14044729? ago

I don't know what your intention is here. Are you provoking people to voice comments about Jews? This is a huge distraction, in part because if you don't know the history of the situation and who the ACTUAL people are, who are responsible for the bad acts---you're bound to group the innocent into your thoughts/comments. None of us are racist, and don't want to be grouped with the skin heads or KKK, but those on the left do that all the time. So, I hope people aren't provoked to do that here. If everyone read Henry Ford's book, called The International Jew, you could have a history of the problem and its origination in the Protocols of Zion. Anyone who supports explicit evil set forth in those protocols, and has participated in carrying it out--is a huge problem in our country. Maybe we should just focus on those individuals?

14033027? ago


14030261? ago

If you support Israel you are a BIG part of the problem.

14029997? ago

Remember Q Post 916 Mar 10, 2018">>613193 We are saving Israel for last. Very specific reason not mentioned a single time. Q"

14029537? ago

sure people are going to believe POTUS is anti-semetic when almost everybody in his cabinet is a jew.....

14029258? ago

The only entity who hates jews more than the people here is satan- it is his agenda for us to hate each other- he especially hates jews of course. Everyone is involved- all races. Evil runs this planet. And dont come to me saying " I have been red pilled since 9/11 it all goes back to the nazis" I have been red pilled since the 70s- we were expecting a 9/11- cos the Bush Family was in. The Vatican/Jesuits/Black Nobility/Evil Bloodlines/Good Bloodline- its all about the blood believe me. The nazis were just puppets of the cabal- just like the communists. Why do you think Putin hates the deepstate so much? Cos they raped Russia in the 90s for about the third time-and he hates them. If you havent studied the cabal back at least a thousand years- and just think its all about Jews and nazis- then you aint red pilled- you are still brainwashed- still believing what the cabal and satan want you to believe.

14029050? ago

It's communist jews. Not all commies are jews, and not all jews are commies, but all commies are bad, and all jewish commies are part of the cabal's ranks. Owners of the media, banks, infiltrating our highest and most respected institutions; their in-group preference has proliferated out of control at the highest levels of society and that is why they must be stopped. That is why Israel is saved for last. Because this red pill is among the hardest to swallow - that even a part of all this was true - when we were told for decades that it was ALL false.

Fact is it probably wouldn't bother the "sheep" that they were majority jewish if the rulers were fair and honest and embraced a meritocratic competence hierarchy and didn't attempt to destroy society by separating it from its base positive values and traditions via culture war. However, this is not the case as we have seen their embracement rather of subversion and deception, of manipulation means towards the ends of total control. To dominate not by natural law, but by perversion of it. I'm of the mind that there are many secret societies in powerful spots, but this one grew a bit out of control and another entity or conglomeration of shadowy entities agreed to its cessation (with our help).

This red pill is simply part of the journey. Don't worry, there are plenty more to come.

Your friendly insightful anon

14035819? ago

Thanks for the info.

14027819? ago

Just got done watching "the greatest story never told"... My mind is truly blown. So much of what I was taught is doctrination.

14035851? ago

I plan to watch when I get a chance. There are so many lies EVEYWHERE. It us difficult to sift through everything and discern the truth.

14036899? ago

Yes, do. I believe there is still plenty of research to do to understand exactly what was going on from within the nazi army, but this movie has completely shifted my perspective on everything. Red Pill #2 has landed.

14027849? ago

All he wanted to be was an artist....

14037206? ago

Are there any subs that are dedicated to this topic? I know this QRV will be soon because that's why Q sent us here, but it's not now. This is all I can think about right now!

14029841? ago

He was, just in a different way.

A good way.

14028933? ago

bullshit artist

14027577? ago

We’re not saying this stuff for no reason or to “shill”.

We know perfectly well that saying “jews this and jews that” sounds absolutely batshit crazy but it’s the truth. Once you see it, you can’t unsee it.

14027636? ago

Still trying to figure it out. Just cabal Jews? Zionists? More?

14028707? ago

Almost oall of them will be communists, “Cabal”, zionists, subversive, or leeches of some sort. It’s enough of the whole that they just all need to go.

They’re not entirely unlike Muslims (except smarter and less numerous). As long as you have them around they will always serve their own interests which often be at our expense.

14027785? ago

Its a whole internal support group. Look up Jewish Free Money, and you'll see that their are support groups that pool money, and loan it to each other interest free for when when an "opportunity" come by. Check out (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1LJUFmQ6L8&t=4s)) its the shortened version of Kevin MacDonald's book. I highly recommend reading it if you get the time. https://imgoat.com/uploads/f28b5d49b3/140423.jpg

14028892? ago

like all whites are white supremist

14027367? ago

Those that practice collectivism are a cancer in a nation built on individual initiative and hard work. When one race is demonized and others are given an unfair advantage you have problems.

14027482? ago

except that only in the West is each person viewed as an individual. White people hate other white people more than they hate the asians or nogs. Asians and Nogs all view them selves in a collective/tribal/communal groupings. Get out of here with you Jordan Peterstein-tier beliefs.

14027978? ago

Which is exactly who white people need to start viewing themselves as part of a defined group, and start working for what is good for their group.

14027319? ago

Anyone worried about anti semitism is a jew shill or is falling for the jew shills.

14027176? ago

Fuck i thought these guys might have been alright. Not sure why i thought that They have to go back

14027055? ago

Arguments that are black and white do not take into consideration the complexity of reality. Saying that Jews are evil is like saying Italians are murdering mafioso. People making these overgeneralized and inaccurate statements discredit themselves and invalidate their credibility.

14026867? ago

Our enemies will throw this and outright lies against us. They will not stop at murder and mayhem. I am not worried bc even if we were squeaky clean they'd say it anyway. Let free speech reign even when I hate it.

14026753? ago

Q sent us to VOAT, not to Nazi-land. This 'Hitler was a good guy' is BS. Just because the jew-haters are also here, doesn't mean THAT is why Q sent us here. Be vigilant patriots.

14026656? ago

People have to go out on VOAT and make comments on other subs until they have the CCP to downvote the bigoted racism that is rampant on VOAT

14026884? ago

Gas youself

14026508? ago

Regardless, the libtards are going to screech about Q approving of a VOAT board because people will speak the truth about Jews here and make memes about them.

14026215? ago

If Voat members really want to do something about "the Jews", they can start by naming specific individuals or groups. I won't label an entire race of people as bad, and most people won't either.

Your complaint likely boils down to less than 100 people. Name them. Then call them the Jewish cartel or whatever. If you're hell bent on saying it's "all Jews" then you've failed already.

14027848? ago

You listed Jared Kushner. News flash, he's Trump's son. Married to Ivanka. Trump has 3 grandchildren born of Jared.

So you basically just made my point. I asked you to hone your list down to bad people and you completely failed to do so.

14028024? ago

wtf. He was a political NOBODY from a rich family, and is now in charge of Middle Eastern Affairs. You are incredibly ignorant. Go back to reddit pleb. Oh and BTW, the rumor is, and has been, that Jared Kushner is a Mossad Plant set up with Trumps Daughter. If you look into this shit deeper than a surface scratch, you'll find that SOMEHOW once someone gets enough capital, whether political, or $$, they end up marrying a jew, or adopting a Pro/friendly jewish stance. As much as I don't want to admit it, but Trump may very well be pozzed, OR is using Kushner as a human shield of sorts to go about his business of MAGA. I am entirely surprised that Trump has stuck with the MAGA message after the election. The last two presidents followed PNAC to a T; Which was thought up by a think tank of ZoG Neocons and Kikes. I have read the Wikileaks, I really do believe that he came out of "political right field" but he is surrounded by jews in the end, and they are very manipulative.

14028666? ago

but Trump may very well be pozzed, OR is using Kushner as a human shield of sorts to go about his business of MAGA. I am entirely surprised that Trump has stuck with the MAGA message after the election

What is the point of being a part of the Q movement when you think Trump may be compromised?

Let me tell you what I'm afraid of. The next round of anti-Q propaganda is going to be that "Q is a straight-up Nazi movement", and that they say "Hitler was the good guy and all Jews are bad". Facebook and Twitter have yet to do the hard bans on all Q followers, it's going to happen and when it does it'll be over "Q is Nazi", and they'll link to Voat comments as proof.

Believe it or not, my original post was to help you guys in making your point more clearly, where people wouldn't reject it at face value. You should make specific accusations instead of labeling an entire group of people as "bad".

