14039505? ago

It gets even deeper... Deep State- 13 Bloodlines & their Diabolical End Game / Tentacles of the Deep State Edge of Wonder, they said "During our research, we came upon a book on the CIA website called The Story of the Committee of 300. What we read in the book was so shocking we realized we needed to do a series on it." This is their site of 47 short videos because- "The More You Know". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gxbhxBB1YA&list=PLIzv8g1mw1Org_9kYHO9YydGSy9-soDRb

14019010? ago

Jesus was all Jewish so...I'm Catholic and some "Catholics" have committed some horrific sins but that doesn't make all Catholics evil.

Think logically. The more you know...

14010595? ago

History has been rewritten


The one thing that makes this believable with respect to the "Holocaust" is the Soviet control of the US government (and other institutions) throughout the FDR administration and into Truman and other successors.

In the U.S. they absolutely suppressed information about Soviet atrocities and shoveled all blame to Hitler, even though Stalin also invaded Poland (starting the war).

14009838? ago

You are a paranoid disinformation tool, whose sole purpose is to try and discredit those of us who are sane.

14037335? ago

Seriously kys. No one can be as stupid as you.

14006625? ago

We are here to listen to what people here have to say. We are not here to flood the boards. They have the power to post and we have to listen to what they post. We can listen we can comment. When we have learnt and contributed enough we can have the ability to speak our mine to everyone else. He sent us here for a reason.

14003950? ago

I get what everyone is saying here - its clear hitler was fighting the same bad guys we face now. but I really don't think that makes him the "good guy" what so ever. the only good guys were the citizens who had no choice but fight for the bad guys. it was just bad guys vs bad guys vs bad guys using the good guys to play their game. that's why Rothschild funded both sides. didn't matter who won you know? they were down for either - the short game or the long game. and I'm sure they were very interested to see which one worked best

14003943? ago

Hitler was a hero? lol is OP retarded?

Holy fuck I know voat loves saying nigger and faggot and this just seems like bullshit made to make QRV look bad.

This is the opposite of a redpill. Even if you believe it. No normal person thinks that faggot hitler was a hero.

Stop being so easy to control guys. Come on. Stay focused.

14037375? ago

Who are asleep. You think you are red pulled and awake but sadly you’ve only removed the outer most layer. One day you’ll fully wake up. When that happens I seriously hope you don’t kill your self from the magnitude of the situation. Or do. I wouldn’t mind.

14056865? ago


14002737? ago

Why is this at the top?

14001645? ago

You fucken jew

14001592? ago















14002733? ago

ty pede

14001290? ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'This is gonna be very simple...' was posted in v/FactCheckQanons by @2737855 and refers to this submission.

This notification (#712) was posted automatically by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by adding a query(?) to the Voat link. More information here.

14000787? ago

Great job promoting racism and working to undermine Q and the truth movement. Great job giving our enemies more ammunition to use against us. Great job trying to make us all look like racists and bigots. Blaming one particular race or religion for all of our problems is retarded.

14002742? ago

Are you talking to Q? cuz he knew where he was sending US (yes I'm from r/greatawakening too, but before that I had real 1990s internet, and this is how we talked back when we were free to do so)

Trust me, now that we are on VOAT, no one will be joining us who wasn't already hardcore on board with Q. No One.

Stop worrying about OPTICS, there's a war on.

14000607? ago

nigger kike faggot jews.... god i love voat :)

14002654? ago


14000120? ago

Not just controlling the banks, the CENTRAL banks. And...Media: which includes...Hollywood, all the Networks, Music Industry, Film Industry. Education: Most of the Universities. It's the Cabal of all Cabal's. It's the Roths and the Payseurs. It's ALL THE MONEY and ALL THE MARBLES. When Jesus spoke to John in the Book of the Revelation, he spoke of the Seat of Satan. The Seat of Satan = The Jews. Jesus knew who they were then, and he knows who they are now, and what they will be in the future. www.texemarrs.com

13999823? ago

I just want the truth whatever it is.

13999553? ago

Just came across great info on the whole Jew topic on 8ch- haven't read thru the whole thing but so far very eye opening


13999458? ago

The brutal socialist dictator was a hero? What a slave mentality. Some people crave to have all their rights stripped away and to live under the heel of tyranny.

14001484? ago

His enemies were communists and Hitler was way less socialist than the USA

Nice attempt at a straw man.

13998372? ago

Hitler was half Rothschild same as BC. Don't you get it? Kazarians play all sides. They killed off the European Jews to finish Stealing the Jewish identity and then hide behind antisemitism. It is just another hegalian dialectic example from what I can see. His entire cabinet or equivalent whatever were all tied up with occult vrill society type shit. The lie of WWII is that the Nazis lost, not that they were good guys.

14001436? ago

Nah, never happened. lol

13998203? ago

Is your name George Soros cause he is a jew also. Stop with the anti semitic crap. The Holocaust happened. The Nazis were evil and tried to exterminate the Jews. The Jews are not bad they are not the enemy. You people better wake up to the truth read the Bible in the last days it says in the Bible that all nations will turn against Israel

14001532? ago

Soros and Rothschild are jews.

You're a jew too and you're covering for them, just like the rest of the jews.

You're nearly all guilty.

14007325? ago

You saying that the holocaust was justified? Sick anti semitic comment. Think you better read the bible and pray to God dude.

14010694? ago

Of course. Maybe I'll re-read the part where they had Christ nailed to a cross. lol

14011579? ago

You Seriously don't get it. Yes they did that. But not all of them. Remember the 12 dispels were jews themselves. Jesus was a jew. Many of Jesus's Followers were jews. You are talking about the pharisees that put him on that cross. Also 2 things you forget 1 he could have easily escaped the cross at anytime. He is the Son of God. He had power to heal sick, and make the dead come alive. He died to save everyone from their sins. This includes the jews. God yold Abraham i will bless those that bless you and curse those that curse you. So its not a very good idea to hate anyone especially the jews. Wake up

14012425? ago

Jesus was a jew. There is some debate about that. lol

So its not a very good idea to hate anyone especially the jews. Wake up

Actually, it is, those jews who get expelled from the Roman empire for treason would later get expelled from nearly every nation in Europe.

So yes, fuckface, it is every fucking one of them. You wake up.

14018875? ago

Im jusy giving you some good advice here. READ THE BIBLE FROM COVER TO COVER PLEASE. GOD told Abraham i will bless those that bless you and i will curse those that curse you. So im and tell you you are on the wrong side of this. ISRAEL is the apple of God's eye. That will never change. We Christians are grafted in. We did not replace the jews as the chosen. In the last days before Jesus returns the nations of the earth will turn against Israel. Ill pray you see the truth thats right in front of you

14020015? ago

If that's the case, I'll be fighting on the other side but I somehow doubt it.

As I mentioned, the jews you are defending are not even real jews, and the bible does talk at length about that.

Jews are the scum of the earth.

