13972085? ago

They already started the FAGGIT circle jerk sadly.

13966808? ago

Nasty words aren't the worst. I have seen things I cannot unsee! Twice in a half hour on here. Creepy.

13965550? ago

I'm sure that money won't be that big of a barrier considering the real reason most are here. Just ask nice, be humble.

13971512? ago

Or you can get fucked and not be douches like the last batch of cucks that tried to decide they now owned this site.

13964943? ago

Don't be a butthurt bitch. We are part of voat too. Don't be salty.

13964559? ago


HAHAHAHAHAHAA, how 'bout NO? It has already been demonstrated that mods can NOT be trusted not to monetize for personal gain.
There is a well documented pattern of closing Reddit boards to drive people here then beg for shekels.

Can these mods PROVE that they are not affiliated with the Reddit mods who then were PROVEN to have created boards for the Great Awakening on here.. and then begged for money while they sell merch?

Discussed many times already on /theawakening and /greatawakening as well as on 8ch with plenty of documentation. I just don't happen to have it handy.

13971540? ago

I think you replied to the wrong thread. I was telling the new faggots to not be douchebags or we will downvoat their accounts into oblivion.

13963873? ago

That's it, I'm out you can all go fuck yourselves.

13963443? ago

You present yourself as a bona fide ‘arrogant fuck’, while projecting your character flaws onto people you don’t know.

We’re familiar with projection, and the roots from which it springs. We’re not intimidated or discouraged by it. Save yourself the trouble and tone it down.

We’re here to take care of MAGA business. We expect to carry our weight as we do so. We’re not here to take from anybody, so back yourself off and wait for an actual problem before you indulge another obnoxious arrogant rant.

13963525? ago

Or you can go read the history of the last week of your communities behaviors and attitudes on this site and understand that those who fund this sites bandwidth that you are consuming don't take kindly to strangers in our house pissing on our floor because they want things their way.

13966280? ago

You can relay the message about what happened the week before without an air of hostility. Nobody likes a random asshole they don't know making demands and telling them what to do because apparently they know better.

With that said, you are right about the shit show. However I believe the mods trying to police the board like it was Reddit was the primary factor to this. I don't foresee much of a problem like that here. Most of the people within the movement are good natured. A gentle reminder that this shit aint free is enough for many to donate if they are able to.

Many people will need to toughen up their thin skin and simply get used to the higher degree of free speech than most are used to in public settings. However at the same time, that doesn't mean you need to introduce them to it as a belligerent douche. It just drives people away who would have otherwise been fine in a few days of exposure.

13965816? ago

I won’t go read. I’m willing to believe you. I don’t doubt you found some difficulties with some people that purport to represent us all. We have as little use for them as you do.

You will see a much larger influx now that Q has directed us, and in these greater numbers you can expect a shared interest in maintaining a quality space. Give us a chance to learn the interface and you’ll see we’re pretty good at paying our way and cleaning our messes.

13963408? ago

Yea, what he said, faggots.

13962294? ago

So how can we send money (anonymously) to the BO of voat? Last I read he could not take Visa/MC or paypal. If your able create a link to make it easy to contribute. I don't have much, but I can and will send some.

13962464? ago

You misunderstand faggot. Were happy to keep funding this site if you don't all come in knocking shit over like you have been for a week acting like you own the site and its communities.

No, this site has been black listed, zero funds in from traditional funding sources. Only decentralized currency is permitted by the Corporate Empire

13962664? ago

Fuck off bitch! I would like to know how to send in money. Shill elsewhere you dumb ass motherfucker.

13962786? ago

What part of don't act like fucks is shilling? Learn some decency and you'll be welcomed. Act like you own us and we will downvoat you worthless cunts into disabled accounts.

13962282? ago

They have no idea. I'm still new, but figured it out pretty quick. The only place left will be 8chan.

13961994? ago

Every post is anonymous- incredible...

13963748? ago

Yes, and they can't upvote and anonymous poster so how can they down vote and anonymous poster into oblivion?

13961943? ago

We went through this horseshit last week. All you newfags need to check your preconceived notions at the door. Q asked for this board because the Q community fractured and has been in disarray for the past week and a half. No other site besides 8chan was good enough that the majority of you rallied around. Of all those out there, Q specifically asked for a board here. Be grateful...or you may find there is no where left to go.

13962659? ago

Last week was rough on the v/theawakening, and it would be nice to not repeat that frenzy. I'm glad that Q sanctioned a board so we know where to go. While I still believe 8chan will be our ultimate home, it is nice to be here on VOAT. It is important that we recognize the culture of free speech here, give a nod to the goats who have made this their homes long before us, and yes- contribute to the upkeep of the board. Welcome patriots. Its time to renew the fight, fight, fight!