The house of Saud was the first targeted by Trump/Q, and Kushner was sent to do the negotiating -- something Q wouldn't do if Kushner was compromised. If Kushner is a Mossad agent, what would be the purpose of the Q team doing that? The entire MSM squealed that Kushner has a security clearance, wouldn't they be happy about it if he were really "one of them"?

And I'm not actually sticking up for Jared, because all I know about him is he's Trump's son and he was part of the Saudi negotiations. If you want me to hate him then tell me specifically what he did that was wrong.

14028871? ago

I'm not part of the Q movement. But I have been following it since the beginning. I don't blame you for that being your "fear," but failing to realize the root of the problem is going to get you nowhere. Tbh, most of us that have been here for any amount of time, has already done all the individual research on some individual; and it has come down to us using the blanket term "Jews" strictly because of how few they are as an ethnic people, but how many there are involved. Spend some time around here, and eventually you will start to connect the dots. This "Conspiracy" is huge, and has Hundreds of years of momentum behind it. I don't have anything that I can definitively say "This is why Kushner is bad" but I will say he and his family have been involved in some eyebrow raising real estate purchases (666 fifth ave amongst others) which are numbers that are associated with the Judaic deep state and Free Masonry.

14029066? ago

I acknowledge there is a finite group of Jews in power that are one of the biggest problems the world is facing. So call it the "Jewish cabal", saying all Jews are bad is paramount to saying all Americans are bad because we've been bombing every other country in the middle east -- the average Joe walking down the street had nothing to do with that.

Q said he's saving Mossad for last. If we have things to learn about crimes Jews are committing, I'm all ears. It has to be specific and credible though, anything other than that is counter-productive.

14029302? ago

Yes and no to that statement. In the information age, ignorance is not an excuse, especially when you have worlds wealth of knowledge at 5 in from your balls. The average Joe IS at fault. His laziness and complacency is what allowed the govt. to go forth and bomb cities into shitholes across the globe. Those JDAM's are paid for in US Citizen's tax dollars. This nation is in decline and its partly due to people spending more time on facebook, planning what they are going to do this weekend, then reading and participating in constructive thinking. The average street Jew is also at fault because in one way, some way, they are benefiting from their Jewry; whether through family, synagogues, or friends. Look up Jewish free money if you don't believe me. They are part of an Ingroup, we can't join, and ALL of their "success in life" is from piggy backing off of the white man and his accomplishments. You will fit in fine around here once the hazing process dies down. Welcome. I'm glad you came. Niggerfaggot. I look forward to bumping into you in the non-anon space.

14029620? ago

ignorance is not an excuse, especially when you have worlds wealth of knowledge at 5 in from your balls

I've probably 100ish "Javanka" articles from Breitbart. I've read every Q. I've read most of Reddit Q until it was shut down, now I'm reading most of Voat's QRV. My verdict, through research, is that nothing specific is wrong about Kushner. Then I asked you to tell me what you know, and you said you don't. So it's not a lack of research. I looked over the lists (that's how I found Kushner on it). I see accusations because he's a "Jew", nothing else.

The average Joe IS at fault. His laziness and complacency is what allowed the govt. to go forth and bomb cities into shitholes across the globe

When that average Joe finds his way to Voat through research, he'll see anti-semitism without facts to back up each accusation. You're asking people to hate Jews without giving specific reasons why (and elsewhere on the boards there are people who are propping up Hitler, saying they were the good team).

I remember a time when being alt-right meant you posted funny memes and outwitted libtards, like the hijacking of LeBeouf's "He Will Not Divide Us" flag and replacing it with a pepe shirt/MAGA hat. Then the left did it's best to label alt-right as white supremacists. Like a useful idiot, Richard Spencer stepped in and claimed part of the movement. Now I have no interest in labeling myself as alt-right because the terminology was sullied.

They did the same thing to the Tea Party movement. Any conservative movement with a name gets hijacked by leftists who try to make it all about white supremacy. Now here we have Q at Voat mixed with lots of anti-semitic and pro-Hitler messages -- IMO it could very well be setting up the Q movement to look like Nazis. But then again, Q mentioned Mossad and sent us here to Voat where you guys are known for saying such things. It's conflicting info and I'm doing my best to absorb.

14030416? ago

Q knew where he sent you. Either he really is just a pied piper, and he's destroying his own movement, or he is molding you into something unexplainable at the moment. Trump plays the media like a fiddle, if Q is Trump, or a Cabinate member, then they know what the optics would look like associating with our little hole in the corner of the Internet. Being redpilled isn't just something that can be handed to you on a platter, you have to read, process, and comprehend. Its a more of a journey that leads to an eventual character/personality change. You haven't been on here long enough to see voat when its not drowning in newfags. Its actually a pretty quite place, that just has a harsh no bullshit policy about politics and the such. No one likes/trust Kushner here because of his genetic/ethnic association. Jews are two faced and will use your altruism against you. "Never trust a Jew. For if he's telling the truth, its to set up a bigger lie" - Mel Gibson.

14026156? ago

Who is a "Jewish" family Q has mentioned that was connected to the creation of the state of Israel?

Rothschilds have 666/Khnum on wine-labels Mouton Cadet Label


Flag of Israel has the Star of Remphan (Acts 7: 43) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Remphan

These are not Jewish symbols, they relate to idol worship warned about in the Bible.

Idol worship was not only in the stories of the Bible though.

KJV 1611 Title Page: Symbols

Moon god Sin has crescent and bull as symbols.

(And if there is a god named "Sin," why are Christians "sinners" or "full of sin?")

Moon god Arma has crescent as symbol.

Check KJV 1611 Title Page for those symbols: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/5d/KJV-King-James-Version-Bible-first-edition-title-page-1611.jpg

NKJV Bible https://200.hc.com/timeline/1975-thomas-nelson-commissions-the-new-king-james-version-nkjv-of-the-bible/

has same symbol as on a Wiccan Wheel of the Year.

Evil has worked on infiltrating the Good.

This will be a Great Awakening for people from many backgrounds. Love must be the driving force behind it. GOOD vs. evil / LOVE vs. self-love.

14025840? ago

Half the old testament is god slapping his head saying you Jews went back to worshipping the Babylonian and Caninite satanic religions and it's time for as ass whooping, so it's not like Jews have never ever gone away from their God before. Once you realize that, that the Jews are always straying and sacrificing their children to Mamon and other crap that God keeps kicking their ass for doing, you see that it's kind of normal for there to be bad Jews, but they aren't true Jews.

14025442? ago

Religions divide. All of them - and they are based on distorted truth. We need to go beyond these labels and 'beliefs'. We are one as humanity. Anti-semitism is really anti-zionism or anti-MOS. but most "jews" are converts from Khazar. Ashkenazi Jews are not middle eastern so how can they be jewish? Our entire history is a lie. All roads are going to lead to MOS and Antarctica.

14025282? ago

You can bet the racial stuff on Voat will be hung around the Q movements neck. No question about it. Im sure the screen shots are already being collected.

14025154? ago

It would force the Jewish Cold Civil War to suddenly be real for folks.

No longer will Jews be the monolithic singular evolutionary strategy they have been up until now. Instead, the 5000 year survival strategy of Judaism is being attacked for the first time by Judaism itself, quite effectively actually, and Q seems to positioning America for the side that stands for Freedom, individual liberty, self determination of mankind, a repudiation of slavery of all people’s, law, compassion, and forgiveness.

Before now Jews were on all sides of every conflict. They could be: Jews for Jesus, Atheist Jews, Conservative Jews, Political Jews, Kabbala Jews, Ethiopian Jews, Hasidic Jews, Sephardi Jews, Communist Jews, even the rare Muslim Jews.

All of these up to now have been perfectly permissible, because Judaism is an evolutionary survival strategy. It is not a religion, ethic, political ideology, or singular race.

Now however, for the first in perhaps millennia, there is a split in the root of Judaism itself. It might seem strange considering how many different varieties of Jews I mentioned in the 3rd paragraph, but it’s true.

This civil war is about a change in the evolutionary survival strategy of Judaism itself and Q is bringing it to voat.

“Choose you this day whom you will serve...,

14024990? ago

Comes to voat...then complains about anti-semitism.

You can't make this up.

14024756? ago

All roads lead to Tel Aviv!

14024614? ago

I've been wondering about something. Real Jews are Semitic. Chinese are Semitic. American Indians are Semitic. Etc.