14023725? ago

What is your background if i may ask? What was your upbringing? Are you a Christian or a Muslim or an atheist. Just curious about why you believe that Jews are the scum of the Earth just really seriously curious about your thinking your upbringing what makes you believe what you believe

14028672? ago

I've already mentioned why I believe that.

My background and upbringing have little to do with what I believe.

14021876? ago

Go back to Genesis Chapter 15 verses 18 through 21.
18 In the same day the Lord made a covenant with Abram, saying, Unto thy seed have I given this land, from the river of Egypt unto the great river, the river Euphrates: 19 The Kenites, and the Kenizzites, and the Kadmonites, 20 And the Hittites, and the Perizzites, and the Rephaims, 21 And the Amorites, and the Canaanites, and the Girgashites, and the Jebusites There is the first time God Promised the Land of Israel to the Jews. It wasnt called Israel yet of course but it is the same land. Genesis 28 verse 13. He tells Jacob Abraham's grandson Isaac's son.

13 And, behold, the Lord stood above it, and said, I am the Lord God of Abraham thy father, and the God of Isaac: the land whereon thou liest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed; Again the land of Israel is Promised to the jews.

Exodus 23: 30-33 30 By little and little I will drive them out from before thee, until thou be increased, and inherit the land. 31 And I will set thy bounds from the Red sea even unto the sea of the Philistines, and from the desert unto the river: for I will deliver the inhabitants of the land into your hand; and thou shalt drive them out before thee. 32 Thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor with their gods. 33 They shall not dwell in thy land, lest they make thee sin against me: for if thou serve their gods, it will surely be a snare unto thee. This of course was after moses lead the jews out of captivity from the Egyptians. 3 examples of God Promising the land of Israel to the Jews. Numbers 34:1-12 King James Version (KJV)

34 And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying, 2 Command the children of Israel, and say unto them, When ye come into the land of Canaan; (this is the land that shall fall unto you for an inheritance, even the land of Canaan with the coasts thereof:) 3 Then your south quarter shall be from the wilderness of Zin along by the coast of Edom, and your south border shall be the outmost coast of the salt sea eastward: 4 And your border shall turn from the south to the ascent of Akrabbim, and pass on to Zin: and the going forth thereof shall be from the south to Kadeshbarnea, and shall go on to Hazaraddar, and pass on to Azmon: 5 And the border shall fetch a compass from Azmon unto the river of Egypt, and the goings out of it shall be at the sea. 6 And as for the western border, ye shall even have the great sea for a border: this shall be your west border. 7 And this shall be your north border: from the great sea ye shall point out for you mount Hor: 8 From mount Hor ye shall point out your border unto the entrance of Hamath; and the goings forth of the border shall be to Zedad: 9 And the border shall go on to Ziphron, and the goings out of it shall be at Hazarenan: this shall be your north border. 10 And ye shall point out your east border from Hazarenan to Shepham: 11 And the coast shall go down from Shepham to Riblah, on the east side of Ain; and the border shall descend, and shall reach unto the side of the sea of Chinnereth eastward: 12 And the border shall go down to Jordan, and the goings out of it shall be at the salt sea: this shall be your land with the coasts thereof round about

Deuteronomy 1:8

See, I have given you this land. Go in and take possession of the land the Lord swore he would give to your fathers—to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob—and to their descendants after them.

Need i go on about the proof that God Promised the land to the Jews.

14028543? ago

Don't bother, because we don't need to have to have them in the West, regardless.

13998011? ago

Eat a dick.

13997791? ago

Kings gave men property rights, men gave women the vote, and straight people gave homosexuals gay marraige; we will need you.

13997321? ago

Remember, it's not about Jewish people, but the Religions that control them. Kill the religion, and free the people. It's ALL about mind control. Dangerous stuff.

14001565? ago

It's also about their inbred, defective DNA, same with the moslems.

14001641? ago

I've read more deeper. This planet was taken over by alien race known as Reptilians. They mixed their DNA with some humans. They're more reptilians than human, hence they love to inbred. eg Royal family. These Reptilians love brain control, and they use religion to do it. It's about Good vs Evil. It's not about religion. It's just a tool they use. Need to break their brainwashing down. Need people to start thinking and not being brainwashed.

13997009? ago

Hitler was a Satanist. Hitler hated Americans and wanted them dead, he tortured and killed US military personnel, and he was part of setting up the US to be invaded from within. This us your hero?

14001687? ago

Satanic reversal, nice try.

13996938? ago

The stock holders.

13996752? ago

What? What is going on with all the pro-Hitler stuff? Is this an official Q board or not?

14005319? ago

You were sent here to get the final red pill. Read the links, watch the greatest story never told, make up your own mind. Right now everything you are typing didnt come from your brain, it is the fake history you were taught early as a child which is why it is so hard to swallow.

14002901? ago

You're on voat now, nigger. If there's anything real about that "Q" character, I can see why he sent you over here to get educated.

14001357? ago

Maybe, just maybe, he knew this would happen and this is for your own good.

13999551? ago

I know right? I came here for the Q, and found people saying a socialist dictator that stripped away private property right from its citizens is a "hero"... LOL!!!

14002924? ago

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tv70Wln6H2Q (6:53)

Here, this is for you.

13998481? ago

It's a board that Q linked to, yes. Does that mean everyone posting on it should share your perspective on history?

13996285? ago


But if you insist, kill yourself and help solve the “problem”.

13996176? ago

I have been to the holocaust museum in Washington, DC twice. They fake al those pictures? Not just jews were in the concentration camps. Lots of proof that happened. Wasn't Hitler a Rothchild bastard?

13997947? ago

Where are all the 6 million bodies? Bodies don't turn into refine ash when it is burned. There has to be remains of millions of bodies. Where are they?

14008550? ago

Have you heard of FIRE? I have burned bodies to ash myself. Mostly dead animals. Pretty easy dude. WTF.

13996039? ago

I agree with you and appreciate what you said, but on principle still must ask you to gas yourself. Please believe me, I mean no disrespect, niggerfaggot.

13995890? ago

Off yourself and do us all a favor rabbi. Make Judah proud

14001576? ago

Doesn't much matter, since every jew you see in the West is a pale skinned Khazar.


13995684? ago

You and your family cannot sit down in front of the jewtube during primetime any longer without being bombarded with filth. Things that should never be seen are becoming accepted because children are indoctrinated and adults are desensitized to the filth. Every commercial is a smart nigger showing up a stupid white man, or a blonde woman and some damned coon. The white man head of the family is demonized in favor of a couple of faggots or lesbians. Who the fuck do you think is doing this? Who owns 95% of the god damned media? You have seen their endless attacks on Trump with their owned MSM news networks. Do you not think they have not used the greatest propaganda / brain washing tool all along? Who is running the United States into the ground with printed money that is backed by nothing? This list of who could go on for hours, and the answer would always be the same. It is the damned jew.

14001379? ago

I'm to the point where I'm thinking "how can anyone with an IQ over 6 not see what you just posted in every TV show/commercial. It's really blatant now.".

