14019338? ago

Keep an eye on the past. This event always stunk of gov cover up or deliberate testing: http://discovermagazine.com/1993/dec/deathatthecorner320/

Different area of NM but I think relevant to possibly why the response was so drastic and sudden. If rogue elements in the gov are being activated, they may be using other facilities for cover and safe houses.

14032593? ago

I Do believe it's relevant. Past predicts future.

Nothing new under the sun as globalists have always been involved in manufacturing dangerous viruses to humankind.

They do so in various places, but the underground labs, many miles beneath the surface is where they carry out many experiments.

Mainly because it furthers their agenda. They have always tampered with the genome because we are made after God's image. It's always why certain numbers are key and symbolic for them.

A certain group has always tampered with our DNA. An attempt to take out the God particle and create their own. Transhumanism will be key and sadly, many will fall for the trap.

I was in school during the hantavirus scare, but remember it well. Even in Albuquerque and Santa Fe people were scared when they got any symptoms at all that resembled flu.

We used to run races all over New Mexico. A clear marker that something was released intentionally when you have healthy people who are fit dying.

Very sad for this tribe. Definitely a scare that took years to die down as people were wearing masks even at my school.

Very good article. Thank you for sharing it!

14009767? ago

Got the thread finished in case anyone wants to see it in a thread.


Working on the next connection after work. Have a Super SUNday!

14008494? ago

OoooKkkkk. Blame the porn on the Janitor, who may not have been charged, but close the whole shop? Did the janitor also steal the secrets? Curiosity in truth.

14062194? ago

NONE Of This Makes Sense. secureteam10 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YWd_5IBQjA0

15063282? ago

it makes sense if they were covering up a bomb threat. Also, there may have been a computer breach. They thought something was serious.

14007662? ago

NASA’s statement and explanation was,

On Sept. 9, 2018, NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory, SDO, saw two lunar transits as the Moon passed in front of the Sun. A transit happens when a celestial body passes between a larger body and an observer. This first lunar transit lasted one hour, from 4:30 pm to 5:30 p.m. EDT and obscured 92 percent of the Sun at the peak of its journey. The second transit happened several hours later at 9:52 p.m. and lasted a total of 49 minutes, ending at 10:41 p.m. EDT. This transit only obscured 34 percent of the Sun at its peak.

Doesn't that sound weird? How is it possible to observe 2 transits within a few hours.

14006307? ago

The possibility it is an entrance to a DUMB did cross my mind. Official story is obviously BS...

14007228? ago

Yes, their "tunnel research and projects" will crack you up.

More do gooder signaling and distractions to justify their, "funding and research." Lockheed Martin indeed!

just take a look at what they Do Tell us about the work they do on tunnels, not to mention how well they lead the general population through the correct way of disseminating the info. Now of course and as all good Patriots know, they are indeed "attempting to help us and others!"

In 2012 we have Nedra Bonal of Sandia’s geophysics and atmospheric sciences organization, trying to detect tunnels dug by smugglers of drugs, weapons or people.

They start their story with "you'd think it would be easy." In referring to finding these tunnels.

Then they follow it up with, "you'd be Wrong!" Well, indeed we would be!

So basically a two year study was conducted for this,

Her eventual goal is to come up with a seismic detection process for the border and other areas where tunnels pose a security threat. Bonal’s project is funded by Sandia’s Early Career Laboratory Directed Research and Development program.

Most tunnels are found by tips from people rather than by scientific methods, Bonal said.

(Now why would Scientists ever want to rely on common sense?) . Better to muck it up with their Own experiments and Golden Science! Lucky us!

Fortunately, since the DOE can spend money doing it This way they will. Or is that really what they were doing?

Researchers deploy instruments for a seismic data acquisition survey parallel to a border fence in California. The photo shows some acquisition equipment, including an SUV-mounted accelerated weight drop to generate seismic waves.

“It would be great if we could use this to do a better job with tunnel detection, so you could scan an area and know if there is or is not a tunnel and find it and stop it,” she said.

If researchers discover what it takes to pinpoint tunnels, the next step would be to develop streamlined seismic methods that would be more practical for the Border Patrol and military.

The study arose from earlier work at Sandia detecting shallow tunnels. Bonal said she was surprised when standard refraction and reflection processing techniques Sandia used could not successfully pinpoint some tunnels. (Surprised, but she's a scientist?)