Why, then, is it antisemitic when talking about Jews (the ones who might not even be Semitic), but not when talking about any of the others?

Are they the only ones who are always butthurt? Are the others more tolerant?

Is it because they were the only ones around when the word was coined?

"The root word Semite gives the false impression that antisemitism is directed against all Semitic people" - Wikipedia

I'm curious as to why we let one group of people define our words.

Were they being evasive by not using antijew instead? Or does antisemitism just sound better?

14024512? ago

The anti-semitic and racists posts are from Leftists trying to smear Q and his supporters - just like the Left is trying to smear Kavanaugh.

14027385? ago

14024495? ago




https://imgur.com/a/HMcxI96ImgurImgur Album Album

https://imgur.com/a/hmuGwShImgurImgur Album Album https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liminality https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cognitive_dissonance


Consider for a moment our known human history verses our unknown.

https://imgur.com/a/oXt8MUCImgurImgur Album Album

https://imgur.com/a/8Ujt03BImgurImgur Album Album




2.5 Million years of hominids with similar or larger cranial capacity than our own.

https://imgur.com/a/rXvopHnImgurImgur Album Album



Populations became dense near the ocean for the most part and there is a large amount of evidence supporting a great flood after the younger dryas.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDejwCGdUV8YouTubeYouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0H5LCLljJhoYouTubeYouTube megalithic culture has demonstrated advanced knowledge of axial precession and astronomy as a whole by virtue of their designs and orientations. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Axial_precession https://imgur.com/a/1FyIxDOImgurImgur Album Album Reconcile.

Cults exist because its natural for those seeking power to establish such an environment. With knowledge comes power and if knowledge can be passed down so too can that power, the logarithmic growth of tech has opened a window for us but soon it will close forever. If you were in such a position of power to control the affairs of the world, you wouldn't need to raise an army to fight against those who oppose you for their forces would already be under your control. Create the chaos so that the only possible solution of order is the one you desire. Whenever mankind has had a thought for themselves to focus their energy, the energy has ALWAYS been redirected by their methods of infiltration and subversion. Cycles. Great year. Black Sun

Those in power control the historical narrative, if you can see now that we are enslaved why not see that we are blind as well? Who are the deep state assets? How long have they been in place? Its important you really understand this. Its important you realize the power and control over us. Its important you question EVERYTHING and THINK FOR YOURSELF

1947 & The World Wars.

Do you trust the official narrative? Satanists infiltrate EVERYTHING. Whenever mankind has had a thought for themselves to focus their energy, the energy has ALWAYS been redirected by their methods of infiltration and subversion. This is the design with which they control the affairs of the world from darkness.

Remember Cognitive Dissonance. The truth has been in front of us the entire time, the choice to KNOW has always been yours.

Roswell. CIA. Highjump. Paperclip-Bariloche. NAZI tech. & MORE.MUCH MUCH MORE Listen to every word. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tv70Wln6H2QYouTubeYouTube 3:25 "a satanic power" * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balfour_Declaration * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-Nazi_boycott_of_1933

The official story is a lie and its easy to prove if you know you should be looking. They relied on overwhelming emotional appeal to cloud your judgment and enforced strict (laws in some nations) social stigmas about questioning the authority. Logistically and mathematically the story falls apart, it was impossible. Logically the story falls apart when you realize the emotional lies.

It doesn't matter how much you "think" you know about the subject. You were fed a lie and knowing the lie by heart doesn't get you any closer to the truth. Only independent critical thinking can do that for you. If you are on board with 9/11 expand your thinking. For those honestly wanting to open your eyes below is a very well done ( i argue the best) presentation on the subject. Primary documentation is provided, do not skip around. I know its a long one but this lie is ingrained deep inside you. FIGHT your urge to be triggered and dismissive because i will just call you a dumb nigger and move on. (welcome to free think zone)

Treblinka, Sobibór and Bełżec <-- each camp is easily proven to be falsified. Learn the official story. Learn the timeline. Learn the geography. Learn basic math and reconcile. The video is a summary of primary documentation from the official sources.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vwku0UFB8_s&feature=YouTubeYouTube http://archive.is/YFcaX https://imgur.com/a/CaPMtImgurImgur Album Album


Is about 20min of testimony enough to account for 1/3 of the holocaust? What evidence was introduced at court? Who testified? Why did belzec have one inmate witness? What is roman robak's AKA rudolf reder's escape story? Why do the witnesses provide conflicting testimony regarding the camps?

What evidence exists of the these three camps immediately after the war? 1943 order to dig up 1.3 Million bodies and burn the evidence and plant farms over the fields? Do the claims match up with what is mathematically possible given the surface area/ logistical limitations?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y5UyynjxAywYouTubeYouTube "Incontrovertible" by Tony Rooke is one of the best videos on this subject matter in my opinion for redpilling

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kj_VwszvqdMYouTubeYouTube The State of Israel is a Deep State Asset. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balfour_Declaration

Philip Zelikow. 9/11 Commission Executive Director Larry Silverstein Frank Lowy Ronald Lauder Jerome Hauer Lewis M Eisenberg Jules Kroll Judge Michael B Mukasey Judge Alvin Hellerstein Kenneth Feinberg. I/C Victims compensation fund Michael Chertoff. Head of Justice Dept Criminal Division Sheila Birnbaum. Legal disputes mediator Stehen Cauffman Rabbi Div Zakheim Paul Wolfowitz Richard Perle Eliot Abrams Ari Fleischer Douglas Feith Marc Grossman

The "jew call"

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOB6f-h2MpkYouTubeYouTube Reconcile the Balfour Declaration with the circumstances before and after ww1. Nazism was natural? Nazism was nurtured? Does anything happen in a garden that a gardener does not intend? Nazism was planned? Think logically and read the Talmud. Who benefited from Nazism? Who funded it? Why are there so many "jewish" converts and former Yiddish?

His birth certificate is a forgery. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2DEntS_iM3cYouTubeYouTube https://youtu.be/jk3KRxTfkLM?t=42m45sYouTubeYouTube http://www.hawaiinewsnow.com/story/31899587/ntsb-no-safety-briefing-given-prior-to-2013-molokai-plane-crash-that-killed-hawaii-health-director Jews believe that all non jews are their current and future slaves. We are subhuman to the jew. Satanists infiltrate everything, powerful people who don't believe in a God masquerading as Jews. Convince the Jew that he is superior, make the Christians (americans) do their dirty work, stir up conflict in arab nations and use the muslims to create further chaos. Nationalism for the jew, globalism for everyone else. Culture and heritage for the Jew, one world government for everyone else. Israel / zionists/ satanists have pitted the world against each other and everyone serves at their behest. SA-Islam, Vatican-Christianity, Israel- Jew. All under control by the zionists.








14027227? ago

Your albums have expired bro

14024265? ago

If you guys are so into research, look into some of this anti-Semitic information, it's been rather lovingly given to you in numerous threads, and you can make your own decisions.

14024230? ago

Was no nome a jew? How about hillary?, Oh Osama bin laden, obama. Jews are just easy for some to blame when racisim is their only play. Grow up...https://publicfigure.com/2018/09/19/ivanka-trump-and-jared-kushner-take-their-children-to-yom-kippur-service/

14024174? ago

It’s the final red pill. The Nazis were the good guys, the bad guys won WW2. Hitler was fighting the Cabal. The holocaust is a hoax. Our veterans are still heroes though, they were manipulated into fighting the Nazis and didn’t have the luxury of the free flow of information via the internet. But now there is no excuse not to understand the truth.

Please give your best arguments if you doubt what I’m saying. I’d be happy to discuss.

14028906? ago

skull and bones funded nazis..

14029512? ago

Yeah, and captive Nazi scientists are running the Earth from their über moon base.

Fucking rookies...

14024028? ago

(((They've))) been saying Trump is literally Hitler for 2 years now. They it out of ignorance we know it to be true it's about time you faggots accept it. There is just to many similarities These fucking kikes won't stop till we kick um all out.

14024154? ago

saying Trump is literally Hitler

I think they're right! ✋🏻 Hail Trump!

14029521? ago


14033114? ago

You and I can be Bros.

-- /u/mrfetus

14027641? ago

We don't call him god emporer for nothing.

14028134? ago

God bless that man.

14024015? ago

Nothing New to See Here.

14023984? ago

Is mentioning the wrong doing from the nation of Israel anti-semitic or are we rational people that can discuss things like adults? If we can't be honest, then we are lost.