13996602? ago

I never understood the passionate hatred white men have for white woman/black man couples. There's seriously some weird inferiority complex there. If you think you're better than blacks, why be threatened?

14005285? ago

White people are the actual minority on this planet and every single advancement HUMAN culture has experienced is because of them.

Without whites the whole world would be Africa. Jews want to breed us out because white men are the best at war and thus the biggest threat they have.

Stop defending shit with your programmed replies and do your own research.

14018620? ago

Humans have a natural inclination to crossbreed races. Flying into an existential rage because you saw one white bitch on TV cuddling with a black guy selling toothpaste is beyond irrational.

14000746? ago

White men and white women having children are the ONLY way that White people will have a future. So it represents an obvious and evil threat.

The threat is not the black man, he is nothing but a dumb tool as always, it is about the insidious power of Jewish-led MASS MEDIA PROPAGANDA and the obvious destructive and manipulative effects on the minds of our people.

Trust me, no white man feels inferior to a fucking nigger. Nice delusion though.

14002496? ago

"Trust me, no white man feels inferior to a fucking nigger. Nice projection though."


13998755? ago

Why would anyone want to take their genetics backward down the evolutionary ladder? What happens when a foreign culture takes over? They remove the men and change the genetics of the survivors. Every likely you are black or mixed race. Most whites won't try to justify that shit.

14000470? ago

Well, what about you screams Übermensch genetics? Or for most of the people who make this argument?

Most people's genetics, the average Joes and Jills, regardless of ethnic background aren't worth copying onto someone else.

I am mixed race. Not necessarily prideful about it, but not shameful either. It's not like I had a hand in who my parents fucked.

14002636? ago

There's nothing wrong with it of course, interbreeding isnt the real issue or the actual concern. It's intellectually dishonest and/or naive to think it is. You clearly have intelligence and culture enough to discuss opposing views, so in your specific case, there is no loss. HOWEVER, the post you CHOSE to take offense to, is pointing out that the white male is being purposefully oppressed by depicting him as a simpleton which is blatantly untrue. The CONCERN is a loss or infiltration of a SUPERIOR CULTURE to an INFERIOR CULTURE. I'd be willing to be you dont consider yourself a NIGGER and I'd also bet money that you would not feel safe around ACTUAL NIGGERS (we both know that word doesnt follow a skin color, but a social CULTURE that is DEPRAVED.

Why is it a big deal? Well thats a very loaded question, but the barrel on that gun is backwards facing so be careful with it. The scenario depicted the cuckolding (oppression) of a white male in media, the character is slandered either by absence, strategic replacement or by intentional misrepresentation of the archetype. That makes the white male the victim and you instinctually lept not to his aid, but onto his back demanding to know exactly wtf his problem was. Its not your fault, its PROGRAMMING. If it is not a big deal, then why was an intentionally misleading image depicted in the first place? Because it was a big deal, why? Programming. Why did you react the way you did? Programming. None of us are immune, but the world is taking notice and its obvious who the first to notice emancipation efforts would be. So what the oppressed group takes issue with, is that the programming exists and is perceived to be created by a malicious entity for a mind numbed audience. It's painfully obvious if you think critically and honestly.

In the end it has very little to do with race and a lot more to do with CULTURE. We, I, and yourself, have a good thing going. To allow risk, from potentially depraved sources in order to pacify the feelgood need of some global acceptance, is absolute lunacy and as has been pointed out numerous times, has had a degrading effect on the civilization we cherish. The idea that this is "going according to some malicious plan by a third party" is neither new or novel. In fact, it might just be the most plausible conclusion.

14022250? ago

I didn't take offense to their post at all. I was kind of half-trolling, half questioning their reasoning. I find it a bit irrational to fly into a rage over the mere suggestion that a white woman would be with a black man. I don't see how that equates to oppression, due to someone else's preference in partner. White people are free to breed with whomever they chose, and no one is stopping white people from sleeping with other white people.

I'd say my reaction is less programming, and more bias. Yes, I am mixed, mulatto, half-breed, whatever else anyone here wants to call me. Though I'm not going to indulge in self-hatred for the appeasement of anyone's ego or feeling of inclusivity among the bunch. How is an image misleading if it is simply a reflection of reality? Interracial couples exist, and that has typically been my personal interpretation as to why they are shown in media. Human kind has interbred for thousands of years.

I'll go back and take a look at this video I found a few weeks back, which pretty much reiterated the things you're saying, and see if my perception changes.

14026368? ago

I will try to remain non-aggressive, mostly because I'd like it if you shared that video with me that you mentioned. However, I think we still have a small misunderstanding re:

bit irrational to fly into a rage over the mere suggestion that a white woman would be with a black man. I don't see how that equates to oppression, due to someone else's preference in partner.

I certainly agree, but thats not the issue on the table. If it were a factual incident, there is no foul, I personally am taking offense to the very obvious conditioning technique of strategic and intentional replacing. That is happening and if that isn't oppression, then I guess we didn't need to hire all those women and minorities, after all.

niggers equates to culture and not skin color, you would be dishonest by grouping all black people into the same sect,

Exactly. While they certainly share certain traits (sorry nature is racist), they do not all behave in the same fashion. I can tell easily, that you are not a gangbanger true thugs dont talk/type like you, those are the people I referred to as NIGGER and I've met some that were white. See now we are back to the problem, glamorization, indoctrination and the result. That's what should be avoided (BY ANY CULTURE INCLUDING THE THUGGIES OWN). I'm willing to bet no matter what color the person you marry/fuck/etc is/will be/was, they wont be straight outta compton, because you aren't. An even bigger problem is that even if you aren't a bigot and if I'm not a bigot, well guess what...THEY ARE.

14028391? ago

Here is the link:

Who's behind the race mixing agenda in advertising?e

It definitely makes a case.

When it comes to the "gangsta" culture, I really don't know anyone who exalts it, I suppose mainly because I don't associate with people who exalt it. Most educated blacks who aren't communist mouthpieces rebuke the nigger archetype.

14001767? ago

You are born into what you are, and you have to live your life as it was handed to you. That doesn't mean that people should not strive to keep the genetic diversity that God created alive and well.

14001395? ago

This is the mystery meat garbage we are trying to avoid.

14018762? ago

When did I state otherwise? Mystery meat? Yeah, take a DNA test and see how pure you are, bro.

14020118? ago

Sure, give my DNA to some lying deep state jew cocksucker who admits they add 3% african just to fuck with people. lol

13995607? ago

Fuck off nigger

13995169? ago

In the past I would have said, "You all are crazy jew haters and Nazis. You are sick." The I read King's Planet Rothschild (2 Volumes) and he paints a different picture. Now I realize history is not exactly as I have been taught. I dont think the Reich were white hats seeking to save Europe and the world from the illuminati and communism. However, not everything is as it seems. Dont Q's post on Nazi Germany lead to see the Reich and Hilter as black hats-I am thinking of operation paper clip for example. Yet King's book seems to describe things a little differently.

