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14022563? ago

Dude. I'm Jewish. One half of my whole family is Jewish. Half Methodists, half Jews. Same on my wife's side. Jews are normal fucking people man. Being convinced that Jews are somehow sneakily working together to take over the world is fucking insanity; on par with FlatEarth.

Yes, there are people who are absolute monsters who are Jewish. Same as every religion. But are these people monsters BECAUSE they are Jewish? Fuck no.

Now, are there some high powered Jews who work together to consolidate power and are up to no good? Probably. But if you're saying JEWS are the enemy sorts a-la-nazifags

14027026? ago

As i stated above

It depends on their beliefs. There are lots of muslims that arent terrorists but if they still believe that i should convert to islam or die then they are apart of the problem. If the jews that arent apart of the cabal believe that the goyim were created to serve the jews then they are apart of the problem as well.

You gotta think a little harder about why the "nazifags" believe the things they do. Its not nice and simple racism that can be easily dismissed. Theres reasons for the shit

14027831? ago

Ok nazifag in disguise. you're gonna have to try WAY harder than that....just kidding, its too late, you're fucked, Q sent 70,000+ Patriots here for a are a dying species, we are just here now to throw a few shovelfuls on you.

You might as well be saying: "aww geez, open your mind a little, at least listen to the argument, I mean, have you ever seen the Earth from space with your own two eyes? No! I mean, you need to be open to the idea that it could be FLAT"


14028242? ago

No man, not a socialist. But hitler was right. So i guess that still makes me a nazifag. I was taught the same shit in school about WW2 as you and everbody else. I arrived to my conclusions reluctantly but if you want to know the truth its out there. You think figuring out that things that have been drilled into my head since i was a child are lies was easy? No man its a shitty time but i craved the truth and this is where i wond up. A nazifag i suppose

I get your flat earth comparison but its kinda apples to oranges. And you would be surprised if you think we're a dying breed, the pendulum always swings back. Be careful not to push it too hard.. kike

14028580? ago

Bro. Push it? Are you serious? On an anonymous board? Oh yea, this is hardcore. Ouchie, and he called me a kike. Awww jeez.

This is why your retarded ass was so easy to enslave....

14368910? ago

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14028852? ago

Not the board you fucking moron, society as a whole.

This is why your retarded ass was so easy to enslave....

Thanks for the confirmation, so much for the nice jew