589? ago

It's not a video game kid. This is real, grown up stuff. Grab a twinkie and run on back to your basement.

14050532? ago

Not with a bang but with a whimper

14049720? ago

Q told me to gas all the kikes

14049841? ago

Niggers too. Throw in some Catholics while you're at it.

14049586? ago

People in this day and age aren't very good at waiting. When so much of what we do is now instant, it breeds impatience in a lot of people.

14049754? ago

Just wait around while your nation is given over to niggers and jews, goy. Trust the (((plan))). You old faggots are pathetic and a hindrance to the white race.

14056886? ago

In my senior year of school I thought I owned the world, then one day my 68 year old teacher had enough of my attitude, in front of the class she singled me out and said; You think your so damn smart, you've got life all figured out, let me tell you son you're nothing but a pimple on the ass of this world. She gained my respect and admiration for her wisdom that day, she left a solid impression I still remember it today, lesson learned teacher.

This world will keep on turning with or without you, and long long after everyone has forgotten we were ever here, pimple.

14051047? ago

What's pathetic is latching onto a successful movement because yours is a garbage fire. You have failed. You are a failure. We don't need to learn from you. You need to learn from us. Or, you can continue being a loser no one gives a shit about. If that's your choice, don't bring your stink around here.

14051169? ago

Your movement has accomplished nothing, you stupid fuck. All you do is send thoughts and prayers that somebody else will save you, so you can continue to sit on your selfish ancient ass. You are weak. You are a coward who created these hard times. My generation and my son's generation are going to have to go to actual war before this mess is finished. Keep believing in fairytales, faggot. I believe in ammunition.

14051291? ago

Hey, an internet tough guy. I've never seen one of those before. And I've certainly never seen a thousand variations on this same comment.

14051337? ago

Not an argument.

14051559? ago

No, not an argument. Just a question. The point will probably be lost on you, but I'm going to try anyway: You've made a bunch of assumptions during our chat, and none of them are correct. How can you possibly expect to win anything that way?

14051813? ago

Better name some real accomplishments, and don't say electing Trump. Q larp came after.

14051746? ago

I'm not trying to win anything, merely pointing out how relying on a totally anonymous stranger on the internet to save your already crumbling nation is asinine. There are no saviors in their ranks. It is up to us to reclaim our home. Q is nothing more than a means to placate a large, armed, and extremely angry portion of our populace. I'd love to be proven wrong and have Q turn out to be legit, but I will never count on it. And neither should you.

14052162? ago

I don't count on Q. I count on patriots, both inside and outside the government. There are still millions of citizens who love this country enough to fight for it. They will, if it comes to that. I will, if it comes to that. But, unlike you, I don't think it will come to that. I think the top of the pyramid will be removed without major warfare, and once those sick fucks are gone, most of the other problems will become trivial.

14059335? ago

Hey, you found us. Not necessarily patriots, but people keen to remove the top of the pyramid. Why are you fighting us?

without major warfare


14052454? ago

We shall see.

14049997? ago

Your assumption that everyone here is old shows just how ignorant you are.

Besides. A lot of the "old" people here have brought multiple white children into this world. What have you done for the white race?

14050195? ago

You brought spoiled liberal faggots into this world. My sons will destroy yours, as they are being raised hard. You gave your children to jewish institutions to "learn" (((history))). Mine are being homeschooled. You taught your children that "everyone is equal", while I teach mine how to farm, shoot, hunt, and hate their jewish masters. My little goyim know and they will lead the future.

14051254? ago

God you are an arrogant blowhard. And your pearl clutching and holier than thou attitude reeks of ignorance and low IQ.

You remind me of a progressive with how you areso convinced you are right, when in reality, you don't know wtf you are talking about.

14051314? ago

None of that is an argument. Just an attack on me personally. Address what I've said: Your movement is bullshit and has accomplished NOTHING!

14056853? ago

Seriously...? lol. You are going to cry about, me, attacking you? Reread your last two posts, moron. You don't get to pull that card.

As far as what you said? I already did. You have no idea wtf you are talking about when it comes to Q. Which I find funny that you attribute the movement to (((them.))) Because Q is about as anti-globalist as it gets, and people believe they directed people here to get red pilled on the JQ.

The USA came dangerously close to becoming the United States of Israel. It still is in danger, technically. We need midterms to go well to weed out some of these dual citizens.

14056960? ago

Trump is a shabbos goy, through and through. Anyone who doesn't see that is a fucking moron. You're nowhere near "red pilled" if you actually believe the garbage you retards spout. I hope Q says you all need to kill yourselves soon, because I'm sure 90% of you will do it.

14057213? ago

You are so simple minded and utterly blinded by Jew Derangement Syndrome that it's hilarious. lol

There is a difference between knowing who the (((enemy))) is, and who is just a filthy run-of-the-mill kike. However I wouldn't expect someone like you to understand that, let alone know how to spot the difference between the two. That requires some degree of rational thought beyond "Muh Jews!"

14057254? ago

None of that refutes my point, schlomo. Nice try though. Trump is a zionist faggot just like the last dozen presidents. His policies are 100% pro-israel. It's not like he even hides it. How are you so retarded?

14057396? ago

It's been cute, but run along, kid. Best leave the critical thinking and strategy to the adults.

Don't worry, you'll get there one day... maybe.

14057570? ago

You've said absolutely nothing that refutes my very obvious fact: Trump is jew-owned. You lose, faggot.

14057685? ago

You've already lost long before me. Have fun raising your black children.

14057770? ago


14057933? ago

Antagonizing people like you is so much fun. You're so easy to read. lol

I must have been right on the money. Low IQ, indeed.

14058454? ago

Classic reddit faggotry and smugness is all you have. It is powerless here. The truth is all that matters. A truth you have yet to even attempt to refute: Trump is best goy.

14050710? ago

This is how we win.

14050466? ago

Good. Keep doing what your doing. When the dust settles and this Great Awakening is over, there will be much more work to be done.

14050601? ago

I can't afford to rely on Q being legit and I happen to think it's all bullshit. That being said, I'd be thrilled if it turns out to be real and my sons and I don't have to spill our blood reclaiming our grear nation. Only time will tell our fate.

14049132? ago

Right. And after that theyll roll out the cure for cancer.

14049621? ago


They already have cures, it's vitality of cells that need to be restored. Leukemia meds that recently released for pay-to-try trials prove 80% efficiency off the bat don't just fall from the 'sky.'

Be patient, no one wished their favorite movie would end sooner when watching it for the first time.

14048880? ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'Q niggers openly conspiring to use the voting system to enforce their fee fees and delicate sensibilites' was posted in v/ProtectVoat and includes this reply from Game_Maven:

How many even look at what they actually upvote?

This notification (#1160) was posted automatically by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by appending a forward-slash(/) to the Voat link. More information here.

14048867? ago

One step at a time, unfortunately the democrats stalling Kavanaugh's appointment has proven effectual on their part.

14048968? ago

not in the court of public opinion

14049116? ago

Polls suggest that you are wrong, but either way public opinion would be better swayed with declassification of the FISA docs.

14051965? ago

Polls are worth less than toilet paper, as at least TP is good for something!

14050329? ago

And you believe polls?

14050309? ago

And you believe the polls?

14049864? ago

Polls said hillary had a 98% chance of winning. Don't be so fucking gullible.

14051790? ago

Not all fucking polls are rigged asshat.

14048655? ago

Is silent Jeff getting the goods on them for hacking our info when we are posting about Q? Is the deep state planning to hunt us down?

14048549? ago

Meals-on-Wheels will be subsidized for every Q-poster to prevent tragedies like this in the future.