I read the King books because of the apparent link of Q to a list of books.

13995113? ago

Hilter was Jewish too

13995047? ago

Fuck this, Hitler believed in Eugenics, started MK ULTRA, and DID MURDER MILLIONS OF INNOCENT PEOPLE!

Eisenhower, the man who warned us of the 'Military Industrial Complex' went to great lengths to document and prove the holocaust was real. The evidence is overwhelming. The Nazis even testified to all this stuff in the Nurumberg trials.


14005147? ago

Where did you learn this? Do you know what cognitive dissonance is?

14007106? ago

Who do you trust? Eisenhower who fearlessly called out the MIC on TV, or cowards anonymously praising Hitler hiding beneath their hoods?

This “all Jews are the cabal” shit is flat earth level dumb.

Cognitive dissonance is believing the holocaust was fake because you can’t organize 6 million people, but also believing 15 million Jews all work together in a grand conspiracy.

14009460? ago

everything you just said just means you havent looked into ANY OF IT...because NOTHING you just said is what people are claiming here.

14019750? ago

I wouldn't even be talking about this irrelevant stupid bullshit if I hadn't read it here. This has nothing to do with Q, Pizzagate, or the point of this board.

Are you being paid or just plain stupid?

14019642? ago

Oh and here's another fact for you pure blood retards, take a DNA test. EVERY FUCKING ONE OF US IS A GODDAMN MUTT HEINZ 57


14025688? ago

Who does the testing? Who owns those companies? Why is that relevant?

14019597? ago

That's all I've seen on the front page of this board since it opened. I'm not sure if this movement is really just a bunch or racist retards or if this is come coordinated attack to make all Q followers look antisemitic by association, or to discredit all the legit research on elite pedophiles here on the pizzagate sub.

The post we're commenting under literally says "Most Jews are just self righteous SJW cuck faggots and can’t fathom that our people are a plague on society" and it has a shit ton of upvotes. Then he praises the piece of shit who came up with MK ULTRA, called operation paperclip in Germany.

There's another post on the front page literally calling for segregation saying that diversity is destroying our country. Do you fucks really think anyone is ever going to go along with this bullshit? You really think you're going to convert the world into white supremacists with shitty memes and "the protocols of elder zion" which is damn near a word for word forgery of "The Dialogue in Hell Between Machiavelli and Montesquieu"????

Sure, some of the elite cabal are jewish, but religion doesn't have a fucking thing to do with it and is irrelevant.

There are also two memes on the front page with a fuck ton of upvotes that are nothing but collectivism in it's most ugly form. One says "There's no such thing as a good jew" and the other says "Blacks and whites are not equal".

Do you know what collectivism is? Objectivism? Learn to see people as individuals and judge them accordingly.

You think someone is a criminal then call them out on their crimes, don't convict them based on which religion their parent's chose for them.

14025708? ago

You are so missing the point. All of it. It is like woosh.

14026511? ago

The only point you have is to make Q look crazy, and it's working.

News show's Q sending people here, News shows Q people upvote racist retard shit, an entire movement dies.

14033974? ago

I dont believe you really understand what is happening. You will see. I have no ill will towards you. I was in the same place not long ago.

I will do my best to be less crass about these things. We are impatient.

14001315? ago

Eugenics is ok. The rest is jew bullshit.

14001260? ago

Hitler believed in Eugenics

So did a big percentage of Americans at the time?


The capitalist communist alliance killed far more eldery, women and children than the axis did. Wall street supported the bolshevik revolution. whose ideology resulted in roughly 100 million dead.

The Nazis even testified to all this stuff in the Nurumberg trials.

Under torture. A small detail which you might find of importance

13998826? ago


I would agree with you 3 days ago, but information like this can't be ignored.

13998535? ago

So your evidence that The Holocaust happened is that Nazis were tortured and threatened into admitting to it in a kangaroo court? Bullshit.

13997750? ago

Even Patton stated we defeated the wrong enemy.

13997890? ago

He was talking about Russian communists, and yes I'm aware several of them are jewish

That doesn't mean 15 million jews all work together in secret to take over the world.

Patton also said "The shortest way home is through Berlin and Tokyo. And when we get to Berlin, I am personally going to shoot that paper hanging son-of-a-bitch Hitler. Just like I'd shoot a snake!"

14000332? ago


Communism is Jewish. Bolshevism is Jewish. Marxism is Jewish. It is all Talmudic materialism. Fuck off with your weak ass downplaying.

And Patton had a lot more to say than that, and he was assasinated for it.

From the George S. Patton Papers: Diaries:

"September 22, 1945:

There is a very apparent Semitic influence in the press. They are trying to do two things: first, implement Communism and second, see that all business of German ancestry and non-Jewish antecedents are thrown out of their jobs. They have utterly lost the Anglo-Saxon conception of justice and feel that a man can be kicked out because somebody else says he is a Nazi. They were evidently quite shocked when I told them I would kick nobody out without the successful proof of guilt before the law."


"Another point which the press harped on was the fact that we are doing too much for the Germans to the detriment of the DP’s, 20000 of whom are Jews. I could not give the answer to that one because the answer is that, in my opinion and that of most non-political officers, it is vitally necessary for us to build Germany up now as a buffer state against Russia; in fact, I am afraid we have waited too long. If we let Germany and the German people to be completely disintegrated and starved, they will certainly fall for Communism, and the fall of Germany for Communism will write the epitaph of Democracy in the United States. The more I see of people, the more I regret that I survived the war."

September 15, 1945:

"Evidently the virus started by Morgenthau and Baruch, of a Semitic revenge against all Germans, is still working. Harrison and his associates indicate that they feel German civilians should be removed from houses for the purpose of housing displace persons. There are two errors with this assumption: First, when we remove an individual German, we punish an individual German, while the punishment is not intended for the individual, but for the race. Furthermore, it is against my Anglo-Saxon conscience to remove a person from a house, which is a punishment, without due process of law."

Archive for Library of Congress scans: archive.is/DRw2Q

Does the justice system without due process sound familiar to anybody else?? In case you missed it: "They have utterly lost the Anglo-Saxon conception of justice and feel that a man can be kicked out because somebody else says he is a Nazi."


“His book, "Target Patton", contains interviews with Mr Bazata, who died in 1999, and extracts from his diaries, detailing how he staged the car crash by getting a troop truck to plough into Patton's Cadillac and then shot the general with a low-velocity projectile, which broke his neck while his fellow passengers escaped without a scratch. “

“In order to placate Stalin, the 3rd Army was also ordered to a halt as it reached the German border and was prevented from seizing either Berlin or Prague, moves that could have prevented Soviet domination of Eastern Europe after the war. Mr Wilcox told The Sunday Telegraph: "Patton was going to resign from the Army. He wanted to go to war with the Russians.