Researchers speculate the difficulty might be what’s called a halo effect around a tunnel, in which fracturing and other geological anomalies create diffuse boundaries and hide the tunnel.

Illusion is their game.

The team ran the hydrology models to get some results, then converted those results into seismic velocities that could be plugged into Sandia’s 3-D elastic seismic wave propagation simulation code, Bonal said. These results will produce synthetic seismograms that will be compared to field data from the real environment and can be used to develop other processing techniques. That will in turn produce data that’s expected to look like what’s collected in the field.

The standard used to show the relationship of saturation in pores in rock or earth to seismic velocities is an oil industry standard called the Biot-Gassmann theory. However, few experiments have tested that theory at shallow depths where border tunnels are commonly dug, Bonal said. Now you and I could have Told her this for FREE! But, then there wouldn't be a paycheck nor ways to justify Lockheed's Real Experiments!

I wonder why?

The Biot-Gassmann theory holds well at greater depths where pressure is more intense and the rock is more consolidated,

Tunneling 101 you can pick up a free copy!

It Sure Does!

Their Seismic Wave detect equip for public viewing

Sandia Laboratories has other locations. The site, which began with a singular nuclear weapons mission, now supports all Sandia missions. Nuclear weapons accounts for nearly half of the site’s work, along with strong programs in homeland security, transportation energy, cyber and chemical and biological defense.

Sandia labs main facilities in Albuquerque, N.M., and Livermore, Calif., Sandia has major R&D responsibilities in national security, energy and environmental technologies and economic competitiveness.

Did you see what they're working on at the Lab in ABQ this year? Well, they're eluding to the "idea" it just started.

First, as you would expect there is an energy climate program. Always has been.

Here's just a little info,

Using an artful combination of nanotechnology (they do Love their art) and basic chemistry, Sandia National Laboratories researchers have encouraged gold nanoparticles to self-assemble into unusually large supercrystals that could significantly improve the detection sensitivity for chemicals in explosives or drugs.

Hongyou Fan, Sandia National Laboratories researcher Hongyou Fan holds a container enclosing gold supercrystals in front of a small-angle X-ray scattering instrument, one of the tools he uses to characterize his unusual creations. (Photo by Randy Montoya) Click on the thumbnail for a high-resolution image.

“Our supercrystals have more sensing capability than regular spectroscopy instruments currently in use, just like a dog’s nose has more sensing capabilities than a human’s,” said lead Sandia researcher Hongyou Fan. (How Fun, well for them anyways)

Other researchers previously reported forming gold supercrystals but only in the micron range, too small for commercial production, said Fan, whose submillimeter supercrystals are easily manipulated with industrial tools of the macroworld.

The ejected particles, refugees from the solution, then crystallize as small seeds. The growth of facets makes them available to respond to a wide variety of incoming chemical odors or light band frequencies.

The proper concentrations of materials and particle immersion times are important factors in creating large crystals. The process may take as long as a week.

The work was funded by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Basic Energy Sciences office and by Sandia’s Laboratory Directed Research & Development program. Work was carried out in part at the Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies, a DOE Office of Science user facility jointly managed by Sandia and Los Alamos national laboratories.

Now if you look at the historical implications, not just the known projects, black proj, but just How and when they changed hands showing All the industries they are connected to, lots of Tells.

Here is the history and how it changed hands,

Sandia Laboratory was operated by the University of California until 1949, when President Harry S. Truman asked Western Electric, a subsidiary of American Telephone and Telegraph (AT&T), to assume the operation as an "opportunity to render an exceptional service in the national interest." Sandia Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of AT&T Corporation, managed and operated the laboratory until October 1993. The United States Congress designated Sandia Laboratories as a National laboratory in 1979. In October 1993, Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) was managed and operated by Sandia Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Lockheed Martin. As of May 2017, Sandia National Laboratory is managed by National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, a wholly owned subsidiary of Honeywell International.

Good ole telecoms, they sure did Love Ma!

14003909? ago

they can't get trump, so they start selling everything and anything to other countries thinking the "leaders" are capable of doing the job for them through military. NOT HAPPENIN'. you think the military would give COMPLETE access to greedy politicians? or maybe set it up so they think they have it all, keeping the best on the bottom shelf behind the books

14003889? ago

or maybe Hellary Shiton sold the info to let them hack it and check out the missile range?