13962092? ago

Exactly. We are all here for the same mission, just don't be rude guests, learn to join the community, don't try and force us to replace ours with yours.

13964240? ago

"just don't be rude guests".

No. Be rude as fuck if you want. Hell, it's encouraged. Just don't be a soylatte bitch.

13967584? ago

Rude is a relative term, when in Rome, do as the Romans do, or I will call you a jew.

13965927? ago

It's the right kind of rude though if you want to succeed but you are right it is encouraged. You also have it right with don't be a faggot. I would add to that don't be a nigger or a jew.

13966274? ago

Or a dirty commie.

13966520? ago

Nice addition, I totally missed that one.

13961931? ago

So are the users that funded the side upset with more traffic and more users that you’ll eventually be able to monetize??

13962144? ago

There is no monetization you moron. This is a black listed site. No payment gateways no affiliation, no ad networks will permit this site to be funded. Thats why WE THE USERS FUND THIS SITE FROM THE PRODUCT OF OUR OWN FUCKING LABOR

13966197? ago

Thank you for taking the time to kindly explain that to someone new. You have an influx of WE THE USERS so put your capitalist hat on and figure out how to leverage that... or keep being a name calling, complaining commie. Either way is fine I guess.

13961870? ago

So you're threatening to downvote who for what now? This is where Q wants us to gather, attacking other members here for petty bullshit is not going to help anyone, this place isn't "User funded", we've asked about donating and they said it's not possible, so how are users donating?

We'd love to pay for the servers on our own, not our fault we don't have that option, so don't try and hold it over peoples heads as if that makes you the thought police dictator running an outrage downvote mob against anyone who has opinions which you disagree with. Just get along and focus on what's important. Those who attack each other over petty shit are not contributing to the movement. God bless all those being friendly and focused on our enemy, WWG1WGA.

13962004? ago

Just don't act entitled and trash our communities. All these posts "we will be bigger than them in just a couple of days and it wont matter what the locals say". The last week of utter nonsense you all slung on us. The bullshit drama and harassment of the users who built this site, thats what I'm warning you will cost this community the same fate it just suffered. We decimated your other sub for acting like it owned the users of this site. We are happy to again if you don't act like polite guests. So far you've all acted like filthy pigs.

13967956? ago

Well, have you guys ever considered that maybe it is the shills that try to pose as Qanons to create discord? The real patriots are mostly respectful and helpful. We want to stay in a place that we could share info and learn from each other. We want to help maintain the site but you need to give us newbies a chance to acclimate and learn without being harassed for being new and inexperienced. We can't help if we are new. We have to start somewhere. Please, could we all be respectful of each other? Thanks in advance anons.

13962991? ago

So you'd rather damage a movement necessary to help the world, than let us act as we want on our own Subverse which doesn't effect others? That's not helpful. Just chillout, we're not the ones harassing people, anyone who does isn't part of the movement, the harassment comes from people who don't like that we don't act like others.

That's not acceptable. Even Reddit didn't try to go so far as to force everyone to act exactly the same across all Subreddits. Diversity of thought is necessary and encouraged here. I find bully tactics of downvoting others to be no better, if not worse, than the fascist suppression systems used by Reddit/Youtube/Twatter. Sorry if you disagree, but we won't force anyone to act in any way, shills will get downvoted for being shills, not for wrong-think.

Don't know what would possess someone to treat us like "guests" in a place they don't own and threatening us is absurd. That's like suggesting redditors should worship the leftist mindset of the current owners of Reddit. Not gonna happen. Why would anyone value forcing someone to think like them in these times?

We value respect, honesty, freedom, and patriotism. Like we did last time we tried and instead of welcoming us just started yelling racial slurs at us and telling us to go away even when we were trying to be nice and many of us were asking how we could donate money, only to be told it wasn't possible (again how can you claim to own this place if neither of us can donate, that just means you were here first).

If you want to attack good hearted people for nothing, that's disappointing considering now more than ever cooperation is necessary. God bless you anyways and I hope you can open your heart and accept us for how we are, no one has time to be attacking one another or being petty about wrong-thinkers and trying to censor others by abusing the voating system of the site, censorship is anti-everything this site is supposed to stand for, correct? Lets not engage in soft-censorship.

13964551? ago

Respect the place and assimilate or fuck off back to BFE.

13963140? ago

TL;DR; if the movement perpetuates people of the behaviors I've seen out of your community this last week, it's no movement saving the world, it's one set to send it further into a thousand years of darkness. I want to see this world cured but it wont be cured with the attitudes I've seen on display.