"He also knew secrets of the war which would have ruined careers. I don't think Dwight Eisenhower would ever have been elected president if Patton had lived to say the things he wanted to say." Mr Wilcox added: "I think there's enough evidence here that if I were to go to a grand jury I could probably get an indictment, but perhaps not a conviction."

Archive of Telegraph article: archive.is/RObUO

13998168? ago

Yeah, he said that prior to the end of the war. Look at what the Jewish Bolsheviks have done. They killed millions, yet they keep preaching about their "6million" on their fake holocaust.

13996365? ago

and isn't a large faction of the deep state made up of naziis who were brought over with operation paperclip?

14000878? ago

They were a subgoup, infiltrators. I think original German Nazis had the right idea, but were subverted by NWO for many reasons: the establishment of Israel and the defeat of nationalism otherwise. To associate anti-globalism with murder, political fanaticism, racism, etc…and to establish the ruling elite as "anti" Nazi and our best protection against the "horrors" of right-wing "extremism." The catalysts from within the Nazi movement were plants. And so called death camps were a projection.

13997369? ago

That's always made sense to me. That the Nazis discovered Egyptian mind control techniques and made them better. Then came here and started MK ULTRA after the war.

Prescott Bush also helped fund the Nazis, so is the Bush family the good guys too?

14001326? ago

Prescott Bush also helped fund the Nazis, so is the Bush family the good guys too?

No, Prescott Bush worked for a company that did some contract work for them. He had no say in it and he's not pro-white at all.

13994975? ago

The only Jewish problem is that another religion (like Catholicism) has been compromised and is being used as a front for luciferian purposes. Catholics and Jews are still regular people, unless they are part of the elite class. Don't hate our fellow victims. Keep things in perspective. The Nazi LARPers should realize that the Cabal used Hitler to kill poor Jews as a sacrifice to create Israel. Nazi DNA courses through the CIA.

14001446? ago

The poor jews were communists, through and through.

13994802? ago

Yeah there's one thing understanding a controlling MSM and Banks there's another saying Hitler was a hero and the Holocaust didn't happen. It did go to Aushwitz see it for yourself, speak to survivors, veterans of WWII it happened let's not get stupid in here. Let's be smart not idiotic.

14001360? ago

Yes ... my grandfather was a WWII vet ... he told us what he saw with his own eyes ... he was there when they freed the Jews from the concentration camps. They were walking skeletons. A travesty! There is evil in every group or faction of people. We cannot use such broad strokes and paint entire groups of people as evil. People are to be judged individually. We will all stand before God someday ... alone ... and answer for every deed. I'm grateful I will have an interessor in Christ Jesus when the accuser makes his case against me. He is my only hope!

14001597? ago

Plenty of soldiers in Gulf War will tell you they found chemical weapons.

Soldiers aren't the brightest people, they found bombed out camps with starving people. Of course they'll tell you they "saw it with their own eyes" without knowing what they saw.

14001856? ago

My grandfather wasn't a 19 yr old conscript ... he was a decorated officer ... bronze star recipient. He was no ignoramus. He was there. Where have you served patriot?

14002306? ago

Your sister's ass.

Your grandfather was a jew tool, just like mine.

The best thing I can say about his service is that he never killed a German, got there right after the bomb dropped on Japan.

14002553? ago

Help us all MAGA by growing up. ... cue the juvenile language and insults. 👇 Pedictable.

14002730? ago

Are you lost? Q sent us to the REAL INTERNET. This isn't twitter-happy-land.

14002702? ago

I thought it was an appropriate counter to your "argument from authority" attempt.

That was really juvenile.

What's next, my dad can beat up your dad? lol

13994567? ago

This is exactly why Bill Smith was banned and now is missing. He was one of the few in view who was willing to bring up the zionist and jew agenda. He was very blunt and angry that no one else would speak of it. He is majorly majorly brave. Please send prayers his way, no one has heard from him now over 30 days. His videos are top notch info! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bR9Cd0veAhw

13993843? ago

Why in your opinion did Hitler attempt the genocide of the Roma (gypsies)?

14000437? ago

Maybe if you shared your evidence for the claim, and perhaps why you think about it, the discussion would be a bit more meaningful.

14003252? ago

This isn't a meaningful discussion it's a hate filled distraction from the real purpose of Q. No one will answer my original question because it doesn't fit the hate filled narrative.

13994628? ago

Nobody faults him for this....

13994315? ago

Ever met one?

14001461? ago

It's not entirely clear that he did but gypsies are defective scum.

13995216? ago

Irrelevant. Gypsies didn't control the banks so I'm interested how it fits the OPs narrative.

13993703? ago

Nope, the fake news media isn't gonna have a field day with this thread being attached to the Q movement. Not at all.

13994642? ago

Fuck em.

13993693? ago

Hitler was Jewish. He killed his own kind.

13993278? ago

once we get the ovens going you could say you'll be half baked heyo

13993193? ago

'History is written by the victors. That just means the bloke with the biggest army not the 'truth' or the 'right' cause. The Coudenhove-Kalergi plan was being mooted around Europe at the time [it is what is being enacted NOW by Merkel and co with the 'brown walkers' from the Middle East.] It is not realistic that an AUSTRIAN [Coudenhove-Kalergi] would NOT have approached the German Chancellor [who also happened to be Austrian] to enlist his support. C-D was FINANCED by Jews. And Hitler suddenly wanted the Jews gone and to protect/preserve the white race by stopping inter-racial breeding at all costs?

Why do you think they will NOT teach you about Coudenhove-Kalergi and his plan at school? Also, back then there was no internet. People relied on 'news-reels' for information days after the event. They relied on the same corrupt media as we now have. I have NEVER accepted the complete story of WW2 as depicted. Research Coudenhove-Kalergi for yourselves and then....surprise surprise......look at the leaders that were willing to sign on to his plan. Most of them were straight in the declaration of war front line to stop Hitler. I'm not saying them as Q says....you have to research the truths for yourself .

Yeah Hitler got a lot wrong in the way he went about things, he is no hero, BUT we are never told the actual CAUSES for him to take the actions that he did.

13992900? ago


Sweeping generalizations are a thing of the weak minded.

Those who seek to do business with one another and then surcharge those outside of their religions / factions / groups are simply a reality and have been throughout most histories of most societies.

Krystalnacht wasn’t a template. We don’t change things by sculpting via eugenics - we have to do it through love and example as Ron Paul would say.

We can’t force democracy on people, for example. What we do is we show them another way. That this way is better. Live by example.

Lefifts don’t lift anyone up that I know. It’s a cult of ripping down others and then muzzling them. That’s fucking IngSoc

14001212? ago

The founding fathers warned us about the dangers of democracy and how destructive it is.

So why would you say that?

14000868? ago

Sweeping generalizations are a thing of the weak minded.

Pattern recognition is said to have the highest correlation with the general intelligence factor. It's literally a feature of high intelligence.

14069003? ago

Which would equate to generalization - not sweeping. If we analyze and immediately move on - that's sweeping. Pattern recognition is one thing - pattern assumption is another.

