13966692? ago

With the crimes that people are going down for words are going to be the very last thing people are concerned with. Words don't matter as much as people have acted like they do over the past 10years, especially when people's actions sure as hell haven't lined up with the actions they live by. No more fake facade by bad actors who act all high and mighty and innocent while committing horrific crimes behind closed doors.

13966106? ago

My understanding is that 8chan is still the only place drops are made. Coat is just for those who don't want to venture to the chains. This is a replacement for redditors only.

13966080? ago

Anon makes a great point here, cannot logically disagree. Perspective is key and always evaluate what is going on around you. Everyone needs to think for themselves.

13965809? ago

Q+ could have simply set up their own board to begin with at their own domain. It would have eliminated so many problems and potential problems as stated above.
They did not.
Why? I would really like to know. Can anyone offer an explanation that provides more benefits than the drawbacks outlined above? The hypothetical independent site could have had all the same features as here, Reddit, or 8ch.

13966557? ago


13965803? ago

Logical analysis.

The goal has never been to find the identity of Q, it has always been to drop crumbs that lead us commoners to research and learn on our own. The identity of Q (whether as a person or group) isn’t important to those of us who take those crumbs to research topics on our own, but it’s the TOPIC of those crumbs that have importance.

I, for one, don’t think it’s bad news. And, as for the question of dogmatism, the choice is our own.

13965765? ago

You have a good point. I definitely wouldn't want this board open on my computer in any kind of a professional setting, or even sitting next to my wife. But then, if we are worried about "correctness" of some who are on this board, when measured against the (grand scheme of evil) things that this country is going to have to come to terms with, we are going to have to get over being politically correct real quick. I am just seeking the truth. I get that it probably won't be pretty.

13966517? ago

Concern troll much? Only been on voat since the reddit purge, but it is not that bad. This is the new board should stay much more civil.

13965679? ago

"Think critically" Really, what difference does it make where the patriots congregate as long as we CAN congregate and discuss freely without the threat of a take down like 4chan?

13965741? ago

What difference? Can that all be taken outside an "anonymous" venue without massive repercussions?
Q could simply have set up their own board and avoided all of those potential problems. They did not.

13965500? ago

free speech ain't always free. trolls are the toll; and small price to pay.

13965483? ago

Who gives a shit if they reveal themselves. As long as the swamp gets drained, they can just stay in the mythical realm of fucking legends!!

13965673? ago

You seem to miss the point. It isn't whether they reveal. It's what else this all might imply.
That isn't even a claim. Just "Think logically", not dogmatically as has been cultivated.
The minute you let your guard down, someone will try to take advantage of that.

13966310? ago

What dogma? Clever sloganeering is not dogma. We are to puzzle this out on our own, following our own conclusions. What part of that puzzles you so?

13966209? ago

The moment you stop trusting Q and the plan you are welcome to fuck off and find something more suitable. Meanwhile, I'll just continue dreggin

13965380? ago

Your thinking as if this current reality of political skullduggery [with Republicans taking most of the MSM hits] will continue indefinitely.

It’s going to be a brave new world, son.

People of the future will probably understand that “during wartime” special provisions are utilized...

13965320? ago

I for one do not really care who is Q or who is Q team as long as they are working to MAGA.

13965200? ago

Good words anon.

13965194? ago

Did somebody ask users to migrate?

13965962? ago

Q/Q+ essentially did, in a way.
If Q says it, they will come. They didn't need to ask or demand. People were already freaking out and making new threads when Q would simply hint at the the /r/GA board or one on here. Fan culture. The mere mention of a new board was taken as gospel or revelation, and people came.

13965086? ago

Niggerfaggot. QED.