14003863? ago

as soon as the "excuse" for their shutdown came out, it just reinstated in me how fake it is. but I'm sure for good reason. also, it was so obviously fake of a cover up - maybe so fake to get our attention?

14003468? ago

Nazi Socialists + Commie + Islam are pals and have infiltrated our government and Institutions. I pray our military Intelligence has infiltrated these organizations and they are a portion of the 50k sealed indictments.

14003424? ago

Commie Chinks spying on our shit. Probably using the antenna they were fucking with to talk via ham radio with other piece of shit commies. Feinsteins spy is probably being waterboarded as we speak and giving up the names of his faggot commie pals.

14003268? ago

Ah yes, kiddie porn. So unpalatable that most folks aren't even comfortable bringing it up. Not only will they not talk about it, they'll try to forget. No better way to get something out of the public consciousness asap.

The caves seem like the most promising lead. Especially if the observatory itself can access them via the underground portion of the telescope.

Sandia is a multiprogram national laboratory operated by Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin company, for the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration.

Lockheed -> Israel -> Samson Option

When they raided this place they locked down the nearby post office too. Seems they wanted to shut down all avenues of communication. Makes me wonder if maybe they found out where Mossad is stashing/moving their blackmail nukes around. How far do those tunnels go, I wonder?

14002764? ago

Theory I read (have been reading everything related to this, can't vouch for where I read it) was that China had installed malware to spy on military aircraft patterns. Also I had heard potentially more than one was shut down.

14002454? ago

Plz what would a janitor be doing with all those phones, laptops and iPad? Just asking for a friend.🤔

14002011? ago

Call me crazy, but I believe terrestrial weather depends to a certain degree on solar weather, and all the solar observatories were experiencing data feed problems and or FBI raids in the days leading up to Florence, which behaved very strangely for a hurricane did it not? I seem to recall a blob of unusually warm air slowing the hurricane down a lot, a blob which maybe had not been predicted by forecasts even?

Do you ever stop and think about how insane it is that we can forecast the weather at all? Think about all the factors that have to be predicted with extreme accuracy, and how much data you would need to make those predictions accurately.

14002144? ago

If forecasting weather accurately requires knowing how ionized plasma elected from the sun will impact our atmosphere, then I'd say a solar observatory could absolutely be related to weather forecasting, and when Q talks about storms it could easily mean Twitter shit-storms, real hurricanes, or maybe even solar storms.

One of Hussain's last executive orders had to do with solar storms and space weather.

Also the fake news literally blamed Trump for the weather.

14001568? ago


14000972? ago

My BS alarm went off on this story. Thanks for digging more.

14004405? ago

Welcome! Things not adding up.

14047125? ago

Thank you!

14049004? ago


14000908? ago

Not sure if this has been shared here. Lockheed Martin. From Wiki: "In an ironic twist, Carpenter testified at trial that he found hundreds of pages of detailed schematics and other sensitive documents labeled, "Lockheed Martin Proprietary Information" and "Export Controlled" regarding the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter stashed on a foreign server in South Korea. He was helping the FBI investigate the stolen Lockheed Martin information along with hundreds of other network breaches at military and United States defense contractors when Sandia officials fired him." I'm thinking the Pedo claims are a deflection. Nefarious actions by bad intentioned actors is my bet.


14004501? ago

Yes! More to story, wouldn't fit and couldn't stay up any longer last night to make multiple posts. Will probably make a thread today, that way anyone not wanting to read on steemit can read thread. Here's some of that. What's more interesting is of the course the "type" of projects they work on. Especially when you think of all the connections going back to the Mother of all Demos, Arpanet, and who came in on the scene to make it easier for regular citizens to interact on the net after groundwork was laid for those interactions. Let's not forget the key people who made all this a reality. Here's part of the story in February, a New Mexico State Court found Sandia Corporation liable for $4.7 million in damages for the firing of a former network security analyst, Shawn Carpenter, who had reported to his supervisors that hundreds of military installations and defense contractors' networks were compromised and sensitive information was being stolen – including hundreds of sensitive Lockheed documents on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter project. When his supervisors told him to drop the investigation and do nothing with the information, he went to intelligence officials in the United States Army and later the Federal Bureau of Investigation to address the national security breaches. When Sandia managers discovered his actions months later, they revoked his security clearance and fired him.

