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13984147? ago

this is a good question...

13984206? ago

Makes me have strong doubts about the validity of the whole thing

13984773? ago

If there is any subverse with censorship on voat (and the threshold for what is considered censorship is very low here) it will be continuously bombarded with the most vile stuff you can imagine until the mods simply give up. Not just the subverse in question, the entirety of voat makes excessive use of free expression and speech. It happened multiple times, every time, no matter how determined the mods were, voat succeeded.

It happened very recently to the Neon revolt Q migration. The moderators banned lots of people, were rude to people criticizing them, they told others that gods are mods (I'm not kidding) and then...

And then they unbanned everyone and publicly apologized. They went from "mods are gods" to public apology within just a few days.

Since then they have barely done any moderation, just the way voat likes it.

Q sent you here despite this very recent drama, I suspect that Q is very much aware of this.

13988318? ago

The Reddit mods created /v/theawakening. They appear to be compromised. Which includes Neon Revolt, who apparently was also one of the mods. In order to control the migration they screwed up real bad then they threw mud at the pre-existing /v/GreatAwakening sub - declaring them compromised for the thinnest of illogical excuse. Which in turn caused the newbs to doubt that sub. The result was an angry division of people. When the Reddit mods/NR learned that they would not be able to hold totalitarian control over their herded flock they then encouraged everyone to retreat to 8chan before they lost total control.

The result is that both /v/theawakening and /v/GreatAwakening was left injured in the minds of many on both sides of the camp. Most do not believe it was accidental. Additionally the mods from /v/theawakening kept fanning the flames and continuing to screw over the people there and lie about it. Which in turn created transparency reports of what was going on which the other side took as more fanning. The damage was done - to both. Repair seemed unlikely because of bad actors.

Q's fix is to use a trusted third party to come in a create a new sub. This sub. /v/QRV. This way everyone can heal and come together and it removes the corrupt Reddit mods + Neon Revolt from the control over the users and restores faith in the community here. Win-win.

Now everyone can find a home in a more comfortable, Reddit-like setting. Very large numbers of people were not comfortable at the chans. So this is a good home for the majority of people.