14001266? ago

I'm out of upvotes but this is absolutely correct.

These idiots are trying to cripple our minds.

13993483? ago

sweepign generalisations that are BASELESS, sure, but at some piont, you're looking at a GIGANTIC MOUNTAIN OF EVIDENCE, NON STOP EVIDENCE of all the evils that the jews are perpetrating against the WORLD.

at some point you have to say enough is enough, and take care of it all.

Consider that hitler fought the 'international jew' (globalism) and lost, the greatest war of our planet was fought against the globalist jews, and they WON.

look around you, look around and see the world falling apart, pedos run the world, all truth is perverted, all taht is good is corrupted, and all that is corrupt is pushed to your children as if it were good. this is the world that they have created for you, for their own MONETARY benefit, so that they can rule the world. and they are.

you're going to have to take that redpill up your tight little blue-pilled asshole, and accept the reality of what's going on here, WE ARE AT WAR.

Jews are ENTIRELY the reason behind 'forced multiculturalism'

you know that muslim taqqiya? the 'lie whenever its convenient? the jews have that too

Jews have been expelled from host nations nearly 360 times

Jews are taught by the Talmud to hate the gentiles (goyim) and that any cruelty done to the gentiles is condoned and encouraged.

There are no "good jews".

They believe that the Talmud promises them world dominion.

Jews were behind the bolshevik revolution in Russia.

The bolshevik leaders were mostly jews.

The soviet union was led by jews.

Jews were also behind the communist revolution in China.

Jews created feminism.

Jews created SJWism.

They have been up to the same "typical tricks" for a long time.

Jews control the media.

They use the media to promote an anti-white agenda.

Diversity is code for White Genocide, and immigration is the primary weapon used by the jews to accomplish this goal.

All races are not the same.

And we are NOT equal.

13997585? ago

This isn't a mountain of evidence, it's a few shitty memes with unverfied claims and no evidence, and some old propaganda most of which is proven to be a forgery.

Where do the 15 million jews meet to discuss their secrets?

13993437? ago

Tell me, how successful would libertarianisn be in practice? We allow millions of mongrel immigrant migrants to steal our jobs and bring socialist ideals, we refuse to acknowledge Jewish control of media and finance, and we have a system where we are all lost and afraid with no national identity. You've cited Paul - what has he really done besides go on wheezy rants and incite feelings? It's the assholes like Trump that are needed to really push past and stick it to the enemy. We need to be on the aggressive, or else we WILL not have a country in the next 20 years

13999230? ago

Yo faggot, it was Ron Paul's "wheezy rants" that fucking woke up half of the conservatives in this country to the neocons and RINOs and the lying media and turned on the Tea Party movement which eventually manifested itself in Trump. If it weren't for him nobody would know what the fuck Trump was ever talking about in the first place, seeing as how he isn't nearly as articulate.

Ron Paul redpilled a generation of conservatives and primed them ideologically for Trump. You can stick your disrespect up for Congressman Paul up your nigger factory ok?

I dont disagree with the rest of your post... youshouldhavelistened.jpg

14006248? ago

Loved the Ron Paul R3volution. I still have a few RP for President signs. Definitely a big wake up for the masses. I was red pilled years before that. Anyone remember the $ bombs?

13992811? ago

which half is talking?

13993017? ago

Top kek! Ha. That was funny. I almost spit out of coffee reading this. You won’t believe me either way. I don’t hide my Jewish side. I try to wake up fellow heebs all the time. To the point that I’ve lost family and close family friends over it. I don’t mind. One day the world will awaken. I’ve had 3 jews day I was an idiot only to ask me questions within a couple weeks. 1 is on the fence. 2 are completely RPd on the JQ now. The one on the fence is depressed though because of it. He went swallow it fully. Sad really. You can’t change what you’re born into but you can alter your life to make the best of it and wake others up. That’s what I am doing.

13992360? ago

Yes, a large percent of Jews are troublemakers, but Hitler killed babies, toddlers, and others from everywhere--the Poles, Russians, the handicapped. He was no hero.

14005393? ago

If you only learn one language, and you learn it poorly, you'll execute it poorly and give the language a bad name.

I don't know what "Jewish" is. I'm not a member of any official society or religion but I recognize that being an outsider to something makes me the least qualified person to determine who's on the inside.

14005118? ago

And who exactly told you this?

14001127? ago

And he had one ball and he was gay and...

Some of you are really fucking stupid. Grow a brain. lol

13998661? ago


13997372? ago

Hitler killed babies!!! OMG!

13996611? ago

You know not what you speak ... do some real research before throwing up such ridiculous statements

13995831? ago

This. Hitler started a suicidal war that left most of Europe, a bombed out wreckage. Whatever he set out to fix... he failed.

Speaking of failed missions... the Jews. They too had a mission. To be an example of righteousness and holiness in the centre of the world. They too failed.

Jesus Christ was born to the Jews to demonstrate to the world the standard of holiness that the Jews could not. Many righteous Jews and Samaritan followed His Apostles and became the early Christians, and ceased to be recognizable in history as Jews.

If you study the Biblical account, you will see that the Jews don't create empires. We don't even take them over in coups. The Imperial reigns of power were given to Joseph in Egypt, to Daniel in Babylon, and to Mordecai in Persia. In each case, the Emperor, afraid to trust his own people, put a hated minority in charge of administration, knowing that they would rely on him for their protection.

This is the way the world has worked. The Jews are always working for the oppressive aristocracy and taking the flack for their sins. Jews are not inherently evil, but they are born into a religious anachronism that is a tool of monarchs and oligarchs. Most Jews are not a part of their ruling mafia and work in professional jobs, retail etc. Their communities however benefit from philanthropies run by gangsters.

Igor Kolomoiskoi is the largest Jewish philanthropist in Europe and the most ruthless gangster in Ukraine. he is protected by an army of heavily armed neo-Nazis.

Let that sink in... Kolomoiskoi, Jewish philanthropist, looting his country with the help of armed swastika flag waving Nazis. All under the cover of a Jew controlled media.

In North America we have the Bronfman family run World Jewish Congress which managed to direct the dormant Swiss Bank Accounts of World War II victims into their foundation. The Bronfmans were nowhere near Europe in WWII. They were building a financial empire around the distillery that they had used to supply Al Capone during prohibition.

The Bronfmans are already in the crosshairs along with several other Canadian oligarchs, not all of who are Jewish. Kolomoiski must be arrested too, and Soros with all his "philanthropies". When this happens, expect the Jewish media and the sheep like normies within the Jewish community to scream anti-semitism.

13998458? ago

Hitler did everything he could to avoid war, he didn’t start it.

13997447? ago

Now this is a good post, I'd like to hear more from you and less from the retards and their collectivist antisemitic bullshit.

13998381? ago

So you prefer to hear lies.