13964396? ago

I thought this was free fucking speech and here you are telling people what to say. Fuck off.

13963486? ago

Why does everyone of the local Voaters respond with TL;DR when I try to have a genuine discussion? How can we see eye to eye if you aren't even willing to read more than a few lines? If you followed what our movement is about you would know otherwise, you have some preconceived opinion of everyone in this group when you're the one that came into here to demand we act in a certain way, you don't get respect like that. Have you even researched Q? Did you witness our Subreddit and how civil and friendly it was, and more importantly how useful it was and how rapidly it was growing because of that? Not arguing about this further, have a good day and I hope we can get along and you see we're the best cure you could hope for.

13963591? ago

Because you invalidated the remainder in your opening lines of the statement. Its a marker to indicate that you presented meaningless information because your opening wasn't swallowed by your target audience.

13961732? ago


13961478? ago

Dont listen to this guy...you can always post 10 times a day.

Seriously, though, you should go to v/GreatAwakening and make comments as usual. Dont ask for upvotes or say anything about foul language. That sub is pretty good with only occasional nasty words. You can just ignore them.

13963077? ago

cocksucking (((niggerfaggot)))

13963282? ago

oh...my heart...this is the big one...lizzabet!....lizzabet!...I'm coming to yah baby!

At least be original. Show some style. Dont follow the herd. Spread your wings you beautiful peacock and fly!!!

13997433? ago

Sanford and Son, for the win.

13961584? ago

nasty words?

13961970? ago

Yeah...nasty words...remember when you were like 8 or 10 and you first learned to cuss? Its those kinda words.

13961886? ago

Apparently new niggerfaggots drag their safe spaces with them across the interwebs.

13961443? ago

Trump at War full movie!! MAKE IT RAIN PATRIOTS 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 https://trumpatwar.com/

13961393? ago

Internet points don't matter. Get your nigger ass back to reddit where it belongs if you think they do. Free speech ain't a popularity contest newfag scum.

13961458? ago

I don't think it knows how to read. We are talking real dollars made from real labor invested that you fags are consuming like you own the product of others labor.

13962674? ago

Can't tell if famefagging or shilling. Keep posting.

13961384? ago

Sounds to me like these are threats surrounding the fear of lack of funding and lack of control. Best to get used to us being here. This is an awakening, and we come from all over. This entitled site of "elitist name calling low energy (insert derogatory term here)"s is about to get a lot more variety of people, and most of us are amazing positive badass unfuckwithables.

Y'all do you, just know that the old way of hazing people out won't work here.

13961801? ago

Sounds to me like these are threats surrounding the fear of lack of funding and lack of control.

I assumed you guys at least had an idea about what this site is before coming here...Turns out you're clueless. I'll give you 1 week before half of you bail, and 3 before the majority of you are somewhere else.

13962057? ago

Most of us don't have a clue. Most of us won't have a clue. Many of us aren't used to this... Yet this is where we are now, and the research we're doing is meaningful. We need a place to be united, and this board is it. Accept us or don't, we're not going anywhere.

13962237? ago

I'll just wait for the majority of you to leave after experiencing truly free speech, most can't handle it. From the last hour I've spent with you folks I just don't see the resilience; Past migrations attempted from places like /r/The_Donald had the same "It's ours now" attitude you're displaying, and they failed. You'll be no different; Those of you who truly appreciate speaking freely will stay, and the rest of you that need someone to curate and censor content for you will go somewhere else.

13962378? ago

You're right. Most can't handle it. The shit that has been brought to the surface through our research is nasty, and vile and quite frankly some of the worst stuff most of us have seen. Yet, we're still researching it. We're still digging through the deepest and nastiest corners of humanity in search of truth. The bullshit name calling we get here is nothing compared to what's coming to the surface.

Don't think we're hardened? I'd wager you're in for a surprise.

13962535? ago

Don't think we're hardened? I'd wager you're in for a surprise.

Who talks like this? And who cares about name calling? If you're bringing it up, I know you're sensitive to it.

13961638? ago

When you guys run the server out of user donations and destroy the donor bases communities, good luck. Especially when those who contributed to the code base withdraw licensing of their contributions because some self entitled fucks decided they now owned the product of others labor because fuck it they are "awake" good fucking god do you people even hear your selves? I'm not talking Q's I'm talking all you faggots who are just sheep following the herd. I give up. You people are hopeless. When did we become Britain?

13965317? ago

You keep threatening to take your ball and go home. Do it, fucking useless cunt. You say we're entitled and act like you're the only person who can code. Stfu already.

13961500? ago

You sound like a communist, you entitled prick.