14025307? ago

A country's politics certainly should be discussed, just like any country. It's this all Jews are evil shit that is annoying.

14024670? ago

You used "honest" and "Israel" in the same post. In sentences right next to each other.

14029486? ago

Anon is one dangerous son of a bitch, I'll give him that.

14024035? ago

Fully agree

14030802? ago

Yet you use words like anti-semetic. You are the fucking hypocritical shill, Jew.

14023856? ago

Shills preparing next attack on Q via antisemitic comments?

but what if the above is true?

Than Q fully deserves it for sending you guys to voat.

It's like sending people to 8chan /pol/ and acting suprised about all these nazi-loli and nazi-pepe and real nazi memes. "Oh boy must be all shills here at 8chan pol posting nazi memes".

No, that's just the way 8chans /pol/ meme roles.

What's next, Q collaborates with the daily stormer and then his sheepish followers start spewing weird conspiracy theories about how the daily stormer got compromised by neo-nazi shills?

14024368? ago

If you are a true fan of the daily stormer you'd know that it is really just a mirror site for infostormer, the world's foremost news source for kitten related news.

14023797? ago

Our collective ass is so bit-up by now we won't even feel it. Stop worring about what people think. By now, with eyes open we recognize what these attacks look like and we're ready to deal with them. Attacks are going to happen no matter what, that's war! Besides I'd be willing to bet that many people here, on this board are Jewish and know better to think that Q is anti-semitic. Anyone who believes something like that isn't ready for phase 2 or 3. WWG1WGA!

14023765? ago

voat has always been like this

14024172? ago

This is the true face of Voat.

14023588? ago

We just have to downvote them.

We can acknowledge bad actors but to paint a whole ethnic group as bad is disingenuous and hateful.

Just downvote the hate.

14024180? ago

You came to us, and now you complain when we tell you the truth.

14023527? ago

What will the normies and sheep believe if they think Q, or worse, POTUS is antisemitic?

Do you mean the same normies who believe that he grabs women by the pussy, seperates children from their families, is bankrupt, has a weird orange skin, abused his wife and other women, makes secret hand signals to nazis, (.....) ?

Yeah, that will certainly be the final nail the coffin. 98% chance for hillary winning.

14023421? ago

Fake jews from synagogue of satan. So we need to stop calling them jews when they are fake jews. Like the MSM we need to stop calling them news when they are fake news. I suggest calling them by their real name. Satanist and luciferians that are trying to set up the world for lucifers reign.

The real jews have nothing to do with this crap going down. They follow the torah. While the fake jews follow the Talmud and the kabalah which are both pagan babalonian crap.


14027462? ago

No, we are going to call them Jews or kikes. I hate how you Q fags are so pedantic about being politically correct on this issue.

14026598? ago


14024304? ago

So the conspiricists have to agree on terminology that interfaces with common usage in a more precise way - Judean, Talmudic, Sephardic, conservative, secular, etc. Whatever they can come up with, so they can present a more developed case. But doing so would require some to quit their habit of referring to Jews as if each one willfully conforms to an evil monoculture. Does the supremacy of individualism not occur among Jews?

14023570? ago

Normies probably can't swallow the "Satanist" / "Luciferian" pill, but you can call them Sabbateans or Frankists and force people to do their own research to find out what you are talking about.

14028690? ago

on the monet sabbatai levt...jacob frank...infiltrated all christian churches

14023420? ago

Why is is illegal to be anti-Semitic?

Does any other race enjoy such protections?

Who owns the Media?

Why is it illegal to point out who owns the Media?

What group do the majority of the globalist belong to?

This is the red-pill you were meant to take.

14025258? ago

When your entire race has nearly been decimated then you can have the 'privileged' of protection. Wow.

14024188? ago

Kikes. What do I win?

14029469? ago

A red, white, and black armband and a fancy uniform.

Comfy as fuck too.

14033129? ago


14030780? ago

Hugo Boss made the best uniforms in history.

14033124? ago

So true.

14024307? ago

Training wheels for your scootie puff.

14028308? ago


14024615? ago


14023407? ago

Q has spoken out more against the Muslim Brotherhood and Islam than against Zionism (which I hope is what the Voat Goats are really railing against when they bash "Jews"), but then, Q said they were saving Israel for last--assuming that's the biggest piece, since "MOS" at the top of some triangles Q's posted is likely "MOSSAD," over even the CIA, closer to the heard of the Deep State.

14024139? ago

If Q had announced "Hitler did nothing wrong, Jews did 9/11" how many of you would have bailed?

He sent you to us so we could tell you the things he can't yet. So you will be ready when he has to name the Jew.

14027818? ago

Q has implied that the same group controlling Nazi party is same group we are fighting now

Q stated they are not the root & that they were a part of the same group making antifa

Kind of goes against Q endorsing Nazi regime...

14028843? ago

skull and bones funded the nazis...the greek leisure club formed hitler to secure europe and to do experimentations without regulation....once it collapsed they moved ops to soviets....the vatican and jesuits are more controlling then the zionist root of the same org....the temple bar and crown corp which never let USA out of their hand has control of cia...it created it and the mafia...thats why irish cops ran police and where catholics....they have controlled both sides since before hannibal...ask why he does not get green light to smash rome when rome is on its knees in front of him.

14026189? ago

"Disinformation is necessary." Q

But, the Zionists did WWII after all--how else could they drive all the wealthy, comfortable Jews out of Europe and into their desert land to form the new Israel? The Zionist Jews were the ones who did the Holocaust on their own people! They set up the BIS, etc., Big Banks to rule them all, and have the whole world in their fist, control their minds with propaganda through the Jewish-controlled media. Mossad's motto used to be, "By way of deception thou shalt do war" after all, or something to that effect. Or maybe it still is their motto, but I thought they changed it when people started waking up.

14024465? ago

I hope this is true so badly.

14023364? ago

If MSM mentions VOAT, people would flock here, and MSM doesn't want that. Also that is exactly the reason why POTUS doesn't mention Q. Keeping a distance does have its perks. And please, don't start with the Jew thing. You could start something that is not intended... in this board anyway.

14023728? ago

That was kind of my point too.

14023353? ago

They need to learn that being anti-Jew is not necessarily anti-semtitic. Ashekanzi Jews are not semitic.

14023169? ago

Who gives a flying fuck about offending the guilty? If bringing the right people to justice makes a particular race look bad I don’t fucking care. Go back to reddit faggot.

14025268? ago

The pc bullshit is going to be a term defined in a world history textbook in 200 or so years as the reason downfall of the American and western society if we are not careful.

14027779? ago

If there is a downfall of America/Western Society, the history books will have us blotted out as if this period of time never existed (or it will be painted in a negative light to reinforce servitude to the State)

14023002? ago

These stupid ass Jew posts are obviously liberal idiots, spooks and shills trying to discredit the Qanon movement.

14023505? ago

What if I just want the jews to stop flooding my community with illegal immigrants?

I am a racist shill for wanting to be safe and noticing all these Rabbis demonstrating for open borders?

14024766? ago

are they really advocating that? are there any sources that show that? i guess i haven't heard it before

14023786? ago

No but it’s got nothing to do with Q right now. First things first.

14023883? ago

It has everything to do with cracking the Jewish led cabal. That is the truth you aren't ready to accept and why Q exiled all of you to voat.

14024020? ago

Where can I find more info on this?

14024107? ago

What do you want to know?

14022991? ago

Is it anti-Semitic to point out the fact that Jews have been kicked out of over 100 countries throughout history?

14023744? ago

Its antisemitic to even ask if you're allowed to ask

14023664? ago

No. But it is probably anti-Semitic to kick out all Jews from your country.

14028172? ago

So they aren't responsible for any of it? Surreeeee

14023118? ago

Just wait, while you all hate on Jews, you are being infiltrated by Islam who is demanding Sharia law and a Califate, but yet you think Jews are the Problem, WAKE UP

14030752? ago

Hmmm... Who is push for multiculturalism? Multiculturalism everywhere but Israel? What is the only nation ISIS apologized to?

The muzzies are the attack dogs of the Jews.

14029425? ago

Okay? We'll take care of them too! Fuck, they live right next to each other.

14028184? ago

They are BOTH the problem! You wake up!

14027423? ago

Guess who's been promoting mass immigration from 3rd world countries.