13996864? ago

hitler didn't start the war. seriously, look it up. war was initially declared by jews on germany. later germany invaded poland to stop the massacres of ethnic germans in the former german territories that poland acquired after WW1. look up the danzig massacres but i warn you it's some brutal and grotesque stuff. the poles got together and murdered entire families, burned them, poked out their eyes, dismembered corposes, etc. so then hitler repeatedly begged for a peaceful/political solution but the poles refused because france and britain had promised to back them up (and who secretly hoped germany would invade so they would have a pretext to stomp them again). so then germany went into poland and britain and france declared war on germany. hitler then begged them to reconsider and they refused. only then did germany invade france (and purposely avoided destroying paris and other areas as hitler had a great respect for european civilization and regarded them as his brothers, even after all the bad shit they had done to germany). then germany kicked more ass and nearly wiped out their forces at dunkirk, but again he held back and gave them time to escape. in hindsight this probably cost them the war in europe because had germany destroyed them britain most likely would have been forced to surrender (or have been defeated) immediately afterwards. the point is, hitler neither started the second world war nor desired for europe to be destroyed. this was instead the plan of the (((globalists))) in britain and to a lesser degree france because they viewed germany as an economic rival and a threat once they disconnected themselves from the jewish owned international banking and finance systems. it really is as simple as that. and if anything germany deserves a lot of credit for preventing russia from overrunning europe under stalin. and if the (((allies))) hadn't given russia massive support in the form of money and material germany most likely would have prevailed with relative ease. and so instead we got the soviet union and the spread of communism and the cold war and the very real possibility of annihilation from nuclear weapons. oh and do you know how the soviets got nuclear weapons in the first place? it was jewish traitors (who got the electric chair for their crimes). it's always the jews.

13997875? ago

Jews "declaring war on Germany" was pretty much Jews boycotting Germany. It's not like "Judea" had an army or bombs or anything. All they had was the boycott. "Judea declares war on Germany" was pretty much an eye-catching headline and that's it. Did the Jews "declaring war on Germany" mean that Hitler suddenly went bankrupt? Did the Jews really hurt Germany by "declaring war" on them? Seriously.

13998014? ago

except jews played an integral role in the defeat of germany during ww1 by sabotaging their economic and industrial activities and jews were the ones who got their golems (britain and france) to declare war on germany so i don't think it was just some harmless boycott like you suggest. and no hitler didn't suddenly go bankrupt - he was already bankrupt on day 1 when he took power thanks to the jews and what they did under the weimar republic. they enriched themselves and sucked germany dry. same thing they do wherever they go.

13997517? ago

Google Danzig Massacre, looks like German snipers shot people who were retreating, then the Poles defended themselves, then the Germans murdered over 2000 innocent people for revenge.

13997939? ago

good goy poles dindu nothing wrong.

13995428? ago

Yeppers, and Saddam Hussein used chemical weapons on his people, and so did Assad. The winners write the history books You can't believe a damned thing in them. Didn't Q just post get a history book from thirty, twenty, and ten years ago and look at WWI & WWII. See what has changed? Are the scum of the earth tearing down the monuments to the Southern war heroes and patriots? In another generation those people will be Hitler. Fuck the wake up. I must admit that coming out right now with this second red pill is in my mind bad strategy, but someone must believe that this army is ready for the truth. The rest of the nation is not ready in my opinion, but they may be when the criminals are exposed. Many can see right now the Jew in large numbers are standing in the ay of MAGA, and they are chiefly the ones supporting disarmament of the citizens.

13997144? ago

saddam also used chemical weapons against iran in the iran-iraq war. millions died in that war. where did he get the chemical weapons? the united states of course. look it up. he was our guy. there are many pictures of him shaking hands with (((rumsfeld))). it's a lot like how that coward piece of shit songbird mccain was photographed shaking hands with literal al queda terrorists in syria. dirty as hell. everything saddam did up to and including the invasion of kuwait was done with the explicit approval of the united states govt.

as for assad, his father did some questionable shit but as far as i've been able to find he is a good dude who genuinely loves his people and country and tries to do what is best for them. don't believe the "gasses his own people" narrative that the (((msm))) pushes. they lie about everything else, don't they? every time they said he used gas it 1) made no strategic or tactical sense to do so 2) gave the west a very convenient excuse to attack syria. seriously, he knows they are out to get him, the LAST thing he's going to do is use some shitty chlorine gas or whatever. he has jets and artillery and shit, he doesn't need that stuff.

and he knows if he ever did it would be game over, for real. plus he gave up his stockpiles and they were destroyed with the help of russia and independently verified by the un. also while we are on the subject of chemical weapons, russia also destroyed their stockpiles as required under the treaty they have with the united states. however the us still has not destroyed theirs yet. same old story, rules for thee not for me. don't believe the (((lugenpresse)))!

13998703? ago

I guess my sarcasm didn't come across. I know full well the US was at fault for those wars. I believe their tactic is called invade and invite. Invade their countries and invite them into western countries. Both cultures then destroy themselves fighting civil wars. WE the US created and armed ISIS. Of that there is no doubt. I woke up watching HW bomb those fleeing Iraqi's that threw babies out of incubators (another damned lie). The corruption in this country had put tens of thousands out of their homes and many of this out of the living. This reset has been coming for a very long time, and and it has been sorely needed.

13994563? ago

All of that you said. Is bullshit. Hitler did not kill babies you dumb fuck.

Jews are the Synagogue of SATAN. i.e. they sacrifice babies to Moloch. Raping children is all fine with them as long as they are under 3. And don't let me get started on how they view the GOYIM.

Fuck off you fucking fuck wad.

I'd call you a niggerfaggot, but you don't deserve the title. So instead I'll go with..... fuck off you fucking JEW.

13994823? ago

You are a potty mouth.

13994852? ago

Welcome to Voat. Studies have shown people who curse, i.e. refuse to self censor, are more honest and trustworthy.

So fuck off Jew.

13993540? ago

hitler fought to defend his people and land from... dun dun dun.... 'international jewry'. soudns liek the false song of (((GLOBALISM))) to me.

jewish playbook: accuse your enemies of that which you are guilty of. want me to conjure up a list of jewish crimes against humanity?

seriously, jews' killcount is FENOMNALLY HIGHER than what hitler EVER COULD HAVE DREAMED OF.

13992734? ago

I totally believed it happened (the holocaust) until about a week ago.

After reading the JQ thread on the 8ch board, and watching this documentary, my views have shifted a lot.

Now, I'm not so sure it happened... in fact, pretty skeptical of the whole "mass extermination" accusation of the Nazi regime.


14000494? ago

Further reading for you. Coincidentally, this was also written by a jew who acknowledges the jewish problem.

14001242? ago

When simply entertaining an idea or questioning something is "illegal," that should be a huge red flag.

13997069? ago

4 1/2 hrs into this documentary and it’s fucking crazy how they manipulated what really happened!

13993135? ago

Hey man, I'm just some 19yo kid, but listen up... If I can see this, I'm sure you can.

Nazi's are accused of genocide.