13961733? ago

You sound low energy and hateful. Yet, here we are together on QRV exchanging delightful words. What a world.

13961791? ago

ShareBlue niggers don't count, son.

13961724? ago

My point exactly. These sheep have no idea they are even entitling them selves to the product of others labor do they? How the hell do we expect to fix the world with people like this?

13961908? ago

We just won't be hazed out. That's not entitlement, that's us standing our ground.

13962846? ago

the last invasion they said they wouldnt be hazed, then they went crying to /patriotsawoken/ on 8chan after a few days

13962295? ago

Is it common for you to bust into someones home and stand your ground in their living room? Are you really that much of a lost cause? What make you think you have a right to stand your ground on ground paid for by the community that fought for years to keep this site online? This isn't some corporate funded you're the product kind of website. This is a we the community pay for every drop of bandwidth your sorry as consumes. Our LABOR which earns us MONEY is spent on BANDWIDTH that you are STANDING GROUND ON? The fuck is wrong with you people?

13962975? ago

It's more common for me to invite others into my home. Especially if our interests unite. If someone came knocking telling me that behind them were a group of people ready to put in the work needed to bring light to spots that have been dark for way way too long, you best believe I'd be figuring out how I would get them all comfortable. From what I've seen of this community (not voat, obviously) it's full of incredible people with huge hearts, ready to put themselves on the line to help humanity get out of this rut we've been in for too long.

What is wrong with us? We want a place to unite and have the freedom to voice what we've researched without censorship. This place happens to be that spot. This community really hates that we're here? Personally it baffles me. We're doing some deep research here. Help us. Together we win.

13963212? ago

You guys knocked first then pissed and shit on our floor. This time you all didn't bother asking. The behaviors I've seen on display this week are abhorrent. For a bunch of "woke" people you sure act like a bunch of mindless self entitled communists.

13963401? ago

Majority of these people aren't 'woke'. Some are waking up to the truth, however. The awakening is us waking up. It's not called the "already'woke'ening". We're talking about the veil being lifted from our eyes and the truth being exposed.

13963712? ago

The truth is most of you have the same mind sets as those you call communists or leftists. You should all reflect more.

13964146? ago

'Most' is an exaggeration, really. There is a vastly diverse amount of people in our community, from extreme perspectives, to those just trying to find a kernel of truth. We're you, and we're me. We're here because we're pissed at how things have been, and we're done taking it.

We need the contrast, and I appreciate all the shit being thrown our way if solely for the purpose to make some of us more hardened. That being said, you may be surprised to find out that 'most' of us really don't give a fuck about anything else but sifting through info with a fine tooth comb and posting it for the world to decide what truth is and what isn't.

The more we have united, the easier this becomes. Sheep no more.

13962278? ago

Have you not figured out that the hazing is essential to your “awakening”? Why do you think Q wants a board here? You have awoken but you are not truly awake.

13961343? ago

While I'm not a fan of the downvoating (which has occured a LOT on the other subs since we arrived), anon does make a point that this is a user-funded site. Be sure to contribute to keep it running and help it expand.

While you're at it, check out some of the other subs here. Lots of good info!

13962926? ago

yup. It's definitely going to take a heavy hit (traffic) I think it'll benefit VOAT just fine.. wondering why random anon has to yell about it? kek!

13963194? ago

The anon, most likely, has been here quite a while and has dropped more than a little coin to help out. A lot of them have been very cool to work with, but have been frustrated with the massive influx of newfags (and I am one of the newfags as well!).

13963573? ago

I can dig that. Just not sure why it's gotta be instant negative vibes. stay out my backseat with that shit bro.

13963897? ago

I was replying back to your reply of my reply. The system has been randomly generating user numbers for names for each entry here, but I did get the notice. Sorry if it looked like I was lurking, I was just being polite.

13963041? ago

Because you've been acting like self entitled fucks for a week on here and you just multiplied like useless fucking rabbits.

It's the self entitled part thats operative here. You're a guest first.

13964132? ago

Guest newfag here - are we not entitled to use the site? I registered just like you.

13966664? ago

No, youre not entitled shit.

13963142? ago

touche. I just got here. I'll even appologize for the Patriot who got here before me... I don't think anyone MEANT to hurt your feelings, mate. How can I make things better?

13963312? ago

You are really that stupid aren't you? Feelings have no play here. Look at your selves in the fucking mirror.

No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.

13964161? ago

Sure seems like your feelings are hurt

13963624? ago

word. well uh.. I'll definitely keep that in mind! Keep your head up anon! Life will get better soon! WE ARE WINNING!

13961893? ago

There are some great communities here, just don't act like you own them when you check them out, remember you're a guest in these peoples homes.