14027335? ago

Divide your enemies. Get them to kill each other. That's good strategy and its exactly what Israel has done. Get Christians and Muslims killing each other. We wouldn't have Muslims hating on is if there weren't Jews to put it into play.

14023559? ago

There is enough hate for everyone. There's even a special place in my hate filled heart just for you.

14023547? ago

Muslims wouldn't be here if it wasn't for the Greater Israel Plan.

14022856? ago

It sets up an easy false correlation. voat has large (or at least loud) anti-jew presence > q followers hang out at voat > q is affiliated with Trump > Trump is anti-jew.

14024428? ago

If only Trump were anti-Jew. We need another Hitler ASAP.

14023673? ago

Then why did Q send you here?

14024116? ago

To float with us. 😆

14024241? ago

Or perhaps Q knows that if he named the Jew, half of his followers would run screaming into the night yelling "La-la I can't hear you!" So he sent you to people who would show you the missing piece of the puzzle.

14028319? ago

Ding 🔔

14022784? ago

Ge yourself to 100 CCP so you can downvote and help clean the place up!!!

14023040? ago


14023225? ago

v/theawakening or v/GreatAwakening are Q subs...otherwise click the blue "subscriptions" link in upper left corner, click discover and pick any one you want. Make meaningful comments. Do not ask for upvotes in any way, shape or form...don't even hint.

14023338? ago

I thought you couldn't earn CCP at any of the Q subs? Not just this one? I thought the way they were set up was different somehow...

14023435? ago

Only anonymous subs don't accumulate CCP. v/theawakening didn't have CCP at first due to a different setting, but does now.

14023718? ago

Though I did find a fantastic shortcut for making bread, digging around the subs... and a DIY telescope. But most of the subs in my interest here are dead, sadly. No activity in over 3 years.

14024359? ago

There is always v/whatever where you can post anything...or stick to the Q subs...those 2 tend to be most active.

14025967? ago

Lol...I was afraid to even look at v/whatever....but I should peek in there, just in case ;)

14023497? ago

Ah, thanks for that information!

14023282? ago


14022752? ago

Exactly my thoughts. The Q movement is not antisemitic. We r good vs. Evil. There are good and bad of all creeds and colors. Imagine if Native Americans or black ppl said ALL white ppl are racist? It sucks to be seen just by your "demographic". IMO the Q movement is good overcoming the evil. I've had ENOUGH of this anti semetic bullshit. We are HUMAN BEINGS and must hold ourselves to a higher standard. plus, the MSM would LOVE to say Q and Potus are racist or antisemitic. Lets prove them wrong!!

14026108? ago

You do realize that all you are fighting against has its roots in Israel and judaism, right?

Did you read over the information in the top comment? That right there is the war that has been waged for YEARS and YEARS. I know you Qs want to "drain the swamp" well the swamp is infested with the juden.

As for the "good" jews? Thats like saying "not all muslims ... its only like 3 of them that are bad guys!" The rest are complicit because they follow a hateful religions and make no effort to put a stop to the evil perpetrate by their people.

14024344? ago

I agree ,and ,Let's not forget that God will never break His covenant with good Jewish ppl..He sorted them out over the last 5000yrs , and he will do the same will all nations when He returns to judge...no society/race is perfect unto themselves, but all will be held in account and divided good from evil...not jew/gentle, rich/poor, master/slave....is just good vs evil...

14024332? ago

If you're looking for evil check this out, it exposes the satanic orgins of the cabal http://veteranstoday.com/2015/03/08/the-hidden-history-of-the-incredibly-evil-khazarian-mafia/

14024330? ago

“Anti-Semitic” is a label created by Jews. We generally aren’t talking about your average Jew when we criticize them (although they do tend to be more loyal to Israel and other Jews than they are to America), but really we are referring to the international Jew.

If I said that freemasonry was evil, would you wrong your hands and complain that “not all Freemasons are evil”? This is the same thing.

14024077? ago

There are good and bad of all creeds and colors. Imagine if Native Americans or black ppl said ALL white ppl are racist?

There are terrorists of all creeds and colors. Imagine if people said that all white people mutilate their childrens genitals? Imagine if chinese people said all white people are suicide bombers?

14025180? ago

White people do not need suicide bombers, we have a complete 4 branch large military with bases all over the world along with several allies, Israel being one of them. To which I have witnessed them actually help a failed suicide bomber, they pulled him out of a burning vehicle.

14025300? ago

Why do they need suicide bombers? Our military drastically outnumbers a lot of people who do not need suicide bombers. Are we at war with them? Then why should we welcome people into our country with whom we are at war with? That would be really dangerous and stupid, wouldn't it?

14023655? ago

You are exactly the kind of useful idiot that they have used to enslave us for millennia. Stick your head in the sand and shout at anyone who tries to tell you the truth.

14023601? ago

I see you gonna virtue signal your country to death?

So I want to drive to the bad part of town and not lock your doors.

14029458? ago

I'll take this bastard out. No "citizen" is going to ruin my fucking country with their virtue signalling Kike dicl sucking. Those days are over, usher in a Golden Age for humanity that COULD'VE ALREADY BEEN BROUGHT HAD WE NOT FOUGHT THE WRONG FUCKING PEOPLE.

14022739? ago

Q said Israel will be last. There's something going on. No one is saying it's all Jews but something's up!

14026349? ago

i dont think q will ever touch on israel. its why q sent you here. imagine q starts going on about how all the worlds problems are caused by jews and israel. what would happen? some brave journalist would finally ask trump about q and say about all the bad things q is saying about jews. would trump then confirm q? if he says yes hed be labelled as literally hitler wanting to hall of cost the jews again. its why youre on voat now. to learn about israel, without the trump admin taking that public image of being the reincarnation of hitler

14031037? ago

That's a really good point and one I didn't think of until you mentioned it.

14024286? ago

I'm saying it's all jews. Don't speak for me.

14023631? ago

Some are saying it's all Jews. But you are right in that it is likely some Jews.

14023968? ago

All the BIG problems have a kike source.

14023218? ago

You have been Misdirected, Radicle Islam is the issue, just wait, war breaks out, you will see how all the "Islamic refugees" Rise up....But then you will still claim the Jews are the problem, Have you not been watching all of the EU and what Islamic refugees have been doing? geezzz for you guys supposedly being Qanons you are Blind...

14024708? ago

Radicle Islam paid for by jew to fight goy in street.

14024377? ago

Who is behind the refugee crisis? You aren’t seeing the big picture.

14024716? ago


14023373? ago

The reason those Islamic refugees are in Europe are because Globalist Jews like Soros and the Rothschilds bring them there and corrupt the host countries politicians to let them stay.

14024478? ago

It's because white politicians engaged in bacha bazi and are now blackmailed by the muslim brotherhood. Stop looking for a scapegoat!

14024765? ago

Your the one looking for a scape goat Soros's name is all over the ngo's. Watching Jews lovers do back flips trying to avoid Occams razor is fucking amazing though.

14024863? ago

Occams razor? Simple truth? Your politicians being blackmailed because they fucked children is the easiest and simplest truth.

14024906? ago

Blackmailed by the Jew.

14025105? ago

It's muslims that get a heartwarming welcome from german women, not jews. Muslims have a lot more to gain from this than jews. There is nothing to gain for them by destroying europe. And with whom are they in direct conflict? Who gives them military aid? Who has to gain more from his?

Occams razor, remember?

14022965? ago

The problem with Jews is the "good Jews" and the Zionists always come as a matching set.

The "good Jews" ALWAYS provide shelter for the Zionists in exchange for interest free bank loans and employment favoritism.

That's why you see shit like this and this happen, not because they're all bad but because they are all part of the problem.

It's been this way for 3000 years and that's why Jews are the most exiled people in human history: for a very good reason.

Reality is not politically correct and you can't blame Voat for the Jew's history of treason.

14031031? ago

I don't blame Voat or those using it for anything. I think the value of free speech here is amazing and it's needed. We should never get to a point where we become so complacent that we don't share different ideas or information just because we don't want to hurt feelings, that's part of what is wrong with shit today. I am not as "red pilled" on some of this shit as some of you and while I am doing my own digging and research, I still have loads to cover. At this point in time I don't think it's all Jews but your reply is an interesting one.

14031226? ago

It's a difficult process to realize how totally indoctrinated and saturated in propaganda we've been during our lives.

With fresh eyes, take a look an any mainstream history book and you'll notice some red flags.

It will seem odd that the motivation of the "evil villain" in mainstream history books makes the criminals from Scooby-Doo seem complex.