In 2014 an investigation determined Sandia Corp. used lab operations funds to pay for lobbying related to the renewal of its $2 billion contract to operate the lab. Sandia Corp. and its parent company, Lockheed Martin, agreed to pay a $4.8 million fine.

Another government owned lab Los Alamos National Laboratory is known to have deep underground laboratories. Some miles deep.

LANL is a U.S. owned Department of Energy National Laboratory. For years the town dwellers referred to it as the "secret city." Also known as Project Y.

Three major nuclear related accident have occurred. One in 1945, 1946 and 1958.

It was known they had conducted laser ray experiments there for years among other projects.

n 1999, Los Alamos scientist Wen Ho Lee was accused of 59 counts of mishandling classified information by downloading nuclear secrets—"weapons codes" used for computer simulations of nuclear weapons tests—to data tapes and removing them from the lab. After ten months in jail, Lee pleaded guilty to a single count and the other 58 were dismissed with an apology from U.S. District Judge James Parker for his incarceration. Lee had been suspected for having shared U.S. nuclear secrets with China, but investigators were never able to establish what Lee did with the downloaded data.[ In 2000, two computer hard drives containing classified data were announced to have gone missing from a secure area within the laboratory, but were later found behind a photocopier; in 2003, the laboratory's director John Browne, and deputy director, resigned following accusations that they had improperly dismissed two whistleblowers who had alleged widespread theft at the lab. The year 2000 brought additional hardship for the laboratory in the form of the Cerro Grande Fire, a severe forest fire that destroyed several buildings (and employees' homes) and forced the laboratory to close for two weeks.

Working on the thread for the rest and just some of the "projects" that connect to furthering their agenda.

14017719? ago

Awesome work on this. Clarity will be key to all this.

14001786? ago

The same cover story was used to arrest c_a analyst Adam Schulte when he provided vault 7 info to Wikileaks. Janitor was probably inside man.

14000873? ago

video of some guy walking around the sunspot facility after evacuation, the place was a ghost town.


14000814? ago

Possiable the corona mass ejection ,average is 10 mins , the one since around sep11 lasted till it went out of site , so if it comes back around "well" who knows ! Maybe a huge hurricane and northern lights as far south as Pittsburgh . I estimate if it's still there it should start to be visable around the end of the month.

14000748? ago

Lets break it down real quick like this 1. The official story is full blown 4am mocking bird talking points across all MSM news mediums 2. No one shuts down a facility for like that for a Janitor watching porn on WIFI that's some serious shill news 3. Honeywell/Sandia has always had ties to the deep state and Mossad 4. They were using the site for a lot more than looking at the sun
5. Blackhawk Helicopters were heard on the initial night of the raid which suggests US Marines raided it at the orders of Q team 6. Future proves past

14004849? ago

The county sheriff, House,

"But for the FBI to get involved that quick and be so secretive about it, there was a lot of stuff going on up there," House said. "There was a Blackhawk helicopter, a bunch of people around antennas and work crews on towers but nobody would tell us anything."

He said he has a lot of unanswered question about what occurred at Sunspot.

House said he pulled his deputies from the facility after there was no identifiable threat.

"They wanted us up there to help evacuate but nobody would tell us anything," he said. "We went up there and everything was good. There was no threat. Nobody would identify any specific threat. We hung out for a little while then we left. No reason for us to be there. Nobody would tell us what we're supposed to be watching out for."

"They're not federal employees," he said. "It maybe somebody who threatened one of their workers. If that's the case, why didn't call us and let us deal with it. These guys are regular workers that work for this company. I don't know why the FBI would get involved so quick and not tell us anything."

Usually how it goes for oddities involving gov. facilities in NM, so nothing new there.

14002797? ago

Further, even if they DID shut it down for someone watching child porn, they don’t shut down a national laboratory for ELEVEN DAYS for anything less than blatantly life-threatening...

14000428? ago

It seems to me it could be anything related to underground tunnels, when the FBI said it had to do with a janitor hooking up to a hub to transmit pedo stuff it struck me as way too suspicious. Perhaps everyone there being a pedo or trafficking site seems more realistic to me anyhow. Official story is bullshit, that I can say for sure.

14005745? ago

Interesting also, December 6, 2012 – 5:00 am ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — You’d think it would be easy to use seismic waves to find tunnels dug by smugglers of drugs, weapons or people. You’d be wrong. Nedra Bonal of Sandia’s geophysics and atmospheric sciences organization is nearing the end of a two-year study, “Improving Shallow Tunnel Detection From Surface Seismic Methods,” aimed at getting.