13967822? ago

I thought all things go with freedom of speech, including being rude? Mind you, I'm not rude unless you start it first. I don't understand why people are nice and some are rude, racist, insulting, and angry for no reason? If you help pay for this site, how do you do it, where do you contribute, to whom, and where does all the funds go? I'm not keen on cryptocurrencies but I will obtain (someone has to help us/me) to contribute. If thousands give a little, I'm sure we could keep this site afloat.

13962058? ago

What the anon said. Be nice when visiting!

13961275? ago

Charge it to the game.

13961149? ago

This isn't a church, take your usury elsewhere.

13961540? ago

Take and eat. This is my boot given to your face for the sin of hubris.

13961808? ago

You're welcome to try.

13961902? ago

I forgot the ShareBlue rule that you always have to have the last word. Hope you enjoy that shekel before your bosses get lynched.

13962042? ago

Oh, right, this is an anonymous board. Go fuck yourself with that shill bullshit, nigger.

13961101? ago

So we'll fund it? There are going to be a LOT of us here. We'll make sure to keep it growing.

13961166? ago

moar and moar

13961146? ago

I’ll withdraw liscensing in the code I’ve edited to Voat if you’re gonna be self entitled pricks and destroy our communities.

13969898? ago

Now I've heard this before, but never an explanation of just how it is we are "destroying " your other communities? Care to be mire specific, since we all congregate here mostly? Exactly how is it we are causing harm?

13971445? ago

You fucks tried banning us from our own site because you decided you owned it by being more numerous. It’s why we destroyed your last attempt at making this site a home. We pay the server bills here not you faggots.

13984375? ago

Well then perhaps you'd like to post copies of your recipes? I highly doubt all the attackers are contributing financially. And perhaps you aren't smart enough to think that we would also donate?

13965600? ago

Sounds like you need to change your tampon.

13964245? ago

Now see that would be a dick move. You call others pricks while threatening to take your ball and go home? The only prick here is you.

13962720? ago

The internet is a warzone and you're concerned that the battlefield has approached your doorstep.

13962945? ago

Happy to have it on my door step, not happy about you self entitled fucks acting like niggerfaggots.

13963412? ago

Okay then maybe you can clarify exactly what you classify as a niggerfaggot, because I just got here.

13964629? ago

You sir are an artist.

13963729? ago

Okay that's literal. You were being literal?

13962068? ago

Code can be replaced/rewritten. Not all of us are newfags.

13961618? ago

We're going to GROW your community. Probably for the better if you represent the majority on this site. Our community accepts people. We're trying to UNITE together as one so we can take back our power. We get backlash, hate, entitlement and more. For what? For us trying to come together?

Accept us or don't. We're bringing a lot more than childish name calling and selfish temper tantrums.

13962349? ago

You've been here for a week proving every bit of what you said to be a pipe dream of a few deluded people in your community. The rest of you act like you fucking own us and the site we as users pay the bills for. As in you are costing the users here money.

13962649? ago

That week had us scattered about. Give us a fucking chance. We were just getting comfortable before the rug was swept under us. We now have a neon sign pointing us here from many directions saying this is the spot to unite, and if you haven't noticed it's growing quite fast. We have SO much to offer in terms of the info coming to the surface through the countless hours of research we've done. Is that important at all to this community?

I was around for that week, and to me it seemed like a bunch of sticks and stones being thrown to get us out of here (or to make sure we really meant business or whatever. Feels like a college sorority). I personally felt extremely unwelcomed. It was like going from this place of growth, togetherness and research, to this slime pool of hate and entitlement. However, I'm still here, no matter the backlash.

Why do we have to prove anything to you people anyway?

13963373? ago

It's obvious you're a sensitive queer, that's all I get from this post.

13963447? ago

Don't make me get all weepy now.

13962828? ago

You have a chance, just don't act like entitled fucks. Thats my red line before I unleash downvoats from hell on you guys.

13961417? ago

Why would we try to destroy other communities? On the contrary, we are here to grow and help grow.

13961810? ago

You guys just spent the last week trashing our communities here. Why do I think you'll do what you've been here doing for a week now that you've multiplied? Oh maybe because you've been doing it for a week already and the same attitude that flooded a week ago just flooded many times over? Because you all act like entitled cucks?

13962012? ago

I understand. Not all of us are like that though. I apologize for the dickheads, on behalf of us sane people.

13964217? ago

it is the dickheads that run people off. Makes you wonder whose team they are really on.

13961237? ago

This is a safe place? What the hell is this?

13961303? ago

This is someone who has little respect for those who walk around with a sense of entitlement to the product of others labor.