It will seem odd that the "innocent victims" from our history books are also the most exiled people in human history?

Why have so many disparate nations needed to exile these people?

Did you know Judea declared a Holy War against the German people in 1933? They were so bold about their plans to starve the German civilians into submission that Judea took out newspaper and radio adverts!

Did you know the 98% Jewish German Communist Party attempted a failed coup against the legitimate Christian based nationalist German government in 1933? Those Jews attempted to install themselves as the ruling class and make Germans into their slave laborers.

Did you know that's why those Jews were in the German prison camps, because they were tried and found guilty of treason and murder against the German people?

You've seen the photos of the starved prison camp Jews, right?

Did you know that starvation was originally known as "Eisenhower's Holocaust" because it resulted in allied sanctions applied after the war, between 1945 and 1950? Nine million German civilians and between one and two million Jew prisoners starved during this time. After a little historic revision, we not refer to this as the "Jewish Holocaust".

14028639? ago

zionist dont like torah practising jews///first five books of moses jews are hated by communist babylonian sect...the pharisees.

14028724? ago

All Jews are Zionist Jews at heart, given they're laws and theology is based on the Talmud which claims Jews are "God's Chosen Master Race" and us lower lifeforms were only put here to service them.

14024343? ago

Listen, I tend to not get into maligning one group of human but man, just asking the simple question as to why have they always been chased out gets you thinking....

14024620? ago

I think it doesn't help that Jew scripture teaches them they are "God's Chosen Master Race" and the rest of us lower lifeforms (goyim) are only here to service them.

That's can't help them integrate well with other nations and respect other people, when they see us as disposable cattle... which is why I many Jews lie and steal and commit sedition and treason against us with the same moral ease as a farmer collecting honey from his beehives or eggs from his chickens.

14049667? ago

Can’t argue with that. As long as they see us that way, there will be problems. Big one!

14030736? ago

All western religions have scripture that designates them as god's special little people.

14030838? ago

Perhaps, but it's the Jews who claim everyone are disposable slaves for their exclusive use.

Most Christian denominations simply claim that access to heaven is granted through a relationship with Jesus, but it's the Jews who believe they are a Master Race and the overlords of us lesser beings.

14022656? ago

I think you guys need to watch The Greatest Story Never Told, and then tell me how Jews aren't a problem.

14023937? ago

They're not a problem, they are the problem.

14022563? ago

Dude. I'm Jewish. One half of my whole family is Jewish. Half Methodists, half Jews. Same on my wife's side. Jews are normal fucking people man. Being convinced that Jews are somehow sneakily working together to take over the world is fucking insanity; on par with FlatEarth.

Yes, there are people who are absolute monsters who are Jewish. Same as every religion. But are these people monsters BECAUSE they are Jewish? Fuck no.

Now, are there some high powered Jews who work together to consolidate power and are up to no good? Probably. But if you're saying JEWS are the enemy sorts a-la-nazifags

14030722? ago

Gas yourself

14029155? ago

Thanks for taking the time for writing this. Overzealous patriots aren’t doing any favors by saying “it’s the Jews” as if everyone Jewish is in on it. However if you want to tell me that MOS was behind 9/11 or the 13 bloodlines Illuminati families are Jewish, that’s fine. But this straight up anti-Semitism is DEMONstrating low IQ

14028595? ago

Haha next you're gonna say the holocaust needs to be remembered.

14027763? ago

Well said. From the beginning of human history, the devil has been trying to eliminate Israel and more recently, the Jewish people. It is one of the most consistent hallmarks of satanic activity.

The keyboard warriors here would absolutely never ever talk so big in any workplace or public accommodation, so as far as I'm concerned, they're all pretenders. They talk like they're all tough but i guarantee zero of them have the guts to talk this crazy crap in public. Ever. So just ignore it. They're locked in their own land of make-believe. Maybe they believe it. maybe it's just young kids talking tough to make themselves feel big. And maybe a lot of it is people trying to throw up a distraction. But i guarantee none of them are living it out.

The real business here is focused on trying to understand what the deep state is up to and figuring out ways to spread the word to those who haven't yet seen the light. Don't lose sight of that. Ignore the nonsense and don't feed the trolls.

14027563? ago

I agree with you. Remove the Evils, regardless of what their background is. Good vs Evil, that's the goal.

14027173? ago

I love this! Well done!

14027026? ago

As i stated above

It depends on their beliefs. There are lots of muslims that arent terrorists but if they still believe that i should convert to islam or die then they are apart of the problem. If the jews that arent apart of the cabal believe that the goyim were created to serve the jews then they are apart of the problem as well.

You gotta think a little harder about why the "nazifags" believe the things they do. Its not nice and simple racism that can be easily dismissed. Theres reasons for the shit

14027831? ago

Ok nazifag in disguise. you're gonna have to try WAY harder than that....just kidding, its too late, you're fucked, Q sent 70,000+ Patriots here for a reason...you are a dying species, we are just here now to throw a few shovelfuls on you.

You might as well be saying: "aww geez, open your mind a little, at least listen to the argument, I mean, have you ever seen the Earth from space with your own two eyes? No! I mean, you need to be open to the idea that it could be FLAT"


14028242? ago

No man, not a socialist. But hitler was right. So i guess that still makes me a nazifag. I was taught the same shit in school about WW2 as you and everbody else. I arrived to my conclusions reluctantly but if you want to know the truth its out there. You think figuring out that things that have been drilled into my head since i was a child are lies was easy? No man its a shitty time but i craved the truth and this is where i wond up. A nazifag i suppose

I get your flat earth comparison but its kinda apples to oranges. And you would be surprised if you think we're a dying breed, the pendulum always swings back. Be careful not to push it too hard.. kike
















14028580? ago

Bro. Push it? Are you serious? On an anonymous board? Oh yea, this is hardcore. Ouchie, and he called me a kike. Awww jeez.

This is why your retarded ass was so easy to enslave....

14368910? ago

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14028852? ago

Not the board you fucking moron, society as a whole.

This is why your retarded ass was so easy to enslave....

Thanks for the confirmation, so much for the nice jew

14026764? ago

Holy shit a sane person here. Nice

This really does look like the end of Q though.

From a debate perspective, it would be so easily to make anyone following Q to look like a racist piece of shit just because of all the awful post getting upvoted to the front here. It might already be too late.

14027860? ago

oooook concernfag...

yeah, we should just pack up our shit because a couple kids on the playground were saying bad words...

try harder next time shillfag in disguise.

14028018? ago

You’re damaging all the hard work done here. It’s way worse than bad words, you fucks upvoted Hitler, segregation, and anti Semitic propaganda to the top.

This discredits an entire movement. Go back to 4chan pussy. All racist cowards never say this shit in public or around the people they’re talking about.

Pizzagaters call out pedophiles at their own public events.

14026120? ago

Don't feed the trolls. If it isn't unifying, it isn't a Q person. WWG1WGA. Use it as a litmus test. If it is hateful and devicive it is cabal thinking. By all mean look into the kazarian/Rothschild/Payseur rabbit holes. Learn the difference between Talmud and Torah. Sunni and Shiite. Blanket statements and group labels got humanity devided and waring. The new age is one of love and brotherhood. It is already here. Accept. Adapt.

14026837? ago

No, we can't let racist bullshit hit the front page here uncontested. Anyone looking to discredit this entire thing can do so in under 5 minutes just by showing the retarded stuff we're upvoting here. It makes us all look racist and crazy by association.

14026386? ago

You are 100% right. Thank you...and sorry.

14025210? ago

I agree with you completely! Jews are great people and the onea that have gone bad are all non practicing. Mark Taylor's prophecies say isreal and america will be great again too... Don't get me wrong there are tons of bad ones just like here we have the Clinton's and Bushes and no names... just like the Catholics have so much evil while most Catholics are wonderful people... We will rid this world of the evil and I can't wait...

14025029? ago

Thank you, thank you! Same for me, I find it just so stupid to blame every single person in a race as evil and all their fault. Do we really need to bring out the history of the world to show that all religions and races have evil in them?

I have this crazy bitch that has tried to bring an uprising against us in our hometown last year on Rosh Hashanah, lit Facebook up with a bunch of lies about us, because she is a jealous bitch. Self proclaimed LGBT Wiccian and because she did not like the advice my husband gave to her about her adopted children , that she needed a masculine influence to balance out the 5 women in her house, she lost her shit and accused us of being anti LGBT...We lost our business and our house over this mess. The ADL wouldn't even answer us.