WHAT did the Soviet Union (ran by mostly Jews) do?

The Holodomor. They killed MILLIONS.

These "death camps"? All in Soviet occupied territory.

The Nazi's and Marxists/Bolsheviks/whatever directly contradicted each other. They HATED each other.

Do you really think that the Soviets were above calling the Reich out for doing all sorts of bad things that never happened?

Then look at today... We are ruled by evil people. These evil people call Nazi's evil. Evil calling others "evil". I see a BIG problem there.

Give or take 2 years, and I'm a firm believer the Reich was right.

Also note they weren't even horribly racist... SS divisions of foreign units, treating an American BLACK runner in the Olympics like a celebrity (who went back home to the US to a lukewarm reception at best)...

Dig more on the Reich. You'll find even the name "Socialist" is, for them, name only.

14001953? ago

Good for you kid, I have hope for your generation. Redpill as many people your age as you can, and hopefully in a handful of years there will be enough people who are pissed off enough at the HUGE LIE that we start doing something about it.

14002386? ago

Working on it, one person at a time.

Mixed results, but that's alright... I'm thinking the day is coming where they'll be forced to recognize what is right in front of them.

14001218? ago

"Evil calling others evil."

Remember all those drops where Q warns us about projection? How those who are guilty accuse their opponents of what they are guilty of almost pathologically?

It certainly should give some pause for consideration.

14001971? ago

It's totally different when entire generations have grown up with a lie so gigantic that it takes years of redpilling to unwind their minds, and then some people, even with profound evidence to the contrary or their beliefs still dig their headin the sand and say "la la la I don't care what the facts say."

14001283? ago

Indeed it should.

I made damn sure I wasn't indoctrinated, but the evidence kept pointing me to the Reich, though not as the bad guys.

It's a hard pill to swallow... Worth it though.

13994810? ago

I'm genuinely happy for you, newfag

13995334? ago

Thanks, oldfag.

13995407? ago

Get a room, faggots

Just kidding. Glad to see anyone waking up to the truth about Good Hitler

13995451? ago

Glad to know there's more out there!


14003988? ago

Hey! I'm a reporter from ________ and this thread proves we were right about you Q people! You ARE actual nazis who think hitler was good.

Thanks for the content needed to discredit your whole movement!


Wake up and stop letting nazishills distract from Q. Shit is fucking obvious.

13992326? ago

Was Rockefeller one of y’all ?

13992200? ago

Hitler didnt do anything wrong. He tried to save his people. The global bankers wanted war, and they used him as a pawn. Sad.

13993593? ago

Let's not be stupid here. The man made mistakes and did fucked up shit, and there was a racial policy in place which viewed poles and Slavs as lesser. However, we need to get down to the core facts of what did and didn't happen, and what we have evidence to support. We do know that jews were rounded up for deportation. However, no evidence exists of an extermination campaign at all and the vast majority of cited facts are lies. Simply research the ever changing plaque at Auschwitz, or three fact that it was logistically impossible for Treblinka to even have transport as many people as claimed.

Facts buddy, not feelings

13995233? ago


13993682? ago

History is written by the victors.

13993039? ago

He really didn’t. He did what he thought was right. He went up against a force too strong. He died fighting for his people. (If he really died there)

13992338? ago

That’s not a refute of my statement. It’s a deflection. Obviously he lost. He went up against a power too great for him. Have you studied the war? Who he was against. Why other countries joined in? Who told the US to join? Maybe you should google the USS liberty and research that. The true pill is hard to swallow. The JQ is the ultimate RP. Once you swallow that the rest just comes. Everything is connected....to the JQ that is.

14004276? ago

That release in your body was probably Lucifer, or Satan, releasing you.

13994960? ago

Sorry for my ignorance, but what does JQ stand for?

13996692? ago

doee JQ stand for Jewish Question...and somewhere there is probably a good write up on what the Jewish Question is. That phrase has been around as long as I can remember. I never looked it up though. I'm kind of numb at this point. I had no idea, none at all that this whole Q thing was going to what appears to be a Jew bashing and perhaps white's only fest. I wasn't ready for this.

13997033? ago

Is that where it's going?

14001511? ago

No ... shills and trolls and bad hats are everywhere ... especially here ... trying to muck everything up. Don't swallow this pill ... it won't wake you.

13996999? ago

Thanks Patriot! Sounds like I need to do some research.

13992022? ago

George Soros? Is that you?

14001198? ago

Soros is a jew.

13991885? ago

Womp womp. America ruined your dreams of Alles für das Vaterland.

13991944? ago

You may think you’re doing a good thing but you have no idea that you’re basing your views off of false history. Sad really. You’ll wake up one day. If you don’t, just KYS.

13995121? ago

I swear to god the left has the gayest fucking memes. Go lay the fuck down.

13991837? ago

Anti Semitic != Anti Zionist. There are more than a few local Voaters who seem to make this false equivocation delegitimizing their points of a clear case against Zionism (and no doubt would involve ousting plenty of corrupt entrenched 'Jewish' families), this is not the same and by no means requires one to poison their mind with the prejudices of genetics. OP, I certainly don't hope you wish for undue prejudice against yourself under the pretenses of genetic lineage?

13991922? ago

Regular Jews are a menace as well. I’ve seen it first hand dozens of times. I am adopting a child because I refuse to pass on jew genes to another. What’s funny is I don’t even look Jewish. No one would ever guess. Regardless, I’ve made my decision. It’s the least I can do to help the gentiles further their progress.

The only legit Jews are some small group of extremely Orthodox Jews who hate Zionism and who are fairly based. They are ugly as sin tho. At least they don’t meddle in our business. I’m actually fine with a Jewish state. I couldn’t give a fuck about some Muslims over in sand land are crying over. Just stay out of the US, out of banking, media and pedowood.

14004259? ago

"Regular Jews are a menace as well" I find this interesting. I've been friends with Jewish people and in the end I had to walk away. They were so pushy and so neurotic. Where you all brought up thinking that you were superior in some way?

Though I already know what the true answer is... I've been going through a spiritual awakening for many years, and during that time my filters have dropped and I can 'see' things about people.

Jewish people in general are very dark. Almost to the point of having no soul. Unfortunately whether they know it or not, they serve Satanic forces.

My sense is that in many instances the Old Testament 'God' is not the same as the New Testament God. (The Jews follow the Old Testament... is that right? I wasn't raised in the Christian tradition) The God that Jesus spoke about is the true God, the true vibration.

Because Jews on the whole have rejected Jesus, they have rejected Love. God is Love, Love is God. Jesus was the embodiment of Love.

13994502? ago

How do you know you are? Did you get a dna test?

13993035? ago

now when I get the urge to loan money I self flagellate

13992018? ago

Although I don't agree with you entirely I appreciate the brash input, I am much less inclined to be genetically divisive but do actually think the 'Jewish' state as is, is an absolute no go. Until positive confirmation from Patriot intel that Mossad has stopped fucking around in global affairs should they be left to their own devices.