Claim to be doing this,

Her eventual goal is to come up with a seismic detection process for the border and other areas where tunnels pose a security threat. Bonal’s project is funded by Sandia’s Early Career Laboratory Directed Research and Development program.

Most tunnels are found by tips from people rather than by scientific methods, Bonal said.

If researchers discover what it takes to pinpoint tunnels, the next step would be to develop streamlined seismic methods that would be more practical for the Border Patrol and military.

The study arose from earlier work at Sandia detecting shallow tunnels. Bonal said she was surprised when standard refraction and reflection processing techniques Sandia used could not successfully pinpoint some tunnels.

If researchers discover what it takes to pinpoint tunnels, the next step would be to develop streamlined seismic methods that would be more practical for the Border Patrol and military.

The study arose from earlier work at Sandia detecting shallow tunnels. Bonal said she was surprised when standard refraction and reflection processing techniques Sandia used could not successfully pinpoint some tunnels.

Researchers speculate the difficulty might be what’s called a halo effect around a tunnel, in which fracturing and other geological anomalies create diffuse boundaries and hide the tunnel.

Illusion is their game.

The team ran the hydrology models to get some results, then converted those results into seismic velocities that could be plugged into Sandia’s 3-D elastic seismic wave propagation simulation code, Bonal said. These results will produce synthetic seismograms that will be compared to field data from the real environment and can be used to develop other processing techniques. That will in turn produce data that’s expected to look like what’s collected in the field.

The standard used to show the relationship of saturation in pores in rock or earth to seismic velocities is an oil industry standard called the Biot-Gassmann theory. However, few experiments have tested that theory at shallow depths where border tunnels are commonly dug, Bonal said.

I wonder why?

The Biot-Gassmann theory holds well at greater depths where pressure is more intense and the rock is more consolidated,

It Sure Does!

14004900? ago

You are correct about this connection.

I found connections as you would expect to each area, high profile pedo issues where the cameras for observatories shut down same day. Working on that story once thread is done.

The fact that people in the town can verify not a whole lot was going on above ground to warrant a shut down, very telling.

Also interesting what they worked on at Sandia just a year prior.

14013155? ago

That is very interesting. I was considering what could be gained if perhaps searching for people who identified on social media as living in that town or working in or around that area, might possibly lead to new information. I don't want to doxx anyone but I do think this is something that shouldn't be covered up unless there was an extreme reason such as not to alert other facilities that think they are protected.

Thank you for your input!

14005372? ago

Also interesting if you run on those peaks out there at White Sands, between the valleys and peaks, you can hear at times. . .tink, tink, tink.

Beautiful place to run though! If you've never been just stay hydrated, plenty of sun protection and keep tabs on your party or vehicle. Easy for some to get lost out there and devices can go wonky.

14001007? ago

Could they have busted up a pedo party? Maybe crashed one of their solar parties

14013243? ago

Symbolism will be there downfall right? Those who flaunted it blatantly and never bothered or felt the need to look over their shoulder or to cover their ass.. are PANICKING!

We however, just get to contemplate, amass, have our discourse and enjoy the show!

14002844? ago

Very well could be, there is drone footage of the now emptied town and the labs there, apparently all boarded up except the labs are unlocked and clean. Funny thing someone reported was right on top of a garbage can inside a lab it was visible... someone left an X-files DVD right on top of the trash for all too see and speculate lol. Weird right?

14000264? ago

If Trumps intel killed a commie op...he wouldnt smear a blue collar guy for the cover up....either there was a pedo janitor or this was DS

14000314? ago

This has Deep State confuse and befuddle all over it!

Their lack of communication and dodging are obvious tells!

Lots of strange things go on in many areas there in NM.

14000255? ago

When Q said SUN in a recent post I thought he may be referring to this story. We will get partial confirmation if no huge story blows up tomorrow. (SUNday).

14001699? ago

Also Q1182 says "Sky Event"

14001410? ago

Or perhaps there are ships entering our stellar system through the sun. If you enjoy rabbit holes bordering on the absurd, check out /r/reptiliandude and /r/insurrectionearth. Specifically, check the thread entitled "We travel through the 'mouths' of stars" in the latter sub.