We live quiet and do not even hardly go out and she is obsessed with us, she is ranting even today calling us a cult and such. The insanity and idiotic beliefs that one group of people are responsible for all the worlds evil.

14027980? ago

How many millions of people in the US? In the world? The goats on this board numbered a couple thousthousand before the Q influx. And not all of them believe the racist crap. It's a negligible, insignificant percent of humanity. There's absolutely no point in arguing with them, even if they actually believe the stupidity they're saying. We have laws against the kinds of things they say they want to do. Don't sweat it.

14024911? ago

Unfortunately, the government of Israel in't playing nice and the normies there will get hurt if they don't stop the criminal acts.

14024797? ago

Normal to you. I spent two months of my life in a near Lord of the Flies conditions and I can tell you they are different than everyone else. They are materialistic, purely ego driven and hyper sexualized. Exactly the mentality it takes to be a super jew for the jew world order.

Your family may be the exception but they aren't the norm.

14026274? ago

You sound like you have been traumatized. I am not saying this to be insulting or to make fun of you. But just as a soldier who comes home with PTSD may not be aware they have some screws loose, you clearly lost a few marbles during your "lord of the flies" event and have a completely fucked view.

I honestly would seek help bro. Again, let's rise above this back and forth nonsense....you're saveable. Seriously man, talk to someone. This is not a healthy environment for you.

14026418? ago

No haaaa I'm definitely not traumatized from that. They were different. Very different.

14024429? ago

I agree. There are some good Jewish people out there. The problem is the Jewish cartel and they have been pulling the strings for a long time.

14025060? ago

They are specified in the bible as the "Synagogue of Satan" I can stand behind that, but not EVERY synagogue is satanic.

14026662? ago

Jews don't follow the Torah. They adopted the Babylonian Talmud a 1000 plus years ago. This is just an except, you would be appalled at what Jews think of us, and the Christ. https://i.imgtc.com/JoHlkQm.png (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=typ2pl2L47k&t=1s))

14051988? ago

Sigh, you dont know what you speak of, I am a Jew, I have been to Israel and I know Jews...Yes many of them do follow Torah.

14033294? ago

You keep saying that, I was raised jewish(dont practice) and never did I see them read this garbage. They read from the Torah. Just cause you found some extremist book does not mean you can apply it to an entire religion. there are elites who hide behind Judaism and use ignorant faggots like you to claim the cries against them are against all jews. The "JQ" has been around for a long time and you people haven't done shit to expose the true evil behind it..screaming MUUUHHH THE JEWS solves nothing and you sound like a bunch of libtard fags. The Q movement has exposed more of the truth in the last year than your "JQ" shit ever will.

14044176? ago

gas yourself kike

14026412? ago

This. How hard is it to understand. Pope is a satanist for fuck sake. Name an institution they haven't usurped and inverted. Thank god for the great awakening, WW eyes are open and fuckery seen for what it is.

14024023? ago


If you're educated about the real teachings of the Jews come forward and give witness.

If you're part of the problem we're coming for you.

14024521? ago

They only thing you are coming for is a double quarter pounder with cheese. You ain't doing shit. You ain't done shit. And you ain't ever gonna do shit. The highlight of your life will be the day you go to prison for threatening the wrong person where you will get your shit pushed in on a regular basis. So, you know, jackpot for you!

14028266? ago

Typical kike, having other men fight your battles.

I assume then you know the teachings of the Talmud. Should we come to power we will end you.


14028557? ago

Oh my god, you're a David Lane bottomboi!!!!

The irony in saying "you have other men fight your battles"....and you a Lane boi....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

"should we come to power" - HAHHAHAHAHA

oh man, these nazifags are hysterical. Its like going to the zoo and watching the retarded monkey play with his shit.

More. I want more, monkey. Keep talking. Normally at a comedy club one has to pay for shit this funny.

14033223? ago

Look at those down voats! 😂

You seem upset, kike. Who are you taking to?

14031988? ago

You still haven't addressed anything.

14033160? ago

Perfect, thanks.

14023873? ago

I'm half Irish and half German. It's like all Irish are drunks and all Germans are Nazis. I'm an American! My great aunt married a Jewish man and we loved him. There are horrible people in every nationality. Good vs evil is what we should be concerned about.

14024817? ago

Your great grandmother was a nigger.

14024036? ago

No, it's just the Jews. Pull your head out of your ass.

14023978? ago

Dude. We are all mutts. And its fantastic. I have some Irish, Russian, French, English, Polish and a large chunk German.

I wish I could see the look on some nazifags faces when they find out they, or a direct ancestor was adopted, and they have Jewish blood. Like that Chappelles show episode with the blind, black, white-supremacist. One of the best skits.

14031980? ago

You're so goddamn stupid, and miss the point of this whole thing

14030213? ago

The soundbites of history are created by the winners of wars (and now media wars). Much of what you were taught in history class in school is not factual. The simplest reference I can give you is to go find the picture comparing the "gas room doors" of the nazi "death camps" with American penal system gas chamber doors of the same era.

14026300? ago

We were just talking about that episode, as reference to liberal heads exploding like when Clayton took off his hood.

14024090? ago

You people cheer as your country is turned into a somalian hellhole.

14023733? ago

for what it's worth this anon is with you.

14023911? ago

Thanks man. If people cant see past what religion someone is, cant see them for what they do, how they treat people, they are retarded; and part of the problem. But the cure is coming. Nazifags are CLEARLY freaking out. Every single post I see where they bash black people, or Jews, or whoever...it makes me chuckle.

It just adds that much more credibility to the Q movement. They literally are either being told, instructed or feel compelled to post this crazy shit....because we are getting so close. They're panicking. And it is hilarious.

Into the light I command thee!

14031121? ago

it's complicated. Whether offending or defending Jews, some play the race card one minute and then switch to a religion or culture card the next. My view is that if any or all were up front about how they define 'jew' and used more specific language, (secular American, ancient Israelite, Orthodox Misrahi, or whatever) the issues would be clearer sooner. Meanwhile even if it can be shown that so many Jews have played identity politics for so long, those who lump them all together as equally evil are playing same game, feeding the same beast. They ignore the supremacy of the individual and deny then the potential of American individualism. As if Steve Mnuchin and Roseann Barr are for all purposes the same person.

14024565? ago

Right? It's unfair to blame Islam for terorrism. There are just as many Christians committing terrorism. And the buddhists are just as bad the christians and muslims. All religions are equally bad.

14024607? ago

Agreed. Religion itself is one of the biggest issues.

14024789? ago

We really must do something against Hinduism and those damn Sikhs.

14031139? ago

but muh Sikhs are secretly muh Jews

14026290? ago

I didn't have time to name them all. But yes, many are less troublesome than others.

14024076? ago

Q sent you here because he knew we would tell you the truth you insipid moron.

14024350? ago

So you support Q?

14024481? ago

Assuming Q is who he says he is, yes, absolutely.

14024584? ago

Who did Q say he was? I must have missed that one.

And what's better is...you think Q is an anti-semite???

Holy fuck fellas....this one went FULL RETARD.

14024979? ago

you think Q is an anti-semite???

Do you think someone sending 70.000 people to the daily stormer is an anti-semite?

Let alone have you seen the other boards on 8chan?

14026178? ago

70,000 members of the Patriot Army to wipe out the handful of nazifag Incel rejects.

Yes. I agree, that is exactly what I think Q did. Your days are numbered. The good guys win.


14026436? ago

You think we're fighting, that this is a battle. You are wrong, we're not fighting. We're consuming you.

These 70.000 people will be exposed to facts and arguments they never heard before. Very soon you will no longer recognize those people. If you stay perhaps even you will soon enough no longer recognize yourself.

14027917? ago


Keep going. Please.

14028129? ago

If you doubt me, just wait and see. Time is on my side.

14028214? ago

Yes. I doubt you. And how is it time is on your side nazifag?

14029576? ago

The longer you stay, the more you will read and in turn your arguments will turn change. Whether you want them too or not. You will see things here for how they actually are, and not how they should be.

14028286? ago

Every time a stabbing, car accident, acid attack, groping, rape, child grooming and child rape occurs the alt-right grows.

14024068? ago

Nazifags are CLEARLY freaking out.

Do we seem nervous to you? We're gaining power all over the world.

14023679? ago

I would love to see those skinhead inverted duck ass goblins walk into a public place and use ANY derogatory term; whether it be Nigger, Chink, etc...or crack a stereotyping joke like "Jews and money" or whatever, and see ANY group of people NOT get pissed off.

Of course, just go out and say that all whites are evil privileged colonialist pigs and you will get applauded.

Besides that for most parts of the world (like most of europe) the problem is not that people will get pissed.

14023774? ago

Whatever you gotta tell yourself.

I evaluate individuals. I don't make prejudgements on an entire race, or religion or anything; except nazifags. They're the bottom of the barrel...like the itty bitty bottom, like a true bottom who takes it from a semi-retarded, non-binary FlatEarther. Raw. And salted.

14024089? ago

Why are Nazi's the one thing you can't question?

14024320? ago

You can do whatever you want bud. I didnt say you can't "question" them. But America fought a war against them. They ARE the bad guys no matter how you cut it. And there are no good ones. At all. Yes, there are bad Jews. A vastly small minority. Just like there are bad Muslims and every other religion. Maybe not Buddhists. They are super chill. But there are no good nazis bud. Prove me wrong.

14028300? ago

They we're husbands and fathers fighting for the existence of their people. Are you familiar with the genocides perpetrated by the Bolsheviks against the Christians of Russia?

14024628? ago

Yes, it's unfair to blame them for the actions of everyone else in their group. One shouldn't accuse jews and muslims of mutilating children, it's actually only a small fraction that mutilates their own children.

14026358? ago

Oh boy. We have a Martian-dicked nazifag over here who still hasnt gotten over the reaction the first girl he tricked into touching his dick had.

Bro. She wasnt upset that you had foreskin; she was upset that her clit was bigger than your dick. You may be better off becoming a tranny...your insurance might even cover it.

14026540? ago

You succumb to insults? I think I hit an emotional wound. Your parents should've protected you and given you a choice. I'm not being sarcastic here, I'm sorry for your loss.

14027903? ago

Succumb to insults? You hit an emotional wound? WTF are you talking about? Are you the guy with micropenis/megaclit?

14028073? ago

Are you the one whos parents cut away from his most sensible manlihood?

You will never know what it feels like when a girl play with that very pleasurable skin, what wearing jeans with it protecting your glans from the hard fabric is like. Even just what touching it feels like.

Imagine if other experience had been taken away like that, if they had cut away your fingers and you'd never learn to know what touching someones face or going through their hair feels like.

These are experiences that have been taken away from you by force, and your parents didn't protect you. I would be sad, resentful and angry if I were you. What has been done to you wasn't fair.

14028094? ago

That was the gayest fucking thing I have ever read in my life.

14028158? ago

It is still true. What they did to you wasn't fair.

14028195? ago

I had mine done at 14. By choice.

And you admit you're gay? How does that jive with the other nazifags? Wait, don't answer that, I see the pattern, its a club requirement.

14028360? ago

I don't mind you calling me names.

Why would you let others mutilate you? Had you experienced peer pressure or felt that the need to make your parents proud?

14044571? ago

Is this is a deliberate shill post, to get us to voice opinions about Jews on this platform? I just read Henry Ford's book (the International Jew), that someone posted, about the Protocols of Zion, and how that had been (as of 1940's) and continues to be employed in our country and the world. The ideology is truly shocking. Whoever believes in THAT and has supported THAT is the problem. The book is very informative in terms of how this group escapes critique by claiming its detractors are racist or are attacking their religion. Perhaps if everyone read, it would help to narrow comments about the problem, so as not to group people into it that are innocent--and that support potus and Q!!! Those protocols are pure explicit evil, and few would argue against this characterization.

14025381? ago

How do I save these photos? I want to share

14025807? ago

open link in a new tab. right click. save as

14024498? ago

Hitler had a Jewish chauffeur. There are some “noble Jews.” But many or most are communists.

14028547? ago

hitler hated communist jews..false jews.

14024379? ago

It’s not “the Jews”. It’s the Jewish cartel. There are a lot of innocent Jews that aren’t in on it.

14036050? ago

Rev 2:9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan. So I think we are safe.... :)

14028525? ago

thats right...that wall in israel is going to block the jews escape just as the ghetto did in poland./

14027369? ago

Just call them Jews. We all know it's not all Jews. We don't need to specify it's not all Muslims every time we talk about Muslim terrorists, and the same rule applies here.

14029916? ago

But the other side will use it against us if we word this one imprecise...

14030160? ago

That's not how shit works here. If we keep it squeaky clean there will still be those that WOAN'T, we could censor the bad language about the jews...how about that? Or thirdly regardless of what we do here those that oppose will create and push their narrative anyhow. When you censor yourself you are doing (((their))) work for them. You probably don't think you are a shill because you aren't on purpose, and that is a fair analogy to "not all jews"...if you aren't part of the solution...

14027035? ago

If you send money or support isreal, or if you temple does, you're part of it.

14029595? ago

So if you pay taxes in the US, you are part of the cabal?

14030118? ago

That's not a proper analogy and you know it. Taxes are collected at the business end of a pistol barrel.

14034678? ago

You choose to make enough money to where you pay taxes. You could choose to keep your income under the taxable levels, or you could move. Assuming you are a tax paying US citizen, you choose to do neither, knowing you your money is being used. Your country that you willing stay in and choose to make money in is the same as one's temple sending Israel money, even if you give money to the temple but don't agree with how they use the money. You know what they are doing with it, and you give it to them regardless.

14036407? ago

You assume many things and your analogy is flawed. Voluntarily NOT giving your money to a temple is not the same as leaving the country, purposely being working poor, or risking arrest

14058409? ago

I know you don't want to believe they are the same, because that would make you a hypocrite, and thats a hard thing to admit. But the fact is simply that (assuming you are a tax paying US citizen) you know what your government is doing with your tax dollars, and you are unwilling to do what is necessary to stop giving it to them. Same with someone unwilling to stop donating to their temple, despite knowing what is done with the money.

14059282? ago

I don't see any valid argument in your statement other than "uh-uh". Taxes and tithes are absolutely not the same thing

14026913? ago

It depends on their beliefs. There are lots of muslims that arent terrorists but if they still believe that i should convert to islam or die then they are apart of the problem. If the jews that arent apart of the cabal believe that the goyim were created to serve the jews then they are apart of the problem as well.

14024813? ago

Best way I've seen anyone phrase it. I hope you don't mind me stealing this.

14026213? ago

Jews believe everyone that isn't a jew was made to serve them.

14027273? ago

how do you eliminate a religion?

14029383? ago

You purge it from your fucking society.

14029451? ago

Purge define: physically remove (something) completely. Doesn't say how it's done. It's easy to say than do. Religion is a form of brainwashing. You need to remove those that's doing the brainwashing. That's key. Once you remove the puppet masters, then it takes care of most of the problems

14030131? ago

They aren't vampires...killing the Queen doesn't erase what is done. If we could chop the head off Thulsa Doom and solve the problem someone would have done that by now.

14023991? ago


14025820? ago

wait until you learn about the vietnamese

14027497? ago

Give me info about the vietnamese

14030187? ago

Haha oh you will soon see :P

14022450? ago

number 2? Short list you have

14022436? ago

Yes, this has been a VERY clear trend here over the past couple of days - very obvious shilling to create neo-nazi angle for newcomers. Hope it is cleaned out soon! WWG1WGA

14024228? ago

You are here to be among us.

14022546? ago

Get off my board fucking normie.

14024033? ago

Eat it

14024200? ago

GTFO back to your safe space.

14023691? ago

How about you just get off this sub?

14024206? ago

This is our site. Fuck right off.

14022839? ago

Get off this specific sub. There is no reason whatsoever for you to visit it.

14024211? ago

Worthless sacks of shit.

14023627? ago

You dumb mother fuckers want to turn everywhere you go into Reddit with your virtue signaling bullshit. Your all fucking worthless sacks of shit.

14022433? ago

Potus recognizing Jerusalem as Isreals capital wasn’t enough?

14024351? ago

Next Q will send you guys to the daily stormer and you sheeps will pretend that all the nazi stuff on the daily stormer are Neo-Nazi shills that followed you over there to ruin your very special movement. You will scream about how the daily stormer suddenly got compromised by deep state neo nazi shills.

It's not some "tactic", it's simply voat. You guys should have asked your big brother /r/the_donald! Though it seems like your big brother disowned you a long time ago.

14022417? ago
